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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

Page 26

by Alana Sapphire

  “Fuck. I can’t even look at you without getting hard.”

  “Perfect. ’Cause I get wet just thinking about you.”

  He lets me down and reaches into his back pocket. I stare down at the small, rectangular box he presents me with.

  “Happy birthday.”

  I open it and there’s a replica of his necklace and “12 Gage” pendant. It’s smaller, but it looks exactly like the one he gave me that I now wear all the time. He removes it from my neck and places it back around his. I lift my hair out of the way and he clasps mine for me.

  “Oh, Gage… I love it.”

  He smiles proudly as he stares at the necklace. “Mine.”

  I return his smile, grab his cut and pull him in close. “Mine,” I tell him.

  He takes my hand and we walk back to the bar. Pandemonium ensues. There are cheers, whistles, catcalls, and hooting. My cheeks must be flaming red. I hold my head down and avoid everyone’s gazes. Dr. E comes over and hugs me tightly. He eyes my necklace then winks at Gage.

  “Happy birthday, sis.”

  He kisses my cheek and loses himself in the crowd. Sis. Is that what this is all about? Is it some kind of welcome to their club? Their family? My heart constricts. This band of men who I once despised has embraced me into their lives. I couldn’t feel more at home. They’ve even welcomed my friends. Chrissy is on Ron’s lap and Toni is next to them, sitting on the bar talking to Allah. Huh... so all it took was my bestie to pull him away from the turntables. I smile as I watch him whisper in her ear. I don’t hear her answer, but he obviously doesn’t like it.

  “Fuck you, bitch!” he sneers.

  I lose my shit. “What did you call her?” I try to storm over there, but Gage holds me back.

  “Don’t get in the middle of it.”

  “If you won’t do something about it, I will. I won’t let him disrespect her like that!”

  I fight against his hold but it’s futile. Then Toni speaks and I remember just who my friend is.

  “How big is your dick?”

  Allah stares at her in confusion and she hops down from the bar.


  “I said how big is your dick? If you ain’t got at least eight inches in them boxers, then you watch how the fuck you talk to me.”

  Ha! Serves him right. Gage chuckles and releases me.

  “You all got fucking smart mouths.”

  Allah silently fumes as his brothers laugh at him. He grabs Toni’s hand and drags her off to where Gage and I just came from. Oh, hell no. Gage tries to stop me, but I evade him and follow them. They’re at the end of the corridor and Toni’s hand is in his jeans. Okay, then. I guess she doesn’t need my help after all. I slowly back away. Deena corners me before I can make my way back to Gage.

  “Hey. Have you heard from Lonnie?”

  “She doesn’t talk to me when she’s here. Why would I hear from her?”

  “She’s disappeared like this before, but she usually calls after a day or two.”

  I shrug, looking over her shoulder at the ongoing party.

  “He kisses you.”

  I snap my gaze back to her, surprised. There’s no hate or jealousy in her tone.

  “I’ve never seen him do that with anyone. Lonnie’s been trying to get to him for a while. It’s funny that he ended up with you. He looks happy. I’m glad.”

  She backs away and I watch her, just a little confused. As Lonnie’s friend, I thought she would want to scratch my eyes out. Go figure. Gage appears at my side and jerks his head toward the corridor.

  “What happened?”

  “There’s a little show and tell going on,” I mumble, still a little distracted by Deena’s words.

  The lights go out as he begins to laugh. Movement from the kitchen area catches my attention, and I turn to see Aunt Nita and Chopper wheeling out a ginormous cake. Everyone sings the birthday song and Gage helps me blow out the candles. I don’t need to make a wish; there’s only one thing I want and I already have him. He swipes some of the frosting and offers it to me. I suck it from his finger, fighting the urge to make it a demonstration of my skills. Someone, I’m not quite sure who, pushes a bottle into my hand. I look around at my new family and throw my hands in the air.

  “Okay, people. Let’s party!”



