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It's in His Kiss Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 11

by Rosalind James

  So here I am a mere mile in the air, and already I’m diligently putting the finishing touches on my toast. Having the privilege of being the maid of honor, I prepped and planned to give her a dazzling speech. Nothing but the best for Nicky.

  Hours later I find my face being warmed by the sun and my nose filled with the sweet scents of Aruba. After getting my luggage I set out to find my ride to the hotel. Noticing a man holding a sign with my name on it I feel instant relief wash over me. I hope this will be a nice and relaxing weekend. There is no reason for me to get worked up. I can’t change what is already set in motion, so I might as well just roll with it. I text Nicky to let her know I have arrived and that I am on my way.

  Walking up to the driver I’m pleased when he greets me by opening my door, then loads my luggage into the trunk. The ride over to the hotel is peaceful for me. My last chance at tranquility for the weekend. I get to soak up the sights of bold colors and pretend I have a more carefree life. I wish I could live here. Waking up to this serenity every morning instead of the noisy streets of Manhattan would be a dream come true.

  When I arrive at the hotel I thought Nicky would, at the very least, met me, but I should have known better. She probably wants me to go to her — what a surprise. After checking in I go directly to my room and immediately take my overpriced bridal party dress out of its garment bag. It is the ugliest dress she could find for me to wear, so of course I foolishly spent seven hundred dollars on it and will be wearing it with a smile. Payback is a bitch! Placing the dress gently on the bed I look around my room to see my welcome package. I don’t know why I even skim through it. I did pack it myself, along with eighty-five others. I take out my maid of honor sweat suit, which I thought was the stupidest thing ever, but the whole wedding party got one, even the men. I guess Matt and Nicky do belong together. He does as he is told even if he looks like a fool. The man could never come up with a single thing to do when we were dating so I guess it is an unoriginal match made in heaven.

  Pulling out the itinerary, next I run through it for the millionth time. Tonight is the joint bachelor/bachelorette party. Stupid right? Tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner and the following day is the wedding.

  I cannot wait for this to be over. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

  The sound of a knock at my door takes me out of my mini meditation. Walking over I don’t bother to look through the peep hole, I just open the door and freeze. There is a man standing outside of my door, one I have never seen before. I would remember his bright green eyes, full lips, and strong jaw. Not to mention his broad shoulders, big chest, narrow hips, and strong thighs. Yes, I looked him over and saw all of that in less than two seconds.


  I nod like an idiot, because I just noticed the light blonde scruff on his smolderingly handsome face making me instantly cripplingly shy.

  “I’m Daniel Weston, Matt’s best man.”

  I go through the motions and shake his hand. Get it together, Kay, you are better than this. Men don’t knock you on your ass. You work and play in a man’s world every day. Man up!

  “Nice to meet you Daniel, Kayley Frost, maid of honor.” I must sound idiotic when I say this. I’m pretty sure he knows who I am. He did just knock on my door.

  “Do you have a minute? I wanted to go over some of Nicky’s requests.”

  I smile at this.

  “Did she give you a list of “do’s and don’ts” for the next few days?” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the doorjamb. Daniel gives me a grin as he mimics my stance.

  “Nicky wishes she could control me,” he states, casually.

  Lucky bastard. That bitch seems to control me. Because you’re a moron Kay!

  “I bet she does.” I immediately turn after I say this because why would I say that? Why did that come out of my mouth? He probably thinks I’m petty, or this is my sad attempt at flirting with him.

  “Please come in, I just got in a few minutes ago.”

  “I know. I had the front desk call me when you checked in.” I turn at his reply and look at him to explain further.

  “I have been stuck with Matt and Nicky all day, I needed a break.” His smile is something every orthodontist would be proud of. Perfectly straight white teeth greet me. I feel my smile break out, too.

  “Really? Why? They are so much fun!” I hope he picks up on my sarcasm.

  “I should have said no.” He rubs his hand down the back of his neck as he shakes his head and laughs. .

