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The Daddy P.I. Casefiles: The First Collection

Page 139

by Frost, E J

  I haul the two bags back downstairs and out to where the picnic tables are set up. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Martyn opening the big basement doors. I took a peek at the basement play spaces this morning and thoroughly approve. On top of four spacious and fully equipped dungeons, there’s a long ramp from one dungeon up into the garden. Much better than stairs someone could trip up or down.

  Emily’s embroidered “Doms” and “Subs” on the bags I’ve brought down, so I don’t need to explain them. I just plonk them on the ends of the tables where the Hearts games were being held. As soon as people see the bags, they begin to gather. Emily patters over and tucks herself under my arm. “Are we going to get started, Daddy?”

  “We are, sweetheart. What do you think is in those bags?”

  “I’m really, really, really hoping there might be a red cape or two.”

  “There might be.” We’ve talked about this scene several times. Many of her fantasies are built around fairy tales and this is one she mentioned very early in our relationship. I’ve put a spin on it to make it suitable for a large group of players, but the core of the fantasy: being hunted, captured, and raped, remains the same. We’ve only done one big capture and forced sex scene since the cruise and I wasn’t really at my best for it since I was still recovering from my head injury, so this scene has my blood humming before it’s even started.

  “Evening, everyone,” I say and wait for the greetings, and jeers, to die down. “We’re going to play out one of Emmy’s favorite fairy tales tonight, Little Red Riding Hood. So that everyone who wants to can participate, we’ll have lots of little Reds. Anyone who wants to be submissive tonight should grab a red cape.” I zip open the bag to show them. “Anyone who wants to be dominant should wait until the subbies head into the maze. Then we’ll open the other bag. We’re going to give the subbies a few minutes’ head start. Scene safe word is ‘mittens’ since red might be too confusing. Does everyone know who everyone else is now?”

  There are nods all around, but just to make sure, I gesture to the house submissives. “Can you all raise your hands so everyone knows who is available to play?”

  Austin, Cappa, Fleur, Justine, Hunter, Lucy, Shannie, and Mally raise their hands. After a moment, under the intense stare of his Dom, Shaan also raises his hand.

  “Thank you.” I wait until they put their hands down. “So there’s no confusion, can the subbies who are not available to play with others raise their hands?”

  Emily, Vashi, Aggie, Laurel, Luisa, Moon, Tania, Twitch, Piper, Yumiko, Sammi, and Robyn raise their hands.

  “Everyone clear?” I look around to make sure everyone nods. “With the thirty-nine of us, there’s going to be a lot of bodies and movement in the maze. I’d like at least the Doms to know the secret of the maze so you can get out. Subs, if you think you might be frightened if you get lost in the maze, I’d like you to hear this, too. Anyone who doesn’t want to know the secret of the maze, cover your ears and turn the other way so you don’t see my lips move.”

  I wait, but only Laurel and Ryan’s wife, Tania, turn around. I’m pleased all of the littles will know the secret of the maze. They were the ones I was worried about.

  Once I explain the maze, I gesture to the bag and let the subbies help themselves to the red outfits. They’re just inexpensive Halloween costume hoods and capes that tie at the throat which I bought in bulk so we’ll be able to do this scene at Blunts in the future, too. But they’ll set the mood and make it easy to identify our subbies.

  Beneath the red hoods are a pile of red clothes that I picked up at Walmart: T-shirts, shorts, and socks in a couple of sizes. If anyone wants the immersive “red” experience, they can have it. A couple of the subbies take out more than the hood and cape.

  “If you want to change, please go back inside. There can’t be full nudity out in the garden or in the maze. Please keep at least underwear on until you get down into the dungeons.” I point up at the sky. “Drones. We don’t want to get Martyn in trouble.”

  “Thank you,” Martyn says from the back of the group.

  “While the subbies are getting changed, this is a good time for anyone who needs it to use the bathroom.” A couple of people go to do just that and I check in with Emily, who shakes her head.

  When everyone’s assembled again, I send the subbies off into the maze to give them a head start. After the last red hood disappears between the tall hedges of the maze, I turn to the assembled Doms and unzip the other case. What’s inside cost me much more than the Halloween costumes.

