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The Escape: An Irish Mafia Romance (Downing Family Book 1)

Page 13

by Cassie Wild

  There was something so gentle and sincere about the way he said it, I found myself wanting to believe him.

  And because I was so scared, I let myself do just that.

  I sat quietly next to Brooks as he pulled up in front of a tall, glossy hotel. I’d asked him about going back to the estate, only to get another one of his looks that clearly said I was in over my head.

  “Duardo and Marcos will look for you there,” he’d told me.

  Of course they would. Why wouldn’t they? “They wouldn’t…” I hesitated, unwilling to believe what my instincts, what his actions were telling me. “Would they hurt me?”

  “One of their best customers, in several ways, just got humiliated by you. Yes, they might try to hurt you. They’ll do something to make this up to Leon and I have no idea what that might be.”

  I twitched at the sound of that name.

  Leon. So big and cruel, with eyes that glittered like black stones as he reached for me.

  Shivering, I looked at the hotel. “So, you don’t think they’d look for us here?”

  “They might. That’s why we’re using false names. Be quiet as I check us in.”

  It took everything I had not to fidget as I stood next to him at the reception desk. I wasn’t prone to fidgeting and the urge to shuffle my feet and look around to see if we were being watched annoyed me, but I couldn’t help it. My heart hammered so hard, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the desk clerk heard it as she passed the key over to Brooks.

  “By the way, list us as unavailable,” he told her as he accepted the key.

  “Of course.” She gave a polite nod of her head, then rapidly tapped away at the computer. “Would you still care to continue with housekeeping service or would you prefer to be left alone for the duration of your stay?”

  “We’ll skip the housekeeping service, thanks.” He flashed her a bright smile and I couldn’t help but notice the admiration in her eyes, even though she was probably ten or fifteen years older than Brooks.

  As we approached the elevator bank, I bit back the questions roiling through my mind. Once the doors closed shut behind us, I asked, “Unavailable?”

  “Little known secret.” He winked at me. “I checked us in under a false name, but in case one of my brothers thinks to look for me, they both know that name. This way, if anybody calls, the hotel shows us as unavailable and they’ll tell whoever might call that they have no guests under that name.”

  “How did you use a fake ID? I saw her check your license.”

  He ran his tongue along his teeth, then carefully said, “I have several different aliases, complete with paperwork to back them up.”


  The doors slid open and he held up a hand, checking the hall before we slipped out.

  Once we were in the luxurious suite, though, I asked again, “Why?”

  “Because sometimes it’s necessary for me to not…be found,” he said.

  Again, I had the impression that he was being very careful in how he answered and that bothered me. A lot.

  “Why?” I was starting to sound like a parrot, but I couldn’t stop it. “Are you a cop? Undercover?”

  He surprised me by laughing. It was a sharp, startled sound.

  “Hell, no, I’m not a cop.” He skimmed a hand back over his hair, then gestured to the bed. “You’ve got to be exhausted. Why don’t you get some rest?”

  I looked down at the clothes I’d pulled on for a night out at the club with Isabel, then looked back at him. “I don’t have anything to wear. I don’t even have my toothbrush.”

  That seemed to do it.

  I’d been trying so hard to maintain control, but at the simple realization that I was in a hotel with no clothes and no toiletries undid me for some reason.

  I spun away from Brooks and pressed the tips of my fingers against my eyes. Tears burned and even as I fought them back, they broke free.


  Brooks’ voice was a low, husky murmur behind me.

  I shook my head. “I’m fine.”

  But my voice trembled and the next thing I knew, I was sobbing.

  He pulled me up against him, guiding me around until he could cuddle me up against his chest.

  The gentleness of the movement only made me cry harder.

  I didn’t understand any of this.

  Long moments passed as I cried, wrapped in the circle of his embrace. Every time I tried to get my feelings under control, I’d have a flicker of Leon in that small room, his thick lips curving in a cruel smile, his hands reaching for me.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Brooks murmured into my hair.

  I wanted to believe that. But nothing made sense.

  “What’s happening?” I whispered.

  Brooks didn’t answer.

  I managed to dry my tears, then eased back out of his embrace. I paced a few steps then looked back at him. “I don’t understand any of this. You said the man I hurt was important. Important or not, that doesn’t give him a right to…” I swallowed and waited until my voice was steady. “It doesn’t give him the right to me—or anybody. Why am I to be punished for not letting him touch me against my will?”

  He gave me a pained look.

  “Tell me!” I snapped sharply.

  Brooks looked resigned. “Leon is involved with the Cuban mob. He’s a very, very good client and the Castellanos believe in keeping their good clients happy.”

  “By letting them rape women?” I demanded. “That’s what this is. That’s what it boils down to. What kind of people think this shit is okay?”

  But I already knew the answer. It hit me just as I voiced the question and I backed up, shaking my head. “No.” I sucked in a breath, then forced the words out. “Isabel’s family is also involved in the mob.”

  His lids drooped.

  “And you.” I pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes. I’d been somewhat isolated at my school in Moscow, but even as isolated as I’d been, I’d heard stories of the Russian mafia. The things they did. The people who died simply for opposing them.

