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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by McKinlay Thomson

  Jessica’s pussy clamped down on him and she squealed her orgasm as her whole body shook above him. Carr quickly rolled them and, removing his cock from her pussy, shot his seed onto the sheet below. He groaned as he pumped his cock in his fist until he was fully spent.

  Carr pulled Jessica to him and kissed her lips, showing her with his mouth just how much she meant to him. He couldn’t wait for a time when he could finish without pulling from her pussy, but understood that Baen’s need for an heir came first.

  He knew that Baen wouldn’t care who the father was and would accept any child as his own and the heir, but they were the first triad in royal history and Carr didn’t want anyone challenging his sons or daughters for the throne because of their bloodline.

  Marak was advanced in its thinking in some ways and still so archaic in others. Carr just didn’t want to cause his family trouble later when it could be prevented now. So for now he would pull out, and once the queen was pregnant he could have his pleasures.

  Carr moved off the bed and started to clean up. They changed the sheets themselves, not wanting to wake the servants, and then all jumped back into bed. He curled up with his lovers in his arms and smiled to himself. Their adventure was just starting and he couldn’t wait to see what the future would hold.

  * * * *

  Carr woke the next morning to a banging on the chamber door. Wrapping himself in a robe, he went to growl at the person interrupting his lovers’ sleep. Luckily neither of them had been disturbed by the constant knocking yet. All three had stayed up late making love and exploring each other’s bodies. They had never made it down to the wedding feast and ended up calling for food to be brought to them. They weren’t ready to share their new wife with anyone yet.

  Jessica was just as insatiable as they were. If it wasn’t Baen or him waking the others up, it was Jessica. She had even goaded them into making love to her on more than one occasion throughout the night. Baen had worried that they were a pair of horny bastards and she wouldn’t be able to keep up, but it was turning out to be the opposite. If things went on like last night, they wouldn’t be able to keep up with her.

  Carr pulled the door open and slipped into the hall. It was one of the younger soldiers. Carr snapped at him to see what he wanted.

  “Sorry to disturb you, my lord. But some of King Balfour’s men have been seen crossing the border. They are a full garrison, riding heavily armed and heading this way.” The man wore a worried expression on his young face, but Carr didn’t have the time to soothe his fears. He would have a lot more to worry over before the day was out.

  “I’ll wake the King. Tell Athdar to have the men prepare for battle. We ride out in one hour.” Carr didn’t wait for the man’s reply. He turned on his heel and went back into the chamber. He would need to hurry. Although he trusted his second-in-command, Athdar, to prepare the men, he always checked them over. You could never be too prepared when heading out to war.

  Jessica was sitting up in the bed, all sleepy eyed and bedraggled. By the spirits, she was beautiful and all he wanted was to fall back in bed with her and make love to her again. Unfortunately he couldn’t and he was cursing Balfour’s timing. Why would he decide to attack now, the day after their wedding?

  That was probably why. He must have thought he could catch them unprepared. Baen and Carr always kept their armies battle-ready. They weren’t going to get caught with their pants down, not if Carr had anything to do with it.

  “What’s going on? Why the solemn look?” Jessica was already in tune with his feelings and Carr’s heart melted all the more. They couldn’t have found a more perfect woman to rule at their side and warm their bed than her. She was kind and caring and so intelligent. She was a force to be reckoned with when she put her mind to something. He hadn’t known her all that long, but he couldn’t wait to grow old with her and see her belly swell with their child.

  But first he had to get rid of the pesky Balfour. Hopefully for the last time.

  “We need to wake Baen up, baby. There’s a situation we have to take care of before we can continue our honeymoon.”

  “I’m awake. What’s the situation?” Baen popped his head up and peered at him over the top of the blankets. He was so damned cute with his hair all messed and a three-day growth. That’s if a seven-foot warrior King could be called cute. Carr sighed. He had to get his head out of his ass before Balfour made it to the castle and they were all dead.

  “Balfour’s men have been spotted crossing the border and heading this way. I have sent for the men to be readied. We must leave at once and squash this, before they reach the castle.”

  “I’m certainly awake now. Have the guards doubled and the people brought inside. Then have the castle locked up. No one leaves or enters whilst we are gone.” Baen was getting dressed, as he threw out orders left and right. His squire had entered with his battle armor and was helping him dress.

  “What can I do?” Jessica had put on a robe and stood next to the bed looking lost. He knew she must be scared, but wasn’t sure on how to soothe her. He had grown up in a world filled with fighting, but he had never had to worry about the women that were left behind.

  “There is nothing you can do, baby. Why don’t you go and find Fenella. She will be able to tell you what you can do around the castle to help. The people will be frightened and they will need to see their queen and be reassured.”

  “Oh, OK, um, well.” Jessica stumbled over her words.

  “All you need to do is make sure you stay safe. I will miss you. Now give me a kiss and then go and get dressed.” Carr pulled Jessica into his arms and devoured her lips. He wanted to put all his feelings into that one kiss. He didn’t want it to be a good-bye. He was a good warrior and had no intentions of dying out on the battlefield, not to Balfour, but things happened and he didn’t want to go to his grave without this.