  “We’re going to have a little twist on the fairy tale,” I tell them as I take a brown, peaked hood and cowl out of the bag. “The hoods are reversible. We’re going to start as hunters, chasing Martyn who is going to be our wolf. When we catch up to the subbies and Martyn gives the signal.” Martin holds up a small brass horn and gives the rubber ball at the end a squeeze so it makes a clear toot. “We’re going to turn our hoods inside out, become the wolves, capture our subbies, and drag them into the basement to have our wicked ways with them.”

  I demonstrate the reversing hood which has a ruff of fake fur, ears and a built-in half mask with black eyeholes, a wolfish nose, and white fangs on the inside. There are low chuckles from the group as they try on the hoods. My friend Ryan claps me on the back.

  “These are excellent. We need some for the club.”

  I grin at him. Cappa helped me find a costumer to make them and I was damn pleased with the results. “I’ll donate them when we’re done.”

  As everyone’s donning their hoods, Ginger, a motherly Domme in her late thirties who runs the littles playgroup, raises her hand. I nod to give her the floor.

  “Just a word of warning to those of you who haven’t played with littles before. They’re likely to be very excited by this scene and they may show that exuberance by screaming, jumping, and running around. Most of them will not try to touch you or climb on you if they don’t know you well, but they might forget the normal social boundaries if they go very little. Please be gentle with them.”

  “Good point. Do you think any of them will be frightened by the wolf faces?”

  “Robyn won’t. Jack, Bravo, what do you think?”

  The other daddies, including Warrin, shake their heads.

  “I’m more worried that Sammi will get so excited he’ll tackle someone,” Jack says.

  “Hell, I’m a little worried about that with Twitch,” Bull says with a chuckle. “And he’s not even a little.”

  That gets laughs all around.

  “Any other safety concerns?” I ask.

  When no one else says anything, I take out my phone, set a timer, and gesture to Martyn, who has pulled on his hood with the wolf-side out. “Wolf, two-minute head start.”

  He grins hugely beneath the hanging, white fabric teeth. “See you in there.”

  I wave him off. There are a few squeals as he enters the maze, which tells me some of the subbies chose hiding places close to the entrance. Not that there are many true hiding places in the maze, unless they want to try to squeeze behind the statues or curl up under a wooden bench.

  I glance over at Niall, who is fitting a thick leather collar with a dangling lead around Vashi’s throat. He hasn’t let her wear a red hood or go into the maze with the other subbies. I know part of that is because he’s focusing on Shaan tonight, but the other part is that Vashi’s even more easily overwhelmed by crowds and confusion than Emily. We both agree that we wouldn’t want our sensitive subbies any other way, but it means we have to take extra precautions with them. Niall wraps the heavy cuff at the other end of the lead around his own wrist and nods to me.

  I check my phone. Ten seconds left. Good enough.

  “Hunters, let’s find ourselves a wolf!” I say, loud enough to carry into the maze.

  The group of Doms starts moving slowly, but as they draw near the maze, Harry and Nico pick up their pace, followed by Javier and Mac, who I’m pleased to see has gotten into the s
wing of the scene and is grinning as he disappears around the first corner. I amble, with Warrin to one side and Jiro to the other, listening to the rustling and laughter ahead in the maze. I don’t make much effort to find Emmy, figuring I’ll hunt her once I go “wolfy,” and simply enjoy strolling with my friends on the warm, September evening.

  I find several subbies without trying. Cappa and Aggie are “hiding” in the corners of the first dead-end to the right. When I see them, I beckon Cappa to join us while Warrin tucks Aggie under his arm.

  “Have you seen the big, bad wolf, love?” Warrin asks his little.

  “No, baba. He hasn’t come this way.”

  “Ah, we’ll have to try another branch then,” Warrin says, all seriousness as we retrace our steps to the turn that led to the dead end. Ahead of us, at the crossway, Laurel and Daisy’s date, Piper, run hand-in-hand deeper into the maze. Jiro chuckles.

  “At least I don’t have far to look,” he says.

