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A Promise Kept

Page 2

by Anissa Garcia

  Evan Jonathan Matthews ambled his way over to his living room and sat on the couch, eyeing the mountain of scripts that beckoned him. He picked one out and tried to concentrate on the story, but found himself reading the same page over and over. His attention was pulled elsewhere. The remnants of his neighbor’s scent lingered in the air. Was it strawberry? Whatever the fuck it was, it washed over his brain like a tidal wave and was drowning him.

  God, he adored women. Evan knew he had an effect on the opposite sex. He grew up around females, understanding what made them tick. Being raised alongside two sisters by a loving mother had definitely made him appreciate the beauty of women. Sure, he hadn’t matured into his body and voice until senior year of high school, but he grew up well-liked thanks to his older sister’s popularity. Leaving Boston gave him free reign to meet and date all types of girls. Elsewhere, he was someone other than just Katie’s younger brother. And since then, he had his fair share of some of the most beautiful women in the world.

  He tried his best not to break hearts and attempted to remain a gentleman. His intentions were always clear with his short-lived flings. One would never call him close-minded to the girls he had dated in the past, but none had jolted him in such a strong way like Grace Clark just had. Well, there was his ex. But he was so young, it seemed…different. And that mess was so long ago that it was almost a faded memory.

  There was something extremely appealing about the attractive property manager that just left. Thinking about her made his nerves tingle, among other things. Brown hair knotted on the top of her head, bright chocolate eyes full of reticence and mystery, and a body with soft curves in all the right places, he was intrigued.

  He wondered if she had a lover. Many admirers perhaps. She was insanely beautiful. But more than that, she was the type of woman who knew exactly who she was, what she wanted, and how she wanted it. She exuded confidence, and that was attractive as hell. Well, those perky nipples that showed through that lacy purple bra were pretty damn sexy too. Thank God for white shirts and broken water pipes.

  Thing was, he had put his flirt on and she’d shut it down, immediately. The usual attempt at banter seemed to do well at first, but then as if a light switch turned on, she changed her tune. He had a feeling she held some type of secret locked up in the recesses of her heart.

  What the fuck are you even talking about, Evan? Romantic bullshit crept up in his thoughts, and that never happened. Thank fuck for the interruption when the door that led to the garage opened. Zach, Josh, and Hank made a ruckus as they strolled toward the kitchen.

  “Hey, Evan, did the pipe get fixed?” Zach asked as he lugged bags of groceries.

  “No, it needs to be replaced.” Evan moved over to help put the items away. “You told Grace it was an emergency.”

  “It was. Sort of.” Zach was his childhood pal. Evan was never in need of constant around-the-clock care, but it was nice being able to have things organized when he didn’t have time to do everything himself. Zach gave him a hand, and had great managerial skills, which included helping Evan pick his projects. He liked having him around, even if he could be a dick. “Did she snake your drain?”

  Evan rolled his eyes as he emptied the contents of the recyclable bags. “Uh, how about not yet? She was a bit pissed off. You interrupted her book signing.”

  “Shit, I forgot she had that going on today.”

  How the hell did Zach know about it? His thoughts were interrupted by a pulling on his jeans. “Hey, Hank,” Evan bustled as he bent low to wrestle with the energetic rescue boxer that vied for his attention. “How’s Josh treating you, buddy?”

  Josh McKenzie was Evan’s personal trainer, and had become a close friend and confidant since the filming of The Ending Series had begun eight years prior. He pretty much traveled with him wherever Evan went when on filming locations.

  “He met a lady companion a few houses down. A small dachshund,” Josh specified in his Southern London accent. Hank began to wag his tail and run around the living room in excitement. Josh had found the beat up stray in an alley a few years ago. He took the time to nurse him to health, and they all had an affinity for the loveable dog.

  “Oh, getting his flirting game on?”

  “She wasn’t having it.”

  Evan laughed, thinking of the woman next door. “I feel your pain, Hank.”

  “Speaking of lady companion, what’d you think of Grace?” Zach asked, immediately making Evan wonder if Zach was crushing on her.

