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BOUND: Bare Innocent (The Billionaires Club Book 4)

Page 6

by Q. Zayne

  “That’s about the sweetest offer I’ve ever had.” His smile lit me all through my being.

  I headed for the bathroom, relieved he’d be there when I returned. At the door I turned back to him.

  “Do you live on the island, Javier?”

  “Yes, for a few months now.”

  “Would you ever leave?” He gave me a long look, as though considering what would make it worthwhile to leave paradise.

  “Yes. I’d leave. Matter of fact, I’m so fed up with Gabe right now, I’d leave tomorrow.”

  I turned to hide my smile. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  The shower washed away the soreness. I still felt tender, more than physically, and confused. I bought Gabe’s seduction all the way. I wasn’t sure if he manipulated me on purpose like a cad from the olden days who ‘ruined’ girls for fun, or if he was unaware of the charade he played, so lost in his own labyrinth he lived unconscious of other people. Not completely unconscious. He warned me.

  So what did that say about me? I was no victim, but I felt lonely and powerless so I wanted what he seemed to offer me. I wanted to please him, no matter how much it might hurt. In some twisted up way I wanted the older man I’d never had in my life. And maybe I got him. He did to me exactly what my real father did to my mother: screwed and ran.

  Javier mentioned other girls. Gabe couldn’t be completely unconscious.

  Maybe I heard Mom’s script for me so many times I felt compelled to enact it. I didn’t know. It was done.

  I toweled dry, breathing deeper and noticing the plush towel on my sore places. I didn’t need to figure everything out in one day. I didn’t need to be with Javier out of gratitude, either. Maybe we could start over, just be two people getting to know each other. I’d always feel him deep inside me, though.

  The powerful sense that never let me alone for long spoke. I wasn’t alone anymore.

  A baby grew inside me and I bet it was Javier’s. I wanted it to be.

  I had a new secret. This time, I’d tell. When the time was right.

  I slipped into the robe and went back to him.

  Javier sat in the bed looking out at the moon rising over the sea. His strong profile looked timeless. His bloodlines might go back to the first people. His teeth shined. He lifted the blankets and I dropped the robe, no longer feeling shy.

  He pulled me close. “We’ll rest now. Have a good sleep. In the morning, I’ll fly you home. My wings aren’t as fancy as Gabe’s but she runs good.”

  “That’s great. I don’t need anything fancy.” I kissed his warm cheek. His bristles pricked my lips.

  He pressed his lips to mine, a lingering, passionate kiss.

  Javier was a good man. I relaxed in his arms, let him hold me in the moonlight in the romantic canopy bed like something out of a dream.

  I didn’t need a fairy tale. I didn’t need to rush into anything. It was enough right then that I felt safe. I had hope and a spark of new life.

  As I drifted off, I felt Javier kiss me again, felt him treasuring me. In the morning, I’d be ready to fly with him.

  Javier’s note asked me to get ready to leave. I showered, seduced for a moment by the luxury of the strong spray from the sunflower shower head. I willed myself to feel clean again, to feel whole. I’d made a hard choice, doing Gabe’s show for the 10 grand, but it meant I could be free, and safe. I couldn’t believe there was anything wrong with that.

  I shampooed my hair and blinked away tears. I hadn’t expected to find pleasure in sex acts with strangers. It was an odd thing to know about myself and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. I shoved it in my hat box for later. I didn’t picture myself sitting on the hat box. My bottom was too sore.

  I put on some clean lingerie from the things Gabe sent. I slipped into the midnight blue dress he bought me in San Francisco. That seemed so long ago. I looked back at my naive pleasure in opening those packages in the fancy hotel suite. I was no longer innocent. I didn’t want anything from Gabe, except the pay he’d promised to wire to my account. I believed him. He’d pay for services rendered; that was how he kept his distance.

  Watching the cormorants spread their wings in the morning sun, I stepped into the shoes and picked up the purse. The sea looked calm. It was a good day for flying.

  I stepped out of the room and closed the door without looking back.

  Familiar voices rose up the stairs. I paused with my hand gripping the polished banister. Still no gown. But a good man had my back. What princess had anything better than that? It wasn’t wealth that mattered, it was quality of life. And old-fashioned things I couldn’t help believing in: honor and love.

  I descended the stairs, head up. Gabe hadn’t diminished me. Nothing I consented to changed who I was. The show only got me to realize my body experienced desires that could bring immense pleasure. It was a heady thing. From now, on I’d choose wisely when I shared that gift. I wanted to start with Javier. When we were ready.

  He stood near the open front door, face near Gabe’s. Gabe poked him in the chest.

  “I said finish the show! Not take away the star. If you ever do anything like that again, you’re fired.”

  “I’ll spare you the trouble. Here’s my resignation.” Every rippling muscle and taut line of Javier’s body radiated disgust as he shoved the letter at Gabe. It fell on the gleaming floor between them.

  “Javier — .” The bright sun made hard lines on Gabe’s face.

