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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

Page 19

by Alana Sapphire

  “It’s not the same.”

  “It is. But don’t let me interrupt. Tell me about Ron,” I prod, trying to redirect the conversation.

  “You sure?”


  “Okay... well... hanging out with him and the other guys last night, it’s kinda changed my perspective on the club.”


  “I mean, I know they’re not saints, but I know now that they’re not as bad as everyone makes them out to be.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And Gage… I had my doubts, but you know him better than I do so if he’s okay in your book, then he’s okay in mine.”

  “Speaking of books, have you checked out my Kindle library?”

  We set up the Family Library so we could have free reign of each other’s books.

  “Yeah. Saw some new stuff. Why?”

  “So, Gage saw me browsing last night and just pops his credit card out and says ‘get whatever you want’.”

  “Shit. He keeps doing that, he’s definitely getting into your panties.”

  I try, but I can’t hold back my smile. “Whatever. It’s not like that.” Well, not exactly like that. I want him, but it’s so much more.

  “What’s it like?”

  I take a deep breath, trying to figure out how to explain it, explain what I feel when I’m with him.

  “He’s… complex. He’s smart… so smart, but I think he hides it from most people. It’s like he has two personalities. One minute, we could be having the most intelligent conversation and the next, he slips into ‘badass biker mode’ with a dirty mouth to match.”

  She places her elbow on the table and drops her cheek onto her palm, listening intently.

  “He’s kind and strong and protective. I feel safe with him. I feel—”

  “You’re falling for him.”

  Am I? Maybe. “Do you ever crave someone’s company? Just their presence? It doesn’t matter what you do. You could be sitting together in complete silence, staring into space, but you’re just… happy. Completely fucking happy.”

  “No. But I’m happy for you. I hope this all works out.”

  “Me, too.” She squeezes my hand and gives me an encouraging smile. “My break is over. I have to get back to work.”

  “No prob. I’ll just go home and check out those books your sexy, biker daddy bought you.”


  “See ya!” She laughs and breezes out the door.

  Millie corners me before I start taking orders again and ushers me to her office. I follow her, curious as to what is going on. She closes the door and pulls out a poster from under her desk.

  “I put on a fair for the kids around here every year at Halloween. I was wondering if you’d like to help out.”

  The poster is from last year but it shows all the different rides and activities for the kids. It looks like fun and something I’d definitely want to get involved with.

  “Sure, I’d love to! What would you want me to do?”

  “Great! I know you draw. Do you paint? I was thinking you could do face painting.”

  “I can definitely do that. This is going to be so much fun!”

  “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll get the new posters printed up and get you all the materials you’ll need.”

  “Awesome. Thanks for including me.”

  I leave her office and go through the rest of the day thinking about all the different faces I can paint. This fair is going to be off the chain!


  I’m about to go to bed, just after midnight, when my phone vibrates with a text from Gage.

  Gage: I’m outside.

  I quickly throw on a robe over my tank top and boy shorts and let him in. Lonnie’s working tonight, so I know she won’t be home until morning. He tips the hood of his jacket back and gives me a weak smile. He looks so tired. I wonder what he’s been up to. He hands me a paper bag, and I peek in to see the pills Dr. E prescribed.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back.” I hide them in my room and return to see him leaning against the wall, head back, eyes closed. “Are you okay?”

  He turns to me with a weary sigh and pushes off the wall. His eyes wander over my face as he cups my cheek with one hand and slides the other through my hair.

  “I am now.”

  His lips brush mine tenderly and a moan emanates from the back of my throat. I curl my fingers around his wrists and move up onto my toes, trying to get closer. I breathe him in, his scent of leather, cologne, and him, going to my head. His tongue flicks out, licking at my bottom lip, and I open for him. He slides in with a groan and I catch his tongue between my lips, sucking gently. His hands move to my hips and I curl my arms around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. Growling, he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his hips. The kiss changes. It becomes harder, more aggressive. It’s not a passionate frenzy like before, more like a punishment or a release of pent-up anger. My lips begin to throb from the force of it, and I can’t breathe. I fist my hand in his hair and pull back to catch my breath.


  He forces me against the wall and buries his face in my neck.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it was just... a little intense.” Intense enough that it’s clear something’s bothering him. I knew it the moment he walked through the door. “What happened today?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re off. What did you do today?”

  He moves to the living room, sitting on the couch with me astride him. He looks at me carefully as if deciding if he should talk to me or not. I wish he would. I can never tell what’s going on in his head. I need him to trust me, too, to know I’m here for him when he needs me.

  “You can tell me anything, too, you know.”

  “I can’t, doll. Not this.”

  I cradle his face in my hands and stare into his beautiful, blue eyes, now dull with the weight of his troubles. I need to see the brilliance returned. “I trust you with my life, Gage. You can trust me.”

  He closes his eyes, sinking his fingers into my hips. I place my forehead on his, pleading, “I’m here for you. Trust me. You can trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Raven. My world isn’t pretty. I need to shield you from all the bad shit I do.”