  If that was the case, Evan knew it would be an instant hands-off situation for him, which would be really unfortunate. Sure, Evan was considered to be the good-looking one, the charmer, but Zach was funny and had that whole sensitive, hot-geek-vibe that chicks dug. Zach grabbed a couple of Sam Adams bottlenecks and passed them to Evan and Josh.

  “We’re training, mate,” Josh declined, giving him a scolding look as he watched Evan grab the beer and twist off the cap easily. “Evan, don’t-”

  “Just one, bud.” Evan took a swig and gave a satisfied sigh.

  “Calm down, Pops. It’s light beer.” Zach tried to validate the choice, but then shut his mouth. Evan grinned, knowing Zach was intimidated not only by the amount of tattoos in view on Josh’s upper arms, but because of his size as well. Despite Zach being taller than them all, he was sinewy and lean, where Josh was hard and strong. Impressive with eyes like ice. “Just one beer, Evan,” Zach muttered softly.

  “So, who’s this Grace?” Josh inquired, grabbing a can of mixed nuts and popping them open. He set out a serving for both him and Evan. “Here, eat that.”

  “You my nutritionist now too?” Evan teased, reaching forward and popping an almond in his mouth, thankful for the reminder to eat. He needed the bulk. His body was an accomplishment. It was months of extensive physical training, and was one of the hardest parts of his job. The results, however, were inspiring thanks to Josh and a slew of others who helped him train.

  “You ignoring the question?” Josh asked.

  A whimper released from Hank’s mouth as he jumped onto the couch and circled several times before rolling into a comfortable ball. Evan watched, wishing things could be that simple for him. “She’s the property manager. The plumber will be here tomorrow. Nine in the morning. She wrapped some type of tape over the pipe so it should hold over tonight.”

  “She’s a sexy little thing.” Zach began to search the fridge, taking out thawed chicken and a Tupperware full of broccoli. “I tried to flirt, but much like that dachshund, she just wasn’t having it.” Good. Zach was one to give up quickly, not wasting his time on a woman who didn’t instantly throw herself on him. Grace was not Zach’s type at all.

  “She’s unavailable,” Evan promptly revealed.

  “Is that so?” Josh smiled slyly as Evan avoided both guys and turned his back to them. Shit. He just gave himself away.

  “Someone shot down the great Evan Matthews?” Zach laughed as he finished packing the cupboard with food.

  “I’m convinced the world will now end,” Josh followed.

  “Shut your pie-holes.” Evan sat beside Hank on the couch and stroked his dark brown fur. He ignored their continued jabs as he put his beer down and picked up another screenplay in the piles he needed to go through. His last project he had directed and produced hadn’t been widely received by critics, and he was searching for the perfect job to tackle next.

  “Did you read that action one I told you about?” Zach began to prep the dinner for that night.

  “I did, but you know I don’t want to take on something that big. It’ll only be my second film.”

  Lately Evan had been feeling the need to learn new things, take on a new challenge. He wanted more than just being in front of the camera. Stepping behind it had always been an interest, and it wasn’t until just recently that he began to do it. But the right script, the right project, was everything. He didn’t want to mess up by taking on more than he could handle.

  “That other flick did
well enough,” Josh stated grasping the remote and turning on the television as he plopped on the lounge chair. “Do another one like that.”

  “No, I want something different, Josh. I need something I can really sink my teeth into. Right, Hank?” Evan heaved a sigh, closing the script. He handed it to Hank who clasped it with his teeth and began chewing on it with vigor. The sound of ripping paper filled the air. “Yeah, see? Hank doesn’t like this one either.”

  “Always trust the dog, mate,” Josh declared.

  Evan grabbed his beer and took a long swig of it, wondering when he’d see Grace again. How would he break through her reserve enough for her to agree to a date with him? He’d have to use his resources and figure out a way to win her over.

  Grace had clasped the phone in her hand, grappling for only a short moment of whether to press the send button in a group text. When she did, she knew the response from her friends would be instantaneous.

  Grace: So, I may or may not be living next to an A-list actor.

  Jaime: Who????

  Marla: Yeah, then you woke up.

  Grace: Captain Drew Abrams!

