Sunset Ridge

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Sunset Ridge Page 3

by Carol Lynne

  Ram covered Gray’s hand with his own where they rested on his stomach. “Looks good.” He felt Gray’s cock against his ass and pushed back. “Feels good, too.”

  Gray ran his hands down to cup Ram’s erection through his jeans. “Soon. You need to meet the hands and then come to the house for supper. I’ll make up some excuse to come back over after that.” He squeezed Ram’s cock a little harder. “Then I plan to enjoy this well into the night.”

  Ram pushed against the big hand before turning around to capture Gray’s mouth with his own. He thrust his tongue into the heated recesses of Gray’s mouth and groaned. Pulling back he looked into Gray’s eyes. “Damn, you taste good.” He sighed and stepped back. “Let’s get the rest of my stuff and then go meet everyone.

  * * * *

  After introducing Ram to the rest of the stable hands, Gray escorted him into the formal dining room of the main house. Ram took in the lace tablecloth and china and felt uncomfortable. He’d grown up a ranch foreman’s kid. He wasn’t used to eating on a tablecloth that wasn’t in a red and white checked pattern. He took off his hat and hung it on the hook that Gray pointed to. Raleigh was already seated at the table. She rolled her eyes as Ram sat down.

  “Oh, pleeeaase, Uncle Gray. Don’t tell me the hired help is going to be dining with us from now on.” She gave Gray a disgusted look and rolled her eyes again.

  “You, young lady, have two choices. You can either apologise to Ram right now or have dinner in your room alone until you can act like a lady.” Gray leaned on the table and stared at Raleigh.

  Raleigh stared right back. After several very uncomfortable seconds she narrowed her eyes at Gray and then Ram, before rising from the table.

  “Have Georgia send my dinner to my room.” She started to flounce off in a snit when Gray’s words brought her up short.

  “If you’re having dinner in your room you can damn sure carry it up yourself. Georgia’s done her job by preparing food for the table. If you choose to eat elsewhere it’s on you.” He turned his back on her and poured himself a glass of red wine.

  Raleigh grunted and walked out of the dining room. The next sound they heard was the front door slamming and then a car pulling out of the drive.

  Gray rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and sighed. “I’m sorry about that. My father certainly didn’t do anyone any favours by spoiling that child like he did.”

  Ram shook his head and chuckled. “She told me earlier that I was nothing but a hired hand and I worked for her. Your little pumpkin also told me that I didn’t want her as an enemy because she didn’t play fair.” Ram stretched his leg under the table and nudged Gray’s foot. “What I need to know is whether this is going to be a problem. I’m not used to dealing with spoiled girls, and I’m not sure I have the patience for it.”

  “I wish the hell I knew. Raleigh’s always been spoiled, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard her speak so rudely to someone before.”

  Ram wished he was in the position to kiss the troubled expression from Gray’s handsome face. “You think she knows about us?”

  Gray shook his head and moved his mashed potatoes around with his fork. “She doesn’t even know I’m gay. Could have something to do with the fact you’re not fawning all over her like most of the guys around here.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “Not your problem though. I’ll try to have a talk with her when she gets home.”

  Ram moved his plate aside and leaned on the table, putting himself closer to Gray. He was about to confess something that would show his hand. “If it bothers you, it is my problem.”

  Gray reached across the table and covered Ram’s hand. “Despite what goes on with Raleigh, I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too.” Ram grazed his thumb across Gray’s. “Although I’ve never had what I’d call a lover before. I just hope I don’t screw it up.”

  Staring into Ram’s eyes, Gray licked his lips. “Let’s eat so Georgia doesn’t get her nose out of joint. Then I’ll help you unpack.”

  Ram smiled. “It might take us a while. I’ve got a lot of books that need to be dusted and put away.”

  Gray pulled his hand back and cut a piece of chicken fried steak. “Guess we could spread it out over a couple of weeks if we need to.”

  Keeping their budding relationship a secret from Raleigh and the rest of the hands wouldn’t be easy. They would continue to need an excuse to be together after working hours. “What about that old car in the garage? Ever thought of restoring it?”

