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Seer of Shadows

Page 3

by Cleave Bourbon

“On the contrary, I should drink. It might help sleep come.”

  “It will probably help stupidity come too.” She muttered.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing important. You’re really not concerned?”

  “I don’t worry about matters that are out of my control. We are both in the middle of The Blight, so we can’t draw enough essence to use magic effectively, we have meager fighting skills, and night is falling. Whatever will happen will happen, and there’s nothing we can do about it now. So, a little drink to take the edge off is warranted in this situation.” He held the flask up in the air to accentuate his last statement. “I just remembered the last time I was in this wasteland, all sorts of dirt blowing around. It was unpleasant, and I couldn’t wait to leave.”

  “So, you’re scared.”

  “Terrified!” He took a long drink.

  After nightfall, it didn’t take long for Gondrial to fall asleep and begin snoring. Shey suspected the alcohol; maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. Restless, she walked the perimeter of the camp, occasionally gazing at the stars, which were bright and brilliant. Alerted to the faint noise of what sounded like an animal’s whimper, she stopped and listened. She felt a slight tremor beneath her feet, and she looked back at Gondrial, who was still fast asleep. Without any effort, she abruptly felt essence flow into her body. She didn’t draw any essence; it just entered her on its own. The essence felt different somehow, more powerful, easier to control. The tips of her fingers and the tips of her toes tingled. Before her eyes, near the ground marker, two white, partially transparent apparitions appeared. They floated toward her, but she was not afraid.

  “How can this be?” Shey asked. “It must be what Ianthill spoke about.

  The apparition floated nearer, “Do not fear. I have returned to these lands to seek you out, Sheyna of the Vale of Morgoran.”

  “You have me at a disadvantage,” Shey said.

  “I am Ashonda of Symboria. Do you not know me?”

  “Ashonda died here in the War of the Oracle.”

  “Aye, I did. The veil between this world and the next grows thin here.”

  “Why, what has changed?”

  “The power of the land is returning. Those who perished here are part of that power. Our bodies lie buried beneath this magic torn soil. We are the essence of the land returning at least in part.”

  “I see. This is what Morgoran sees in his tortured second sight!”

  “I cannot speak of such things, for I know nothing about them. Such speculations are for another time; this isn’t a social visit,” Ashonda asserted. “We have business.” She pointed her finger at Gondrial. “Awaken!”

  Gondrial sprang to life as if he were stung by a scorpion. “Who’s that, who’s there?”

  “I’m called Ashonda.”

  Still visibly shaken, Gondrial joined Lady Shey. “Is this real, or am I dreaming?”

  “If you’re dreaming, we’re sharing it,” Lady Shey said. He promptly pinched her arm.

  “Ouch, why are you pinching me?

  “To see if I’m dreaming,”

  “You’re supposed to pinch yourself.”

  “I like this way better.” He pinched her again.

  “Ouch stop it! You imbecile!”

  Gondrial nonchalantly reached over to Lady Shey’s arm once more and gave her another pinch. She yanked her arm away. “It’s real,” she said.

  “So, you are a ghost or what?” Gondrial asked.

  “She is an essence ghost.” Shey told him, “the barrier between her world and this world is thin.”

  “It fortunate you have come here?” Ashonda said, her ethereal countenance twisted in a disapproving frown. “Although Ianthill’s choice of apprentices seems to have wavered in the years.”

  Shey caught the insult and knew it was a jab at Gondrial, but she decided to press on before he realized it and delayed the encounter further, “There have been reports of strange happenings here. Activity in The Blight. Morgoran Cleareyes, the man cursed to only see into the future, sent me here to investigate.”

  “Indeed, there have,” Ashonda said. “It is as you and I have suggested; the Blight is awakening; essence and life are returning. Over the next few years, the Blight will return to the way it was before the War of the Oracle; however, it’s essence will be tenfold and therefore much more powerful, as a burned grassy field returns all the greener so shall the essence return to this battlefield.”

