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Shoot Like a Girl

Page 9

by L. L. Akers

  Tina and Tarra both greeted Katie with a warm smile and a hand out. She shook amicably with both of them, and welcomed them to Tullymore.

  Jake looked around again at all that was going on within the community. “Looks like y’all have done well here. I’m impressed with the organization. Everybody on-board with it?”

  Katie shook her head. “No. About half. The other half is stuck up Curt’s butt and causing nothing but trouble.” She pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips. “If the power doesn’t come back on soon, we anticipate a lot of problems from them.”

  Grayson clicked his tongue and then regret it, holding a hand up to his jaw.

  Jake noticed his discomfort. “Sorry to hear that, Katie. I hope y’all can work it out. Where’s Tucker?”

  Katie raised her eyebrows. “That’s another problem. A big one. Our neighbor, Sarah, across the street…she has a newborn that needs formula. The baby is starving. Tucker’s going door to door to talk to anyone who’s not here right now and see if they have any. Do you need him?”

  Jake shook his head. “Not really. I just wanted to see if he’d walk over to Doc’s house with us. He knows him better than I do, and we need some help. Grayson has a helluva toothache.” He motioned toward his brother-in-law.

  Katie cringed. “Uh oh. Doc’s not here. He and his family were gone when the grid went down and they’re not back yet.”

  Grayson and Jake exchanged rueful glances.

  Suddenly, Tucker stalked into view, his face a scowl.

  Jake threw up a hand to his old friend as he headed their way.

  Tucker briskly nodded in greeting. “Where’s my four-wheeler?”

  Jake’s face burned once again. “Someone stole it, man. I’m so sorry. How can I make it right? You can have anything I’ve got at the house.”

  Grayson elbowed him, and mumbled, “Other than the food. We need that ourselves.”

  Tucker shook his head in frustration, ignoring Grayson, who he’d met several times, but didn’t know well. “Do you have any baby formula by chance?”

  “No. Can’t say I do, friend. Katie told us about Sarah. I guess you didn’t find any, huh?”

  Tucker looked over to the tables, examining each neighbor one by one. “Nope. No one keeps formula for anything. Sarah has the only baby in the ‘hood.”

  “And Katie says Doc isn’t here? That’s too bad. Maybe he’d have known of something to help.”

  Ruby, Jake’s truck, caught Tucker’s eye. “I see you got Ruby running again. How about you give me a ride into town to look for formula? Then we’ll call it even on the four-wheeler—for now.”

  Jake and Grayson exchanged glances. They’d already discussed attempting a town run to get more supplies in light of Olivia’s stunt, but they’d decided against it. Too crazy out there. And it had only been days ago that both Jake and Grayson had been to town, and at that time there wasn’t much left, other than trouble. The situation had to be much worse now.


  Jake couldn’t meet Tucker’s eyes. “Yeah, I don’t know, man. It’s the wild wild west out there. I don’t think you’re going to find any formula—or anything else.”

  Tucker grabbed Jake’s T-shirt, fisting it with both hands and pulling him close. “You’re taking me. That baby is going to die if you don’t.”

  Grayson lurched forward, sending his arm down between them and breaking Tucker’s hold on Jake. “What the hell, man? Stand back!” he yelled. He stepped up to Tucker, nose to nose. “You don’t order us around.”

  Tucker stood on his toes, eager to meet Grayson’s challenge. “I’d go myself if I had my four-wheeler, now wouldn’t I?” he screamed back, seconds away from throwing a punch.

  Jake stepped between them, putting a hand on each man’s chest and pushing them away from each other. “Woah, y’all. Look, Tucker, I get it. You don’t have to go all Billy BadAss on me. Thought we were friends, yo?”

  Tucker dropped his head and blew out a loud breath. “I’m sorry, Jake.” He looked at Grayson. “You too. I… I just don’t know what else to do. Sarah’s depending on me.”

  Grayson and Jake exchanged looks again, and Grayson put a hand on Tucker’s shoulder. “Look, buddy, we’ve got just enough gas to get to town, check out one or two places, and get you back here and still get home. We’ll do it, but you need to provide some more cover. We don’t leave here without more men.” He looked over his shoulder, catching the glance that passed between Tina and Tarra. “No offense, ladies.”

