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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

Page 60

by Alana Sapphire

  Her eyes soften, tears running down her cheeks in earnest as she tries to smile.

  “He’s more than the MC; more than what you see when you look at him. I see a side of him I’m sure no one else does. I just wish he wouldn’t hide that part of him. If he didn’t, then you’d know why I love him so much; why I know he’s the one.”

  Laurelyn tugs me to her, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

  “Okay, baby. I promise I won’t say anything else. The next time I see him, I’ll be sure to thank him for giving me my baby girl back.”

  “Thanks… Mom.”

  She chokes out a sob at the word, then pulls away, carefully wiping her tears. There’s a knock at the door before Toni and Chrissy bounce in, followed by Aunt Nita.

  “You ready to walk down the aisle, Miss Alvarez?” Toni asks.

  “I been ready. I just need to put on my dress.”

  Ellen clears her throat behind me and I turn to find her holding the dress for me to step into it. I move excitedly toward her, thinking about Gage waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

  “Girl, that entrance!” Chrissy squeals. “When you two rode up on those bikes, it was totally badass. How did you get Gage to agree to it?”

  That little bit was my idea. I thought there was no better way for us to show up to the church, both of us wearing our cuts. He opposed it at first, but I can be persuasive. That’s how he ended up buying me an Iron 883.

  “He was worried about me falling and hurting the baby, but I have methods of getting my way,” I answer with a smirk.

  Everyone giggles, except Laurelyn, who clears her throat in obvious disapproval. I laugh as Ellen finishes hooking up the back of my dress and helps me with the garter belt.

  “Okay. I think we’re all set,” she says. “You look gorgeous, honey.”

  Everyone agrees. With a wide grin, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The next time I see it, I’ll be Mrs. Gage Hunter. Holy fuck. I can’t believe this is happening! It seems like I’ve been waiting forever. I know he feels the same, so I won’t keep him waiting any longer.

  “Okay, ladies. Let’s get me hitched!”

  Aunt Nita walks up, tears shimmering in her eyes as she takes my hand. Oh, God. I hope she doesn’t say anything to make me cry.

  “Gage made the right choice,” she says, nodding to emphasize her words. “I couldn’t be more proud than if he was my own son. You’ve been good for him… made him happy. I never needed a piece of paper to call you family, but I’m glad you’re making it official.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, frantically blinking back my own tears.

  “Come on, baby. It’s time to go.”

  I acknowledge my mother with a nod. Ellen helps me with the train of my dress while the others walk ahead of us. I went with a more traditional, poufy, princess dress. The strapless corset top adds a little sexy with sheer insets around the mid-section.

  Daniel greets me with a proud smile as I approach him.

  “You look beautiful, Raven.”

  “Thanks, Daniel,” I reply as I take his arm. He’ll never replace Daddy, but he’s a good man and I’m happy he could be here to walk me down the aisle.

  Laurelyn and Aunt Nita kiss my cheek, then leave to find their seats. I nod to Ellen, letting her know it’s time, and she hurries inside to get everything ready. When she returns, she, Chrissy, and Toni—my bridesmaids—head inside as the music begins.

  “Nervous?” Daniel asks.

  “No way.”

  Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” begins, making my heart beat to the rhythm of the strings. We step up to doors of the church, and as they swing open, my eyes go directly to the end of the aisle, meeting Gage’s. His mouth falls open in awe. As I slowly make my way toward him, I watch his eyes travel up and down my body, then he swallows hard, his gaze meeting mine once more. I bite into my bottom lip, not giving a damn about my lipstick. He is absolutely gorgeous in his black tux and sapphire blue tie that matches the ribbon in my bouquet. This man is going to be my husband and father of my children. I don’t think I could possibly love him more than I do at this moment, yet I know what I feel now, will seem like nothing compared to the love I’ll feel for him tomorrow.

  Daniel kisses my cheek, then shakes Gage’s hand before releasing me to him. I take his arm, staring up into his beautiful blue eyes as we step up to the altar. The pastor starts to speak, but I don’t hear a word, completely lost in Gage’s gaze. It’s filled with such love, such promise, it pulls me into a world where only the two of us exist. It’s not until Dr. E walks up with our rings that I snap back to reality.

  “Do you, Gage Harley, take this woman, Raven Selena, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward? In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, ’til death do you part?” the pastor asks.

  “I do,” he answers without hesitation, slipping the ring onto my finger.

  He repeats the questions to me and I answer in kind, putting Gage’s ring in place.

  “And now the groom and his bride would like to say a few words.” The pastor nods, motioning for us to proceed.

  Gage opts to go first.