  We take a few more twists and turns before I hear Emily’s wild giggle. There’s a good amount of laughter floating through the maze, but I’d recognize Emily’s giggle anywhere. I turn away from the group, round a corner following the sound, and find Emily, Sammi, Robyn, Austin, and Moon clutching each other in an attempt to “hide” behind a pair of cherubs. Since Austin on his own is twice as wide as the statue, it’s a vain attempt and I can’t help but laugh.

  “I think you’re found, you lot.”

  “Boo, Daddy. You weren’t supposed to see us.”

  I crook a finger at her; she patters to me and throws her arms around my middle.

  “Your cloak of invisibility seems to be slipping,” I tell her.

  “Sammi stepped on it.”

  I lean in to kiss her cute little nose. “Want to help Daddy hunt the big, bad wolf?”

  She nods enthusiastically.

  “Come on, then.”

  I lead the cluster of subbies back to where I left the others but they’ve moved on into the maze. Dana and Maude, who were bringing up the rear of the Dom pack, appear and Dana immediately takes possession of her sub, clipping a leash to his collar.

  “Thank you for finding my boy, Logan. Saves me the effort.”

  “My pleasu—”

  I break off when the sharp toot of the horn sounds. I give the Dommes a big smile. Together, we pull our hoods off, turn them inside out, and settle them back over our heads, pulling the soft half-masks down over our faces.

  Emmy’s the first to squeal.

  “Run, little girl,” I growl at her.

  She screams, grabs Sammi and Robyn’s hands, and bolts as fast as her platform shoes will allow. Laughing, I follow. Howls rise from all corners of the maze and I join in, breaking down into more laughter when squeals and screams answer the howling.

  It doesn’t take me long to catch up to my little girl. Whether they’ve forgotten the secret of the maze or gotten turned around or don’t care if they’re caught, Emmy, Sammi, and Robyn have turned right into another dead end. They’re staring at the box corner like the hedge is going to magically part like the maze in Harry Potter and let them escape.

  “Little girl,” I growl.

  Emily jumps and squeaks adorably. Sammi and Robyn clutch at her arms like that will somehow save her from her wolfy-daddy. Sammi’s the first to run out of luck as his daddy lopes past me. Jack bulldozes his twink into his arm and over his shoulder. Sammi squeals nearly as high as Emily and beats on his daddy’s back as Jack carries him off.

  I herd Emily and Robyn back against the hedge, holding my arms wide to prevent them from bolting past me. Each growl draws fresh squeals out of the two littles. They’re hugging each other, shivering and staring at me with wide eyes. Seeing how deep both of them are in the scene thrills the fuck out of me. My pulse pounds in my ears and sweat beads on the back of my neck even though I haven’t done anything strenuous yet. I’m just that fucking excited.

  “What do we have here?” Mac’s voice rumbles from behind me. “Looks like we have two little cornered Reds.”

  I grin over my shoulder at him and the littles seize the chance to bolt. I catch Emily around her middle and use her momentum to carry her up and over my shoulder. Mac does the same with Robyn and we carry them, shrieking, out of the cul de sac.

  We meet up with Jiro, who has Laurel on a leash and is herding Shannie and Cappa in front of him, Robyn’s mommy, Ginger, and Bravo, who has Yumiko over his shoulder in the same squirming-sack-of-potatoes carry I have Emily in. Mac offers Robyn to Ginger but she takes one look at her giggling, wriggling little and asks Mac to carry Robyn into the dungeon. It occurs to me that Ginger might not be able to lift and carry Robyn and I make a mental note to ensure there’s someone to tote Robyn around in scenes in the future, because she’s clearly loving the experience.

  Someone over my shoulder is also loving the experience and I give her wiggling bottom the smack it’s asking for as we head down the ramp into the dungeon. Martyn’s gotten there before us, somehow. Maybe there’s more than one entrance? Emmy would go absolutely crazy over a secret passageway. I’ll have to ask Martyn later. He directs us into the second dungeon, and I see as we pass that the first one’s already full with Javier, Fleur, Ry, Tania, Sean, Moon, Luisa, Vic, Warrin and Aggie.