  “The Cobra? Hell, yeah, I’ve thought about it. I bought that thing when I was twenty. I went to a ranch sale and found it in the back of this old guy’s barn. It’s a rusted piece of shit, but I knew I had to have it. Dad chewed my ass for a month over that damn thing, but I refused to get rid of it. I moved it into my bay of the garage and started parking my truck outside.”

  “So why haven’t you done anything with it?” He knew through his research that Gray was thirty-six, a long time to let a car just sit.

  “Dad always found something else for me to do on my off hours. Then he got sick and there wasn’t time to do anything but take care of him, Raleigh and the ranch.” Gray shrugged. “Would be nice, though.”

  “What year is it?” Ram asked. For some reason the thought of helping Gray fulfil a dream inspired him to make it happen.

  “Sixty-six.” He rubbed his jaw. “Might be hard to get parts for it.”

  “Not hard, just expensive.”

  Gray’s face lit up. “I’d like that as long as we could take a break now and then for other things,” he said with a wink.

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  Chapter Three

  Before going upstairs to the loft, Gray uncovered the Mustang Cobra. “Hello, little fella. Nice to see you again.” It had been a while since he’d allowed himself to dream of fixing up the roadster.

  Ram wrapped his arms around Gray from behind. “I thought most cars were referred to as females.”

  “Yeah, but just look at that front end. Looks like an open mouth just begging for a cock.” Gray chuckled. “At least it always did to me anyway.”

  Ram groaned and moved a hand down to the front of Gray’s jeans. “So evidently you’ve always been horny. And here I was hoping it was just me that had you thinking about sex all the time.”

  Gray leant back against Ram as his zipper was lowered. “You’re the first man I ever jacked off for on camera. Does that tell you anything?”

  “Not enough. Why don’t you tell me more?” Ram kissed Gray’s neck as he moved his hands under the waistband of Gray’s underwear.

  “Used to be a quick fuck or blowjob on buying trips was enough to keep my head on straight but not any more. Since the minute you stepped foot on the ranch I haven’t been able to think of anything but getting your sweet ass in bed.”

  Ram wrapped his hand around Gray’s cock. “So tell me again why we’re standing here looking at a car?”

  “Because your hand feels too good to push away?” Gray joked.

  Ram released his hold and span Gray around. “I have one request.”

  “Okay,” Gray answered as he led Ram towards the stairs.

  Ram thought of their Internet conversation about getting tested. He had the papers that cleared him, and Gray said he had been given a clean bill of health. He knew it might come off as bold, but he decided to speak his mind. “I’ve never fucked somebody without a condom, so I’d like to give that a try first thing.”

  Although Ram’s cock was still in his jeans, Gray remembered the look and feel of the thick piece of hardware at the tip. “Never been fucked by anyone with a piercing.”

  “You’re in for a treat then.” Ram nipped Gray’s neck before starting upstairs.

  Gray stared at Ram’s perfect cowboy ass on the way up. Good Lord, how would he be able to control his reaction to Ram’s body around the ranch? Luckily the weather would be getting cool before long and he could use his long black duste
r to hide his erection. Until then, he’d either have to stay the hell away from Ram or learn to walk around with an untucked shirt.

  The second they were in the loft they both automatically stopped and took off their boots. Too many years living on a ranch, Gray suspected. He stripped off his socks before heading towards the large bed in the corner. How many times had he jerked off in that bed, wishing he had someone to share it with?

  Gray pulled his shirt off and kicked his way out of his jeans and underwear before turning to watch Ram. He pulled the covers down and draped them over the footboard before climbing to the centre of the tall bed.

  He was leaning up on his elbow with his legs bent and spread when his attention was drawn to a pair of headlights pulling into the drive. “Fuck!” Although Gray was low enough not to be seen, the shade was up, putting Ram’s gorgeously naked body on full display. “Please tell me she’s not looking up here?” he asked when he heard a car door slam shut.