  “And I love that about you... that you want to protect me. But I hate seeing you like this. I wanna help.”

  “You can’t.”

  “How do you know? Sometimes, just talking can help. You don’t have to give me specifics.”

  “You sure you want to go down this road? There’s no turning back, Raven.”

  I nod and settle into his lap, clasping my hands at the back of his neck. He takes a deep breath.

  “Those guys from the other night. I found out who they were and why they were after me. We found the rest of the crew and took ’em out today.”

  “You mean…?”

  He looks directly into my eyes, his expression stoic. “Yes, Raven. I killed them.”


  She watches me intently, her head tilted to the side. I’m anxious to see just how she’ll absorb that piece of information. Her face is betraying nothing, though, so I have no idea what’s going through her mind.

  “So… there’s no one else to come after you now?”

  “Yeah. Well, no one from that crew.”

  She nods, chewing on her bottom lip. I watch her as she mulls it over in her mind, not looking at me.

  “Okay,” she finally says.

  “Okay?” I raise a surprised brow. “That’s all you’re going to say?”

  “What do you want me to say? You were in danger, and you took care of it.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “I’m not saying it doesn’t, but… you’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

  It’s like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. All the shit that was dragging me down before I got here seems light-years away. I’ve cer
tainly never done anything in my life to deserve a woman like this, but here she is. Everyone needs someone who can handle their dark side. I’m as dark as they come and she’s handling it like a champ. There’s only one thing to do when you find a woman like her—you keep her. No doubt about it. I’m going to make her my woman. She’s mine.

  “Come here.”

  She eagerly presses her lips to mine. I pull on the knot holding her robe together and push the sides apart. She lets out a little whimper as my tongue touches hers. God, I’ve never tasted anything sweeter than these lips. I could kiss her all day, every day, and tell the world to fuck off. I slide my hands up her thighs and she quivers. Her skin is like the finest silk; I just want to touch every inch of her. I think back to yesterday and the sensation I got from feeling her coming under me. I can’t wait for the day she comes around me when I’m deep inside her.

  She pulls away and rests her forehead on mine, her breaths coming in little puffs.

  “I have… a favor to ask you.”

  “Anything,” I say, while trying to bring her lips back to mine.

  “Next weekend is Chrissy’s birthday.”

  She whimpers when I snag her bottom lip and pull on it.

  “Could you just stop for a second?” She moans.

  “Okay, okay.”

  I stare at her lips, swollen from my kisses, and make small circles on her thighs with my thumbs. Her eyes glaze over.

  “You’re… you’re distracting me.”

  “Chrissy’s birthday?”

  “Oh… she… she wants to go dancing.”


  I trail my nose up her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. “You smell good… like… cinnamon and apples.”

  She shivers, her head falling back as I kiss along her carotid. Her thighs tremble underneath my fingers as she slides hers through my hair.


  I chuckle against her skin. Despite the fact that my dick is trying to burst through my jeans, I can’t help but find it funny how easily distracted she is.

  “Dancing, baby doll.”

  “Mm-hmm… at your club.”


  She pulls my head back by my hair and shakes her head as if to clear her thoughts.

  “I was hoping you could get me in… since, technically, I’m not eighteen yet.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Yeah. What did you think I was going to ask for?”

  I don’t know… shit women usually ask for—money, jewelry, to go shopping. Then again, this is the girl who got excited over a few books. I should have known better.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  “Cool. Now… your lips were doing something right about here…” She motions to her neck, “that felt really good. So… continue.”

  “Is that an order?”

  “No. Just a strong request.”

  I smile as she bats her lashes, feigning innocence. The words slip out before I know what’s happening. “Come home with me.”

  “Back to the clubhouse?”

  “No. To my place. I just need to hold you.”

  “Okay. I’ll get my stuff.”

  Her words lift my spirit even higher. More than anything in the world, I want to fall asleep with her in my arms. Maybe it’s the shit day I’ve had, but she makes me forget. That’s just what I need. To forget everything that’s bad and wrong in my life. Everything that’s dark. I need her innocence. I need her to make me not feel like an evil motherfucker. I need her to... fuck it.

  I just need her.



  Gage: Don’t have too much fun without me.

  I get the text while I’m doing my makeup, getting ready to go to Scythe with Chrissy. I tap out a reply and set the phone back down.

  Raven: You don’t dance, so you’re just going to have to deal with it.

  Gage: As long as no one touches your sexy ass, I’m good.

  Raven: So only ass is off-limits?

  I can just imagine the vein in his forehead popping out. The man takes jealousy to a whole new dimension.

  Gage: RAVEN.

  Raven: Ooooh... all caps. You know I’m just playing! All this sexiness is yours.

  I add the little smiley with his tongue out and hit send. He replies right away.

  Gage: Damn straight. Text me when you need me to pick you up.

  Raven: K.

