Contrary Notions
Page 36
Army Corps of Engineers, 76
Aronowitz, Stanley, 253–254
Aronson, Ronald, 254
Arora, Satish Kumar, 365
Asconius, 367
assassinations, 196, 198, 305, 318
Abraham Lincoln, 333
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, 376
asthma: news media and, 4–7 passim atomic bomb, 364
atrocities: media coverage, 294–295, 296–297
Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 371
automobiles, 95, 97–101, 168–169
asthma and, 6
cost of use, 99
Eastern Europe, 279
fatalities, 98
globalized production of, 266–267
pollution and, 104
See also electric cars
BBC, 3–7 passim, 27
Indonesia coverage, 26
BGH, 178
Baath Party, 127
backed by CIA, 303, 305
Baker, James, 205
bakeries, 164–168
“balance” and media, 26–27
ballot boxes: go missing in Florida, 64
absentee, 69
recounts prevented, 88
spoiled and discarded, 68–69
Baltic states, 362
Bank of North Dakota, 220
publicly owned, 220
Venezuela, 313, 315
Beard, Charles, 44
Bechtel, 308
Belgrade, 290, 293
Bellow, Saul, 55
in book reviews, 340
in library book selection, 340–341
in media (alleged), 7–17
in textbooks, 338
Bin Laden, Osama, 319
birthrates, 271, 281
Bismarck, Otto von, 354
Black Panther Party, 197
Blackwell, J. Kenneth, 106
“Bolivarian Circles,” 314
Bolsheviks, 353–357 passim
bombings, 322
by Bosnian Muslims , 295
by Clinton administration, 287
of Serbia, 22, 189, 295–296, 301
Italy, 198
of Cambodia by the U.S, 38, 211
of Lebanon by the U.S., 320
book publishing, 339–341
book reviews: ideological bias and, 340
Bookchin, Murray, 250
Bosnia, 290–296 passim
Muslims, 295
Boston Globe, 340
bovine growth hormone (BGH), 178
Bowles, Samuel, 50
Boxer Rebellion, 353
Boyd, Charles, 292
Brady, Nicholas, 242
Brandeis, Louis, 218
Brass Check, The (Sinclair), 340
bread, 164–168
subsidies for demanded in Ancient Rome, 369
“bread and circuses,” 368–370
Brechin, Gray, 93
Breyer, Stephe, 88
Britain. See Great Britain
British Broadcasting Corporation. See BBC
British imperialism, 263–264, 271–272
British National Health Service, 221
Brokaw, Tom 24–25
Brooke, Alan, 364
Brooklyn College, 47
Brooks, Jack, 204
burning: as method of torture/execution, 118, 126. See also self-immolation
Burton, Dan, 135
Bush, George H. W., 205, 240, 310
Bush, George W., 63–72 passim, 188, 217
acknowledges global warming, 91
Afghanistan and, 127
amazed there’s such misunderstanding of U.S., 322
“executive privilege” and, 87
Harken and Halliburton scandals and, 310
Hurricane Katrina and, 76, 83
Iraq War and, 301–304, 309–312 passim
lambasted by Hugo Chávez, 316
national debt and, 240
neither retarded nor misdirected, 311–312
nuclear reactors and, 102
same-sex marriage and, 130
Supreme Court and, 83, 86
U.S. Naval Academy speech, 310–311
See also George W. Bush v. Al Gore
Bush, Jeb, 63
government and, 207–219
labor exploitation and, 229–234
See also cartels; small businesses
Butler, Charles Murray, 43–44
Caesar, Julius, 367, 369, 371–372, 374
popular initiatives of, 375
Cameron, Alan, 369
campaign spending, 105–106
cancer, 93
nuclear plants and, 102
capitalism, 229–234
Cold War and, 352–366 passim
culture and, 243–250
democracy and, 207–219
Eastern Europe, 206, 278–286
Yugoslavian resistance to, 288–289
environment and, 90–97
fascism and, 343–352 passim, 360
historiography and, 339
Hurricane Katrina and, 74–83 passim
imperialism and, 263–278 passim
inequality and, 234–243
Iraq War and, 304–308
state and, 207
See also class
Carnegie, Andrew, 248
Carr, E. H., 334–335
cars, 95, 97–101, 168–169
asthma and, 6
cost of use, 99
Eastern Europe, 279
fatalities, 98
globalized production of, 266–267
pollution and, 104
See also electric cars
cartels, 216
drug trafficking, 111
Germany, 264, 347, 349
oil industry, 6, 102
Carter, Jimmy, 200, 319–320
Cassius Dio Cocceianus, 372
Catholic Church: childbirth and, 150
Catiline, 377
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 375, 377
Cecil Rhodes–Alfred Milner Round Table, 332–333
censorship, 11–13
Antonio Gramsci and, 16
assassination of Gracchi and, 376
by NATO in Bosnia, 290–291
campus, 57
Croatia, 291
of global warming report, 77
media’s own methods of, 17–31
