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Firehouse Heat

Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  “Will do.” George picked up his thermal coffee cup and left the small office.

  Leo sat at the desk long enough to check the previous twenty-four hours of logged calls before heading into the main living room. As usual, Sammy was sprawled on the couch. Leo tried not to notice the sparkle in the handsome man’s eyes when he spotted him. Unlike the usual weekday shifts, the station had a full-time EMT crew on the weekends.

  Leo sat in one of the recliners and nodded to Zac and the newest EMT, Jakob Cox. “Anything good on?”

  “Nope,” Jakob answered. “I brought the new Ryan Reynolds action movie if anyone’s interested.”

  All eyes in the room lit up at the mention of the sexy wet dream. There was something about Ryan Reynolds that made Leo, and apparently every other man in the room, go half-hard just thinking about him.

  “I’ll pop the corn,” Sammy said, jumping up from the couch.

  “I’m going to run and call Terry real quick before we start,” Zac said, also leaving the room.

  With Jakob getting the DVD ready, it left Leo to fix the drinks. He got up and strode to the kitchen. Sammy was bent over with his hands braced on the counter, staring through the window of the microwave. Leo couldn’t help but notice the muscled ass encased in a pair of tight uniform pants. “You think tea is okay with everyone?”

  Sammy glanced up in time to catch Leo staring. He grinned and winked. “Sounds good to me.”

  Leo tore his gaze away and opened the cupboard, removing a box of tea bags. He started a pot of water to boil and had no choice but to watch it. Allowing his eyes to stray to the younger man wasn’t wise, it would only encourage Sammy.

  The microwave beeped, and Sammy took out the popcorn and replaced it with another bag.

  Pressing himself as close as possible to Leo’s side, Sammy held up the bowl of warm popcorn. “Would you like a piece? It’s hot.”

  Leo gritted his teeth as he tried not to notice the way Sammy’s body felt against him. He shook his head and kept his eyes on the water. “No thanks. I’ll wait until the movie starts.”

  Sammy sighed and set the bowl on the counter. “Why do you do that?”

  Leo glanced at Sammy before quickly turning away. “What?”

  “Deny to yourself that you want me as badly as I want you.”

  “I don’t.” Leo took a deep breath and turned, once again, to look at Sammy. Until he laid his cards on the table, he knew the younger man wouldn’t let it go. “We work together, and you’re too young for me.”

  Sammy’s hand landed on the centre of Leo’s chest. Through the thin cotton of the tight, dark blue T-shirt, Leo could feel the warmth of the man’s touch. Staring into Leo’s eyes, Sammy moved his hand to brush across one of Leo’s nipples.

  “Even if you fucked me right here against the counter, it wouldn’t affect the way I do my job. So that excuse doesn’t fly. There’re no rules about getting involved with a co-worker. I checked.” Sammy’s fingers pinched lightly at the pebbled nub poking against the front of Leo’s T-shirt.

  Leo closed his eyes. He should knock Sammy’s hand away, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, not yet. For a man who had become accustomed to the touch of another, the last year had been rough. Part of him, his dick part, wanted to cave in to his body’s demands, but his mind wouldn’t let him do it.

  Opening his eyes, Leo reached out and removed Sammy’s hand. “I can’t.”

  Sammy took a step back and smiled. “You will eventually.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Leo argued.

  * * * *

  With a bowl of popcorn resting on his stomach, Sammy watched the movie and Leo at the same time. He wondered if the obvious erection trapped behind Leo’s pants was due to their interlude in the kitchen, or Ryan Reynolds.

  Sammy tossed another kernel into his mouth. Although he’d like to think it was because of him, he realised it didn’t much matter. Just seeing the object of his fantasies in all its hard glory was enough for the moment.

  Leo may protest the attraction between the two of them, but it was definitely there, in spades. Sammy tried to reach down and adjust his own erection when he heard a cough. He glanced up and spotted Leo’s gaze on him as he shovelled a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

  Sammy grinned and did it again, taking the time to rub the throbbing shaft. Leo coughed again, only it sounded more like he was choking. When Leo’s face went a deep red, Sammy jumped up, spilling his bowl of popcorn all over the floor and rushed to Leo’s side. He gave Leo’s wide, muscled back a few thumps.