  Tina smiled wryly. “No offense taken, as long as the men you choose can handle a gun.”


  The Three E’s

  Edith stared at the photograph of Gabby and Olivia, posing in front of the red Chevy truck. She was afraid to meet Trunk’s eyes for fear he would see right through her. The girls hadn’t mentioned the name ‘Trunk’ when they’d told their story of what had happened, but there was no doubt in her mind that these were the bad men that had harassed those girls.

  After all, how many people dressed a pig in a skirt?

  Her mind raced.

  You are the dirty bird that abused poor Mei.

  It’s your gang that chased those sweet sisters.

  But how did you know the girls had been here?

  Trunk put one finger under Edith’s chin, and gently lifted her face up. He spoke very slowly. “One… more… time. Have… you…. seen… these… women?”

  His tone was friendly—too friendly. The smile he wore was a façade. Edith could see right through it. This man was dangerous. He must never know Elmer had taken the girls home.

  The only question was, did Trunk already know? Somehow, he’d arrived here, right behind the girls. Maybe he already knew everything.

  Trunk raised an eyebrow and leaned in, moving even further into Edith’s personal space. He was waiting for an answer.

  She felt a chill run down her spine.

  Lie or truth?

  She inhaled and exhaled. Her liver-spotted hands shook, so she shoved them in the pockets of her apron. “No.”

  Trunk slapped his hand down on the counter, the sudden noise splitting the air like a shotgun blast.

  Edith jumped and yelped.

  “Liar,” he whispered, and inch from her nose.

  He knew.

  Edith shook like a leaf, grabbing the fabric inside her pockets and squeezing with all her might.

  Trunk manically laughed and backed away, turning to eat more of Elmer’s dinner. His tone changed when he said, “So your friend, Rose—you mentioned her when you opened the door—she’s a good cook, too.”

  He shoved a glob of biscuit into his mouth and turned back to Edith, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

  “Wha-what did you d-d-d-o with Rose?”

  “Do with her?” Truck nearly doubled over laughing. “Nothing. She’s older than you, grandma. I don’t do old ladies…no offense.”

  Thank you, Jesus, Edith prayed.

  She cleared her throat. “Did you hurt her?”

  “Now, why would I hurt a sweet lady like Rose?”

  “You hurt Mei,” Edith whispered, feeling a tiny spark of bravery. “She was a sweet girl, too.”

  Trunk rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Noooo,” he said, drawing out the word. “I gave Mei exactly what she asked for. We had a bargain, me and Mei. But, thanks to one of your little friends, she broke our deal and ran. They cost me a lot of points, and I aim to get them back. And, I have a special lesson to teach the twin that saved her.” He made air quotes with his fingers when he said the word ‘saved.’

  “Points?” Edith had no idea what he was talking about. The girls never mentioned points. But Gabby had said it was Olivia that saved Mei, insisting they take her with them.

  “Oh, they didn’t tell you that part? They cost me points. Points right now mean the difference between life and death in this new gig. Points are the best food, the most beer, the hardest liquor, and all the smokes I can toke. Point
s are the difference between being alive and living…” Trunk pulled a folded-up piece of paper out of his front pocket, unfolded it, and spread it out on the bar. He tapped it with one finger. “And I intend to do some living.”

  Edith shakily lifted her reading glasses that hung from her neck on a chain. She pushed them onto her nose and bent to read the paper.

  ‘TWO: The Wild Ones Annual Scavenger Hunt’

  She looked at Trunk. “Are you a… Wild One?”

  Trunk slapped his bicep and then moved his hand. “Yes, ma’am. Got all my letters, too.” Under the hand he moved was a tattoo that read, ‘TWO.’

  Edith stared at his tattoo, remembering the ugly, seeping wet burn she’d seen on Mei’s arm. The girls had tried to nurse it. She hadn’t realized it then, but it did look like the number, ‘2.’ Her stomach turned as she realized that burn wasn’t just a burn. She’d been branded as one of theirs. Like cattle.

  Her lip curled in disgust.

