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The Daddy P.I. Casefiles: The First Collection

Page 119

by Frost, E J

  In cop-mode, he’s anything but.

  “We’ll play it by ear,” Theo says finally. “When were you planning on leaving?”

  “My partner was going to pick me up at seven and drive us out to Queens.”

  “You need him? I have a car.”

  “No, he was just going to give me a ride and be a second pair of eyes and ears.”

  “I’ll do that.” Theo checks his watch. “Probably too early to head out to Queens. We’ll hit rush hour. Seven’s a good time to go. What’re you doing until then?”

  “I was going to check on my sub. Order room service if she’s awake.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Western Room.”

  “That was you doing the punishment scene Karl was growling about missing?” Theo lifts an eyebrow at me. “I saw it on the board but figured I must have gotten your number wrong. I thought your sub was a little?”

  “She is.”

  “You give her real punishments? More than a spanking?”

  A spanking can be a real punishment, particularly the way I do it, but not to my little girl.

  “Emily’s a masochist. She needs heavy play, and heavy punishment when she breaks rules.”

  “You mind if I meet her?”

  “Not at all. Come and have something to eat with us. I’ll warn you, Javier and Maude are babysitting; Emily’s in littlespace after her punishment. Will that freak you out?”

  Theo shrugs. “What, like baby talk?”

  “No, Emily doesn’t baby talk. Her little age ranges from about six to fourteen. She does call me Daddy all the time, though.”

  Theo grins. “I’ve had women call me daddy. Hot as fuck in bed. Not sure about out of it, but the idea’s not repulsive. What attracts you to the whole Daddy-Dom thing? You weren’t one before.”

  “Nope, just with Emily.” I stand and pull my sweats back on. “It’s hard to explain. She’s . . . undiluted joy. I’m more when I’m her daddy. A better Dom. A better person. She needs more so I’m more. That make any sense?”

  Theo rubs the back of his neck. “You rise to be what she needs. Sounds like a lot of effort.”

  “That’s the weird thing. It’s not. Being Emily’s daddy is the easiest thing in the world. She gives me peace.”

  “That is weird. I gotta meet this little weirdo now. You finished?” He nods at my sweats. I brought a suit for the interview with Dovie Donegan, but I’ll change into it after we eat.

  “Yeah.” I toss the wet towel into the hamper by the door. “Call my sub a weirdo again, though, and I’ll kick your ass.”

  Theo gives me a huge grin. “You and what army, gimpy?”

  I shake my head at him as I follow him out.

  * * *

  As we walk down the corridor from the changing room, I’m reminded that Maude asked me to talk with Theo before I even knew about the Little Box of Horrors. She’ll castrate me for not taking this opportunity.

  “You know, I took some time away from the club after Christmas,” I say to him.

  “Yeah, I noticed. I figured it was because of Rachel and Sante.”

  “It was, in part. I was also just burned out.”

  “It’s good to have you back,” Theo offers.

  “Thanks. Coming back after being away for a while’s given me some perspective. Things that maybe aren’t obvious if you’re here every day.”

  “Yeah? What things?” He’s still in cop-mode because his reply is only one shade more polite than a derisive snort.

  “The house subs. Some of them seem to be struggling.”

  Now he snorts. “Well, you started weeding them out two seconds after you got back.”

  Ouch. That news spread fast.

  “I gave Rachel and Sante a month to get on top of their shit. They didn’t. I’m not going to feel uncomfortable at my own damn club. Moving them to Sanctum was the best solution.”

  “For you,” Theo scoffs. Then he shrugs. “Neither of them has ever given me the time of day, so I don’t really care how you resolve your problems, but think twice before you get rid of any other subs. Most of them are better liked than Rachel.”

  “Actually, I wondered if you might be up for the job of weeding them out. Or, better yet, helping them stay and be happier here.”

  “Me? No thanks. Nothing against you. You did a good job when you were Master of Training. But it’s a thankless fucking task and I have better things to do with my time than be playground monitor to a bunch of subs who just resent the interference. I’ve got rapists to catch.” He shoots me a dark look. “Why would you even think of me? And what about Ryan? He’s Master of Training. You weeding him out, too? He’s your fucking friend.”