  Jaime: Nah-uh!!!!!!!

  Marla: You lie.

  Grace: I’m serious. He’s my neighbor.

  Jaime: We need to go over…now. Grace, bring out the binoculars!

  Marla: Agreed. Seeing is believing, after all.

  Grace: We are NOT spying on my tenant.

  Marla: Then what’s the point of you texting us?!

  Jaime: It’s so happening.

  Jaime Caldwell entered the room haphazardly, throwing her purse on the antique hall tree Grace had refurbished with a dark cherry finish. “Nice to see you too,” Grace spoke as she picked up Jaime’s giant mom bag and hung it up on one the gold hooks.

  Jaime plopped down on the couch in the living room and moaned as she stretched her feet out in front of her. “I needed to get away,” she sighed as her dark strands of straight hair splayed out on the sofa cushion. “Please just tell me all about hunky Evan Matthews and help me escape the two boys at home who just dragged mud onto my expensive Persian rug.”

  “Ouch. Jake’s grounded, I take it?”

  “So is Dean. From any physical activity with me. He knows better.”

  Jaime and Dean met a year after she had finished college. They grew up in the same neighborhood, and even had mutual friends, despite Dean being a few years older than Jaime, but it wasn’t until one night when the girls had decided to go to Stubb’s BBQ for a show that he introduced himself to her. They’d been inseparable ever since. Perhaps some things were just meant to be.

  For instance, Grace knew these women were somehow destined to be in her life. She couldn't explain how, but it felt like her brother had led them to all be connected. Marla was her roommate freshman year of college and Jaime lived across the hall in the dorms. They were her family and they helped her move past the crippling devastation she felt when Nathan had died two years before.

  The doorbell chimed and before Grace could answer, Marla Sullivan sauntered in grasping her recyclable tote bag. “I skipped yoga and got some snacks. We’re ready to see a movie star tonight.”

  “I don't consider tofu cream cheese and kale chips an actual snack,” Jaime teased. “And I might be too tired to stalk hottie next door.”

  “I brought a veggie tray. I'm trying to be good.”

  Grace peeked in the bag and clasped the most important items—two bottles of wine and held them up with a huge smile. “Good, huh?”

  “They say drinking a glass of red wine is like going to the gym,” Marla disputed.

  “I'm sure they didn't say that about this.” Grace took out a chocolate bar and let it swing from her fingers.

  “I said trying to be good. Besides chocolate has antioxidants,” Marla reiterated. “How was the book signing, Grace?”

  Grace shrugged. “It went okay. It was mostly curious people passing by, asking where the restrooms were located.”

  “Lies. She had a group of loyal readers there. I saw them myself.” Jaime stood from the couch and joined the girls in the dining area. “I only stayed a little while though because Jake had swim lessons.”

  “I would’ve been there, but I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. I’m sorry, Grace.” Marla was a marketing coordinator at a small creative agency located downtown. She was extremely A-type personality at her job, but when away, she was the most relaxed and chilled out of the three women. Sometimes.

  “It’s okay. I got called away from my own signing with the broken pipe debacle. Evan’s assistant told me it was an emergency. Which he lied about.”

  “First name basis with the movie star already, huh?” Marla began to meticulously set out the veggie tray on the table, which sat conveniently beside the window. “Where are the binoculars?”

  “We aren't stalking my neighbor.” Grace fumbled through the kitchen drawer, finally locating the wine opener.

  Jaime’s gaze fixed on Grace. “Okay, Miss Elusive. Tell us exactly what happened. From the beginning. Leave no word out, nothing unsaid.”

  “It's the house on the right? The lights are on and I see movement.” Grace moved to where Marla stood and slapped her hand away from the blinds. “Ouch! Hey, that hurt!”

  “Guys, please let's not make a big fuss. He's a dude who’s just like every other prick out there trying to get his hands on any woman he can.”

  Marla smiled, her voice lilting. “Oh, so, he tried to hit on you?”

  Jaime ambled to the table and frowned at the colorful arrangement of healthy food in front of her. “Of course he did. There’s something wrong with him if he didn’t.” Looking over her shoulder at Grace, she grinned. “Got any real food, Grace? Like chips or cookies?”