  Trunk tapped the paper again. “Look at the highlighted stuff. See what we had?”

  Edith leaned in again and read the bizarre list of items, including an African-American midget, a two-headed lizard, a convertible Hummer, a three-legged dog, five cases of Bacon Spam, a bald prostitute in a onesie, 5000 packs of McDonald’s ketchup, and other oddities. The highlighted items were:

  Live piglet in a skirt.

  One-handed hot Asian chick.

  Sexy brunette twins or triplets; must be identical.

  1957 red Chevy step-side truck; must run.

  She looked up at Trunk and he met her wide eyes with a swarmy smile. “See? I need those girls. The twins and the Asian chick. And the truck.” He unclipped the picture of Gabby and Olivia from the map, unfolded it, and spread it out. It had a route highlighted from Myrtle Beach to York County, South Carolina. An “X” was marked across the city of Rock Hill. “The runt will just be a bonus for my personal pleasure.”

  He’s talking about Emma.

  “Now, what I need to know, is where in this county they were headed? What town exactly? Can’t tell if stops at York County in general, or the city of Rock Hill.”

  Edith shook her head no. Her shoulders went up around her ears. Truly, she didn’t know. If they’d said, she hadn’t paid attention.

  Trunk stalked back to Edith and leaned down into her face again. “No? No, what, Grandma? No, they don’t live in—”

  “—Boss, there’s a fresh grave out here!” a voice interrupted, followed by the slamming of the screen door. One of the guys Edith had seen outside hurried in. He wore a patch on his vest with his name on it, too: Backfire. “That old lady down the road must’ve been right when she said she heard shootin’ and then a woman’s scream loud enough to wake the dead…’cept the dead is still dead.”

  Trunk raised his brows. “Oh?” He looked at Edith. “Who ya got out there pushing up daisies, Grandma?”

  A dozen answers flashed through Edith’s head.

  “Listen up, old woman. If you lie to me again, you’re going to have the number two sizzling on your own arm,” he warned.

  Edith worried her lip and patted her bun. She looked at the floor and straightened her apron, and then she took a deep breath, looked him in the eye,

  …and lied through her false teeth.


  Grayson’s Group

  “What are you doing out of bed, Puck?” Graysie asked. She’d come in to clean and re-dress his wound, per instructions from Olivia.

  Puck was hanging out the window, his arms around Jenny. The donkey nuzzled him affectionately, pulling her lips up in a smile to expose her big, square yellow teeth. “Look! Jenny came to my window! She misses me!” he said excitedly, rubbing her head. “She’s letting me touch her hair all I want.”

  Ozzie sat at attention at his feet, repeatedly throwing up one paw, trying to shake with Puck, to steal his attention back from the beast outside. Puck was too overwhelmed with Jenny to even notice him.

  Graysie flopped down on her bed, patting it for the dog to come. Ozzie jumped up beside her. “Come over here, Puck. Let me patch you up again.”

  Puck pulled back from the window, a look of panic on his face. “I got another hole somewhere?” He ran his hands down his other arm, and then bent over to look at his legs, while Ozzie tilted his head left, then right, trying to determine the boy’s reason for alarm.

  Graysie laughed. “No. Not another one. We just need to keep the one you do have clean.”

  Puck shrugged. “It’s okay now. It barely hurts.”

  There was no doubt he was tough. They could barely keep him in the bed. Repeatedly, he’d wandered out to the kitchen, bugging Olivia who was reading a book on foraging in the wilderness, doing her best to try to undo her mistake of giving away their food. He’d begged Olivia to read it to him, and she’d refused, doing more studying of the pictures of trees, plants and flowers, than reading.

  “You still need to rest, Puck,” Graysie answered. “Olivia sent me in here to take care of you. When we’re done, you can read a book. You wouldn’t be interested in the one that she’s reading, I promise.”

  Puck moved to the bed and climbed back into his spot, sitting up straight. “I can’t read a book,” he said sadly.

  “You don’t know how to read?”

  “I do so! But I see two lines up close when I try to read. I get confused and my head hurts. Sometimes my head hurts really bad. But I try not to cry,” he explained. “I can see far away real good.”

  Graysie shrugged. “Okay. I’ll read to you, then.”