  Better and better. This guy’s going to deck me before the end of the night at the rate we’re going.

  “He is my friend and I’m not trying to weed him out. It seems to me like he’s struggling. And it was Maude who thought of you. She asked me to have a word.”

  Theo chuckles. “Fuck, she’s a busybody.”

  “No argument there.”

  * * *

  When we reach the Western Room, I knock once before opening the door. Since I saw Charlotte on the desk as we passed, I anticipate that Austin’s in with Emily, so I won’t be waking her.

  Inside, I discover that Emily’s drawn a crowd. Austin, Justine, and DirtyGurl are curled up on the bed with her like they’re having a pajama party. Maude and Javier are back in their chairs, watching the subs indulgently. Ten’s returned, drawn up a chair between them and is sitting with Hunter kneeling on the floor between his boots. Uncharacteristically for Ten, he’s running his fingers through Hunter’s hair as he watches the group of subs on the bed. He looks almost tender.

  “It’s a party,” I say, stepping into the room.

  “You’re invited, Daddy,” Emily says, holding a hand out to me from where she’s lying on her side under her binkie with Austin rubbing her back.

  “Good to hear, my baby. What happened to sleeping some more?”

  “I really feel like I might be finished sleeping for a while, Daddy, but I promise I’ll nap after you go. Promise-promise.”

  Her language and tone tell me she’s still in littlespace. It’s always tough for me to be firmer than marshmallow with her when she’s in littlespace, but tonight it’s impossible. “Okay, sweet girl. That’s a deal. You ready for something to eat?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I turn to the others in the room. “I’m ordering. Anyone else?”

  My offer breaks up the party. Javier heads off with Ten and Hunter to do a scene. Maude excuses herself to run an errand. Austin goes to relieve Charlotte on the desk with a promise that he’ll be back when his shift ends. Justine kisses Emily on the cheek before she scoots out the door with a nod to me and Theo. DirtyGurl follows a step behind.

  As the colorfully tattooed, blue-haired submissive nears me, she pauses and nudges me with her elbow. “If I bring edibles, can I visit Emily tomorrow, Master Logan?”

  “You can visit Emily tomorrow, but no edibles,” I tell her sternly.

  She gives me pleading eyes, which is tough to do given the ferocity of her eye-makeup, but she manages. “I’ve ridden a wooden pony before. Emily’s going to hurt tomorrow.”

  “Good thing we have plenty of painkillers. Absolutely no edibles. Come after lunch in case we sleep in. Call first.”

  Her pretty face twists but she gives me a little curtsey. “Yes, sir.”

  Theo, who has watched our exchange with a raised eyebrow, snorts. “I want a curtsey out of you the next time we scene. And a sir when you answer me.”

  “Are you Emily’s gatekeeper?” DirtyGurl asks. Without waiting for a response, she says, “Then you don’t have what it takes to get a curtsey or a sir.”

  “Oh, I have what it takes,” Theo responds with an evil grin. “Friday night at eight. Reserve the medical suite.”

  DirtyGurl looks startled, but she nods at him.

  Before she takes a
step, he grabs a handful of her brilliant blue dreadlocks and pulls her head back. “That’s a ‘yes, sir,’ girl.”

  Her eyes dilate. “Yes, Master Theo.”

  “Don’t be disrespectful.”

  “No, Master Theo.”

  He lets her go with a hard swat on her leather-covered ass. “Bad girl. We’ll be starting the scene with discipline for that. Guess you have your own time on the pony to look forward to.”

  She gulps and ducks out the door.

  Theo and I shake our heads in unison as we watch her go.

  “Challenging,” I say to Theo.

  “Like climbing fucking Everest,” he responds. “But seeing her hit subspace makes the effort worthwhile. You ever scene with her?”

  “Since training? Hell no, she scares me.”

