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The Better Man (Allen Brothers Series Book 2)

Page 25

by Barbie Bohrman

  “Hey,” I said by way of hello. “How are you?”

  Daphne lifted her chin defiantly, “Fine. Good. How are you?”

  I grinned, because that tiny bit of defiance in her…that was my girl. And everything that Jack had said to me earlier today clicked. He was one hundred percent right and I wasn’t going to waste any more time with pleasantries and small-fucking talk.

  “Good, thanks. So here’s the thing, I’m in love with you.”

  “You what?!”

  The leader of the patio chair brigade squealed. The one in the middle, her eyes popped open as wide as saucers. And finally, Daphne’s grandmother on the end crossed herself and said something in Spanish.

  “He said he loves you, you spaz,” Eddie told her.

  “Yeah, I heard that, Eduardo, thank you very much for the play by play.” Daphne never dropped her gaze from mine. “And what makes you think you can come here and think I’m going to drop everything and come running to you, Max?”

  “Because you love me too.”

  Like clockwork, the patio ladies all gave a collective, “Aw.”

  “And what makes you think I love you?” she asked me.

  “That night,” I coughed and looked around us. It was weird enough having to explain this to Daphne, much less to Daphne, and three old ladies, and a minor. “In my bed that night…you felt it and I felt it. It was real. There is some kind of magic between us and you know it. And if there is one thing I learned from all of this crap that we’ve been through in the last few weeks is that time is precious. There’s no reason to waste another fucking minute apart—sorry, ladies. I don’t mean to curse. That was rude of me,” I told them. It didn’t matter, they were all giggling like schoolgirls. “So there you have it. That’s how I know this thing between us is the real deal.”

  “Oh dear,” the old lady seated in the middle finally said to break the silence. “Daphne, sweetie, if you don’t want him, I’ll take him off your hands.”

  Daphne’s grandmother playfully smacked her friend, while the leader of the group on the other end was dying laughing.

  Eddie, in the meantime, leaned in and whispered something in his sister’s ear. Her eyes got watery and it made me want to go over and soothe her. Because the last thing I wanted was to ever see Daphne cry again. It gutted me more than I thought possible. I badly wanted to be the one to make her smile, laugh and just fucking be with her…if she’d let me.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore, this distance between us. So, without wasting any more time and seizing the fucking moment before it slipped through my fingertips, I walked around the trio of patio chairs so that I was right in front of Daphne. She didn’t walk away. That was definitely a good sign.

  My hands came up slowly, as if to gage if she would possibly run. But she didn’t, thank fuck. Another good sign. Her smile was barely noticeable, but I saw a hint of it when my hands came to cradle her face. I smiled too. It was all I could do not to jump for fucking joy that she had let me come this far. She reached up then and grabbed a hold of my wrists as if to anchor herself to me, this moment, this feeling that I knew we both felt between us right then and every fucking time we had been together.

  There were so many things I wanted to say to her.

  So many things I wanted to hear from her.

  So many things I wanted to do to her.

  I couldn’t decide.

  So I settled for honesty.

  “Daphne?” I asked just above a whisper. I leaned forward and pressed the tiniest hint of a kiss against her lips. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Yeah,” she answered.

  “I hate you…I hate you so much.”

  “Good. Because I still hate you too, Max-A-Million.”

  “That’s my girl.”


  Excerpt from The Real True Life Adventures of a Gossip Girl in New York by Ava Lynch:

  That sound you hear, my lovelies…that is the sound of hearts breaking all over New York City because our beloved, and yes, sometimes infamous, Max-A-Million Allen is officially off the market.

  Through his publicist, and ending weeks of speculation, Max Allen has confirmed that he is officially in a relationship with the “love of his life.”

  The lucky lady, Ms. Daphne Rodriguez, who you all should know from the short-lived television show she had co-hosted with the debonair devil himself, was quoted as saying, “I am beyond ecstatic and can’t wait for this new chapter in my life to begin.”

