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A Promise Kept

Page 19

by Anissa Garcia

  And he was, for this was the first woman who ever held his heart so tightly, he would never find anyone who would compare.

  Grace inhaled, wondering if Evan was in fact as anxious as she felt. After sensing his heart race, she began to trace over his body, drinking in the pleasurable pain that radiated through him. She let herself explore the strength of his shoulders and torso, moving to his tattoo and placing a soft kiss over it.

  She took time appreciating his form. It was the first time she would be with a man and not a boy who fumbled his way through sex. Evan would be a generous lover, and the affection radiating from him was overwhelmingly beautiful. Her reticent fingertips scraped his rippled stomach as she headed toward the top of his jeans. He groaned. “Baby, you’re driving me crazy.”

  She snapped her hands away. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I like it,” he chuckled breathlessly and waited for her to continue. She fumbled with the button and zipper, and lowered his jeans and boxer briefs in one swift motion. Stepping out of them, he stood before her.

  Her eyes widened in apprehension. She wasn’t quite sure she could accommodate him. He knowingly touched her cheek. “It won’t be like it was for you before, Grace. I’ll make sure I don’t hurt you.”

  He had definitely read her memoir. She wrote of the uncomfortably awkward and painful night she slept with the unnamed friend. The backseat of a car, no anticipation, no care was how her only time went. Afterwards she had felt used, and Kyle hadn’t given the slightest concern, calling her lousy and boring. The other times she thought she would try with the men she dated the memories always shot forward. The feelings weren’t deep enough for her to give herself over to someone, and she couldn’t break that promise. Being with Evan now felt completely different, and she knew why it hadn’t worked with anyone else. She had been waiting for him.

  “Lay back on the bed.” His voice was raspy and firm as she followed his order. Anxious and anticipating brown eyes followed his movements as he reached for the wallet in his castoff jeans and procured several foil packets. Holding them between his fingers, he plopped them on the nightstand.

  “Hurry.” She reached for one of the packets and offered it to him with an unsteady hand.

  “Don’t rush, babe,” he stated gruffly as he covered her hand with his, setting the condom aside.

  “I’m ready. I want you inside me.”

  “We’ll get there.” He nodded softly, tension in his jaw as he tried to control his need to take her quickly. Grace lay back as he took a moment to let his eyes roam her body. She chewed on her lip bashfully, squeezing her lids shut. As if he could read her mind, he whispered, “You’re so damn perfect, Grace.”

  His mouth took hers passionately as he moved over her, taking his time until she let her searching hands enclose his neck. The feel of his bare chest rubbing against hers caused a friction she had never experienced. He trailed his tongue to her breasts, palming one in his hand as he took the other between his lips. He tugged and sucked leisurely until her nipples hardened and she moaned audibly. The pleasure was so strong, her hips rocked up trying to take his body against hers.

  Trailing his mouth down, he squeezed her hip. “You’re trembling.”

  “I-nobody, I’ve never done –”

  “Open up, doll,” he pleaded, his lips moving over the most intimate part of her body. His hands held the back of her thighs as he attempted pulling her legs apart. She clutched them together apprehensively. “Look at me, babe. Don’t be embarrassed with me. I’ll take care of you.” His eyebrows drew together as he let his hands glide back over her thighs. “You have no idea how fucking sexy it is that I’m the first man who gets to taste you, Gracie Lynn. Sweetheart, spread your legs,” he directed, his sincere eyes meeting hers, awaiting her compliance.

  She slowly released to him, gasping when he lightly touched over her center with his finger. He urged her legs wider, advancing so his mouth was near. Tickling sensations from his warm breath feathered over her.

  Evan descended, his mouth tugging on her with a tight suction that made her groan. His fingers pushed inside her, insistent against that soft spot that would make her lose control. Over and over, with changing motions, his fingers plunged as his mouth played. She felt the pressure building and her mind began to go numb as her mouth released unfamiliar sounds. Her eyes squeezed shut as her muscles tightened and her body let go. Her insides pulsed around his fingers and she loudly cried out, coming into his mouth and quivering. Her legs tried to close from the intensity, and he finally began to decelerate his touch as her body continued to ripple beneath him.