See also self-censorship
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
centrists, 189, 192, 193–194
charities, 77–79 passim
Charlemagne, 264
Charles, Robert, 119
Chávez, Hugo, 312–318
Cheney, Dick, 188, 217
Harken and Halliburton scandals and, 310
Chernobyl nuclear accident, 102
child abuse, 133
child labor, 159–160, 273
China, 282
Italy, 350
laws, struck down by courts, 85
child rape, 108, 126, 131
childbirth: Catholic Church and, 150
homeless, 281
Italian-American, 158–159
of gay parents, 136–137
Chile, 192, 195, 197
Japanese aggression in, 361
labor exploitation in 282
stock exchanges in , 279
U.S. intervention, 353
Wal-Mart in, 237–238
chlorofluorocarbon deregulation, 92
Christendom: historiography and, 335–337. See also Catholic Church
Christian Broadcasting Network, 9–10
Churchill, Winston, 332, 363, 365
CIA, 18–20 passim, 196, 200–203 passim, 205–206
Afghani operations, 321
Chilean operations, 195
Iraqi operations, 303, 305
Italian operations, 199
on college campuses, 42
report on Soviet military preparation, 3
train police, 206
Cicero, 366–367, 374, 377
Ciolli, Marco, 141, 143
CITGO, 316
Citibank, 266
Citizens for the Protection of Marriage, 130
City University of New York, Queens College, 53
civil war:
Spain, 359–360
Yugoslavia, 286–301 passim
class, 250–260
class struggle, 212, 218, 255–259 passim
government and, 243–245
historiography, 339
seen as passé, 255–258
classism in films, 141
Clear Channel, 11–12
client states, 277, 287–288
Clinton, Bill, 189, 193, 278
bombs Yugoslavia, et al, 287
calls Miloseviç “a new Hitler,” 300
complains about “knee-jerk liberal press,” 10
clitoridectomy, 125
Clodius, Publius, 367
coal miners: too weak from hunger to work, 284
Cohen, Morris Raphael, 38
Cold War, 278, 352–366 passim
conventional explanation of its start, 364–365
Coleman, William, 118
collective bargaining, 110
collectives: broken up in Eastern Europe, 280
colleges and universities, 248
control of, 41–43 passim
corporate connections with, 41
public ownership of, 221
repression in, 40–60
faculty purges, 45–47
collegia, 377
Colliers, Peter, 7–8
colonization, 269
Colosseum, 370
Columbia University, 43–44
common people. See workers and working class
Cuba, 27
Eastern Europe, 285–286
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 199
Communist Party (Germany), 347
Communist Party (Italy), 199, 259
repressed by Mussolini, 346
Communist Party USA, 44
Communist Youth Union (KSM), 285
Community Bank of the Cay, 220
conservation, 104
conservatives, 187–189
Constitution, 206–207. See also Fourteenth Amendment, Tenth Amendment
consumer control, 211
consumer debt, 239–240
consumer protection laws, 109
consumer spending: Eastern Europe, 283
consumerism, 238, 240–241
Conti, Ettore, 345
by trustees of social institutions, 247
exerted on Italian grandfathers by families, 157–158
ideological, 13–14
of colleges and universities, 41–43 passim
of corporations by the community (proposed), 105
of recording of history, 332–333
preferred in New Orleans to relief, 78
spectacles and social control, 370
state and, 194–195, 203–219 passim
See also censorship; consumer control
Cooper, Marc, 316
cooperatives, 221
broken up in Eastern Europe, 280
Venezuela, 315
Cornell University, 35, 43
corporations, 210
community control (proposed), 105
defined as persons, by law, 85, 87
power of, 233–234
subsidies to, 235
tax write-offs, 105
Third World exploitation and, 266
counterculture, 250
coups, 317
covert government actions, 111, 196, 200–201
credit unions, 220, 221
Critical Legal Studies movement, 46
Croatia, 291, 292
Crosby, John, 139
Crowd, The (Le Bon), 373
aid from, rejected, 81–82
hurricane response (2004), 75
media coverage of, 27
medical aid to Venezuela, 314
trade sanctions against, 111
U.S. history in, 276, 353
culture: monopolistic, 243–250
currency, 108
Iraq and, 306–307
Czech Republic
anticommunism in, 285
mistreatment of Roma, 287
Britain and France dictate to, 362
Nazi Germany and, 360
Soviet Union and, 361
dairy industry, 178
dams, 104
Dartmouth College, 46
Davis, Angela, 45
De Ste. Croix, G. E. M., 369–370