  The two met when WBIX Program Director, Oliver Tanner Giles the Third, paired them together as co-hosts. “Their chemistry was palpable and the fireworks started immediately with these two. It was like kismet,” according to Giles.

  Then why no more show, you ask?

  Max has confirmed that the stress of a family tragedy took its toll on the couple as they were prepping more episodes to be aired. For those of you who don’t know, Max’s sister-in-law, Avery Allen, married to his eldest brother, Jack Allen, was tragically murdered in April of last year. Max, nor Daphne, would comment further on this other than to say the following: “Avery’s loss is as heartbreaking and devastating as it was when it happened. We are still in mourning and appreciate your heartfelt condolences. We also ask that you please take a moment to look into one of the several causes that were near and dear to her heart and make a donation in her name.” (Links to donation sites are to follow this blog post.)

  Because you all know me so well, of course I asked if there would be another show in the works since we all loved seeing Max and Daphne together on the boob tube. Well, my lovelies don’t fret. Because Giles was also quoted as saying that he is currently in talks with the adorable couple to bring a new “never before seen” television show experience to WBIX very soon. Perhaps a reality show about the couple and their budding relationship? Maybe Max and Daphne will share an early exclusive with us? A gossip girl could dream…

  Until then, my lovelies! And remember, no other gossip will do unless it’s from yours truly.



  The Wrong Man (Allen Brothers Series #3)

  Read a tiny sneak peek at Jack’s story...

  My dearest, Jack,

  It’s the middle of the night, our beautiful baby girls are in their beds after one of the best days we’ve ever had as a family at the Central Park Zoo. You’re probably snoring that adorable snore you do that you claim never happens, and I’m downstairs in your office, sitting in your big comfy leather chair that is so worn in that I may fall asleep in once I’m done writing this letter to you.

  I hate to disappoint you, but this letter isn’t like the love letters we use to write to each other via email when we were just dating and I was doing my residency. Technically, it’s a letter I hope you never need to read. It’s a strange concept to wrap my head around but there you have it.

  You were the one who said we had to get our house in order. You were the one who said once our girls were born we should draw up a will, “just in case.” So here I am at three o’clock-ish in the morning putting pen to paper and getting our house in order, “just in case.” It feels as morbid as it sounds. And I can assure you that I had no intention of ever writing this. But as I sat up in bed tonight—awoken by your non-existent snoring—I listened to our girls’ rhythmic breathing over the baby monitor and to put it plainly, was moved to tears.

  I know, I know, maybe it’s the hormones still playing tricks on me. As someone in the medical profession, I’m aware that I’m still prone to mood swings since the birth of our perfect girls. It happens to all mommies out there. Nevertheless, hearing Isabelle and Annabelle breathe in and out from their tiny little lungs over the monitor reminded me how precious this gift of life is and to never take it for granted. I was so moved that I got out of bed, left you snoring, and came downstairs to write you this letter. Again, hoping you’ll never read it, but it’s the thought that counts. And who knows? Maybe when we’re old and gray and sitting in our special spot
s by the big bay window which you think brings way too much light into the living room and needs blackout blinds but you sit there anyway because it makes me happy, we’ll whip out this letter for fun.

  It seems ridiculous to write it down, but I feel I must just for the record…I love you, Jack. I love our babies so much that it hurts. I love our life. And if you are in fact reading this letter well before we are old and gray, I needed you to know all of those things one more time from me.

  You are the most amazing father to our girls. Better than you will ever give yourself credit for. They look up to you in awe, as do I, for the patience of a saint that you exude in something as simple as getting literally shit on by them while changing a diaper…or twenty. (Yes, I curse, too, sometimes, ha!) My favorite moments are the ones where you think no one is paying attention or even listening in on the baby monitor. Like your habit of singing them to sleep with 90’s rap songs in a lullaby version that makes my heart melt and puts the biggest smile on my face like you wouldn’t believe. Just last week you were singing a version of Tupac’s, “Dear Mama,” that had me simultaneously cracking up and warming my soul until you put the girls down for the night and then came to our bed, where I pretended as if I hadn’t heard the whole thing.