  Theo chuckles. “Yeah, you have to get past that. Underneath the hair and the tattoos and the attitude, she’s an absolute sweetheart.” He tips his chin at Emily, who is curled on her side on the bed, her binkie pulled up to her chin, watching us. “Your girl could do worse for a friend.”

  Interesting. DirtyGurl is not who I would have picked as a friend for Emily, but my little girl can make friends with anyone, so if Emily likes her, I won’t stand in the way.

  “Good to know. What do you want for dinner?”

  “You paying?”

  “Sure, but that means filet mignon is off the menu for you.”

  “Filet mignon is always off the menu, you shit. It’s an Italian restaurant. Order me the fish special.”

  “You got it.” I move over to the bed, sit down on the edge, and stroke Emily’s hair. “What do you feel like, baby doll?”

  “Salad, Daddy.”

  “Try again.”

  “Calamari and salad?”

  “Calamari, yes. Salad, no.”

  “Salad’s nice, though.”

  “You can have salad at home any time. I want you to have something more nourishing than bloody lettuce, but not too heavy on your tummy.”

  “Salad and tortellini in brodo?”

  “Calamari and tortellini in brodo. If Daddy gets tiramisú will you have a bite?”

  “One bite.”

  “One big bite.”

  She holds her finger and thumb an inch apart. “Medium-sized bite.”

  “Big bite and Daddy will sprinkle chia seeds over everything you eat tomorrow.”

  Her little nose wrinkles up. So cute. “Chia seeds for breakfast doesn’t sound very nice, Daddy.”

  “Okay, we can forgo the chia seeds for breakfast. Have you met Master Theo?”

  “No, Daddy.” She peers around me, giving Theo bright, inquisitive eyes. “Hello, Master Theo. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Theo comes over to the side of the bed and sits down in the chair Maude vacated. He leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees, bringing himself down to Emily’s eye level, and smiles at her. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Emily. Is tiramisú your favorite dessert?”

  “Everything’s really good from the Trattoria, Master Theo.”

  “That’s true. My favorite’s the pannacotta. If I order that, will you have a bite of mine?”

  I expect Emily to demur over the calories, but I should know better. Given the chance, Emily will always try to please. Particularly a Dom. She gives Theo a soft smile.

  “Yes, sir. I like the pannacotta, too.”

  Theo grins. I can almost hear the thud as he falls.

  While Emily works her magic, I grab my phone out of my bag and call down to the restaurant.

  * * *

  By the time Emily’s sampling our desserts, Theo’s got her giving him a whole psychological profile of the stalker. He’s rapt as she points out details of the Little Box of Horrors on my phone. As they talk, I notice he hasn’t said a swear word in front of her since the entrées, and somehow, he’s ended up holding her stuffie.

  I stretch out behind her and tuck in her binkie, then lean over her shoulder and look at the picture they’re examining. It’s the watersports picture, with the skull in place of Rick’s head and Rick’s head on the submissive who is taking his stream across her neck and breasts.

  “See how ugly this picture makes it look?” Emily asks, tapping the image. “The person who made this isn’t kinky.”

  “Someone vanilla made the box,” Theo says.

  Emily nods. “She’s watched lots of his movies and picked out the ugliest bits.”

  “Could she just be a fan?” I suggest.

  Emily shakes her head, looking over her shoulder at me. “This is someone who knows Rick. She thinks Rick’s kinks are eating his soul. She’s angry and afraid and resentful.”

  Theo lifts his eyes from Emily and pins me with a cop-stare.

  “Has he given you a list already?” he asks.

  I don’t have to ask what kind of list.

  “Yup, want me to email it to you?”

  Theo nods. He picks up my phone and works at it for a minute. “Send it to my official account. I’ve added it to my contact info.”

  “Toss me the phone.”

  When he does, I flip over to my email, scroll down to Rick’s message attaching his long list of conquests, and forward it to Theo’s NYPD account. Theo pulls out his own phone and taps away before sliding it back into his pocket.

  “That’ll get my people working on it.”


  “Don’t thank me yet. Maybe I’m building a stalking case. Maybe I’m building a rape case. I don’t know yet.”