  “You’re involved with them, too,” I murmured, barely able to speak with the shock of it.

  “No,” he said sharply. “I’m not. Shit.”

  He spun away and shoved a hand through his hair before looking back at me. “My family is based out of Philadelphia. I won’t deny we have certain… things in common with the Castellanos. But we don’t sell women off to the highest bidder.”

  “Your family is now connected to theirs! Isabel and Sean are married!” I half-shouted.

  He closed his eyes at my statement.

  A sick feeling spread through my gut and I whispered, “That’s why they got married, isn’t it? Joining your two families.”

  “My father and hers, let’s say encouraged the relationship. If she hadn’t said yes when Sean asked her, she wouldn’t have been pressed into it, though. But both families have certain things to gain from a partnership.”

  “You’re so careful with your answers,” I said, my accent thickening. I waited a few seconds until I had better control. “Does Isabel know?”

  “I don’t think she does.”

  Exhausted, I dropped down on the nearest flat surface. It happened to the floor. Curling my legs up to my chest, I buried my face against my knees.

  “You can’t protect me from them,” I said, my voice rough. “If they decide they want me to pay, then they’ll make it happen. That’s how this works, isn’t it?”

  “I damn well will protect you,” he replied, voice hard. “I don’t care what it takes. I’m not letting them hurt you.”

  “And how will you stop it?” I demanded, lifting my face to glare at him. I felt foolish sitting there on the floor and craning my neck to see him, so I shot to my feet. “And why do you care? I’m nothing to you.”

  He crossed the room in three long strides and reached out, hooking his hands over my shoulders.

  Startled, I shoved my hands up between u
s, but he didn’t let it deter him as he dropped his head and slammed his mouth down over mine.

  I sucked in a gasp.

  It only seemed to draw him deeper.

  One big hand caught my hip and he dragged me up against him, letting me feel his erection.

  “This is why I care,” he rasped against my lips. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind from the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  He pushed me back and glared down at me, his eyes a mix of anger and need.

  He went to kiss me again.

  This time, I reached for him, too.

  It was insanity and I knew it but I didn’t care.

  Too much had happened today and the adrenaline set off by this crazy night was still buzzing through my system. It had been pushing me to the edge of a panicked hysteria, but now, with his taste on my lips and the feel of his hands all but imprinted on my skin, that wild energy became something else entirely.

  I groaned and strained upward, pressing against him.

  He tore his mouth away and lifted his head, shaking it as he stared down at me.

  “You don’t want this. Not really.”

  “The hell I don’t.” Maybe I’d regret it. The man standing before me was nothing I’d ever imagined wanting and come morning, when my head was clearer and I could think straight, I might well wish I’d never met him. But for now, I knew I wanted him. But he watched me with unreadable eyes and I could all but feel him pulling back. “I went to your room that night.”

  His lids flickered.

  “The night of the wedding,” I clarified. “After you kissed me.”

  Now he gave me a wary look. “You what?”

  “I wanted to finish what we started, but when I climbed into your bed, Danika was there.”

  He groaned, head falling back. “I wasn’t in my room that night, Daria.”

  “I know that now. I’m just telling you.” I swallowed, nerves rising inside me again. “I wanted you then. I still want you now.”

  “Even knowing what you know?”

  I hesitated before answering. “Yes. I might well regret it in the morning, but right now, I don’t care.”

  “If I was any kind of decent, I’d tuck you in that bed so you could sleep this off,” he said.

  I gasped as he swept me up unto his arms.

  “I’m not any kind of decent.”

  He carried me to the bed and unfurled me from his arms on the bed as though I were a delicate flower. That simple move took my breath away. I remembered Isabel telling me he was quite the lover. I was beginning to understand why he had that reputation. I curled my hands into the comforter as he stretched out next to me. He put his hand on my belly and my skin welcomed his touch, my body coiling toward him, asking for more.

  Heat flared in his eyes as he slid his hand under the hem of my shirt and pushed it slowly upward.

  I didn’t resist. I lay there passively, letting him strip the shirt away. My bra soon followed and I shivered as he traced his fingers over my ribcage, then slowly closed one hand over my breast.

  I shivered at the feel of his hand, hard and hot, molding my flesh. He circled my nipple and the shock of sensation that went through me all but stole my breath away.

  “So responsive,” he murmured, dipping his head to press his face to my neck.

  My eyes closed as he raked his teeth down the line of my neck. Instinctively, I angled my head away to give him better access. He grunted his approval and I hissed as he caught skin between his teeth and sucked on me lightly.

  I barely even noticed him whisking my jeans away and it wasn’t until he moved away and settled between my bare thighs that I realized I was completely naked.

  My face flamed.

  If he noticed, he said nothing.

  He was staring at me and I cringed in embarrassment as I realized just where he was staring.

  He shot me a look at my slight movement, then lowered his head, pressing his mouth against me.

  I cried out in shock, clapping a hand over my mouth to silence the sound.