  Gondrial scratched his head. “So, what is it you want?”

  “You mustn’t let the Oracle awaken with The Blight.” Ashonda gestured outward toward the open wasteland, “I am here,” Ashonda continued “because my bloodline is connected to this land and the task at hand. You must seek out my bloodline, Shey. If the Oracle should arise, only my bloodline will be able to banish him again since it was I who banished him before. I am linked to him now.” She paused for a long moment as Shey felt a surge of essence travel through her. The apparition floated closer, “The bloodline of Ardenia also holds sway. The bloodline of Marella Arden is as important as my heritage. During the War of the Oracle, my family had a farm my father named Brookhaven. It is my understanding my family’s farm has now grown into a village called by the same name. My line still lives there along with a family from Ardenia, the Adair family.”

  “I know that place,” Gondrial said. “It’s nestled up in the foothills of the Jagged Mountains.” He turned to Shey, “Magic is outlawed there.”

  Lady Shey nodded.

  Ashonda continued, “I am here because the power of The Blight is regenerating and those who gave their lives here are tied closely to it. Morgoran’s visions are but one warning of what is to come. What we started all those many years ago is not yet finished. It falls on you and our descendants to secure the future.”

  “What does that mean?” Shey asked. “Will there be a second War of the Oracle?”

  Ashonda began to fade. “That is up to you and the strength we left behind in our lineage; therefore, it is up to my generation’s legacy now. You must not let it come to pass. The only certainty I can give you is that the Oracle will return with the renewal of The Blight and the key to controlling the power The Blight brings is in Brookhaven.” With those words, the apparition of Ashonda faded completely away.

  Gondrial kicked absently at the ground. “That’s just great. Is this an advantage, knowing about Brookhaven?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it’s only a matter of time before those seeking to take control of the power of The Blight will find out about it as well. We need to get to Brookhaven.”

  “Actually, I think running directly off to Brookhaven would be a mistake. I think we should regroup and travel there independently. If either of us is being followed, it will give us time to throw them off our trail. You remember the detection spell I taught you?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good, we should go there in a roundabout way.”

  “Is it that serious? What are you not telling me?”

  “Well, this isn’t the first time Morgoran has seen something in his visions about Brookhaven. Ianthill already has Sanmir there keeping an eye on things. He will alert us if there is any immediate danger.” She placed her forefinger to her lips, “In fact, perhaps you should meander toward Brookhaven as discussed and tell Sanmir what we have learned. Instead of following you, I will go back to Lux Enor and get my affairs in order with the highlord. If you discover anything out of the ordinary, send word, and I will make some excuse to travel in that direction.”

  Gondrial agreed. He pulled his sword from the ground. “Get some sleep. I will keep watch for a couple of hours.”

  Lady Shey set up her bedroll, but no matter how she tried, sleep would not come. She had too much on her mind. Then, just as sleep began to take her, she felt the familiar surge of essence. It jolted her awake in time to see another apparition appear. At first, the white-bearded man looked serene and agreeable, but the closer
he came, the more horrifying his appearance became. Shey rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked again. The apparition came close, and Shey reared back, reaching to wake Gondrial.

  “Gondrial! Gondrial, wake up!” He did not stir.

  “Lady Shey of the Vale of Morgoran!” The apparition said, his face the visage of a white-bearded skull now.

  Shey turned back to Gondrial; he stirred but still did not wake.

  “Lady Shey of the Vale of Morgoran!” The bearded skull repeated.

  “I am,” Shey said. “Who are you?”

  “They are coming. They are coming for you!”

  “Who? Who is coming for me.”

  “The abominations, they seek you out. You must forget all you have learned here. You were sent here to be deceived.” He began to fade out physically.

  “No, wait! Don’t go; I don’t understand!” The surge of essence returned for a brief moment and then the spirit was gone.

  “Hmm, well that was unexpected.”

  Shey was startled by the sudden sound of a voice flanking her. She glanced back at Gondrial, but he just turned and let out a stifled snore. It wasn’t him. She backed up and frantically searched for the source of the voice.