  She’s dancing on the bar, shaking her ass and getting me all kinds of worked-up. She’s been at it for a while now, and my dick has been saluting her the entire time. Toni and Chrissy are right up there with her. They are quite a trio. Ron and Allah spirit the other two away, leaving my girl up there all alone. She really loves to dance because she doesn’t even seem to notice.


  She smiles down at me and sits on the bar. I pick her up, take her to my room, and stand her up at the foot of the bed. She sways a bit and clutches my arm to steady herself. “Did you have fun?”

  “Hells yeah,” she slurs.

  “Are you drunk, baby doll?”

  “I only had one beer.”

  “One too many.”

  “Whatever. Kiss me,” she says, leaning against me.

  “I have something for you first.”

  “What is it?”

  I hand her the envelope and wait while she opens it. She pulls out the card and smiles at the design—“Happy birthday” written above three cupcakes, each with a lit candle. When she opens it, her eyes go wide.

  “What the… are you… a two thousand dollar Amazon gift card?” she exclaims.

  “For your books.”

  “Do you have any idea how many books I can buy with this?”

  I shrug and she jumps into my arms, wrapping hers tightly around my neck.

  “You’re the best!”

  With her body pressed against me, I can’t help myself. The card and envelope fall from her fingers as I begin to kiss her neck. Her moan removes every coherent thought from my mind. I lay her on the bed and climb on top of her, positioning myself between her legs. I lick her skin, salty from sweat, and she throws her head back. Her back arches and the movement presses her breasts to my chest. Her soft body feels so good against me. I could get lost in her curves for days. She pushes at my cut, and I shrug it off. Her hands immediately start pulling at my shirt and I allow her to remove it. Eager fingers glide over my chest and stomach and she moans.

  “God, you feel good.”

  “I wish you could feel what I feel when I touch you, doll.”

  I look down at the pendants from our necklaces lying next to each other on her sternum and get the animalistic urge to beat my chest like a gorilla. Somehow, this gorgeous woman beneath me is mine. She pulls me down to her, and I press my lips to hers. The kiss quickly escalates. In seconds, we’re grabbing at each other, consumed by passion. I slip my fingers under her top, pulling it up and off. I’ve seen lots of tits before but none as amazing as hers. Even covered in lace, I can tell they’ll be the most perfect breasts I’ll ever see.

  “I can’t wait to come all over these tits… watch it drip down your nipples.”

  I bury my face in them, nipping at the sides while I lift her leg and press my dick against her pussy.

  “Please, Gage… please, just fuck me.”

  I chuckle as I stare down at her. “Little Miss I-Want-To-Make-Love wants to get fucked? What happened to making me beg?”

  Her eyes regain focus and she lets her arms fall to the bed.

  “I lost sight of my goal for a while, but thank you for reminding me.”

  “So, you’re resuming the mission?”

  “Absolutely. No sex until I say so. As a matter of fact… when’s your birthday?”

  “April tenth.”

  “Lovely. We shall wait ’til then.”

  “Lovely? Shall? When did you turn into a Victorian maiden?”

  “About a minute ago.”

  “And you’re saying I’ll have to wait until my birthday?” I ask incredulously.

es. Put that on your calendar, Mr. Hunter.”

  “You must be out of your mind. You’re asking for another spanking.”

  “Why would I? It hurt.”

  “Because that time it was supposed to.”

  She rolls her eyes in disbelief. “When does a spanking not hurt?”

  “You’d be surprised, doll.”

  “Obviously, you’ve done it before. These women… they enjoyed it?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have done it if they didn’t.”

  “And you do, too?”

  “I do.”

  She chews on her bottom lip and slides her hands around my neck.

  “Show me. Spank me, Gage.”


  I can’t believe I just asked him to spank me. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I am drunk… or drunk on him. The change in his eyes is instantaneous. A second ago, they were alight with humor and mischief. Now, they’re dark with desire. He really does enjoy this.

  “Are you sure?” he asks with raised brows.

  “Yes… please.”