  “Now go and see Baen. We have to go, but it shouldn’t take too long.”

  “How can you say that? You are going to battle and you are acting like it’s a normal occurrence and that you’ll be home by dinner.” Jessica was beautiful when she was riled. Glaring up at him, with her little hands on her hips.

  “It is only a nuisance, baby. Nothing to worry over. Balfour and his men are poorly trained and are no match for my army. We will rip through their defenses and he will go home crying, like he always does.”

  “Carr, you shouldn’t underestimate your enemy. It is when you are comfortable and arrogant enough to think nothing will defeat you that you will lose. Don’t take this lightly. I will not be made a widow a day after my wedding.”

  “You are correct, my love. But I am never one to let down my defenses or underestimate my opponent. I will return to you and make sure Baen returns to you as well.” Carr kissed her one last time and then ushered her over to Baen. They didn’t have much time left and they needed to go.

  He watched them say their good-byes as he finished putting on his armor and heard Baen say something about not letting his sister talk her into mischief. He smiled to himself and then strode from the room. He had orders to give and an army to prepare. It was going to be a long day.

  Carr sighed. He was getting too old for this. He used to love the fighting and the life of a warrior, but now he just wanted peace. He wanted to sit around the fire and watch his husband and wife make love. He wanted to have children and watch them grow and teach them about life and about love.

  That was not to be, though. Not until they either made peace with Balfour or they killed him. He hoped for the latter. Only problem was, when you cut off one evil head another rose in its place. It seemed they would always be at war. Carr had other things to occupy his time now and just wanted this over with, so he could get back to loving his family. He had waited years for Baen to marry him and he wasn’t about to let some greedy, fat, pompous ass destroy his peace.

  Carr reached the armory and took in the organized chaos. His men were all rushing to get ready and followed his orders with t
imed precision. Carr moved over to the weapons and pulled his sword from the shelf. There was nothing fancy about his steel sword. It had no jewels or markings, and the handle was plain, but it fit his grip to perfection. The blade was sharp and strong and had cut through many an enemy.

  His sword was the one thing he had left of his father, who had died in battle when he was a child. His mother had died of consumption a few years later and he missed them both terribly. After their death he had been raised alongside the king, who was only a prince then, and had called Baen’s parents family.

  Carr put the sword back in its leather sheath after checking it over and moved out of the armory to find Athdar and get a report of the progress. His squire would be preparing his steed, so that was one less thing to worry about.

  Damned Balfour again with his poor timing.

  Chapter Ten

  It had been over a week since the men had left for battle and Jessica had heard hardly a word. Every so often a soldier would return from the battlefield with orders for more supplies or to give an update on progress, but it was always the same. The battle raged on, and though they were driving Balfour’s army further and further back there was no sign of retreat.

  All she could do was sit and wait and hope that her men returned to her. Fenella was a huge comfort, but she could do only so much to assuage Jessica’s fears. An easy battle, Carr had said. If this were easy she would hate to see hard.

  Jessica had tried everything to keep herself occupied. She had strolled through the market and talked with its people and helped them where she could. She had tidied her chambers, much to the servant’s horror. She had read stories to the children that lived in the castle and she had helped the cook plan weekly menus. She had even tried to go over the notes she had on the gateways to the other realms, but nothing had worked.

  Now she was sitting in the great hall with Fenella and Elvinia, trying to learn needlepoint. She just couldn’t get the hang of it and it was so boring. Jessica was going out of her mind. She put down her work and started to pace. She didn’t care if Fenella thought every good wife sat by the fire and sewed. She couldn’t do it anymore.

  She missed her men and was worried sick. She wanted to see their faces again. She wanted to watch their big forms as they stomped down the corridor. Mostly she wanted to hold them in her arms, to watch their faces as they made love.

  “Sit down, Jessica. Your pacing is making me dizzy.” Elvinia’s voice cut through her thoughts.

  “Then stop watching me. I can’t just sit and wait. It’s driving me crazy. I want to pull my hair out.” Jessica turned to Fenella. “How can you sit here and stay so calm, time after time?”

  “It’s not easy, my dear. I’d like to say it gets easier, but I would be lying. It is a heavy burden for the people left behind, but it’s a woman’s place to keep the home fires burning.”

  “Jeez, Mother. You sound so archaic. Women have just as much right to fight for their kingdom as men. How can we be so forward-thinking about some things and so behind in others” Elvinia rolled her eyes as she spoke. Fenella sent her an indulgent look. It was obviously something that they had spoken about often.

  “A man would be too distracted protecting his woman, rather than focusing on the battlefield. This we have gone over and over. Besides, you are the princess. You will never be allowed to put yourself in that kind of danger.” Jessica agreed with the queen mother in some aspects of her argument.

  It was the same argument as the one back on her Earth. Should women be allowed on the front lines? Jessica was of the mind that, yes, women should be able to fight if that is what they want. It was their life to risk and they had just as much right to defend their country as men did. That being said, she wasn’t one to join the army. She was a pacifist for the most part, but had great respect for the men and women that did defend their country.