  “I used to count you as a friend. But what you did to Pia, the way you led her on — then deflowered her and left her on stage — that was wrong. Yeah, you’re grieving. That doesn’t give you a right to be cruel. We all loved Natalie.” He got right in Gabe’s face. “You’re a selfish devil, Gabe. You got no excuse. I’m leaving.”

  Gabe reached out to him and Javier pushed past him.

  I took that as my cue to join him. I ran to his side and he took my hand. I didn’t look at Gabe. We walked out the door, heading to Javier’s plane with Gabe staring at our backs.

  The horrible tension I felt sensing Gabe watching me didn’t lift until we were far along the jungle path. The smell of the ocean became stronger. He was nothing like the man I imagined him to be when he found me in Golden Gate Park and charmed me with his talk of Thumbelina. I’d been living in a state of horror. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for Gabe. I had no frame of reference for dealing with a kinky billionaire, no way to judge the situation.

  Javier glanced down at me and smiled. He lifted vines out of my way. I treasured his outrage on my behalf. While it was all happening, I had no perspective. I didn’t know what to think or feel. Who was Gabe to treat me like I was nothing but a sex toy for his pleasure? But he found me sleeping in the park, living out of my car. Guess he thought I was fair game.

  The humiliation of my day to day life crashed over me like storm waves, making a night of stranger sex seem small in comparison. I couldn’t relate to memories of living in my car any more than I could to images of Black men ravaging me on stage.

  Every step brought sensations of being plundered, like ghost erections continuing to take my sore openings. The tender Africans who touched me like lovers haunted me the most, full lips kissing my hot neck, long fingers caressing my breasts and taking me over down there, making me come. Those things felt more intimate than the almost unbelievable acts of men sticking their hard things up me. Seagulls wheeled and called over the beach. It was over.

  It was too soon to sort out what Gabe did, what I chose, how I felt about it all. I’d wanted to become new. I wanted the fairy tale, to pretend I might become his princess. That was embarrassing, but I was raised on those hopes.

  Whatever else, I had changed. And as extreme as some of the night had been. I found pleasure and dropped the guilt about experiencing desire. Gabe was right about one thing, those feelings were normal. There was nothing wrong with me.

  I squeezed Javier’s hand. We stepped out of the jungle onto the sunny beach. I looked forward
to exploring more pleasure, as soon as I felt up to it.

  Javier took me into his arms and kissed me with sweet, delicious passion. I was over my priest. I surrendered to the thorough kiss and responded with all my heart. His hands pressed my lower back and shoulders, cradling me to him, making me safe.

  When we stepped apart I blinked at the bright sun.

  “Pia, will you —.” He faltered.

  I thought I would, but I hoped he wouldn’t ask me yet. I wasn’t ready for any more big decisions. No more contracts!

  “What, Javier?” I could barely speak past the lump in my throat.

  “Come home with me? Maybe just for a few days? I want to spend more time with you. No expectations. After what you’ve been through, I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to sleep with a man for a long time. I have a guest room.”

  “Oh, Javier. I like sleeping with you. Last night was the best I’ve slept in ages.” I’d leave my sorry tale aside for the day. Everything was so new between us, I didn’t want him to think he had to rescue me. I’d clean up at his place and look for a job, get on with my life. Whatever happened between us, I didn’t want him to see me as someone helpless.

  “Good. Me, too.” He smiled, his face lit with radiance in the sun. “My plane’s over there.”

  He pointed with his chin and I got the first sight of her, a single prop plane, smaller than Gabe’s jet, yet sleek and fine. She looked well cared-for. Javier swung my arm and we walked faster.

  The sun made his strong profile even more dramatic. He looked like a warrior. My hero. If things worked out, maybe somehow, someway, I’d become his hero, too. That’s what I wanted, a strong man with the confidence to accept me being strong, too. In my heart, I suspected Javier was that man.

  I had no worries when we lifted off in the small plane. Javier took her up with steady hands. I looked down at the sea from the copilot’s seat. Peace washed over me as Gabe’s island got smaller and disappeared.

  The End

  Please note: BOUND and OWNED are longer novella-length episode of The Billionaires Club. The first two episodes are shorter.

  OWNED on Amazon U.S.

  A young, former nun with angel hair fallen on hard times. A billionaire with a painful past who recruits Pia for his BDSM show. Does enacting pain heal, or destroy?

  It’s auction night at The Billionaires Club. The outnumbered petite beauty is about to find out what she’ll have to do to earn a better life.

  How did the stunning stranger know I needed help? And that I had dark fantasies? Something about Gabe’s turquoise eyes drew me to him. His hands on my shoulders sent a warm current between my legs. If he kept looking at me like that, I might agree to anything.

  But if he knew my secret, that I’d never let a man touch me, would he still want me?

  “Come with me, Pia. For one night. I want to make your dreams come true.”

  This smart link for SOLD will take you to this ebook on the Amazon site for your country:

  SOLD — Party Toy The first standalone episode in The Billionaires Club series!

  Brittani takes the bait...

  I had a three-day notice to pay rent or quit. The ad was the answer to my problem. Someone needed a party hostess for 24 hours on a private island. With my catering experience and model looks, I could get the gig.