  “You okay?” Sammy asked.

  Leo held up his hand before reaching for his glass of tea. “I’m good. Just went down the wrong pipe.”

  Sammy glanced over to see Jakob and Zac had already returned their attention to the movie. Sammy leaned one hand on the arm of Leo’s chair and reached for the glass Leo was using to help shield his still half-hard cock.

  Sammy intentionally grazed the hard ridge with the back of his hand as he lifted the glass and set it back on the table. Leo inhaled a sharp breath and stared at Sammy.

  “You should be more careful. It wouldn’t do for you to need a rescue in your own firehouse.” Knowing he’d done enough for one day, Sammy returned to the mess on the floor beside the couch. He glanced down and shook his head before strolling towards the kitchen to get a broom and dustpan.

  He might have made a mess of the floor, but he hoped his actions would be on Leo’s mind the rest of the shift.

  Chapter Two

  The slamming of the bay door caught Sammy’s attention. He glanced up from his position at the front of the fire engine and spotted Leo’s expression. Sammy stood stalk still, polish rag in hand, and hoped Leo wouldn’t see him. He wasn’t sure what had put the sour look on Leo’s face, but the last thing he wanted was to have it directed towards him.

  “Sammy!” Leo yelled.

  Fuck. Sammy took a deep breath and stepped out of his hiding place. “Yeah?”

  “I’ve got a problem, and I need your help.”

  Sammy perked up immediately. He tossed the polish rag onto a wooden chair and walked towards Leo. “Sure. What can I do to help?”

  Leo sighed and ran his fingers through his thick, salt and pepper head of hair. “I made the mistake of volunteering to organise a chilli supper. Problem is, I really have no fucking clue how to do it.”

  “What’s it for?” Sammy asked.

  “A youth centre. Asa’s agreed to buy the building, but he thinks the town will be more invested in it if they have to pitch in for the furnishings and upkeep.”

  “Sounds like a worthwhile venture. What do you need help with?”

  “Everything. I mean, I know how to make chilli, but how much, where to have it and how to get the word out, I have no ideas on.”

  Sammy grinned. He loved that Leo was asking for his help. Whether the other man knew it or not, it was a step in the right direction. “Well, I think we should have it here and it should be a chilli cook-off. That way there are no costs for food.”

  Leo nodded. “That takes care of the chilli, but Nate told me there also had to be cinnamon rolls involved. What the hell is up with that? Whoever heard of eating cinnamon rolls with chilli?”

  Although Sammy had only been in Cattle Valley a couple of months longer than Leo, even he knew the answer to that. “Reverend Sharp introduced the combination. I’ve tried it, believe me, it’s addictive, especially if they’re Kyle’s rolls. You should probably talk to him, see if he’d either give you a cut rate or donate them.”

  Leo’s scowl turned into a slow and easy smile. “Thanks, I will.”

  Sammy panicked. It sounded as if Leo was going to continue the project on his own. “Of course I’d be more than willing to talk to Kyle for you. I can also help with everything else if you’d like.”

  Leo’s head cocked to the side. He seemed to study Sammy for several moments before nodding his head. “That would be a big help. Thanks.”

turned to walk towards the door leading to the main living area. Sammy started to follow, but held himself back. The last thing he wanted was to spook the object of his attraction.

  “When are you planning to have it, by the way?” Sammy asked.

  With his hand on the doorknob, Leo glanced over his shoulder. “Do you think we can get everything ready in a month?”

  “Sure. That shouldn’t be a problem. Not much else going on this time of year.”

  “Great.” Leo glanced at his watch. “Feel like a movie?”

  Shocked, Sammy brushed his hands on his pants. “Uh…sure. I’d like that. Let me clean this stuff up, and I’ll be in.”

  Without another word, Leo left the bay. Sammy stood where he was for several moments before turning to clean up the chrome polishing supplies he’d been using on the bumpers.

  After what happened the last time they’d watched a movie in the same room, Sammy was surprised Leo was willing to do it again so soon. He put the bucket with supplies into one of the cabinets and washed his hands in the bay sink before going inside.