  He circled me with his tongue and I shuddered, closing my eyes against the harsh, vivid assault on my senses. I’d thought it had been intense the last time he touched me but no. I’d never felt anything like this.

  I was all but dying.

  Without thinking, I lifted my hips, pushed myself closer to him, seeking more.

  He gave it, closing his mouth around my clit and sucking on me.

  I whimpered. Nothing could possibly feel this good. But then he slid two fingers inside me and pressed up.

  I jolted against him. I reached down with both hands, forgetting that I’d tried to silence the noises falling from me. Who cared? I had to touch him. Gripping the back of his head, I urged him closer and rocked, wiggled, writhed under him.

  He shot me to a quick, hard climax. Maybe because it was still so new, but I hardly had time to brace myself before I broke under him, shaking and begging.

  He crawled up between my thighs then and I sagged into the bed and cured up next to him, feeling completely drained. Completely empty.

  “We’re not done,” Brooks said against my lips.

  I stiffened at first, his kiss tasting somehow different this time. It was me, I realized. I almost turned away, but then, as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, I found myself seeking out more…more of myself, more of him, more of that wild, vivid taste that filled my mouth.

  He reached between my thighs and rubbed against me. “You’re certain about this, Daria?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I wasn’t certain about a lot of other things right then, but I was certain about this.

  He pulled away and shoved up so that he was kneeling between my thighs. I focused on him, breathing hard as I watched him.

  He pulled something from his pocket and I looked down, watched in confusion until I realized he had brought condoms. He tugged one from his wallet and my face flushed. I hadn’t even thought about something like that.

  He tore it open and the sound of the foil wrapper seemed horribly loud.

  Everything seemed more intense, the colors, the sounds, the way the cloth of his slacks rubbed against my thighs.

  He was still dressed, almost completely dressed and I felt more exposed as I lay there waiting for him.

  In a motion almost like a dance, he threw off his jacket, his shirt and as he shrugged out of his pants and shorts I caught my first glimpse of his massive chest, the muscles of his arms tightening as he carelessly, thoughtlessly tossed his clothes to the floor. I ached to run my hands over his gleaming skin, but I waited, watching, suspended in the mystery of the moment. He tugged the condom into place and I held my breath as he covered me once more.

  “You’re still dressed,” I whispered as he went to kiss me.

  “Yes.” He didn’t seem inclined to fix that either and I felt too out of my element to insist he do otherwise.

  Besides, the feel of his crisp cotton shirt rubbing against my nipples was oddly erotic.

  I reached out for him, caught his hips.

  He tucked the head of his cock against me and I gasped, the sensation thrilling, unfamiliar … and a little frightening.

  Afraid he might see that in my eyes, I closed them.

  “Look at me,” he commanded in a hard, flat voice.

  I whimpered and forced my lids back up, focusing on his face.

  “That’s it,” he murmured in appreciation. “That’s better. Let me see you while I fuck you.”

  The blunt, rough words sent a shiver through me.

  I sank my nails into his skin as he tightened his buttocks and slowly began to push inside me.

  “You’re tight,” he muttered and a flush settled on his cheeks.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He laughed, the sound pained. “No … nothing to …”

  I flinched as he pushed deeper and he went still, staring down at me. “Daria, have you done this before?” he asked abruptly.

  I almost lied, but under tha
t intense gaze, I realized I couldn’t. He’d see right through me anyway.

  “No,” I answered hesitantly. “Is … is that okay?”

  His eyes closed and a hard shudder went through him. I felt it, all over, and impossibly, it made me crave him even more.

  “If I was a better man,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  I thought for a minute he’d pull away, put an end to this.

  But he didn’t.

  He kissed me, soft and sweet. “If I was a better man, I’d end this. But I’m not. So you better be sure.”

  “I am.”

  He moved around a bit, shifting his position, then he slid his hand between us.

  I gasped as he started to work my clit, bringing me right back to that sharp, bright edge. I clung to his arms, everything in me focused on the magic his fingers were working between my thighs.

  Then I was coming and as I arched up under him, he thrust inside, burying himself.

  The pain and pleasure mingled.

  He held still for a moment and when my eyes cleared, I found him watching me closely. “Are you okay?”

  “I …” I licked my lips and assessed. “I think so.”

  “Good.” He started to move then and tissues already over-stimulated clenched around him.

  He groaned, his lids drooping low over his eyes.

  He shifted on me once more, bracing his elbows beside my head as he began to pump his hips.

  I soon found myself rising to meet him, the movements awkward until I found my rhythm, then it was like … flying. Dancing. Better.

  Our bodies moved together, sweat-slicked flesh sliding over sweat-slicked flesh.

  He caught my hands and pinned them down over my head, rising up to watch me.

  It drove him deeper inside me and I tightened around him, shuddering.

  “That’s it,” he murmured. “Come for me, Daria. Let me see it … let me feel it.”

  I barely heard him speak, though.

  Already primed for him, it seemed to take so little for me to start rising up again, seeking that blast of pleasure he’d given me each time I’d come.

  And he did it this time, sending me into a climax so hard, so intense, it knocked the breath from me.


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