  “Do you have Harry Potter?”

  “I do, but not here. I have all sorts of books that you’d like if you’re a Harry Potter fan, but they’re either packed up somewhere, or at my dorm at college. All I have here are those.” She pointed to a shelf that was decorated with an old stuffed Winnie the Pooh Bear, leaned against a row of Pooh books. “Olivia did that. She thinks it looks cute. I haven’t read them in years,” she denied.

  Puck turned his nose up. “I’m too big for Winnie the Pooh.” He pouted, sticking his lip out.

  Well, then, why are you acting like you’re five? Graysie thought, but didn’t put real words to it. She was trying to be patient with Puck, but suddenly it was like she had a little brother. Not only was he completely obsessed with her dad—whom she really didn’t feel like sharing—but it was falling on her to entertain him.

  What she wouldn’t give to have power again, so she could park him in front of Netflix for a while. “It’s either read Winnie the Pooh, or color some more pictures. Your choice,” she said firmly.

  “Why can’t Olivia read Pooh, and we’ll read her book?” he asked. “I like trees and flowers.”

  “Because Olivia is learning right now. She’s trying to figure out what we might find in the woods that we can eat, if we have to. If the power doesn’t come back on, we’ll need more food soon. You eat a lot, and so does Jenny. You want to be able to stick around here until your mom comes home, right? Well then, we have to feed you.”

  Puck suddenly fell very quiet.

  Graysie worked on his arm, and then scooted up in the bed with him, grabbing the first Winnie the Pooh book on the shelf. For the next thirty minutes, she read him the familiar tales of Pooh and his pals, nearly always ending with Pooh’s paw stuck in a big pot of honey.

  Stifling a yawn, Puck waited until she read the last book on the stack. “All Pooh eats is honey. So that’s food, right?”

  Graysie nodded and stood up, stretching. “Yeah. It’s food. It’s also medicine. It can be used for lots of things. It’s good stuff.”

  A foggy look came over Puck’s face as he dazed off, his mouth hanging wide open.

  “Close your mouth, Puck. You look weird when you do that,” Graysie chided him, already wearing the big-sister mantle, and not realizing it. “You don’t want people to think you’re dumb.”

  “I’m not dumb,” Puck answered defensively.

  “I know you’re not. But when y
ou leave your mouth open like that, you look dumb.”

  He bulled up, taking her suggestion as an insult. “I’m smarter than you, Graysie.” He crossed his arms over his chest, flinching a bit as he did. “I’ll find some food, too, so me and Jenny can stay here with GrayMan.”

  Graysie rolled her eyes, as only a teenage girl could do. “You do that, then.” She was tired, bored, and her patience was growing thin. She wanted to take a nap. She also felt a bit perturbed at Puck’s nickname for her dad. “His name is Grayson. Not gray man.”

  Puck snuggled down in the bed, giving Graysie his back.

  She shrugged. “Okay. Take a nap, then. I’m going to find somewhere to do that myself.” She walked out of the room, mumbling under her breath, “Since you’re in my bed.”

  But he wasn’t going to sleep. Graysie had just given him permission to do that. He was going to lay there and think about it. He knew of secret place to get food. But he knew it was dangerous and he needed a plan. He wasn’t about to ask her help, though. Not while she was being such a meanie, anyway.


  The Three E’s

  The pudgy man jerked Elmer’s shotgun out of his hand and threw it behind him as the Cowboy and the Rake drunkenly stumbled to the end of Elmer’s wagon, slapping each other on the back and stupidly laughing at their good luck and criminal stealth that allowed them to catch something in their trap.

  Cowboy pointed his rifle at the end wall of hay. “Pull down a few bales. Let’s take a peek.”

  Elmer stood frozen in place, murmuring prayers under his breath that Emma was ready for this. The man behind him didn’t ease up, his long gun pushing into the flab of Elmer’s back, annoying him to no end.

  Rake pushed his rifle behind him to hang from a homemade sling, and stepped up onto the edge of the wagon. He grabbed two bales of hay and jumped down, tossing them at the same time onto the ground, and looked back, coming face to face with the barrel of Emma’s gun.


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