  “If you don’t like it, you just have to tell me to stop. Okay?”

  I nod as his fingers move to the button on my jeans. He kneels between my legs and pulls my zipper down. My breathing becomes ragged. I raise my hips off the bed and allow him to remove my jeans. He works them slowly down, his eyes following their progress. He drops them at the foot of the bed and bites into his bottom lip as his eyes wander over my body. The heat from his gaze and his fingertips lightly gliding down my stomach, send a shiver up my spine. He’s barely touching me, but my body responds with intensity. I clench my muscles at the insistent throbbing between my legs.

  “You’re perfect.”

  Jesus. He sits on the edge of the bed and takes a deep, steadying breath.

  “Come here.” I kneel next to him and he curls his arm around my waist. “Lie across my lap.”

  I do as he says, gasping as his erection presses into my stomach. He adjusts me to his liking and then trails his fingers down my spine. I shudder and moan as I feel myself getting wetter. Just the knowledge of being totally at his mercy excites me in a way I never thought possible. His palm travels up the back of my thigh and over my ass. There’s a softness to his touch that belies what he’s about to do. He repeats the action on my other thigh.

  “Fuck, I love your body.”

  I squirm on his lap as the ache between my legs gets greater. He adjusts my panties, exposing more of my ass to him, then rubs my cheeks as if preparing them for his palm. When the first smack comes, I wasn’t expecting it. I yelp in surprise. That wasn’t so bad. Slap. The next cheek gets some attention.

  “Shit. Look at that ass jiggle.”

  I put my twerking skills to work, shaking one cheek then the next.

  “Fuck! Do that again.”

  Just when I’m really getting into it, he slaps me on my inner thigh.

  “Fuck!” I bite into my bottom lip. That one stung. He soothes the spot with his palm and the pain is forgotten. I moan as his fingers make small circles on my skin, so close to where I need him to touch me.

  “Oh, baby… your ass is even sexier with my palm prints all over it.”

  He gives me four slaps in quick succession and I groan in agony. Not from pain but from frustration. I desperately need release.

  “Should I stop?”

  “No. More… please.”

  He pulls my panties tight and rubs the crotch against my pussy. Sweet friction. I whimper as the lace rubs against my clit. His palm comes down hard, harder than the others, but I barely feel it. It’s like my body is confused. It can’t decide between pleasure and pain, and is straddling the fence between both. As he works my panties faster, the slaps get harder and more frequent.

  “Fuck, Gage! Please, make me come.”

  He moves so fast, my head spins. I’m on my back on the bed and he’s leaning over me, breathing hard, eyes hooded. Without warning, he takes my lips with a vengeance. I frantically pull at the button and zipper on his jeans and he kicks them off. Yes! Finally. He reaches behind me and unhooks my bra. I throw it to the floor and he lets out a strangled sound.

  “Fucking beautiful.”

  He swirls his tongue on my nipple and I swear I feel like I’ve been launched into space. He bites into it and pinches the other between his fingers. I cry out, gripping his shoulders as my body shivers. He massages my breasts, moaning as he plants fervent kisses all over them.

  “Fuck,” he breathes against my skin, his voice a little more than a murmur. He moves slowly down, planting gentle kisses on my stomach. Both hands curl around my breasts, caressing them as he uses his teeth to pull on the waistband of my panties. He releases it and it hits me with a snap. I barely feel it because my mind is centered on the fact that his face is inches from my pussy. I bury my fingers in his hair and try to guide him lower. With a groan, he trails his hands down my sides and wraps them around my thighs. He continues his journey south, kissing me over my panties, down to my mound. My hips rise up in impatience. I wish he would just do it already! Instead, he starts kissing my inner thighs. They tremble at the touch of his lips, his warm breath sending shivers through my body.


  I curl my fingers into a fist in his hair, pulling tight as he trails his nose along the crotch of my panties.

  “Jesus Christ, woman. You have my mouth watering.”