  “I made cookies yesterday. They're in the pantry.”

  “Oh, let's order Home Slice!” Jaime exclaimed. The popular pizza spot was located in the heart of downtown Austin.

  “We'd have to pick it up,” Grace reminded her.

  “I wish I had thought about that. I could've brought my organic flour. We could've made the pizza ourselves. That would've been so much fun!” Marla’s bright brown eyes smiled in excitement. There was nothing Marla loved more than to bake and cook from scratch.

  Jaime scoffed. “Um, yeah that's a negative. I get away from the boys so I don't have to cook. I'm ordering Home Slice. There's a company that can deliver. And then you can tell us all about your new boyfriend, Grace.”

  “Boyfriend? Never.” Grace knew a man like her new next-door neighbor was not for her, and she definitely wasn't for him.

  Marla laughed as she ate a carrot and moved toward the hall tree. “Please. Like you'd deny someone like Evan Matthews? Get real, Grace. I know you're strong, but you're not that strong.” Maybe it was a good thing Grace didn't tell them about turning him down earlier that day. Marla opened a drawer and reached inside. “Are we doing poker, bananagrams, or catchphrase?”

  “Poker. And Jaime, you order the pizza. No pineapple!” Grace grimaced inwardly at the thought of fruit on pizza.

  “I'll pay for the pineapple pizza. I never get what I want with Jake and Dean.”

  Marla set out the poker chips and cards on the table. “Because nobody likes pineapple on their pizza but you.”

  “Lots of people do. That's why it's an option.” Jaime protested, looking up the delivery app on her phone. “I'm ordering two pizzas. I don't care what you say.”

  Marla rolled her eyes. “Like we could stop you. Just hurry up and order. I wanna hear about Captain Abrams already.”

  Grace wasn't looking forward to reliving her encounter with Evan Matthews. Soon after having left his place, she took a long look at herself in the mirror and drowned in embarrassment. Mascara dripped down her cheeks in long gray lines from the water that had hit her head-on. Wisps of hair had fallen from her loosened bun and had curled in a frizzy state over her face. And her choice of shirt that day hadn't been wise at all. In most cases, Grace neve
r cared what people thought about her casual look. She loved her laidback style. But when her nipples showed through the material of her white shirt and Evan Matthews was on the receiving end of it? Well, it was no wonder he wanted to ask her out. Grace wasn't an easy target, and Mr. Hollywood would not be capturing her interest when millions of other women fell to his feet.

  “I see someone!” Marla gasped as she held a wooden blind up and peered between it. She then huffed, “Ugh, it's not him. Some beef-head is standing outside.”

  “I wanna see!” Jaime cried and moved toward the window just having finished ordering the pizza. “Is he hot?”

  “Eh. He's alright,” Marla responded. “God, he has like fifty million tattoos.”

  Jaime held her side of the blind up. “What is wrong with you, Marla? He's sexy! And it's not like he has tattoo sleeves. He has just the right amount.”

  “Get away from the window, please. You're embarrassing me.”

  The girls hummed their compliance as they stared at the man outside. Grace couldn't help but take a peek. He was sexy, whoever he was. With his arms crossed over his chest, and his tall stature, this man was a monster. A gorgeous one. However, something about him didn't stir her insides the way Evan did. She hoped whatever that feeling was, that tangible spark, left her brain as quickly as it had entered.

  All three girls gasped when icy blue eyes caught them peeking out and watching him. They immediately turned back. “Shit. You guys, now he's going to tell Evan he has a bunch of stalkers next door. Thank you!”

  “Crap! Sorry, Grace.” Jaime laughed with little remorse.

  “Like he'd notice. He looks a little slow on the uptake. All the steroids probably,” Marla stated matter-of-fact.

  Grace chuckled at her friend’s preconceived notion. “Geez. A little harsh there for someone who's so Zen, Marla.”

  “I don't like those beefy-type guys. All they do is spend time at the gym and take selfies in the mirror.”

  “I'd selfie with him so hard. He needs to be selfied with. Did you see those lips? If I wasn't happily married…”


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