  “Over here. I didn’t startle you, did I? Surely not after that thing.”

  “Kyrie? Is that you?”

  “Aye, a version of me.” An elf about the size of a six-year-old human boy stepped out of the shadows and sat on the fallen log where Gondrial had sat earlier. He wore a green and white tunic with fancy embroidery and a green hat with a feather. He held out a length of stick and pointed it at the fire, which sprang back to life when he touched the end of the wood to the embers. “Your fire is almost out. There that’s better.”

  “What do you mean a version of you? What is that you’re wearing?”

  He stood and bowed, “Kyrie Keeperstone at your service.” He sat back down on the fallen log. “These are my fancy clothes. I always wear them when in the Blight. They make me feel better. Have you looked around? This place is very gloomy, very gloomy indeed.”

  “Answer me.”

  “I mean that I am not really here, not really. I have projected myself here, but I am trapped in a place not too far away.”

  “Where, I will come to rescue you.”

  “Oh, no, I’m trapped but not hurt or anything, and I can move freely like I am now. No, you have your mission. I’m fine the way I am. Besides, I am waiting for someone special to come along soon, not that you aren’t special, mind you, but this person will need me.”

  “The last I saw you, Kyrie, you worked for Toborne. And worst of all, you stole from me,” Lady Shey said.

  Kyrie looked hurt. “Aye, but it was Toborne who made me do it. Anyway, don’t dwell in the past. I have come to bring you some news I have come across.”

  “Come across? News has come to you while you are trapped?”

  Gondrial began to stir awake before Kyrie could answer.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Kyrie said and cast the point of his stick at him. “Sleep, you drunken oaf.” Gondrial’s head fell back to the pack he was using as a pillow.

  “I remember when you taught me that spell,” Shey said.

  “Aye, you were just a little sprite of a girl, wide-eyed, and curious.” His smile faded into a grim expression. “The enemy has been busy. They are planning something big. The Blight is the least of your problems. You should get back to Lux Enor as soon as you can. I have heard stirrings here and there that something is about to happen in the capital. You might not want to be so far away when it all goes down.”

  “What have you heard?” She paused, “While you have been trapped somewhere.”

  “I sense you are dwelling on that fact. There are rodents, bugs and all sorts of creepy crawly things everywhere, even where I am trapped. They tell me everything. You think so swallow.”

  “Okay, eww, but go on.”

  He started fidgeting with the fire again, “There are whispers that Drakkius is going to make his move and the council members are all behind him. That’s all I know. I wish I knew more.”

  “I’ll get myself back the capital as first thing in the morning.”

  Kyrie stood again, craned his head as if he were about to say something else and then he nodded, “Just get back there and be careful. I must go. I have been away too long.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  He looked at her inquisitively, “Oh, yes, away from you too long as well. I meant...oh never mind. I will be leaving now. Bye” He waved the stick and was gone with a pop and a flash of light.

  THE LIGHT OF DAY HAD barely made its presence known when Shey awoke to Gondrial shaking her awake. “Gondrial, it’s barely morning.”

  “Up and at ‘em. You don’t want to stick around this place any more than you have to do you?”

  “No, I suppose not. It’s just that I didn’t get as much sleep as you. And by the way, you do snore!”

  Gondrial curled his lower lip, “Hmm, funny no one else has ever said anything about it.”

  Shey smirked and then began gathering up her things before digging into her pack for her cup. She went to the fire where Gondrial had a pot of dark liquid boiling and poured herself some. “Good, you made some Bittering Tea.”

  “Aye, help yourself, it’s mountain grown. I bought the beans in Brookhaven the last time I was through there as coincidence would have it.”

  “So, you will be heading back there?”

  “Aye, I will, but I am in no big hurry. I might make a few stops along the way.”

  Shey blew into her cup before taking a sip, “was that supposed to be a crack about midnight meetups?”