Deadly Deception, 12
Deakin, William, 332
“defense” spending. See military spending
deficit spending, 108, 240
Delay, Tom, 188
democracy, 212–213
capitalism and, 207–219
historic purpose, 243–244
suppressed in United States, 311–312
Democratic Leadership Council, 17
Democratic Party
journalists vote for, 15–16
distinction from Republican Party, 217
of Iraqis, 294
of leaders of “rogue nations,” 299–300
of Hugo Chávez, 315–317
of Serbs, 293
demonstrations and protests
campus, 54
media coverage, 26
repression against, 45
dental care: Venezuela, 314
Department of Homeland Security, 79
Dewitt Clinton High School, 169
Dickinson, John, 369
Diebold, Inc., 72
disaster relief: New Orleans, 74–83 passim
dissent, 34–36 passim, 39
fear of, 35
dissidents, 212
dismissed from academia, 43
in prison, 108
repressed by FBI, 196
See also demonstrations and protests
District of Columbia, 107
divorce, 134–135
conservative Christians and 134–135
same-sex couples and, 138
Dixie Chicks, 11
Dixon, Marlene, 45
documentary films: censorship, 12–13
Dolbeare, Kenneth, 46
domestic partnership, 130
domestic violence, 128–129, 133, 160
“dominant paradigm,” 31–40
dowries, 126, 132
dreams, 163
Dred Scott case, 84
drug trafficking
cartels, 111
CIA and, 19–20, 196, 206
See also heroin trade
drug offenders, 108
Dulles, Allen, 200
ES&S, 72
East Germany, 281
East Harlem, 149–163 passim
Eastern Europe, 206, 222–223
economic conditions, 278–286 passim
fascism in, 342
slavery in, 264
social conditions, 280
East Timor, 26, 286
automobiles and, 98
capitalism and, 90–97, 103
economic downturns , 242–242
economic inequality, 234–243
Eastern Europe, 279, 284
Venezuela, 312–313
Vietnam, 282–283
economic policy, 207–219
sanctions, 111
El Salvador, 26–27
Nazis and, 347
news media and, 112
polling station abnormalities, 63, 67, 68
United States (2000), 63–65
United States (2004), 36, 64–72
voter identification, 63–64, 73, 74
voter intimidation, 63, 69, 106
voter registration, 74, 106
r /> See also touchscreen voting machines
electoral college, 64, 65, 73, 106
electoral reform, 105–107
electric cars, 100–101, 104, 169
elephants: in Roman spectacles, 371
Elich, Gregory, 67
Elliott, Charles William, 43
émigrés, Soviet, 50
employee-owned businesses, 221
employment, 107–108, 161
Endangered Species Act, 92
energy, alternative, 103, 104
Energy Conversion Devices, 104
Engels, Friedrich, 90, 199, 265, 272
environment, 173
capitalism and, 90–97, 103
environmental health: news media coverage, 3–7
called “eco-terrorists,” etc., 91
called “fresh air fiends,” 173
estate tax, 105
ethnic minorities
“ethnic cleansing” and, 292–293
in television shows, 140
stereotypes, 138–145
violence against, 117–124
voters, 67, 68, 74
See also African Americans
dubious historical distinctions, 269
military technology advantage, 269–270
See also World War II
euros, 306
“evil eye,” 151–152
executions, 291, 357
of slaves in Ancient Rome, 374–375
executive office, 198–200
“executive privilege,” 87
executive salaries, 232
exit polls, 70–71, 107
exploitation of workers, 213–214, 229–234 passim, 256
goal of U.S. in Yugoslavia, 289
Third World, 266
“extreme” (label), 191–192, 193
Exxon, 231
FBI, 45, 196
Oliver North and, 333–334
Yugoslav operations, 298
Faces of War, 12
faculty purges, 45–47
Falangist movement, 342
false consciousness, 181–186
families: Italian-American, 149–168
family businesses, 164–168
family wealth, 236–237
farm aid, 103
farm loans, 220
Ancient Rome, 374
Eastern Europe, 280
Venezuela, 313
fascism, 192, 196–197
censorship and, 16
Croatia, 291
history of, 341–352
United States and, 218
fear, 182
of communism, 355–356
of socialist revolutions, 366
federal aid to farmers, 103
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 79, 80
Federal Reserve, 108
Feith, Douglas, 308–309
Feltsman, Vladimir, 50
female genital mutilation, 125
feminism: Pat Robertson on, 10
film industry: ownership, 11
election of 2000, 63–64, 88
election of 2006, 73
voters purged, 74
Foley, Mark, 136
Foley, Tom, 204
Italian Americans and, 142, 157
makes slide show worth sitting though, 163
See also bread; organic foods