  Leo was in one of the recliners with a clipboard and pencil.

  “What’re you working on?” Sammy tried to sound casual as he started flipping through the DVDs on the shelf under the TV.

  Leo held up the clipboard. “Just making lists of everything that needs getting done.”

  Sammy pulled out a DVD. “Have you seen Twilight lately?”

  Leo shook his head. “I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen that one all the way through. I’ll put it in if you want to make the popcorn.”

  Sammy’s cock immediately started to fill at the comment. Dare he tell Leo he’d love for him to put it in? Naw. Best to keep his mouth shut. No sense winding the guy up before the movie even started.

  “Sure,” he finally answered. “You need something to drink?”

  “Yeah. Whatever’s in the pitcher will do.” Leo stood and took the movie.

  Sammy almost sighed when their fingers brushed in the transfer. With it only being the two of them on shift, it was going to be hell to keep his mind on the movie and out of Leo’s pants.

  * * * *

  Leo had suggested the movie, thinking it was a better idea than talking to Sammy all evening, but now he wasn’t so sure. He’d heard the hype surrounding Twilight, which was one of the reasons he’d refused to actually sit down and watch it. Now that Edward was on the screen, Leo found himself incredibly attracted to the boy.

  “How old is that guy?” he asked.

  “Edward or Robert Pattinson?” Sammy asked.

  “The guy. The actor,” Leo clarified.

  “Not sure. Early to mid-twenties I’d say. Younger than that when this was filmed. Why?”

  “No reason. Just wondered.” No way was he going to admit he was attracted to the kid.

  Sammy chuckled. “So I take it you’re more of a team Edward fan than a team Jacob?”

  Leo turned to stare at Sammy. “What?”

  Sammy laughed and set the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table before sitting up. “There are two types of fans. The team Edward or the team Jacob.”

  Leo shook his head and grunted. “That’s just weird.”

  Sammy shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe so, but people get pretty protective on both sides.”

  Leo grinned. “So which one are you?”

  “In Twilight, I’m an Edward guy, but in New Moon it was Jacob all the way. Damn, that man-boy filled out nicely.”

  Leo found himself chuckling at the enthusiasm in Sammy’s expression and voice. There was something so incredibly sexy about the man at times. Maybe it was the innocent look to him. Of course Leo knew Sammy was anything but innocent, it was a stark contrast to the dimples and Mario Lopez good looks.


  He hadn’t realised he was staring until Sammy interrupted his thoughts. “Huh?”

  Sammy stood and walked towards him. “I’m gonna get another Dr. Pepper. You want something?”

  Leo reached for his empty glass of iced tea. “Sure. Thanks.”

  Taking the glass, Sammy surprised Leo by bending over and planting a kiss on his mouth. Leo opened his mouth to protest when he felt the slide of Sammy’s soft, warm tongue against his own.

  Leo couldn’t help but suck the man’s tongue into his mouth. He was about to pull Sammy into his lap when it dawned on him what he was doing. He pulled out of the kiss and stared at Sammy.

  “Forget it. I’ll get my own drink.” Leo jumped up and stalked to the kitchen. What the hell?

  He dumped the melting ice in the sink before opening the freezer. He should probably just stick his head inside. Better yet, he should stick his dick inside the cold interior. He heard Sammy come into the room, and snapped out of his lustful daze long enough to refill his glass with ice.

  Sammy pressed himself to Leo’s side. “Be honest. Is it me, my age or the fact we work together?”

  Leo couldn’t bring himself to meet Sammy’s gaze. “Two of the three is enough to remind me to keep my distance. It just wouldn’t work. I’ve told you that. Besides, I’m your boss. It wouldn’t be right.”

  Sammy squirmed his way between the fridge and Leo. Had he always been so short? Leo started to step back, but decided to hold his ground.

  Sammy’s hands landed on Leo’s chest. “Don’t you get lonely? I’m not asking for forever. I’m more of a live-in-the-moment kind of guy.”

  God, Leo wanted to give in to his body’s needs. Sammy had hit the nail on the head. He had absolutely no illusions of an affair with Sammy going beyond a few rounds of hot sex. Leo was honest enough with himself about the longevity of an affair with Sammy. Sooner or later, probably sooner, the younger man would realise distinguished wasn’t nearly the same as sexy.

