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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

Page 21

by Alana Sapphire

  Jesus Christ. I think I can hear my balls turning blue. “Raven—”

  She winks, stands on her toes, and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

  “I’m going to get some sleep. Call me tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “Dream about me.”

  “You dream about me,” I tell her.




  I see him before he walks into the diner. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself to face him. It’s time to put three years of drama club to use. I square my shoulders but go back to wiping down the counter. The chimes on the door jingle, and I smile up at him.

  “Hi. Welcome to Millie’s. Just sit where you like, and I’ll be right with you,” I issue my standard greeting.

  He removes his hat and takes the stool in front of me. He looks tired. The kind of tired that comes from having a stressful job. He’s probably in his thirties but looks much older. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown, but are heavy with years of seeing too much shit. His brown hair is parted to the side and neatly combed. I can tell he works out a lot because his arms fill out his shirt very nicely.

  “Okay… counter it is. What can I get you?”


  “Regular or decaf?”


  “Coming right up.”

  As I’m pouring his coffee, he introduces himself. “Sheriff Adrian Renley. I’d like to ask you some questions, Miss Alvarez.”

  “Um… okay.”

  I need to play it cool. I have to find a balance between not knowing anything and knowing too much. He’s here, which means he thinks I know something.

  “Are you acquainted with Mr. Gage Hunter?”

  “I know him. Why?”

  “How do you know him?”

  “I met him through my sister. Again… why?”

  “There was an incident on September thirteenth. Witnesses reported a car being chased and shot at by two men on motorcycles.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that. Have you caught those guys?”

  “Working on it. Witnesses from Chiquita’s say the two of you had a heated argument that night.”

  “I wouldn’t call it that.”

  “What would you call it?”

  “A conversation.”

  Millie walks up and places her arm around my shoulder protectively. “Sheriff, what’s going on here?”

  “Just asking some questions.”

  “Well, since Raven is a minor, you won’t mind me sticking around.”

  “Of course not.”

  Throughout the entire exchange so far, his expression has not changed. Not even a twitch. He has one hell of a poker face because I can’t tell what he’s thinking. He nods to Millie then turns back to me.

  “What did you talk about?”

  I look to Millie in mock confusion and back to Renley. “What’s this about? I know it’s not illegal to talk to people.”

  “It isn’t… but I know it was him those bikers were after. And I believe you were with him.”

  “Why would I have been with him?”

  “You were seen leaving Chiquita’s together.”

  “We went out back, talked, and then went our separate ways.”

  Finally, I get an expression from him. He raises an eyebrow.

  “Really now?”

  “Yes… really.”

  “You’re protecting him. I don’t know why or who you think he is, but let me enlighten you.”

  He opens a file folder I hadn’t even noticed before and pulls out some pictures. He lays one on the counter and I look down at it. It’s a gorgeous girl with the most intense green eyes I’ve ever seen. Glossy brown hair, and lips women pay a fortune for.

  “What the hell are you doing, Renley?”

  Millie’s voice drags my attention away from the picture. She looks like she’s about to rip the man’s head off, but he ignores her.

  “That’s Janet Presley,” Renley says, pointing to the picture.

  I try not to react to the name, but I think he caught wind of the fact that I’ve heard it before.

  “Well… before Hunter got to her.”

  He slaps down four other photos and I gasp in shock. Each one is of Janet but documenting different injuries. The one of her face shows her eyes black and blue and swollen shut. As a matter of fact, her whole face is swollen and covered in cuts and bruises, her lips split. There are choke marks around her neck. The others show her arm in a cast and horrible bruises on her ribs and stomach.

  “Is she… Did she die?”

  “No, as far as I know, but she was raped and beaten within an inch of her life. She fingered Hunter once she woke up, but she didn’t have to. We had evidence, his semen inside her. A few days later, evidence goes missing, she recants her story, and disappears from the hospital.”

  “That’s enough, Renley,” Millie states with finality.

  The wind chimes sound again and Gage steps in, murder in his eyes. Renley grabs his hat but doesn’t pack up the pictures until he’s sure Gage has seen them. He lays a business card on the table before he leaves.

  “Call me.”

  The two men glare at each other as Renley walks out. I can’t move. I can’t think. It can’t be true. Gage would never do that… Would he? He’s not that kind of man. Or is he? That night he was so angry about my clothes comes rushing back. The way he’d slammed his palm into the wall… Did he really want to hit me instead? And then when he spanked me at the club… was he just holding back? And rape? This must be what Chris and Chrissy tried to warn me about. With all the drama, I forgot to ask Gage about it. Oh, God. What have I gotten myself into?


  His voice sounds far away. I slowly raise my gaze to his, my body trembling in shock and fear.

  “Take her around back. Use my office,” Millie tells him.

  He takes my hand and pulls me along behind him, locking the door once we’re in Millie’s office. I stand in the corner, hugging myself tightly. He reaches for me and I pull away, tears welling in my eyes.


