Book Read Free

A Promise Kept

Page 11

by Anissa Garcia

  Covering her mouth, she tried to sustain her laugh. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Good, come sit and get ready for a wicked feast.” He placed a cloth napkin on her lap and then opened and served a glass of wine. “And then I’ll set out the dinner course for you. You’re having a Boston Lobster Roll. And for dessert you’ve got an awesome cannoli from Mike’s Pastry, delivered all the way from Boston for you.”

  Grace was stunned at all the food as Zach took the time to take everything out of their containers and set them out. “Evan made all of this?”

  “He did. I might’ve gone to buy the stuff, but he prepared it all on his own. Except for the cannoli, of course.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She scooped up a spoonful of chowder and let it warm her throat. It was like Evan knew exactly what she needed to feel sane and happy. How could someone understand her with only having known her for such a short amount of time?

  “Just let him know you liked it. But if you didn’t, let him know that too so he doesn’t cook again. He was a pain in the ass today.”

  She chuckled. “Aren’t you guys going to eat too?”

  Zach shook his head. “No, this is only for you. A bet is a bet. He said it hadn’t included two people, just one.”

  “I really wish we had set up these rules all beforehand,” Grace grumbled. “Why isn’t he here?”

  “He has a night shoot.”

  Her mouth opened in shock. “He’s working all night?”

  “Yeah,” he stored the extra food in her refrigerator. He read her facial expression perfectly. “Don’t worry, he’ll be okay, Grace.”

  “I feel terrible. He was here so early today, and then he spent his time cooking?”

  Zach smiled his cute, crooked smile, a small dimple on one side of his cheek, and began his trek out the door. He turned to face her, his mossy green eyes twinkling. “Maybe he thinks you’re worth it.”

  Grace gulped as he made his way out the door. “Lock up, and don’t wash the dishes. I’ll come back for them in an hour.”

  She looked over to the single flower she had put in a vase when she’d come back from the grave. She grabbed her phone and searched the meaning of the yellow jonquil. She smiled as she read that it signified sympathy when life got overwhelming. More than that, it denoted the desire for returned affection.

  Opening her text screen, she began to type.

  Grace: I don’t really know how to thank you for today, Evan.

  Evan: I can think of some things…that involve lots of kissing.

  Grace hesitated texting him back. How would banter ever be normal with this guy? Especially now that she was liking him more. Whatever she tried to text didn’t seem sufficient enough. She kept erasing and re-writing as he awaited her response. Those three dots must’ve appeared and reappeared many times for him as she tried finding the words.

  Grace: …

  Evan: The ellipses drives me nuts, baby cakes. Are you writing me a novel for a response?

  Grace: No.

  Evan: That’s the text I was waiting for? “No”?!

  Grace: I’m loving the clam chowder.

  Evan: Wait til you taste the lobster roll. But I will say everything is 20 times better in Boston...*ahem*…Thanksgiving?

  Grace: I’m not going to Boston, Evan.

  Evan: A bet is a bet. I need to make sure you go.

  Grace: You didn’t have to do this at all tonight. Are you tired?

  Evan: Yes, I did. You needed it. I’m fine.

  Grace: Thanks again, Evan. And don’t make Zach wash the dishes for you. A bet is a bet!

  Evan: I now have proof that you just texted that. I’m holding you to it, Gracie Lynn.

  Grace: Goodnight, Evan.

  Evan: Night.

  Grace tried the next dish and it melted in her mouth. She moaned and began to text again.

  Grace: Holy crap! This lobster roll is seriously orgasmic.

  Grace waited for a response and chuckled when she didn’t get one right away. Now she knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of those dots.

  Evan: …

  Grace: Ok, now who’s the one with the ellipses? Where’s your witty comeback, Matthews?

  Evan: *Evan is unable to text back due to dying and going to heaven imagining Gracie Lynn Clark having an orgasm. Please leave naked picture after the text.*

  Grace: DON’T BE DIRTY!

  Evan: You started it, but I’m just saying, you want something orgasmic? I’m your man, babe.

