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Forbidden Mate: Shifter World: Royal-Kagan series book 8

Page 25

by Nancy Corrigan

  “They capture what it means to be a shifter in such exquisite detail that when I look at them, I can almost feel what the shifters in those paintings are experiencing.” Nyx lifted his chin with the back of her hand. “That’s a powerful talent, Anton. It’s one I wish I had.”

  “Have you ever painted?”

  Nyx snorted. “Do coloring books count?”

  “Not even close.” The idea of teaching Nyx to paint, even if she ended up learning painting wasn’t her talent, excited him. They’d be doing something together. Something that didn’t involve work. “Do you want to try painting your own masterpiece?”

  “Masterpiece? I don’t know if—”

  “Anything you create, even if it ends up being a glorified stick figure, will be your masterpiece, Nyx. You’ll be putting your heart into it. That’s the true power of allowing your creativity to shine.”

  “I’m not worthy of you.” There was awe in Nyx’s voice.

  “And I’m not worthy of you, which is why I need to warn you of what you’re getting yourself into.”

  With a raised brow, Nyx watched him expectantly but didn’t speak.

  He took a deep breath. “I’m not a fun man or a very personable man, for that matter. I have no friends among the Council. Even my pride mates avoid me. That’s telling. Maybe you should heed their warning. I can’t promise you’ll have a pleasant eternity with me.”

  “That first day we walked to the library, I kept thinking how much we clicked. And it’s still true. Being with you feels right, Anton. It’ll feel right if we’re baking cookies together, sitting across from each other in Council chambers, or silently working on our own cases.” Nyx traced his nose as he’d done to her. “Because I’ll know I’m not alone. I’m sharing every breath I take with the most honorable, powerful man ever born.”

  Mindful of her injuries, Anton drew Nyx close and twined his tongue with hers in a slow, decadent dance that stirred his body and left him eager for the moment she was fully recovered. “Your uncle would be proud of you. I’m sure he’ll be watching from the heavens with a smile on his face as you wrap the other councilmen around your little finger.”

  Tears filled Nyx’s eyes. None fell. She fought the grief. “Maybe. I don’t know. Everything he did was so contradictory.”

  Anton wiped a teardrop from her lashes. “What does your heart tell you?”

  Nyx linked her arms around Anton’s neck. “I think Boris loved me. I think he was proud of me.” She sniffled. “But I don’t think he was an honorable man, not like you are. He treated people as if they were dispensable.”

  “We’re all flawed. Every one of us. I’m not even going to try to convince you to forgive him. Sometimes you can’t forget the pain. But you can move on. You can remember the good things, the times Boris made you smile, the dreams he held for you. Hold those memories close and accept them for what they are.” Anton leaned back and cupped Nyx’s face in his hands. “They’re a gift. They shaped you into the woman you are today, a woman who is ready to take her rightful seat on the Council, a woman I love.”

  Nyx smiled, and everything fell into place. His world was right. He’d found his perfect match, and soon, he’d never have to let her go.

  “As soon as you’re healed, I want to soul-bond with you.” Anton stared into his true mate’s eyes, hoping she realized what he was saying. He wasn’t telling her they would mate. He was sharing what he desired and hoping she agreed.

  Understanding showed in Nyx’s eyes. “As soon as I’m healed, I want to soul-bond with you too.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  “Will we get to dance again?”

  “Every night for eternity if that’s what you want.” Anton spoke his vow against Nyx’s lips before kissing her.

  Finally, he had a reason to live. He didn’t have to pretend that work was enough. He was happy. Truly happy. And he had Nyx to thank for bringing light into his dark world.


  The new moon was the busiest day of the month for Council members. The sessions started at sunrise and lasted well into the night. Sometimes, if the members agreed, they worked straight through until the next day. Anton anticipated today’s Council meeting to last at least until tomorrow morning. The presentation of the charred but intact book written by the first Alexander had rocked the assembled councilmen.

  So did Nyx’s announcement that she was taking Boris’s seat.

  None of her other uncles had contested her right. They’d sat in silent support of her while she delivered her speech and countered the other assembled councilmen’s arguments that she didn’t have the right to sit among them. She recited in precise detail the laws of ascension to the Council and their newest law detailing equal rights to women.

  Anton had never been prouder of anyone in his entire millennium of life.