  ¡Ay, coño! I don’t know how much more of this teasing I can handle. “Gage, please.”

  He moves back up, sliding his tongue toward my breasts. My entire body quivers.

  “Is that what you want? You want me to eat that pussy, Raven?”

  “Eat it, lick it, fuck it, I don’t care. Please, just do something!”

  He chuckles and reaches between my legs, cupping my pussy through my panties. My hips jerk north as he caresses me through the damp material. This just won’t do. I need more.

  “Please, Gage… please….”

  His hand slides into my panties.

  “Is this what you want?”

  At the first touch, no sound leaves my lips. I feel like I can’t breathe, like I’m having a heart attack… like… take me now, Jesus ’cause I feel like I’m in Heaven.


  “Fuck, babe. So fuckin’ wet.”

  He slips his finger between my lips and slides it up and down, then moves up to my aching clit and circles it.


  He pulls my nipple back into his mouth as his fingers drive me to the point of insanity. I grab a fistful of his hair, keeping his head at my breast while I grind on his fingers. I’m already so close. He alternates between my lips and my clit, expertly pleasuring me. My thighs tremble as I feel my orgasm approaching.

  “Whose pussy is this?” he growls.



  “Yours. This pussy belongs to Gage Hunter!”

  “Fucking right.”

  He works my clit faster as he covers my lips. I suck on his tongue and drag my nails across his back. He moans and pinches my nipple. Then, holy fucking hell, a finger slides inside me. I clench around it.

  “Fuck, Raven.”

  He kisses his way down my neck and back to my breast, pulling my nipple between his lips. His finger moves in and out while his thumb presses on my clit. Pleasure grips my body in a chokehold.


  “So fuckin’ tight, babe. Can’t wait to get my dick inside you.”

  Yes! That’s exactly what I want! “Please….”

  “Not yet.”

  I groan in frustration and he begins to work my clit with his thumb. His tongue circles my nipple while his free hand massages my other breast. My muscles begin to clench involuntarily and I brace myself. My orgasm rocks my entire body. I convulse like an epileptic, digging my nails into his skin. This is life-changing shit right here—pleasure of untold proportions. My body will never be the same.

  He grunts and slows his fingers, letting me ride it out. He buries his face in my neck and breathes deeply. I’m trying to calm my breathing, but it doesn’t seem to be working. He picks me up and positions me on the bed then climbs in behind me. I lie in his arms until sleep overtakes me.


  I wake up with a hand on my breast. Thinking it’s only fair, I reach down and stroke his dick. He groans and opens his eyes. After realizing where his hand is, he lays his head on my chest. I wrap my arm around him, and we just lay there for a while.

  “I must have a guardian angel somewhere if this is what I get to wake up to from now on.”

  “I’m beginning to think that mouth of yours is equally dirty and sweet.”

  “Maybe eighty/twenty. Now, put on some clothes before I lose my fucking mind.”

  “I need a shower.”

  “You do that, and then I’ll take you out for breakfast.”


  After my shower, I return to the room to find two huge, gift-wrapped boxes and two smaller ones. He’s lying in the bed, watching TV.

  “What are those?” I ask.

  “Um… gifts?”

  “Are they for me?”

  “It’s your birthday, isn’t it?”

  “But I thought….”

  He sits on the edge of the bed and grins at me. “What? You thought all I got you were some concert tickets, a necklace, and a gift card?” He walks into the bathroom, chuckling. “Open them.”

  I look around for my backpack of clothes I keep here, but it’s nowhere in sight.

  “Where are my clothes?”

  “Top drawer,” he says around his toothbrush.

  I walk over to the chest of drawers in a daze and find all my things in the top drawer. He gave me a drawer. Aaah! How huge is that? That cut seems so much closer now. I can see it—Property of Gage... no, Property of Reaper. I get dressed with a huge grin and then start opening my gifts. I rip the wrapping from the biggest box. This time, I actually scream. He got me an artist’s table! Or I should say Creative Center… that’s what it says on the box.


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