  “I need to get some air. I’m going to go for a walk along the battlements.” Jessica turned and walked from the great hall. She made her way along the corridors and up the windy staircase. She had spent hours exploring the castle. Now she had so much time on her hands and finally knew her way around without getting lost.

  Jessica pushed open the heavy door that led out onto the battlement. The air was cool, but there was no wind, so Jessica didn’t see the point in going all the way back for her cloak. She walked along the wall and looked out toward the horizon. She ignored the soldiers on watch as she passed them, her thoughts on her men.

  She wished she could see the battle from here. That way she could assure herself that they were all right. Were they still pushing back the enemy troops? How many soldiers had they lost? Were they injured? Were they hungry? Did they miss her as much as she missed them?

  She sighed as she stopped at one of the arrow turrets in the castle wall and looked out. She hated this and just wanted it to be over so she could hold them in her arms. She realized in that moment that she loved them. Loved them both as equally as each other, and she wanted her family back.

  She loved Baen for his gruff dominance and the way he took care of her, even when she thought she could take care of herself. She loved how proud he was of his kingdom and how he ruled it with compassion and understanding. She loved his big masculine body and the way he used it to make love to her. She also loved how he wasn’t afraid to love Carr with an open passion. He was true to Carr in every way.

  As for Carr, well, she loved him too. She loved his playful side and the way he could always make her and Baen smile no matter how foul their mood. For the way he protected her and Baen. She loved him for his patience and for putting himself second when Baen’s duties came first. Jessica also loved his big, scarred body. The scar that ran the length of his face was a testimony to his life on the battlefield and the struggles he had to overcome. It didn’t put her off.

  God, she had it bad. She knew that they were getting under her skin, but she didn’t realize just how much. She was going to follow them around like a lovesick puppy. She had to pull herself together before they got back. She would allow herself one day to smother them in her love and affection and then she would get back to her old self. She wasn’t going to turn into one of those sappy women that wouldn’t have a life of her own because she was too busy chasing after her man. No, she was stronger than that.

  Who was she fooling? Her husbands would have her tied around their big scarred fingers and she would be lost. And she would love every minute of it, as long as they loved her just as fiercely.

  Jessica shivered with the cold and turned to go in. The sun was starting to set on another long day and with it came the frosty chill of the night. As she started to walk along the wall and back toward the door, she thought it strange that the soldiers on lookout were missing. She had passed three on the way out and they were all gone. Maybe it was the changing of the guard. Still, it gave Jessica the creeps, so she picked up her pace and hurried along.

  When she finally reached the heavy wooden door and there still was no guard inside, she was well and truly spooked. Why would they leave the battlement empty? There was a war going on. Surely they would always have people on watch. They should change the guard out on the battlement, where they could always see what was going on. She would have to talk to someone about that.

  She struggled to pull the heavy door open, and when she finally got it open enough, she slipped through. What she found on the other side had her stomach rolling. The three soldiers from before were piled up, dead, with their throats slit. They lay on their backs with their eyes open and surprised looks frozen on their faces. Blood covered their bodies, and ran down onto the castle floor.

  Jessica sucked in a scream and tried not to gag. She had never seen a dead body before and certainly not ones as gory as these. She had to alert the other soldiers that they had an enemy in the castle.

  Looking away from the bodies, she moved to start down the winding staircase. A large form moved to block her exit and Jessica looked up into the face of the killer. He w
as taller than her, but not as big as her men, and had dirty-brown hair and an unshaven face. He was dressed in armor, the same as the other soldiers, but she had a feeling this man wasn’t one of Carr’s troops. He still held the bloody dagger in his hand and Jessica couldn’t help but stare at it as the blood ran from the blade and dripped onto the floor below.

  “Going somewhere, Your Majesty?” His voice was rough, like he’d smoked too many cigarettes, and his breath was foul enough to make Jessica cover her mouth with her hand.

  “Please, I’m nobody. I’m just a servant who needed some air. If you let me go, I’ll tell nobody that you were here.” Jessica prayed he believed her and let her go, but she didn’t like her chances.

  “Nice try, my lady. I was at your wedding, see. So I know just who you are.”

  Shit. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try.

  “I have orders to take you to my lord. He wants you alive, you see. But accidents happen. Maybe we can have a little play, you and me, whilst I take you to him. He said nothin’ about not being able to touch you.” The vile man grabbed his crotch and rubbed himself as he stared back at her. Jessica had to fight the urge to gag again.

  “That’s disgusting.”

  Jessica felt a slap to her face and tasted blood in her mouth. It hurt like the dickens. She had never been slapped before and didn’t really want to have it happen again, but she’d be damned if she let him rape her.

  She decided to go meekly for now and make her move when the time was right. He still had to get her out of the castle. A castle that was filled with soldiers, which were sworn to protect her.

  The man really stank, a thought that Jessica couldn’t seem to let go. He grabbed her around the waist and held the knife to her throat. He shoved her forward and they started to slowly descend the winding staircase. It was slowgoing, with the blade nicking her delicate skin. He shoved and jostled her down each stair.


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