  In the end, the assembled councilmen swore her in. Then called for a break. Anton had agreed. He’d wanted a moment to congratulate his true mate in person. Whispering his praise into his soul-bonded mate’s mind didn’t have the same effect. He liked seeing Nyx’s eyes light up when he spoke to her. He liked experiencing the physical pull to her when he stepped next to her. And he enjoyed the game they played.

  Nobody but Kade knew this beautiful, strong female held a piece of Anton’s soul or that he carried a piece of hers. Nobody knew how their cats roamed and played together in the mystical realm they shared. Nobody knew how much he loved this woman. And Anton was okay with that. Nyx knew. She felt his love. He wanted to tell her, though. The awe in her expression when he whispered his devotion made his day.

  Now all he had to do was get Nyx alone. At the moment, she crouched next to Molly at the far end of the dining hall. Their heads were together. No men stood near them. They avoided them. Anton could guess why. As dominant males stuck in the past, they didn’t know how to deal with two strong, independent, and important females. Ignoring them was the safest, albeit more foolish, choice. Nyx would use the distance to watch them and learn from them.

  “How did it go?”

  Kade’s question pulled Anton’s attention from Nyx and Molly to where his pride leader leaned against the wall. Anton moved closer to Kade. “As well as to be expected, but Nyx has shown today she will be a formable councilwoman.”

  “She looks the part.”

  Anton studied her. The red dress suit conveyed confidence while those narrow high heels entranced the men watching her. Every step Nyx took riveted their gazes on her.

  With his attention on her defined calves, Anton smiled. “She knows how to work a crowd. That’s for sure.”

  “Molly won’t earn her place as easily.”

  Anton would venture to say Nyx hadn’t won anything other than the right to sit in the seat vacated by Boris’s death. Convincing the other members to support whatever she brought to the table would be a battle she’d have to face anew every time Council was in session.

  “The other Royals won’t question Molly.” The aura of the Leon pride surrounded her. Every Royal knew at first glance what role she held. The single shifters didn’t carry the blood of the heavens in their veins and couldn’t see the mark of the goddesses, however.

  “But they will look for any sign of weakness that can be exploited.”

  “Which is why Nyx is talking to her.” Anton studied the two females and couldn’t help but grin. Molly was smiling at Nyx. Really smiling, not giving a fake one as he’d seen the first night she’d come to his house. Today, Molly’s eyes sparkled.

  “I hope Nyx’s words of wisdom help. I want to get Molly back to West Virginia before anyone decides they want to challenge her.”

  “They won’t.”

  Kade gave Anton a look that questioned his sanity. “Right now, Molly is an easy kill.”

  The perception would be hard to change too. At least at Molly’s age. “I’m going to invite Molly to sit in while I reopen my motion to set a minimum age shifters can be sentenced to die. Once it’s passed, I’ll arg
ue challenges fall within the scope of the new law. With Molly standing there looking sweet and innocent, I have no doubt the other Council members will agree.”

  “There’re a lot of variables in your plan, Anton.”

  Nyx hugging Molly stopped Anton from responding. His true mate said one last thing to the girl. Standing as tall as her young body allowed, Molly nodded and walked into the Council chambers alone. Molly was making her appearance as a pride leader should, without support.

  Pride swelled Anton’s chest. He left Kade leaning against the wall and met Nyx as she trailed behind Molly. He didn’t pull Nyx into his arms even though every fiber of his being demanded he hold the keeper of his soul. “Congratulations on your new role, Councilwoman Mercer.”

  Quiet pride shone on Nyx’s face. She nodded. “Thank you, Councilman Alexander.”

  There were many things Anton wanted to say to his true mate. None would be appropriate for the game they played. Civilities between Council members went only so far. “Are you ready for the afternoon sessions?”

  “Yes.” With a small grin on her face, Nyx nodded. “Are you?”

  “I am. I’m quite looking forward to watching the child my pride has been protecting stake her claim in our world.” Anton opened the pathway between their souls. “Is Molly ready?”

  “Yes.” Nyx’s confidence shone through the connection they shared. She offered the intimate insight into her emotions. He didn’t take it from her. “She’s ready, and she has an announcement to make.”

  “What kind of announcement?”

  “Wait and see.” Nyx motioned to the room and said out loud, “It looks like everyone is assembled. Shall we get the afternoon session started, Councilman Alexander?”

  “Yes, let’s. There are many things to discuss today.”

  Anton took the seat in the middle of the curved U-shaped table while Nyx claimed her seat farther down the table where Boris had sat.