  “Is it true? Did you… did you do that to that girl?”

  “No! Of course not. Do you really think…?”

  He sighs heavily and pulls out a chair, motioning for me to sit. I do so tentatively, watching his every move closely. He crouches before me, taking my hand in his.

  “Janet was a friend of Ellen’s. She moved away after high school but came back about two years ago. We messed around for a while, but what she neglected to tell anyone was that she was running from an abusive ex.”

  I stare into his eyes to try and catch any sign I can that he’s lying. He returns my stare with eyes colored with hurt but not deceit.

  “The guy found her. Went ballistic when he learned about me and attacked her. He threatened to kill her if she didn’t say it was me. I got her to change her story and, using some transportation channels I have access to, I got her away safely… set her up somewhere else.”

  “So, she’s alive?”

  “Yes… and happy. She’s the old lady of another charter’s president. Last I heard, she was having a baby.”

  “And the semen?”

  “Dude got it from a used condom I left at her place that night.”

  I can’t believe I doubted him. He’s not a rapist. We’ve been in so many situations where he could have easily hurt me and he hasn’t. But now I understand why Renley has it in for him. What he must have gone through….


  “I should have told you before.”

  “What about the boyfriend?”

  “He was taken care of. She’s Rambo’s problem now, not mine. You believe me, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

  He pulls out his phone, punches in a number, and places it at his ear.

  “Rambo… yeah, everything’s good. Look, I need a favor… it’s goi
ng to sound strange… I need a picture of your old lady… yeah… something like that.”

  I listen to the one-sided conversation, admiring him even more for wanting to prove that he’s telling the truth. A message comes in a minute after he hangs up. He turns the screen toward me and I see Janet smiling, her palm resting on a very pregnant belly.

  “I’m sorry,” I repeat. I feel like such a dumbass.

  “It’s okay. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “It’s just—”

  “I’m not into raping or beating women—”

  “Just the occasional spanking?”

  He doesn’t even crack a smile.

  “I would never hurt you, Raven, and I won’t let anyone else hurt you, either.”

  He straightens and moves over to the desk, leaning on it. I drop my gaze to the floor, thinking of Lonnie.

  “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “Of course I can. Once everybody around here knows you’re mine, my name alone will protect you.”

  “Why? Why would anyone care about who you’re fucking?”

  He tilts his head to the side and his eyes pierce my soul.

  “It’s become way more than that, Raven… and you know it.”


  There. I said it. Now let’s see what she does with it.

  She takes a deep breath, expelling it through her mouth, then walks over to me. Like she always does, she slides her hands under my cut and around my waist, hugging me tightly.

  “I know.”

  “Look at me, doll.”

  I run my fingers through her hair as she raises those gorgeous eyes toward me.

  “You need to go into this with eyes wide open. Being with me won’t be easy. You want to know something, you ask me.”

  “Okay. No secrets, Gage. I meant it when I said you can tell me anything.”

  “I can’t. There are things I need to keep from you for your own safety.”

  She releases me and takes a step back, giving me a stern look.

  “No. I’m not some delicate flower you need to protect. If we’re going to do this, I need to know you’re not hiding anything from me… especially if it’s messing with your head. I want to help, even if it’s just listening.”

  “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.”

  She folds her arms under her breasts and narrows her eyes.

  “Do you want me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then you won’t try. You’ll do it.”

  In her eyes, I see a strength I haven’t seen—or maybe just never noticed—before. A strength that makes me feel like she can take whatever I throw her way. A strength that makes me think I can lean on her if I ever feel like I can’t stand on my own.


  A knock on the door interrupts me and she opens it. Millie steps in with a questioning look.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah… I explained everything,” I tell her.

  Raven looks from me to Millie.

  “You knew?”

  “He asked for my help. My friend Nita… that’s his aunt. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for that boy and his family.”

  She’s right. Nita and Millie have been best friends forever. She’s practically a member of the family.

  “Raven, give us a minute, will you?” I ask.

  She nods and closes the door behind her.

  “She all right?”

  “Yeah, she’s good.”

  “Still gonna tell me there’s nothing going on?”

  “No, but I swear I haven’t touched her.”

  “I know, son.”

  She pats my cheek and sits behind her desk.

  “What about our little arrangement?” she asks.

  I reach into my pocket and give her enough money to cover Raven’s pay for the next two weeks. After that, we don’t have to sneak around, so I can take care of her directly.

  “Might not be much longer. She mentioned something about art school.”

  “I see. Good for her.”

  “Don’t say anything to Nita. I need to talk to her myself.”

  “Got it, baby boy.”

  “Okay, see ya. And thanks for calling me.”

  “No problem.”

  Before I walk through the door, she calls after me.

  “She’ll be good for you, Gage.”

  Yeah. I think so, too. I scan the diner but don’t see her. I remember the last time she wanted to get away, she ran out the back door. Sure enough, I find her outside on her phone. Her back is to me, so she doesn’t see me. She doesn’t hear me either because she doesn’t turn around.