  There are a number of play stations in the second dungeon to pick from, but I take Emily to an area near the far wall with six fixed chains. Whenever Niall catches Shaan, he’s going to join me here. After Mac hands Robyn off to Ginger and she leads her giggling babygirl to a spanking bench, I catch Mac’s eye. He nods and heads over.

  I set Emily down and cup her shoulders in my hands. “We’re going to have some fun with clothespins, sweetie.” Her enthusiastic grin pitches my blood even higher. “I’d like Mac to be part of our scene. He’d only be setting clothespins and cropping or flogging them off your back and arms, from waist up. He won’t touch your breasts or below your waist. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes, Daddy, but it’s okay if he touches my breasts if you’re okay with it. Master Mac’s not interested in me that way.”

  I rummage in my soul for a moment. I trust Mac with my life, with Emily’s life. But my gut revolts at the idea of him touching her in any way that’s sexual.

  “Thank you, baby doll, but I’m not okay with him touching your breasts. Those belong to me.”

  Her grin widens. “Okay, Daddy.”

  “If anything gets to be too much, or you feel you’re getting too close to an orgasm, I want to hear ‘yellow’ loud and clear.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Take off your gorgeous dress,” I tell her as I pull off my own shirt. “I don’t want it to get ruined. Leave your knickers and thigh highs on but shoes off.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” At my nod, she begins stripping, sweetly asking for my help with the complex lacing in the back of her dress. Once we’ve got her out of the dress, she moves away to fold her clothes and set them in a chair.

  I turn to Mac but before I can say anything, he puts a hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for including me, son. Would your feelings be hurt if I went and played with Harry instead?”

  I feel a small sting at the rejection but shrug it off. “No, of course not. Tonight’s supposed to be fun for everyone.”

  “Thanks. I will play with you in the future, when I have someone of my own to play with. Seeing you with Emily is a joy, but it also hurts a little. Can you understand?”

  I grip his wrist. “Fuck, of course, Mac. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

  He shakes his head, absolving me. “Absolutely not your fault. This is your weekend. You can work on fixing me another time.”

  He pats my shoulder before turning away to find Harry.

  “Daddy?” Emily’s soft voice brings me back to where I should be. I turn, catch her mostly-naked body up in my arms, and kiss her.

  “ILY, my baby.”

  “ILY, too, Daddy. Master Mac’s sad, isn’t he?”

  “He is, sweet
heart. But he doesn’t want to dampen the night for us. Let’s honor that, okay?”

  She nods. “He might meet someone this weekend he likes.”

  “He might, but we’re not going to push it the way you did with Max and Cynnie, are we?”

  “No, Daddy,” she says, all solemn, big eyes that I don’t believe for a second. I swat her pink-panty covered bottom.

  “Up against the chains, little girl.”

  Normally, I’d cuff Emily’s wrists and ankles and clip the cuffs to the chains, but tonight’s scene is going to be abbreviated anyway since Emily’s not allowed orgasms, so I take the extra time to tie her.

  There’s such pleasure in binding my sub. Stroking their soft skin as I wrap it with rope. Seeing the coils pull taut and squeeze the tender flesh. That pleasure’s enhanced by the way Emily relaxes into my bindings. She doesn’t quite go limp: she’s still supporting her own weight. But there’s no tension in her body anywhere. Her eyes follow me as I move around her, but they’re glazed and dreamy, her blinks slow. As she begins to sink, I soar. All my senses are heightened but also trained completely on her. I’m aware of the other people in the room, including Niall when he leads Shaan over to the adjacent chains in a choke hold, but they don’t really register beyond background noise. Emily’s my sole focus. I stroke her forearm below the tie and feel the slide of the peach fuzz on her skin against my fingertips.

  “Clothespins now, my sweetheart. Yellow if I catch a nerve.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she says, her soft voice slightly slurred with subspace.

  I pick up a bucket of plastic clothespins that Martyn’s thoughtfully provided and set the first few across her shoulders. She shivers whenever one bites deeper than the others but doesn’t complain and by the way her little ass is wiggling at me, she’s enjoying each pinch.


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