  He trailed kisses up to her neck, then took her mouth gently as she tried catching her breath. Her lids were heavy as she gave a languid smile. “How was that, sweetheart?”

  “That was incredible.” She kissed him affectionately as he moved his hand back down between her legs and gently stroked her. She quaked from the sensitivity.

  He reached for the condom and rolled it over him. He let his body rest over her, his erection brushing against her as he awaited her body to respond. She closed her eyes as he positioned his elbows against each side of her shoulders. His hands brushed her hair back from her face and he placed indulgent kisses on her mouth.

  She panted with tension, her figure squirming up against him. “Grace, steady your breathing. Take a deep breath,” he whispered delicately. He positioned himself, pressing inside her and feeling her shake. He composed himself, as she tried to push her hips up keenly.

  “Slowly, baby,” he whispered unevenly, dropping his head in her neck. He distributed his weight and nudged consciously in again, stopping after she whimpered. He could feel her stretching as he entered little by little. “Look at me.”

  When her eyes flickered open, he pushed inside and filled her. Grace assumed it would hurt like before, but the small moment of discomfort disappeared and was replaced by an all-consuming pleasure. “Move, Evan. Please.”

  His eyes never leaving hers, he responded, billowing in and out of her gradually. “You feel so good, Grace.” His motions increased as she moaned. Her hips began to prod harder into him as he helped guide her, finding their rhythm. The sounds emanating from his throat were arousing her in ways she never thought possible. She gripped him tighter as their speed amplified.

  Grace tightened up again quickly, then fell over the edge, crying out as her fingers dug into his slick skin. She pulsated around him while he nuzzled her neck and drove deeply inside her. He groaned through a wave of emotions that hit him like a flood. He called her name as he stilled over her, his hips jerking as he reached his climax.

  Evan stayed inside Grace whispering sweet words she couldn’t comprehend as he continued caressing her face with languid kisses. They both caught their breath, basking in the after-effects of orgasm. She had never felt anything that could compare.

  His lips touched the shell of her ear as he whispered, “How you feeling, Grace?”

  She hummed as he feathered kisses by her pulse. “Relaxed,” she sighed as he then reviewed her.

  “That’s it?” She smiled at his questioning glare. “I thought as a writer you’d have more words to execute your emotions,” he teased.

  “My brain’s too lazy to think.”

  “Stroke my ego here a bit, Grace. I was hoping you’d say it was earth-shattering, mind-blowing, amazing.” He winked as she giggled.

  “How about beautiful?”

  He kissed her lips genially, nodding. “That works.”

  “It was also my first orgasm from someone other than myself.” She stated peppering kisses over his jaw as he laughed.

  “Well, you’re definitely stroking my ego now.”

  “I’ll stroke some other things later.”

  “Woman of my dreams,” he sighed and lifted himself off of her. She winced as Evan exited her body and made his way to her bathroom to dispose of his condom. She watched as he walked back to her with a washcloth, and he reached her thighs signaling for her to
open them. Hesitation played on her features. “Too late to be shy, babe.”

  After wiping her with gentle strokes, he tossed the cloth to the bathroom, then helped her get under the covers. They found tranquility as both of them snuggled beside each other. Her head rested on his chest and their breathing steadied. “I didn’t hurt you, did I, Gracie?”

  “No, it was perfect.” She smiled at him as her hand roamed his chest.

  “You were perfect.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to need lots of practice since I’ve been out of commission for a while.”

  He chuckled as she straddled him. “I’ll be all too happy to help, sunshine. I’ll never get enough of you.” His bright eyes roamed over her naked chest.

  “I’m sure you say that to all the ladies,” she joked.

  “Not once.” His gaze set earnestly on her. He sat up and braced the back of her neck with his hands. “Gracie, I’m so in love with you, and I’ve never felt this way with anyone before. You’re it for me.”