  I finish my makeup and slip into my mini-dress—a teal bodycon with a deep V neck and spaghetti straps, which matches the new streaks in my hair. I finish with black, caged platform heels. I check my reflection in the mirror. Damn, I look good. Thanks to Gage. Or Papi Chulo, as Chrissy now calls him. He even paid for her outfit, too, as a birthday present. After a few spritzes of perfume, I grab my clutch, jacket, phone, and the twins’ gifts, then head outside to wait for Ron. I pass Lonnie sitting on the couch, watching TV. I don’t know what’s got her at home tonight.

  “Where you off to all dressed up?” she asks.


  “Out?” She raises a brow.

  “Don’t pretend you care.”

  “I don’t.”


  “Heard you been spending a lot of time with the prospect.”

  “You heard right.”

  I don’t need to explain anything to her, especially about Chrissy’s love life. Having had enough of this conversation, I turn away, but her voice stops me again.

  “You got condoms?”

  “What? I don’t—”

  “I don’t want you bringing any babies in here.”

  I’m tempted to tell her to go fuck herself, but the lights pulling into the driveway catch my attention. I leave without a word. The nerve of the bitch. Ron whistles in appreciation when I slide in next to him, and I forget all about Lonnie.


  “You like?” I ask with a grin.

  “You look hot! Prez would shit bricks if he saw you right now.”

  “Well, luckily he isn’t here.”

  “Lucky for you.”

  “Whatever. Let’s go.”

  We pull up to Chrissy’s house and Ron checks his phone. “I texted Chrissy to meet us outside, but she didn’t answer.”

  “I’ll get her.”

  I grab the gift bags and walk up the driveway to the door. The lights are on, so I know Mr. and Mrs. Contreras are still up. I ring the bell and wait for someone to answer. The door opens and I come face to face with Christopher. I don’t know what to do or say. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since that night.

  “Hi,” I say awkwardly.

  He steps outside and closes the door behind him.

  “Hi.” His eyes travel the length of my body before he meets my gaze. “You look… beautiful. As always.”

  “Thank you. Happy birthday.”


  “I got you something,” I tell him, handing him the gift bag. “It’s not much… Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  He looks down at the bag and an uncomfortable silence stretches between us. One of us needs to say something. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better, but I’m getting there.”


  “It’s okay. I’ve been thinking and Chrissy’s helped some. I know you love me… just not the way I love you. There’s nothing I can do about that. I just wish I’d lost you to a better man.”

  I know there’s no use in trying to defend Gage, so I don’t. Besides, that would just be rubbing salt in his wound. “I know we can’t be friends, but… I don’t want you to hate me, either.”

  He takes a deep breath and cups my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “I could never hate you, Raven.”

  I throw my arms around him before the look in his eyes reduces me to tears. Real, raw love that everyone se
arches their whole lives for—that’s what I saw there. The little tinge of hurt behind it grabs my heart, squeezing like a fist. Will Gage ever look at me like that? Or will his four-letter “L word” forever be “lust”?

  “I’m here for you, Raven… if you ever need me.”

  “I don’t deserve it, but thank you.”

  The door opens and we release each other. Chrissy and three other girls stand in the doorway uncomfortably.

  “Are we interrupting?” his sister asks.

  “No. We’re good,” Chris answers.

  He smiles at me and steps back inside. We’re good. It’s more than I could have ever hoped for, so I’ll take it.

  “You ladies have fun.”

  Chrissy takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I reply. “You ready?”


  “Happy birthday. You look awesome.”

  Her black and gold sequined, chevron dress clings to every curve of her body. As a matter of fact, they all look awesome.

  She pulls me into a bear hug and rocks side to side. I return her embrace, thinking she’s more of a sister to me than Lonnie’s ever been. She takes the gift bag and places it inside then introduces me to the other girls—Morgan, Rachel, and Brandi. We cram into the Charger and Chrissy pulls Ron to her, planting a wet kiss on him.

  “Happy birthday, gorgeous. Fuck, you look amazing.”

  “Thanks. Now, let’s go raise some hell!”

  There’s a line around the block when we get to the club. Ron pulls over at the curb and tells us to wait for him while he parks. The name of the club shines in red neon above the door, the “S” a double-edged scythe.

  “You sure we can get in?” Morgan asks. Apparently, I’m not the only one under eighteen. I look to Chrissy, hoping she hasn’t told them exactly how we’re getting in.

  “I told you, Ron talked to Gage. We’ll be fine.”

  Thank God. They still look apprehensive but accept her explanation. Ron returns and hooks his arm around Chrissy’s neck.

  “How the fuck I get so lucky? Five gorgeous ladies on my arms.”

  The other girls giggle and I roll my eyes. “Let’s go, Casanova.”

  He ushers us to the front of the line and the security guy moves aside. Another guy stamps our wrists with a skull and crossbones symbol that glows in the dark. Ron explains that it indicates we can’t be served alcohol. He disappears to get us drinks and we head straight to the middle of the dance floor. The club reminds me of the Mustang—black and red, reapers and scythes all over. The strobe lights flash red and machines cover the floor with smoke. In the middle of “Touchin’ Lovin’,” the DJ scratches the record and the song stops.


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