  Ram slowly walked over to the window without a shred of modesty and lowered the blind. “Not only looking but standing with her mouth wide open.” He turned back to Gray and grabbed his cock. “You think I scared her?”

  Gray groaned. He took another good look at Ram’s long, fat cock before scooting to the edge of the bed. “She’ll be looking for me. I’d better run out to the stable and find something to do before she finds me.”

  “Or I could just lock the door.” Ram neared the bed and pulled Gray’s head back for a deep kiss.

  With Ram’s tongue probing his throat, the last thing in the world Gray wanted was to leave, but it was too early to expose their relationship to Raleigh. Maybe someday he’d have the balls to come out of the closet, but for now he felt it was better to sneak out on occasion. “If Raleigh finds out the whole damn town will know in a matter of hours. That girl does love to gossip.”

  “You’re her uncle. Would she really sell you out like that?”

  Gray only had to think about it for a moment. “Not normally, but when she gets into a snit about something all bets are off.” He looked up at Ram. “I’m sorry. I’m just not ready to fly the rainbow flag over Sunset Ridge.”

  Ram’s eyebrows drew together. “I didn’t ask you to.” He stepped back and reached for his jeans. “You’d better hurry if you’re going to make it out of here before she comes lookin’.”

  Shit. Gray knew he’d screwed up. He grabbed his jeans and put them on without bothering with his underwear. “I’ll make this up to you, I promise.”

  Ram handed Gray his shirt. “Yeah. Some other time,” he mumbled.

  Gray shrugged his shirt on and stuffed his feet into his boots. He balled up his socks and underwear to hide in the garage until he could come back to get them before turning towards Ram. “Is this a deal breaker?”

  With his thumbs hooked into the belt loops of those sexy as fuck jeans, Ram shook his head. “I’m disappointed, that’s all.”

  “Me, too.” Gray gestured towards the door. “I’ll see ya in the mornin’.”

  “Call me if you get lonely.”

  “I already am.”

  * * * *

  Gray made it to the stable with time to spare. He was checking on Sir Lindley of the Downs, nicknamed Flint owing to his colouring, when Raleigh walked into the stable.

  “Something wrong with him?” she asked.

  “He’s favouring his left hind leg. I’m just trying to figure out why.” Gray didn’t bother standing to address his niece. “The way you acted at dinner was embarrassing, pumpkin. What the hell’s gotten into you?”

  “I don’t like your new manager, and I won’t pretend I do.”

  Gray’s first reaction was to jump up and defend Ram, but he held himself back. If Ram were any other of the hired hands, Gray would be impartial. It would serve him to remember that if he had hopes of hiding his budding feelings for the man from the rest of the staff. “Jack Ramsdale just moved from Arizona to Arkansas to take this job. From what I hear he’s a damn good manager. So unless you plan to quit school and help me manage the place, I’d suggest you keep your tongue in check when he’s around.”

  “I don’t like the way he looks at me. Are you sure he doesn’t have some kind of record or something?”

  Gray dipped his chin down and grinned. He knew what a sexually charged glance from Ram looked like. Gray’s body started to respond to the memory of their first night in the tack room. “You’re too young for him. I can guarantee Ram isn’t interested in teenagers. What you’re seein’ is probably disbelief that anyone so darn pretty could have a mouth so filled with venom they could give a rattler lessons.”

  “I can’t believe you’re sticking up for him!”

  “Not sticking up for anyone. All I’m sayin’ is that you need to work this out with Ram because I’m not about to fire him before he’s had a chance to prove what he can do. Now get on back to the house.”

  “Uncle Gray!” Raleigh yelled, stamping her foot on the concrete floor. “I don’t want him in my house! I just saw him standing in front of his window completely naked. I know he was waiting for me to come home so he could flash me.”

  Tired after a long day and on edge after the evening’s events, Gray got to his feet. He stared at his niece and shook his head. “Part of Ram’s hiring package was the loft apartment and meals. That’s business. That’s my business. I’ll talk to Ram about lowering his blinds in the evenings. The loft’s his home now, and I’m not about to tell the man he can’t walk around nude in his own home.”