  Grace: Okay, egomaniac, calm down.

  Evan: I’ll be seeing you, Gracie.

  Evan Matthews had made her a homemade meal. As she sat at her table and went over the events of the day, she wondered to herself how much better he could be, and if he was indeed a dream come true. She knew the time would come when she would have to eventually wake up, and recognize that the dream would be just that. How willing was she to live in a fantasy if it could break her heart all over again? This time gossip wouldn’t be set in a high school, but the entire world would know her business. Was he worth it?

  “Moooooooom! Jake won’t let me push the ball!” A young girl shrieked across the backyard to one of the many parents in attendance of Jake’s Superman-themed birthday party.

  “Jake, let Molly push it!” Jaime called as she plopped down with Marla and Grace at one of the foldout tables set up under a big patio. It was the first chance she had to sit with them during the chaos. “Dean, please watch them!”

  The sun was out and the weather was a perfect combination of cool and crisp with a light breeze. Grace clasped her cardigan to her as Marla finished off a burger Dean had barbequed. The sound of children playing filled the air. The smell of food tempted nostrils of hungry party-goers.

  “What did your agent say about a book tour? You scheduled for anything?” Marla was so great at asking questions about Grace’s marketing strategies, she wished she could hire her.

  “There’s nothing planned. I could possibly set up another signing at Book People, but I’m not sure yet.”

  “You need to get in touch with blogs. Isn’t there a way to contact a separate PR company?”

  “Not unless I go out on my own, or until my contract is over.”

  “Well, you should think about doing something different. Word needs to get out about it. Are you going to hit up any book conventions?”

  Jaime intervened, “My friend is going to that big one they hold every year.”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking of going.” Grace grabbed a sugar cookie. She picked at the frosting and took some of it off before taking a bite.

  “Why do you do that? The frosting’s the best part.” Marla reached over and dipped her finger in the excess, taking a small taste.

  “Too much sugar.”

  “Says the girl who puts seven tablespoons of it in her coffee,” Jaime teased. “So, how are things going with Cameron, Marla?”

  Marla rolled her eyes as she stood and began to help Jaime pick up the used paper plates. “He’s a little annoying and it’s sometimes creepy.”

  “Marla, you really need to fix that. Tell him you’ve had enough.” Grace started to grab clean plates and helped set up for the dessert.

  “I can’t just tell him off, he’s my boss’s son. I’ve worked too hard to get where I’m at, and I’m not going to let an ass like him ruin things for me.” Marla then smiled. “I have been talking to Ryan Dane a lot though.”

  “Ryan Dane? Seriously?” Jaime almost squealed in delight. “He’s pretty dreamy.”

  Marla nodded enthusiastically as she wiped down the table. “Yeah, I think we’re getting together tonight. Just waiting for his text.”

  “And you, Grace? What’s going on with hunky Matthews?”

  Grace bit her lower lip and felt her cheeks heat up. “Nothing.”

  “Ohmygod, you are such a little liar. Look at that sly grin.” Marla laughed and playfully shook her friend’s shoulder.

  “Tell us what’s going
on, Grace. Did you thank him for rescuing you from your drunken stupor on Halloween?” Jaime made a kissing gesture as Grace tried to shush her.

  “She probably did. With tongue.” Marla winked.

  “Shut up.”

  “She’s not denying it,” Jaime smiled as she positioned the cake in the center of the table. “Isn’t he coming? Have you heard from him?”

  Grace checked her phone but saw no messages. She wouldn’t doubt he forgot or changed his mind. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him since...” They were quiet when she blurted it out. “He went with me to see Nathan. On his birthday.”

  The women stood still and stared at Grace as she kept her eyes down. She tried not to make it a bigger deal than it was, but they all knew. It was a huge deal. She was opening up to someone, and he was slowly beginning to win her trust.

  “Wow, that’s really sweet of him, Grace.” Jaime smiled.

  “We could’ve gone with you too, you know,” Marla asserted as she took a bite from a cookie.

  She smiled and remembered how they had taken her in as if she was family. These girls were all she had, and they meant the world to her. “I know. I love you guys. It was just unexpected.”