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way,” I reply dryly as I pick up my dress and hang it up in the closet. I hear him move behind me.

  “How do you know Nicky?” Daniel asks while sitting on my bed. He leans against the headboard and stretches his legs out. Who is this man, and why is he getting comfy in my bed?

  “Make yourself at home,” I tease. I pick up my suitcase and maneuver it onto the bed while Daniel watches me.

  “We have been friends since junior high,” I finally respond while I start to unpack.

  “How do you know Matt?” I would really like to know this because in all the time I dated Matt I had never heard him mention Daniel. Maybe we really weren’t as serious as I thought we were.

  “We grew up together. We have actually almost met a few times, Kayley.” This makes me look up at him.

  “Remember that vacation you were supposed to go on with Matt to Colorado? Or the time when you guys were supposed to take a weekend trip to the Hamptons?” Holy shit!

  “You’re Westy?” I ask in shock as realization kicks in. Matt never called him Daniel, he called him Westy. I thought Matt made him up because Westy was a pro athlete while Matt is the extreme opposite.

  “I thought Matt made you up,” I confess on a laugh.

  “I thought Matt made you up,” he says not missing a beat. For some reason this makes my cheeks heat up. Like I could ever be anyone’s dream girl.

  “And why is that?” I ask out of interest.

  “Because, I saw pictures of you and wondered how Matt was able to get a catch like you. Why did you think Matt made me up?”

  What? A catch like me? OK, now I feel my cheeks really heating up. I have a hot sexy man lying on my bed, talking to me, I would even say almost flirting with me. Head in the game, Kay, you aren’t here for a fling, you are here to survive this wedding. What did he ask me again? Oh yeah...

  “Because you two are polar opposites,” I have to turn away from him. I place some things in a drawer and turn back to my suitcase while keeping my head down. Way to play it cool.

  “Interesting because that would be the words I was thinking when I saw you two together.” When I look up at him, his arms are resting behind his head and he is fully lying down on my bed.

  I need to get off the topic of me and Matt. That is ancient history.

  “What do you think of Nicky?” I pick up my panties and go to move them under a sweatshirt when he sits up and peeks into my suitcase.

  “I bet she doesn’t wear things like this,” he says reaching for my silk thong. He picks it up letting it hang off his pointer finger. I snatch it away from him and quickly place it in a drawer.

  “Are you always this rude?” I ask when I turn around to face him. I stand up straight making my 5’5” stature look taller. I place my hands on my hips as I wait for his answer. He stands up and goes toe to toe with me. My head tilts back as I look up at him. Wrong thing to do because his eyes swallow me whole.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you, gorgeous, I was just admiring your clothing choices.” His grin makes me feel things in all my girly parts. Wedding, Nicky, focus!

  “You never answered my question.”

  “What do I think of Nicky?” he asks inching closer to me. We are in each other’s personal space now. His lips only a few inches from mine. I can’t help biting my bottom lip to concentrate on what he is about to say. OK, I’m biting my lip because I have never wanted to lick a man in my life as bad as I want t
o lick him. Just a taste, just one little… Control yourself Kay!

  “I find her stuck up, annoying, and the perfect match for Matt.” His smile is contagious.

  “We have to meet up with them in an hour for dinner. I have to start getting ready.” I take a step back from Daniel before I do something stupid, like pet his scruff or lick his neck.

  “It was nice to finally meet you Kayley. I look forward to dinner in an hour,” he says as he’s walking to the door.

  “Oh, and Kayley.” I look over at him and he is halfway out the door..


  “Wear the black ones tonight. That should help get me through dinner.” Then he shuts the door.

  I stand there dumbfounded. What? This has to be a joke. They put him up to this. I bet Nicky thought it would be funny to have him hit on me and make me think I was something special. Guys that looked like him don’t hit on chicks like me. I bet she also wants him to make a fool out of me at her wedding. Not going to happen. I will not fall for this. What Nicky doesn’t realize is that while she has had her head stuck up her own ass these last few years, I have become someone. I have succeeded. I have a job and I support myself. I don’t need a man to take care of me. I don’t need my mommy or daddy at the age of twenty-nine to help me, or buy me things. I have a life and I am so much better off than she is.