  Gray’s body reacted predictably to the thought of Ram’s naked body. He moved to put the stallion between him and Raleigh.

  Raleigh bit her bottom lip as tears started to roll down her cheeks. It was an old ploy she’d used with Gray’s father, but it didn’t have the effect on Gray it had once had. “I don’t understand why you’re taking his side.”

  “I told you. I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’ve worked hard for too damn long to make this place one of the top breeding operations in the country. I’m not about to start making decisions that could hurt the ranch just because you don’t like someone. Like I said, you’ll have to learn to deal with Ram being here.”

  Raleigh narrowed her almond-shaped eyes. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you about him.”

  Gray watched Raleigh leave with mixed feelings. Despite her caustic attitude towards people, he loved that girl. Except for his sister, Raleigh was the only family he had left. Unfortunately, Raleigh would be off to college in a year. Gray didn’t know where things were going between him and Ram, but for the first time in his life he felt like he had a chance to build something real.

  He gave Flint a pat on the back. “See you in the morning.”

  After closing the stable door, Gray stared up at the darkened windows of Ram’s loft. Was he asleep? Gray’s body urged him to find out, but his head reminded him it was only Ram’s first night on Sunset Ridge. He readjusted his erection and shook his head.

  “Soon,” he whispered before taking off towards the house.

  * * * *

  Ram showed up for breakfast wearing his usual work clothes. Gone were the sexy low-rise jeans and thoughts of jumping Gray’s bones. It was his first official workday, and he needed to keep his mind on the job.

  He entered the dining room with his hat in his hand and waited to be invited to the table. Gray and Raleigh were in the middle of a discussion on the importance of going to school every day. It seemed Raleigh felt as if she should be able to take off at least one day a week.

  As Gray became increasingly flustered, a prominent vein in his neck began to throb. Ram unconsciously licked his lips. What he wouldn’t do to follow the vein with his tongue to where it disappeared under Gray’s shirt collar. He shook the thought away when his body started to respond to the idea. Nope, not today.

  “This isn’t up for discussion. You’re going to school and that’s that.” Gray finally looked away from Raleigh long enough to notice Ram in the doorway. “Come o
n in. This isn’t a new conversation.”

  Ram hung his hat on the hook and approached the table. He wasn’t sure what Raleigh’s reaction would be to his presence, but he was prepared for anything she threw at him. As if by magic, the moment he took a seat, Georgia walked into the room with a plate laden with bacon, eggs and the best looking biscuits and gravy that he’d seen since he’d left his momma’s house. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

  Georgia set the plate down before patting Ram on the back. “There’s plenty more in the kitchen so holler if you want seconds.”

  “I appreciate that.” After Georgia retreated, Ram filled a cup with coffee from the carafe on the table.

  “You sleep okay?” Gray asked.

  “Like a baby,” Ram lied. He’d watched Gray from the window the previous night, hoping his new boss would sneak back up to finish what they’d started. When Gray had bypassed the garage and gone straight into the house, Ram had been more than a little disappointed.

  “I thought I’d introduce you to everyone this morning and give you the work schedules I’ve made up. Handling the men isn’t my forte so feel free to change anything you want. I’ve also got a new kid coming in after school. He’ll be mucking stalls in the evenings, but I like to have them cleaned in the morning as well. Walking potential buyers through stables that smell like shit doesn’t tend to impress.”

  “I understand.”

  “Who’d you hire from the high school?” Raleigh asked.

  “Kid by the name of Jesse Franks. Seems he’s been gettin’ in a bit of trouble, so his counsellor thought a job would be good for him.”

  “Jesse Franks?” Raleigh’s lip curled in a sign of disgust. “He’s totally gross and like a major stoner.”

  “Not on my watch,” Ram added. “No smokin’, no drinkin’, no fuckin’ off.” He liked the idea of teaching a troubled kid what it felt like to put in a hard day’s work, but he wasn’t a babysitter. “If the kid doesn’t follow the rules, I’ve got no use for him.”


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