  Her fingertips trailed his cheeks as she regarded him. There was no hiding, no games, nothing but their exposed selves. He was taking her as is, and she believed him. With all her heart. “Good. I saw the little statement that was made, you know.”

  Evan smiled wide as his hands trailed up and down her spine. “What statement?”

  “What statement?” Grace mocked. “Jaime called me up, gushing about how happy she was that it was official. I didn’t think it would be blasted over every single media outlet so quickly though.”

  “Oh. That statement. Well, as someone who stubbornly avoids letting the public know anything about my personal life, it’s a big deal.”

  She felt her nerves tingle at that thought. “What’d it say again?”

  “Shit if I remember.” He put a finger to his chin and gazed up in thought. “I saw Grace Lynn Clark in her wet shirt and perky nipples, and I knew…that’s the girl.”

  They both laughed as she hit his shoulder. “You’re such a goofball.”

  “You tell me what it said, Grace. I didn’t read it.”

  “Let me see if I can remember. A rep for the actor stated that Evan Matthews is dating Austin-born author Grace Clark.” She let her hands run through his hair as he continued to hold her in his arms trailing kisses on her chest.

  He stopped what he was doing to gaze up at her. “That’s it? Just that?”

  Grace chuckled. “Something about a source confirming that you were head-over-heels, that you took her to meet his family, and that it was very serious.”

  “Fucking Zach was the source. Tool.”

  “Oh, so he got it wrong, did he?” She gave him a warning glare and he laughed.

  “He got it right. That’s the problem. It’s nobody’s business but ours.” He stared at her with concentration. “Whatever happens outside of us, just please talk to me first, Gracie. Trust in me. Not them, okay?”

  A smile played on her lips as she let her hips glide against his. She felt him stir and groan as her body rubbed over him. “I will, Evan. Besides, none of it will matter if we never leave this room. And I never want to leave.”

  “Deal,” he grunted as his hands bound around her waist.

  “We never even went on our second date,” she joked as he splayed kisses over her.

  “I think our screwing tonight counts, don’t you?” he asked as Grace laughed heartily against him. “You ready for another go, doll?”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “You’re definitely ready. And quickly.”

  “You don’t understand how desperately I’ve wanted you. I was getting irrational.” Her laugh morphed into a moan as he pressed harder against her. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on, then lifted her body, guiding it to sink down onto him.

  The declaration of love in her ear twisted her heart. Grace had no idea it could feel this wonderful being connected to someone in such an intimate way. Their bodies moved together, his words hitting deep within her soul. He loved her. He was in love with her. The mix of her moans along with the deep rumblings from his chest spurred her to move faster and harder over him.

  Evan was unrelenting, and she felt a swell of emotions beginning to unfold as he pushed inside her, his hands gripping her waist. “Open your eyes, Grace.” She wasn’t sure if she could tolerate looking into those eyes—those exquisite eyes that told her these passions were taking her over the brink. “Look at me, Gracie,” he demanded as she scraped his shoulders, unable to contain her feelings. “Please, baby.”

  Grace’s eyes flickered open, looking deeply into those blue irises radiating a cherished feeling she had never known before. “Oh, God…” A sound ripped from the back of her throat, and harsh breaths filled the room. “Evan—”

  “Keep your eyes on me,” his voice dripped with anguish, their foreheads touching as he held back his ecstasy, awaiting the acceptance of hers.

  Grace attempted to focus on him, say something, but there was no room for breath. She panted for air as a strong wave ripped through her. She cried out his name, convulsing around him. He helped lift and move her body, every motion in perfect tempo as her gasp stuck in her throat. He drifted his hand to the point where their bodies linked and stirred his fingers over her, rapidly rubbing the swollen and sensitive nerves. She began to jolt as another orgasm consumed her, and this time his voice came with hers.

  From that moment, she didn’t know whose moans belonged to whom. Her heartbeat was his, his flesh was hers, and their bodies belonged to one another. As they caught their breaths and she felt his kisses on her neck, a tear fell down her cheek, and he tenderly wiped it away.