  Chapter Two

  After showering and getting myself together I slide on my black silk panties. If Daniel wants to play, I will play the game. I look in the mirror before I leave. Hair in soft waves, check. Makeup is perfect, check. Sexy little black dress, check. Silver sparkle heels, check. Happy with my reflection I make my way to the main lobby to find everyone gathering. I haven’t seen Nicky yet, she didn’t even return my text, but I spot Daniel. I pull my shoulders back and walk with confidence. His head turns as he laughs at another man’s joke and he freezes. A small smile dances on my lips. Oh, it’s on. The other man’s head turns and both of them stare at me. I glance through the array of people and spot Nicky’s parents.

  “Kayley, you look beautiful tonight,” her mom says as she kisses both my cheeks.

  “So do you, Mrs. Clark.”

  Mr. Clark takes me in for a hug.

  “Kay, when did you and Nicky grow up?” he whispers.

  “When you weren’t looking,” I reply as I pull away from him and smile. It’s then that I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn hoping to find Daniel, but I find Matt instead.

  “Kay, Nicky wants to talk to you.” The look in his eyes tells me it’s not good.

  “Where is she?”

  “In the women’s room over there,” he points across the lobby. Being the good maid of honor that I am, I go right over. Opening the door I see Nicky in front of the vanity fixing up her makeup.

  “You need to change,” she states.

  “Wait…what? What’s wrong with my outfit?”

  “Are you trying to steal my thunder?” Nicky doesn’t dance around with things. She is always brutally to the point.

  “No, I told you what I was wearing before I left. I can’t change. I didn’t bring my closet with me.”

  “You have to figure something out. Change dresses with me.” She steps behind me getting ready to unzip my dress. I think this is my breaking point.

  “You are freaking crazy,” I laugh. You want to shove ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag? That is what I wanted to say, but I’m a huge chicken. Instead I walk out of the bathroom, not feeding into her enormous ego anymore. Matt is outside waiting.

  “She has lost it,” I sigh exasperated.

  “You’re not going to change?” Matt questions.

  “Why would I change?”

  “Yeah, why would she change?” Daniel’s deep voice relaxes me in that moment.

  “Why don’t you tell him, Matt?”

  “I think it’s a little stupid, too, Kay, but can’t you just make her happy and change, or put up your hair? She thinks yours looks nicer than hers.” Why does she always do this?

  “It’s her wedding, Kay, can’t you just play along?” Matts insists as he looks at me like I’m the asshole.

  “Matt, she isn’t changing. Tell Nicky to get over it,” Daniel says, ending the conversation by placing his hand on my lower back and directing me towards the front door.

  “Buses leave in five, get your future wife together,” he states over his shoulder.

  “I should go and change, she isn’t going to leave that bathroom until I do.” I loathe that I’m starting to give in.

  “Nope, the only way you’re changing is if I’m taking off your dress and leaving it on my floor.” His words stop me in my tracks, literally. He stops a step ahead of me.

  “Did you really just say that to me?”

  “Yes, and I have a question,” he steps closer and brings his lips to my ear. “Please tell me you’re wearing black under this dress.” His finger brushes along my thigh right under my hemline. Two can play at this game. I press my chest against his and place my hand on his neck bringing him down so I can whisper in his ear.

  “I’m not wearing anything under this dress.” I release him and walk away. Yes, I swayed my hips, and yes, I might have turned around to see him standing there still looking at me. I call that one step closer to victory.

  Daniel doesn’t stay behind for too long. His hand finds its way to my lower back once again.

  “How old are you Kayley?”

  “You do know you aren’t supposed to ask a woman her age, right? It’s rude.” He stops me before I take my first step onto the bus.

  “You know what’s rude? Telling a man you’re not wearing any underwear.” Touché!