  “Fair enough.” I rub Emily’s arm. She relaxes back into me and smooths the edge of her binkie over my hip. She does the same thing after we make love, making sure I’m warm and comfortable before I fall asleep. The little ways she takes care of her daddy fill my soul. “I think I know someone who’s sleepy.”

  She shifts onto her back so she can look up at me, and yawns hugely. “Not me, Daddy.”

  “No, not you, little girl. Never you. Would you like Master Theo to read you the rest of Alligators All Around?”

  “I brought In the Night Kitchen, too. Could he read that to me, instead, Daddy?”

  “I think he could be persuaded. Let’s get you propped up. No lying flat after eating. Bad for baby’s tummy.”

  I get her settled on some pillows while Theo finds the book in her bag. As he reads the story, Emily tugs the hand I have resting between her breasts up to her face, and after a beseeching glance at me, shyly closes her mouth around my thumb. Her eyelids droop as she begins to suck.

  She’s asleep before Theo turns three more pages. When he notices, he stops reading and watches her for a moment, then glances at me.

  “She’s like this all the time?”

  “Uh-huh,” I whisper to avoid waking her.

  “The thumb-sucking’s kinda hot.”


  I’ve never questioned why I find Emily’s thumb-sucking erotic. I just do. What I question is why another Dom getting turned on by it doesn’t make me want to punch him in the face. I think back through the scenes I’ve done with Theo. They were all when his wife was still alive. I was with Luisa at the time. They were heavy impact scenes. We took turns flogging each other’s subs but didn’t share them beyond that. In fact, I don’t think Theo ever shared his wife.

  Good. He can’t ask me to share Emily.

  “Hour on the horse is a serious punishment,” Theo observes quietly. “Even for a masochist. She’s fresh off that and she’s this sweet?”

  “Emily never holds a grudge.”

  “Is it a little thing? Lynn used to hold some epic grudges.”

  Lynn. That’s right. I’d forgotten his wife’s name. She was a spitfire sub, if memory serves.

  “I don’t know. It might just be Emmy. Most of the littles I’ve met are really sweet. A few are bratty, but most are sweet.”

  “What do you think DirtyGurl’d do if I told her to suck my thumb?”

  “Better make sure she can’t reach your balls.”

heo chuckles. “You didn’t tell me what Emily did to earn an hour on the horse.”

  “Broke two rules for the second time, and a promise.”

  He nods. “Serious punishment for serious infractions.”

  “In case you have any doubt, we have a contract and she agreed to the wooden pony as a possible punishment.”

  “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I know you’re responsible with your subs. And—” He pulls a deep breath in and blows it out. “I apologize for being a dick earlier. I know you care about consent as much as I do. If you’re still helping Rick, then he must have convinced you the sex was consensual. I just . . . it pissed me off.”

  “It pissed me off, too. And I had my doubts when I started the investigation, but Damon Tiger was really clear that the sex was consensual. When I finally tracked down Laurel Radford, she was, too.”

  Theo nods and relaxes back in the chair. “What aren’t you telling me about Miss Radford?”

  He’s such a bloody cop.

  “If I could tell you without her Dom’s permission, I would have told you already. Let me find someone to keep an eye on Emily and we can call him.”

  “We’ll do it on the drive to Queens,” Theo says, waving a hand. “What’s Miss Radford like?”

  “Brave. Honest. Vulnerable.”

  Theo grunts.

  “When you talk with her, you’re going to hate Rick even more. He did a scene with her without any negotiation or a safe word. He marked her. He slapped her in the face after he got off. She’s kind and caring and a little broken and you’re going to hate his bloody guts. Just listen to her when she says it was consensual.”

  Theo scrubs his hands over his face. “Seriously?”

  “I’m just trying to prepare you. Rick was not my favorite person after I got off the phone with her. He was an asshole. He is an asshole, okay? But that doesn’t make him a rapist.”

  “You’re not selling this to me.”

  “I’m not trying to sell you anything. An eye-witness and the potential victim both say there was consent.”


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