  “You alright, sweetheart?” Grace nodded and kissed him. Evan took a deep breath and braced her jaw with both hands. “That was amazing.”

  She gave a lethargic laugh. “I had no idea it could feel this way.”

  He lifted her off of him and set her on the bed as he removed his condom for the second time that night and moved toward her bathroom. She closed her eyes, felt his warm, naked body pressing against hers and the sound of him saying, “I love you, Gracie Lynn,” as he fell into a peaceful slumber.

  After his breath steadied, she turned in his arms, staring at the way his eyelashes fluttered and his mouth let out little puffs of air. She grinned as her fingertips traced his perfect nose and sharp jaw. Her heartbeat raced again as his heated skin rested against hers. The dream of finding a true companion finally felt real. She whispered gently, “I feel so safe with you. How’s that possible?”

  She looked up and wondered if her brother had something to do with it. Evan stirred, a small mumble exiting his lips. She waited as he stilled again. “I love you, Evan Matthews. I’m so in love with you,” she said with delicate breath.

  Her eyes closed and she gave a gratified sigh as she fell asleep, never knowing at that moment that he opened his eyes and smiled back.

  Sex. Hot, unbridled passion. Now Grace knew what romance novels captured. It was no longer a fantasy, but she was living it. Her aching muscles reminded her it was real as she clenched her thighs together, recalling the feel of Evan inside her. Her thoughts played over every stage the night before, and she couldn’t wait to have him all over again, explore his body in ways she had never experienced.

  She was beaming as she flipped a pancake over in the skillet. She moved to the fridge and took out strawberries and orange juice. The coffee was brewing and the bacon was set in the oven. Grace could cook when she wanted to, and she was happy enough this morning to go full-out for the man that she woke up to just a half an hour earlier. The nightmares had stopped, and for the first time in years, she felt at peace.

  Her hips swayed to the Stevie Wonder record playing on her hi-fi as she began to whisk eggs in a bowl. She sang along to “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” as she took out the finished bacon from the oven and set it down on the cooling rack. When she turned back, her eye caught Evan leaning on the opposite counter watching her. His eyes danced over her lithe frame as he approached wit
h a grin on his face.

  His hair was sticking up everywhere and day old scruff covered his strong jaw. His tight long-sleeved shirt stretched over his chest and his jeans sat low. Was it only a few hours before that she slept naked next to this gorgeous specimen? She remembered it was true as he wrapped his arms around her and she attempted to pay attention to the eggs cooking. He nuzzled his nose into her neck, breathing her in deep.

  “Hey, Gracie Lynn.”

  “Hey, Matthews.” She turned her face toward him and their lips met. “Hope you’re hungry.”

  “Ravenous,” he growled, letting his hands travel to her hips and squeezing through her robe. “But I guess we could raincheck and eat food first.”

  She bumped him with her behind and he groaned. “Well, I’m starving—for food first. But I won’t mind going another round with you after.”

  “Good. Hopefully I can get that in before Josh summons me to the gym.”

  Grace grumbled. “It’s Saturday. You have to work out today too?”

  “Every day except Sunday. I hate missing the Bugs Bunny cartoons in the morning.” He picked on a piece of bacon and began to serve two glasses of orange juice.

  “Do they even show Bugs Bunny cartoons anymore?”

  “Don’t think so. Sad, huh?”

  “Daffy’s my favorite,” Grace said as she served two plates with scrambled eggs, pancakes with strawberries on the side, and some bacon.

  They easily moved around the kitchen, as if it was an everyday occurrence, and sat beside each other to eat. “This is delicious, Gracie. Homemade pancakes?”

  “Well, if you call adding water to the ready mix, then sure.”

  She watched him move. The way his lips chewed on his meal, the way his hands gripped the fork—everything about him screamed sexy. The air between them was thick with electricity and sexual tension. She wanted him again, and she couldn’t believe it had gone as well as it had. Everything they had shared the night before, it was wonderful, and he was everything she could hope for. He was affectionate, but in control of the situation and of her.


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