  “I’m twenty-nine.” I turn and get on the bus. I go to take an aisle seat, but Daniel nudges me into the window seat. It’s then that I notice Nicky and Matt behind us. She gives me a dirty look before talking to the bus driver.

  “We are going to dinner first, then we are ditching the old people and partying!” she announces. How nice of her, right? Matt’s parents glance at each other unimpressed. Someone gets Daniel’s attention so I don’t have to sit there and make small talk with him.

  When the bus comes to a stop in front of a beautiful restaurant, I make sure to put on my metaphorical armor. I have pissed Nicky off by not changing. I can sense her anger and I have a feeling she will do something to upset me tonight. When we were in high school we decided to dye our hair one day. I wanted to go lighter because I was already a blonde. Nicky wanted to go blonde but thought it wasn’t a good idea for both of us to have the same color, so she settled on a red color since her hair was jet black. Or so I thought. She prepped me and washed my hair not saying a word. When I turned and looked in the mirror I burst into tears. She’d dyed my hair red so she could have the blonde. Great friend, right? My brain is working overtime, thinking of all of the things she could do.

  “Hey, it’s show time.” I feel Daniel’s warm breath caress my ear. Looking over at him I take him in. My eyes enjoy the view of the top of his chest. He left the top three buttons open and his sleeves are rolled up.

  “Like what you see, Frost?” he teases.

  “I did until you opened your mouth,” I tease back. His eyes dance with amusement as he leans into me.

  “Forget my chest, I think you would like what I can do with my mouth,” he whispers as he brushes his nose up my neck taking in his fill of me. “You smell edible.”

  “I should feed you then.” I realize what I said could be taken the wrong way. “I mean food, not me.” Oh God, I just messed this whole thing up. I was so confident a few seconds ago and now I’ve ruined it.

  “Get moving Westy,” I stand abruptly, cutting off his sniffing session. He takes his hand and pulls at the hem of my dress.

  “I will melt you, Frost.” He stands, happy with his stupid joke.

  “Yeah, like I’ve never heard that one before.” I push him along so I can get out of the now empty bus. He steps out of the bus and turns to offer me hi
s hand. I take it, but when my feet hit the ground he doesn’t let go.

  “What are you doing?” I ask pulling my hand out of his.

  “Nothing, what are you doing?” he says, ignoring me. I blow a stray piece of hair away from my face annoyed.

  “Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”

  “I don’t have a mother, she died giving birth to me,” he replies looking into my eyes. I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. God Kayley, you really are a bitch.

  “Ha, just kidding!” I pull my hand away hard and slap his arm. Walking off in a huff I see everyone is sitting around our appointed table.

  “How nice of you to join us Kay, what, did you have a quickie in the bathroom with Westy?” Nicky announces to the whole table. I feel my heart drop to the floor and my face turn red.

  “Oh Nicky, we didn’t want to start our relationship like you and Matt did,” Daniel retorts standing next to me. Burn! Nicky’s face turns seven shades of red, and not from embarrassment, but from pure rage. I turn and smile at Daniel as he pulls out my chair for me to sit in. I mouth, “Thank you,” to him as he pushes me in. I guess he does have manners.

  “She’s a bitch,” he whispers in my ear once he is sitting next to me. I smile and nod my head in agreement, then smile at Nicky who is sitting across from me.

  Dinner goes relatively smoothly, except for when Nicky spilled her wine, and yes, it was directed to hit me. My reflexes and Daniel’s saved me from getting it on my dress or in my hair. Nicky did, however, give me a half-assed apology, which Daniel pulled out of her.

  After all the parents and grandparents are dropped off, the wedding party heads over to a night club. There are twelve of us in total, and I feel pretty comfortable with everyone.

  “Stay close to me, OK?” Daniel says when we arrive and get escorted to our VIP room.


  “Because ‘Nasty Nicky’ has it out for you tonight, I heard a comment she made to her cousin,” he says while wrapping his hand around my waist.


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