  After a moment, the murmur of voices ceased and Molly stepped onto the platform at the front of the U-shaped table where the councilman speaking normally stood. Wearing a pink dress and Mary Jane shoes, with her hair in pigtails, Molly looked sweet and innocent. Her direct stare as she met each Council member’s eye was anything but submissive.

  Finally, she met Anton’s gaze. “My name is Molly Elizabeth Burnett. I house the spirit of the Leon pride, and I’m announcing my intention to change the name of my pride to the Burnett pride.”

  Shouts of denials and accusations rang out. Molly didn’t acknowledge any of the hurtful things spoken or the doubt over her claim. Anton didn’t either. He allowed the members of the Council to fight among themselves while he gave Molly his silent support. Other Royals defended her, and single shifters questioned their confidence. Yet, Molly’s focus on Anton never wavered.

  She was facing the disdain and doubt with poise and grace. She didn’t argue. Didn’t defend herself. Didn’t get angry, even as callous comments about her gender were flung at her. Molly remained calm.

  Eventually, the uproar slowed, then stopped.

  Anton fought to keep his pleased smile contained. Molly had remained steadfast, not once giving the councilmen anything to exploit. He inclined his head. “As eldest councilman, I accept your intention and welcome you, Molly Elizabeth Burnett, leader of the Burnett pride.”

  One by one, the rest of the Council welcomed Molly. Anton folded his hands on the table and dipped his chin, giving Molly the only praise he could at the moment. She’d won her first battle.

  “Thank you, Anton.” Nyx’s voice drifted through his mind.

  “For what?”

  “Being a strong, good man. Molly needed you in this instance. Your silent support, your approval, your strength…all those things grounded Molly. You helped her through this.”

  “Isn’t that what you did with your little pep talk?”

  “I told Molly the truth about men. The most valued are the ones whose honor shows in their eyes. They’re the ones who will fight for you no matter the cost to them. Then there are the fake ones who will shower you with affection and praise, but inside, they are ugly and cruel.”

  His true mate’s words warmed his soul in a way he couldn’t exactly explain. “A man’s eyes can show many things. It’s hard to judge his true intentions that way.”

  “Not for a woman who trusts herself, who trusts what her heart is telling her.” Nyx’s love wrapped around him. “Woman are powerful in that regard, Anton. We know so much…if we’re only willing to see the clues.”

  “And what do you see when you look at the other men around this table?”

  Nyx’s laughter skipped through him, lightening his soul. “A lot of work ahead of me.”

  “So our Council is full of the unworthy?”

  “No, but there are some who rub me the wrong way. I’ll be watching them.”

  “So will I.” If any threatened Nyx, they’d suffer.

  “We will. Together. Always together.”

  Anton opened his eyes and met Nyx’s gaze. Nothing showed in her expression, but her love filled him up. “Yes. Always together, my love. Always.”

  He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  The series continues with Kade and Zoe’s story, Beloved Possession.

  * * *

  Releasing 2019

  Shifter World: Royal-Kagan

  Treasured Find

  Beautiful Mistake

  Favorite Obsession

  Chance on Love

  Bridged by Love

  Shared for Love

  Last Chance

  Forbidden Mate

  Beloved Possession

  Shifter World: Shifter Affairs

  Freeing his Mate

  Claimed by the Assassin

  Elemental Desire

  Mist Revealed

  Cloaked in Mist

  Mated in Fire

  Men of Sander’s Valley

  Take Two

  Fix Me

  Stitched Chords

  Wild Hunt

  Hunter Sacrificed

  Hunter Deceived

  Hunter Forsaken

  Hunter Mourned

  eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  * * *

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Nancy Corrigan, P.O. Box 563, Riverside, PA 17868

  Forbidden Mate Copyright © 2018 by Nancy Corrigan

  Cover Designed by Cormar Covers

  Edited by Linda Ingmanson

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  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Electronic publication: July 2018 (1st edition)

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  ISBN: 978-1-946672-29-2

  About the Author

  Nancy Corrigan is a dreamer who one day decided to write down what the voices in her head were telling her. Years later, she's still at it. The number of heroes and heroines waiting for their happily ever after have grown. As a result, you'll find her typing frantically at all hours of the day or night as she brings their stories to life.

  When she's not lost in her imagination, she's busy being a wife, mother, and chemist. Yes, she might run on caffeine some days as she juggles all her roles, but that's okay. She loves coffee.

  Nancy resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, their three children, dog, snake, cats, and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars, and mythology.

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  * * *

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