  Gondrial was shocked, “You are surprisingly vulgar-minded for one possessing the title of Lady.”

  “Well? Look who I have to work with, and don’t act so shocked, I know you aren’t.”

  “For your information, I did not mean I was going to see any womenfolk along the way. I have some errands to run for Enowene. She asked me to do her a few favors.”

  “Oh, and if there are women along the way too?”

  “I will give them your kindest regards.”

  Chapter 3: Reign is Falling

  Lady Shey was in a somber mood when she returned to Lux Enor from The Blight. The castle of the highlord looked devoid of life as she approached. The parapets were unmanned, as they were far too often, and the gates were guarded by a single century, half of the sconces and a quarter of the braziers remained unlit, and the towers were dark. Shey entered through the main gates with a nod at the guard and arrived at the stables were an eager stable boy took her horse. At least the stables were well manned. No one greeted her in the castle hallways and corridors. She had to gauge the time of night several times to make certain she was not arriving later at night then she thought. On a whim, she decided to check the rest of the castle. She couldn’t shake the ominous feeling of dread building inside of her; it swelled as soon as she cleared the castle walls at the center of the capital city of Lux Enor. Her mood quickly descended as soon as she entered the throne room. Highlord Rastafin Stowe was shouting at a servant for, no doubt, some minor infraction. She tried to slink in without him noticing her, but of course, he looked her way after just one step.

  “Where have you been, my lady? I have needed your counsel for two days.”

  Lady Shey put back her shoulders and walked up to the throne with her head held high. “I told you, my lord. I went to the Blight to investigate the reports of strange activity, remember? I went at the behest of Master Ianthill of the First Trine.”

  “I’m not sure I like your tone, Lady Shey,” he said.

  “I meant no disrespect, my lord. Forgive me.” She bowed slightly.

  “That’s better. Now, what did you find out?” He leaned back on his throne. “Hmm? Anything interesting?”

  “In the two days I investigated, I found nothing.” She lied. “I saw absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. It was just as barren and desolate
as always. I think the reports came from men with too many nights of loneliness, too much drink, and amazingly overactive imaginations.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, it is so, sire, the Blight is nothing but a desolate wasteland full of nothing of consequence.”

  “Well, I’m not sure what you expected to find. I could have told you it was a waste of your time and saved you the trip.” His tone was nearly infuriating, but Shey kept calm.

  “Aye, your majesty.”

  In the meantime, I have been without my advisor. I have a good mind to have the treasurer dock your pay.” He pointed his finger derisively at her.

  “You wouldn’t. I was in The Blight on official business.”

  “Tone, my lady.” He wagged his finger at her again. “And I certainly would.”

  “Sorry, my lord.” She went to stand beside his throne. “You needed my counsel?” She decided to change the subject. “I offer it to you now. What is the issue?”

  “No, I should think not. You’re dismissed.” He made a dramatic point to look away from her. “But no more excursions, official or otherwise. I want you by my side when I call.”

  Lady Shey nodded but said nothing, that is, until she was out of earshot, and then she had a few choice words to mutter. It was no secret among those at court that the highlord had other interests in Lady Shey, but she had no interest in him. Besides the fact that he was married and his wife mysteriously disappeared, there was also the matter of his disposition, which was less than desirable. Lady Shey had more than once wondered why the Silver Drake had chosen him to lead the five kingdoms. It was also rumored that she had partaken in an affair with the highlord, a rumor Shey found repugnant and offensive.

  Lady Shey was reaching for the doorknob to her private chambers when the servant the highlord had been yelling at earlier in the throne room caught her attention.

  “Lady Shey, Lady Shey! Come quickly. They’re in the throne room. I have to find the master at arms.”

  “Who? Who is in the throne room?”

  “I don’t know who they are, but they’re after the highlord.”

  “All right, you go find the man at arms, and I’ll go see what’s going on in the throne room,” Lady Shey said before pushing the servant along. Why is the man of arms not with the highlord? She thought.


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