  Was that the reason he didn’t stop him when Sammy began kissing his neck? Leo braced his hands on the top of the refrigerator and closed his eyes. It would be so incredibly easy to give in.

  The words were on the tip of his tongue when the emergency buzzer went off, breaking the two men apart immediately. Leo tilted his ear towards the corner of the room.

  “Be advised. A black Ford Mustang, off the road at Sayer’s Curve. EMT is being notified,” the sheriff’s department dispatch said over the wall-mounted speaker.

  Leo stepped back, breaking the contact with Sammy’s leanly muscled body. “You drive.”

  * * * *

  By the time they got the engine backed into the firehouse bay, it was after midnight and Sammy was worn out. The victim’s injuries hadn’t been life-threatening, but he had to be cut out of the demolished Mustang. Thank Heaven the man had enough sense to be wearing a seatbelt.

  “They need to put up a bigger sign at the curve,” Leo grumbled, climbing down.

  “Yeah. I mean, most people in town know to slow way down for it, but visitors who aren’t used to such a tight curve always seem to have difficulty,” Sammy agreed. The man was lucky all he’d sustained was a broken arm and cuts and bruises.

  “I’ll mention it to Ryan or Nate.” Leo led the way into the living quarters.

  Sammy yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “I’m done. You gonna stay up?”

  Leo nodded. “For a few minutes. I need to log the accident.”

  Sammy nodded and made his way towards the back of the building. “I’m going to jump into the shower before hitting the sack.”

  “I’ll turn off the lights when I’m done,” Leo mumbled, walking towards the office.

  Sammy stripped out of his clothes on the way to the shower. He hated to wash the smell of Leo’s cologne from his cheeks and hands, but the reminder of the way the man had shut down once they climbed into the fire engine was weighing on him.

  Sammy turned on the water. He was so lost in thought, he didn’t give the spray a chance to warm up before he stepped under it.

  A shout filled the air as the cold water hit his cock and balls. “Shit!”

  “What happened?” Leo came running into the roo

  Sammy turned sheepish eyes on the gorgeous man. “Sorry. The cold water surprised me. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  Leo’s gaze moved slowly up Sammy’s nude body. Although Sammy was only five-eight, it seemed to take Leo’s eyes forever to complete the perusal.

  Despite the warming water, Sammy’s cock went rock hard in no time. He licked his lips and held his breath, wondering if Leo would ever act on their mutual attraction.

  Leo spun around and started to walk from the communal bathroom. When he reached the doorway, he braced both hands on either side of the doorjamb and bowed his head. “You’re killing me.”

  “No. You’re killing you. I’ve been honest all along. I want you. I want your tongue in my mouth, your hands on my skin and your cock in my ass.” Sammy wondered if he’d gone too far when Leo dropped his hands. Just when Sammy thought the man was going to leave, he turned around and charged towards him.

  Leo’s six-foot-four-inch frame slammed Sammy against the tiled shower wall. Before Sammy could say a word, Leo’s mouth closed over his. Sammy opened immediately to Leo’s questing tongue as he tugged against the wet uniform shirt.

  “Skin,” he gasped during a break in their kiss.

  Either Leo didn’t hear him or he didn’t want to stop long enough to get undressed. Instead he slumped to the shower floor, pulling Sammy down with him.

  “Skin?” Sammy asked again, wrapping his legs around Leo’s hips. The wet fabric rubbing against his cock was exquisite, but Sammy wanted to feel Leo’s dick.

  Leo continued to eat at Sammy’s mouth like a man completely out of his mind. The rough bristles of Leo’s cheeks and chin continued to scrape the flesh surrounding Sammy’s mouth. Bring it on. He could take anything the man above him wanted to dish out.

  Leo grunted again as he increased the pressure, grinding his cock against Sammy’s.

  “Fuck!” Sammy cried out, shooting his cum between them.

  Leo nipped Sammy’s chin moments before his body jerked several times. Sammy wished the water wasn’t splashing him in the eyes. He would’ve loved to study the lines and expression on Leo’s face more clearly as the man came in his pants.


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