  “Well, he seems like a great guy. I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt,” Jaime said softly.

  “Unless he doesn’t show to the party, then he’s just a douchebag,” Marla partially joked.

  “Have you heard from your parents at all?” Jaime asked Grace as she prepped the paper plates and plastic utensils.

  “My mom texted last week.”

  “Hey! Look who’s here, kids!” Dean yelled out as Evan walked through the sliding door and onto the patio.

  “Looks like your Mr. Sexy made it, Grace,” Jaime whispered under her breath.

  “He’s not my Mr. Sexy.” Grace’s heart sped up immediately and she smiled as she saw him in his costume. He was holding a wrapped present in one hand and his blaster prop gun in the other. The kids all turned and gasped as Jake ran toward him.

  “Uncle Evan!” He jumped into his arms as Evan knelt in front of him.

  Grace looked at Jaime with incredulity. “Uncle Evan?”

  “I didn’t tell him to call him that.” Jaime got up and walked toward the kids who swarmed around him. “Okay, kids, give Captain Abrams room to breathe.”

  “He’s kind of too good to be true, isn’t he?” Marla asked as they watched him animatedly talk to the kids. The parents began to gather around in amazement at the fact that the real Captain Abrams was present at a kid’s birthday party and started to snap photos and videos with their phones. The moms were particularly swooning over how handsome he looked in his space gear.

  “Hey ladies.” Josh approached with a brown, furry, four-legged friend following, and Grace greeted him warmly. Marla was more reserved.

  “This handsome devil must be Hank?” Grace had recalled Evan’s and Zach’s conversation about the dog and she bent down as he excitedly began to play with her.

  “Yes, this is Hank.” Josh smiled coyly.

  “How you doing boy?” Grace laughed as the dog spiritedly snuggled up to her.

  Hank then went to Marla and jumped. She yelped and backed away. “Hi.” She gently tried to pet his head and then warmed up to him after a bit.

  “There’s some hamburgers and hot dogs, chips and sodas, if you want, Josh,” Grace offered.

  “Thank you. I’m fine though.”

  Marla scoffed. “He doesn’t eat that stuff, Grace. He drinks his protein.” Hank tried to jump up on her again, and she pointed, her voice stern. “Hank, sit.”

  The dog obeyed dutifully and Josh shook his head with a smile playing on his face. “You think you have me all figured out, don’t you?”

  “It’s not difficult,” Marla smirked.

  He crossed his large forearms, and Grace was sure she saw Marla swooning. “Well, keep trying, because you’re wrong.”

  A chime on Marla’s phone interrupted their intense glares as she reached for it. “I gotta go, Grace. Ryan’s wanting to meet up, but I’ll see you Monday night.”

  She said her goodbyes to everyone and took off. Grace watched Josh stare at her as she left. “She’s not always like that, you know.” She was defending her friend, knowing there had to be something beneath the surface that bothered Marla about this burly and earnest man.

  “She’s going out with Ryan Dane?” His sky-blue eyes met hers with sincerity as she nodded. “He’s not the greatest guy, Grace. Tell her to be careful.”

  “I will,” she replied with gratitude.

  Grace moved over to the grass and began to play fetch with Hank. She glanced to Evan who was surrounded by rambunctious children who were fighting for his attention. They asked him questions and he raptly answered. They asked to see his blaster and they took turns passing it around. He was so comfortable and at ease with them, as if they made his job seem completely worth it. She hadn’t thought it of him, but Evan Matthews loved being around kids.

  Jake opened his gift from Evan with permission from his mom and everyone was in admiration as he received his own replica blaster from the set. There was also an autographed photo of the entire cast included. Grace beamed and when their eyes locked, she felt her nerves shoot all through her body and straight to her core.