  “Thanks, Chris… I promise you did the right thing… I can’t talk now, but I’ll explain everything… Okay…I’ll call you later… bye.”

  “The fuck you need to talk to him for?”

  She drops her phone and almost jumps a mile. She turns angrily and starts going off on me in Spanish. I smile and let her rant. She’s so cute when she’s mad. I pick up her phone and just watch her.


  “You done?” I ask.

  “Stop sneaking up on me.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “The sheriff… He spoke to Chris after he left here.”


  “Chris told him he followed us outside but he found me alone and we left together,” she explains.

  “Huh… didn’t expect that.”

  “Despite what you think, he does care about me.”

  “He can care all he wants to as long as he knows you’re mine.”

  “Stop. Look… I want to tell him about Janet. It would ease his mind.”

  “Fine. I’ll forward you the picture if you want.”

  I hand her the phone and she slides it into her back pocket. She looks around carefully then wraps her arms around my waist. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Her touch is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. No matter my mood, it affects me in just the perfect way.

  “Thank you.”

  I lift her face toward me and kiss her forehead. “Ron will take you home later. I’ll pick you up at your place.”


  She buries her face in my chest, inhales deeply, then moans and releases her breath slowly.

  “Me encanta tu aroma.”

  I don’t need to speak Spanish to understand what she said. She’s always smelling me. She smiles and saunters off back into the diner.

  Two weeks. Let the countdown begin.



  Ed Sheeran’s voice sounds from my phone just as I’m going through the door. A text from Lonnie… huh. That’s new.

  Lonnie: Forgot to give Mr. Glenn the rent check and it’s due today. Could you just run it next door? It’s on the kitchen table.

  Sure, I have nothing better to do. She’s lucky he just lives next door. I grab the envelope on the table and send a quick reply.

  Raven: Ok.

  As I approach the Bimmer, the passenger door opens and I stick my head inside. Baby Jesus in the manger. I swear this man gets sexier every time I see him. I realize I’m staring when he smirks and motions for me to get in.

  “Uh… gotta run next door for a sec and see the landlord.”


  I close the door and he drives alongside me, stopping in front of Mr. Glenn’s house. I have to knock three times before he answers.


  Ugh… the man reeks of beer and B.O. His tank top is struggling to cover his belly, and his boxer shorts look like they’re about to rip at any minute. He looks me up and down as he scratches the bald area at the top of his head.

  “Hi. Lonnie asked me to drop this off.”

  He takes the envelope and gives me a creepy smile. A chill runs through my body and everything in me is screaming “Run!”

  “You’re the sister. I’ve seen you around.”


ome on in. Let me get you the receipt.”

  “I’ll just wait here, thanks.”

  He smiles at me like I said exactly what he wanted to hear. Weird. He’s weird and he seriously creeps me out.

  “Nonsense. Come in.” He waves me inside.

  I look back at the car, knowing Gage is right there if I need him. I step inside carefully and push the door but don’t close it.

  “Come on. It’s right in here.”

  Why won’t he just go get it? I don’t need to follow him. Shit. He disappears and when he returns, he’s holding a piece of paper and the creepy smile has multiplied by a hundred. I swallow hard.

  “Well, young lady. The rent’s coming up a bit short this month, but I’m sure we can work something out.”

  What the hell? He sounds like some guy from a bad porno. “What? What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I’m willing to accept... other forms of payment.”

  Gross. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I’m leaving.” He grabs my wrist as I’m walking away and pulls me toward him. “Let go of me!”

  “Oh, wonderful! Lonnie told me you’d be good at this.”

  Lonnie. Fucking Lonnie! This is why she wanted me to come over here—to be a part of some role-play sex game with this sick fucker. He pushes me against the wall and tries to secure my hands. I struggle against him, trying not to freak out. I’m failing miserably. All those self-defense lessons Daddy gave me seem like distant memories. I try to kick him in the balls, but he wedges his thigh between mine.

  “I like it rough.”

  His breath hits me like a punch to the face. Dear God, it smells like a dozen small animals crawled into his mouth and died. A week ago. He reaches for the button on my jeans and pops it open.


  I struggle harder, panic rising as he pulls on my zipper. I close my eyes but before I can scream, I feel him being pulled away from me. I open my eyes to see Gage throwing the man across the room. He hits the wall, staggers, and falls to the floor. Gage is huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf. He stalks over to Glenn, steps over him so Glenn is between his legs, and grabs the neck of his tank top.

  “Motherfucker!” Gage shouts.

  And then all hell breaks loose. Or should I say the straw house tumbles down? Gage pummels Glenn’s face with a single-minded purpose. This is Reaper in rare form. It’s like watching an accident happen—you don’t want to look, but you can’t not look. I watch his fist rise and fall until I see the blood. Glenn’s face is a bloody mess. He’s not even trying to block the punches. And that’s because he’s out cold.


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