  I’m good like that.

  I know that our girls will be in safe hands and in fact, the best hands. Because you, my dearest Jack, are the best father that I could have picked for our beautiful girls. And I know you will make sure that Isabelle and Annabelle know they are loved beyond measure every single day of their lives for as long as they live. I only ask that you please make sure they know how much I loved them and still do from wherever I am.

  As for you, my love, please enjoy the rest of this life. We only get one chance to live it, so, for me, and for our girls, live it to the fullest. Take it by the horns and make it your own. Live, love, laugh, and everything else. Just because I’m gone, doesn’t mean you should be sequestered in sadness for the rest of your days. It hurts me to imagine you alone. You deserve more than that.

  Having said that, eventually you will begin to date. It’s only natural. And I’m certain that the woman you bring into our girls’ lives would have to be the most special woman ever, because she will be blessed to witness my babies growing up. Being with them as they graduate pre-K, then grade school. Watch them as they go off to college and settle into dorm life. Be there for them as they choose whoever will be their soul mates and ultimately settle down. And then one day, hold their babies in her arms…our grandbabies.

  Jack, it’s going to be amazing, I promise.

  Don’t be afraid.

  Hold her hand and tell her she is loved. Hug her and tell her how much she means to you. Do all the things you will and should be doing with her and know that your lives are blessed.

  Every single day we take the little things for granted.


  Stop and smell the roses, my dearest, Jack.

  I love you more than words can ever say.

  Yours, forever and always,


  P.S. Included are several letters to give to our babies when they reach certain milestones as they grow up. And another letter to whomever will be here for you and for them. Don’t worry, I won’t tell them about your non-snoring either.


  To my family, I thank you for putting up with me while I finally finished this book. I know I haven’t been easy and it’s been stressful on all of us. My appreciation and love for each of you, (Kyle, Belinda, & Christian), knows no bounds.

  To follow is a listing of people who just deserve a BIG thank you for a variety of reasons: Nina Bocci, Claire Contreras, Mimi Abraham, Stephanie Sandra Brown, Lisa Chamberlin, Michelle Kanaan, Nicole Jacquelyn, Jennifer Kyle, Tessa Teevan, Sandy Roman Borerro, Hang Le, Stacey Blake, S. L. Jennings, Mo Sytsma, Sara Queen, Amanda Cantu, Christina Collie, Juliana Cabrera, Happy Driggs, Kayla Sunday, Debbie Besabella, Sandra Cortez, Beth Ehemann, Jennifer Wolfel, Tammy McGowan.

  Special thanks to Holly Malgieri, because I have driven you nuts during this entire process.

  And another special BIG thank you to Juliana Cabrera. You are AMAZING!!!

  Readers, thank you so very much for taking a chance on my little book and picking it from the thousands of other books out there to read. To say that I am humbled, would be putting it mildly. I am forever indebted to each and every one of you. Xo, B

  Finally, to all bloggers, big or small, THANK YOU!!! Your commitment to putting the word out there for this book and the others I’ve written is astounding to me. Your support and sharing is so very much appreciated and there aren’t enough words for me to express how grateful I am of your efforts.

  Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Barbie Bohrman dreamed of becoming an author. Long after she had given up, a book club’s prologue contest encouraged her to give it one more go. What emerged were the beginnings of her debut novel, Promise Me. Now she’s living her dream and writing stories that entice readers to escape and break away from reality. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to get through the books on her Kindle (more than a thousand at last count) or watching Sherlock or Seinfeld. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

  Connect with the author at:

  Facebook: https:// Barbie-Bohrman-Author-170019943145037

  Goodreads: https:// author/ show/ 6875784. Barbie_Bohrman

  Twitter: @barbie_bohrman


  Instagram: @barbiebohrman


  Promise Me

  Playing It Safe

  Starting Over

  Something More Than This

  The Best Man (Allen Brothers Series #1)




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