  When Evan’s attention was dragged away by Jake, Grace felt a whoosh of relief. His gazes on her were getting way too intense. They were the type of stare a girl dreamed of being on the receiving end of. The type of look that only happened in romantic novels adapted into films. The way Mr. Darcy looked at Elizabeth Bennet, Colonel Brandon’s want of Marianne Dashwood, or Mr. Rochester’s powerful need for Jane Eyre. It wasn’t a good thing that she was comparing those gazes at all. It meant she was liking it way too much. She was beginning to like Evan too much.

  She went inside to wash her hands before cake would be served. She observed herself in the mirror and saw her cheeks blushing just by thinking about the man outside who was making twenty kids extremely happy. He was great with kids. So what? Lots of guys were great with kids. So what that he was funny and romance novel handsome? Grace had met plenty of men who fit the criteria of perfection before. It didn’t mean that they were the right guy for her. And she wasn’t sure Evan was either. Get yourself together, Grace. She exited the restroom and yelped as two hands yanked her aside, enclosing her against the wall.

  “Hi, Gracie.” Evan grinned with a playful mischief that made her belly flutter.

  “Hello, Captain.” She placed her hands on his chest and played with the gear on his uniform. “You’re looking like you’re ready to save the world.” She gazed at his full lips and licked hers out of reflex.

  A small groan escaped from his throat as he roamed her face. “So you met Hank, I see. He really likes you, Grace.” He cupped the back of her neck, staring at her with a need so passionate she couldn’t breathe.

  “I…” She gulped, feeling the electricity tingle in her stomach all the way down between her legs. “I like him too.”

  “Do you?” His eyebrow raised in a lively gesture. “Do you like me?”

  “That’s still under review.”

  Her breathing elevated as his thumb ran over her mouth. She felt her body responding to his as he pressed up against her. An uncontrollable whimper exited her and she couldn’t stop what was already in motion. Even if she wanted to, the pull was too strong, his masculine hands touching her was earth-shattering. Every caress from him felt like she was an instrument he knew how to play with expertise.

  “Let me help you decide then.”

  She tipped her chin up to stare into his eyes. The blue from them had disappeared with his dilated pupils taking over and drinking her in, as if he needed to be sated. His stunning face, and those lips, she remembered how soft and welcoming they had been. He confidently placed them on hers, his tongue slipping inside ever so slightly as she opened up to him. Instead of telling him to back away or stop, she let her hands wrap
around his shoulders, feeling the hard structure of his costume under her fingers.

  A moan broke from her mouth and she unexpectedly asked for more as she sped the kiss, relishing every soft thrust of his tongue. His fingers moved to the clip in her hair and pulled it open allowing the soft waves to fall over her shoulders. He took his time tangling his hands in the thick locks and pulled her head back demanding to taste more of her. She felt her knees weaken and was indebted to the wall behind her for holding her up as her mind tried to grasp exactly what was happening.

  “Ew! Gross! Cooties!” Jake yelled pulling them both back to reality.

  Grace gripped onto Evan’s arms to steady her body as he began to laugh. “Jake, your Aunt Gracie needed a little CPR is all. I’m saving her.”

  “I’m telling!” Grace couldn’t stop him as he ran out the door. “Mommy, Aunt Grace and Uncle Evan are kissing!”

  “Tell them it’s about time!” Jaime yelled.

  “Shit,” Grace whispered under her breath and looked down at her feet. She was trying to get herself together as Evan pulled away from her slowly. “So much for discretion.”

  “You’re flushed.” He smiled at her and cupped her cheek. “Let’s go out on a date. A real date, Grace.”

  “I think we’ve met our quota for the bet, Evan.”

  “Monday after I get out of work.”

  “I have plans with Marla on Monday night.”

  “Wednesday then. I’ll get out of filming at around six.” He kept his eyes focused on hers as she nodded. “It’s a date.” He leaned toward her again and gave a small peck on her lips. “I plan on kissing you a hell of a lot more, Gracie Lynn. You’d better get used to it, sweetheart.” He held out her clip and winked before sauntering away from her.

  A shiver trailed through her body, the warmth she felt from Evan having vanished the moment he had walked outside. She let herself lean against the wall a moment longer, and needed to truly consider what was happening between her and this man. This beautiful man who could gloriously break her heart.


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