  But when I set eyes on the man about to fly me to the island, I realized I might have made a mistake. The tall, older, arrogant stranger didn’t just undress me with his eyes, he used me right there on the pavement. Deviant desires seemed to radiate from him.

  He pulled a black leather dog collar out of his pocket.

  “You have to sign this before we do anything. Read it.” He handed me a contract.

  The wind swept a bottle down the runway and blew my skirt up. It was hard to read with his dark eyes looking right through my underwear and into my secret places.

  “This is a mistake. I didn’t know the ad meant —.”


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  Hailey stared at the doctor. The Billionaires Club physician looked fatherly. In the sexiest sense possible. A silver fox. Buff as hell. His muscles bulged in his white dress shirt. He wore a stethoscope around his neck like a soap opera heart throb. Big hands with long fingers and perfect nails. No wedding ring.

  How had I gone from being indifferent to men to being swept away by these two? Well, these were among the most stunning men I’d ever laid eyes on. Alphonso and the guys at the club didn’t seem to be from the same species. What a freaking upgrade. Her face got impossibly hotter and her hands got so sweaty she wiped them on her skirt.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Her voice came out a squeak.

  The men glanced at each other in silent communication. She hoped she wasn’t making a horrible first impression.

  “Relax. I don’t bite. Come this way and we’ll get the physical over with. It doesn’t take long. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  That’s when Hailey became afraid. No one ever said anything like that in a horror movie unless there was a good freaking reason to be scared out of your mind. What were her odds of escaping, if she ran for the door right then? But the two men were too close to her. Gabriel turned, as though reading her mind, and sealed the hatch.

  Here’s a virgin BBW & Bad Boy Band four on one bang!

  BANGED on Amazon U.S.

  On Amazon UK

  Banged is a fast and dirty unprotected rough first time short story. Enjoy my first bang. :)

  The Mayan Demon Taboo Punishment has been republished on Amazon!

  Get the bargain box set with the complete 5-episode collection:

  Note: If you don’t care for forbidden attraction/ man of the house books, skip this description and excerpt.

  As wrong as it was, I had feelings for him.

  When I woke up chained to the altar in the Mayan temple, I knew the forbidden man in my life invited me on his dig for a dark purpose.

  Unless I could escape, I might find out more about John's tantalizing evil side than I really wanted to know.

  Virgin Captive: Mayan Demon's Taboo Punishments is the complete collection of the Time Travel Secrets in the Underworld serial. It's a standalone with no cliffhanger, although some of the characters return in the forthcoming Mayan Torture serial.

  If you like erotic horror, ancient secrets, bizarre fantasy torture, archeology, Mayan lore and dark fantasy, you'll love Q. Zayne's scary exploration of an adventurous young woman's darkest hours.

  All characters are 18+ and readers should be, too, due to mature content, dark themes and disturbing imagery. Includes unprotected MMF menage and bare demon gang action.

  Rita’s shocked and embarrassed when she sees that her gynecologist for her first examination is the hunky older man from her book group. And there’s something about his curvy nurse that gets her excited.

  Shedding her Catholic upbringing, the virgin Latina college student submits to exam table bondage, lesbian seduction by the lush, mature nurse -- and Frank’s special medical insertions and fertility serum. But will the alpha doctor's cybernetic equipment be too much for her?

  Six hot stories full of medical fetish, MF, FF, MFF, a huge and growing cyborg erection, bare fertility treatments — and consequences! Follow Rita’s gushing adventures from her first gyno exam to her doctor’s complete claiming of her fertile young body.

  Wicked hot fairy tales with your favorite heroines updated, of-age and taken by alpha studs!

  The riskiest group action with Black ex-cons, rough shifter bikers, a dominant troll and, of course, the big bad wolf! Untouched college girls and BBWs find the creatures in the woods bigger and rougher than their fantasies...

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  Check out edgy Bad Boy & BBW pregnancy romances by Viv Phoenix. Her hot, gritty series is set in San Francisco and features intense erotic combustion between hunky psychic crime fighters and curvy psychic private investigators! These are one-on-one New Adult alpha male obsessed with a curvy girl novellas.

  Two outsiders with potentially deadly chemistry and a deadline for pregnancy!

  A dangerous bad boy with expensive secrets and an urgent need to become a father. A curvy, loner private eye with a secret of her own. A shared past loaded as an assassin's gun — and time running out.

  Get Thug on Amazon U.S.

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  A fierce, curvy woman who needs an avenger, an avenger who needs a woman — and has to make a baby ASAP.

  Can a billionaire crime fighter help her heal the secrets of her past?

  AVENGER shares the same gritty, psychic crime fighters vs criminals world as THUG, with different characters. Enjoy the He Takes books in any reading order.

  Get AVENGER on Amazon U.S.

  BARE NEED on Amazon U.S.

  Two complete standalone novellas with forbidden passion, BDSM and dark, paranormal love.

  He drew himself up and hit me with his killer smile. "I'm an artist. And you're a beauty. You deserve your original name, Cassandra." It sounded amazing in his mouth. I'd never liked my name before he said it. Now it sounded witchy and hot. His smile weakened me to my toes.


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