  “My baby doll.” With a tender smile, he strokes my cheek with his thumb. “I remember calling you that the first day we met. Now, today… I make you mine in every way. Mine to have, to hold…” His lips curl up in that mischievous smirk I love. “And other things.”

  The congregation bursts out laughing. The pastor clears his throat.

  “Mine to love,” he continues, losing the smirk. “And here, now, in front of all these people, I’m going to say, I do love you. I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone. You’re everything I could ever want—smart, strong, kind, caring, loyal… Not to mention the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to start our lives together as husband and wife.”

  Tears begin to gather in my eyes as I stare up at the man I love, openly and publicly declaring his love for me. The same man who—only a few months ago—thought he wasn’t capable of that emotion. He strokes my cheek again, wiping away an errant tear.

  “Your turn,” he says with a smile.

  Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself. The pastor, the church, and everyone in it, fade away once more as I see our future in his eyes.

  “It’s funny you mention the day we met. I think I told you we would never happen. But… you’re a persistent man, Gage Hunter.” His smirk returns. “I’m glad. If you weren’t, we wouldn’t be here today.” I take his hands in mine, sniffling through my tears. “Every time I think about our future, I get more excited because… I fall deeper in love with you every day.”

  “I don’t deserve you,” he mutters, shaking his head.

  “You’re the reason I’m still breathing.”

  “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most.”

  “You’re wrong. After what happened, I was ready to give up on… everything. But you were there. You pulled me back from the darkness time and time again. The light of your love is what saved me,” I cry desperately. “You gave me something to hold on to.”

  He tugs me closer, placing his forehead on mine, his palm to my cheek.

  “No, babe. You saved me.”

  “We saved each other. I can’t wait for our son or daughter to meet you. You’ll be an amazing father, Gage. Just like you’ll be an amazing husband. I love you.”

  I don’t know how long we stood there like that, holding each other, shaking with the strength of the emotions passing between us. It’s the pastor clearing his throat that brings us back to the moment. We break apart and I look to the crowd when I hear all the sniffling. There’s not a dry eye among the women, and the men are staring at Gage with a sort of new respect… a more profound one.

  “Well,” the pastor says quietly. “I’ve never heard vows quite like that before, but they were, by far, the most beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” we answer simultaneously.

  He smiles, then directs his attention to the rest of the church. “Is there anyone here who objects to these two being joined in holy matrimony?”


  “Ladies and gentlemen, by the power vested in me by God and the state of Georgia, it is my honor to pronounce this man and this woman, husband and wife. Mr. Hunter, you may kiss your bride.”

  As everyone cheers, Gage wraps his arms around me. I do the same, settling into the one place I feel safe.

  “You’re mine now, Raven… in every sense of the word.”

  “I was always yours, Mr. Hunter.”

  “I know, Mrs. Hunter,” he mumbles as his head descends. “I know.”


  My wife. This gorgeous woman smiling up at me, staring with such love in her eyes, is my wife. I can’t believe it. Those are two words I always thought I’d never say, but here I am—a married man. In a few short months, I’ll be a father. I also never thought I’d have kids, but I can’t wait to meet my son or daughter.

  “What’s with the grin?” my wife asks.

  Holy shit. My wife.


  “Me? I haven’t even done anything… yet.” She smirks.

  I pull her closer, swaying against her body as we have our first dance as husband and wife.

  “What do you have planned?” I ask.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Well, I plan on being inside you all night, so prepare for that, Mrs. Hunter.”

  “No complaints here.”

  Stepping back, I twirl her around, then tug her back into my arms. As our song plays in the background, she giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Love you, babe.”

  “Love you, too,” she replies.

  Gently, I press my lips to hers and we both stop moving. Her fingers slide up my neck and into my hair as she parts her lips for me. Our tongues meet, and the urge to bend her over and fuck her in front of all these people blazes through me. It’s an over-the-top caveman reaction, but I can’t help it. She’s mine.

  She moans, crushing my body to hers as I explore her mouth with my tongue. It may be familiar territory, but her taste is something I’ll never get enough of.

  I pull back at the cheers and applause from our family, greeted with the sight of my beautiful wife’s face tilted toward me, eyes closed, lips parted. Her lids flutter open and she smiles, licking her lips as her gaze slides down to mine. Fuck this party. I need to get her alone.

  “Let’s go.”

  I grab her hand, leading her off the dance floor. Before we can leave the room, we’re stopped by a few well-wishers. During all of this, Raven gets pulled in one direction, me in another. Fuck.

  “Congrats, bro!”

  Grateful for the interruption, I turn to E, taking his extended hand and pulling him into a one-armed hug. “Thanks, man. I’m officially off the market,” I say as we move away from the crowd.

  “Please. You’ve been off the market since you met that girl.”

  “Yeah.” I chuckle. “I guess so.” I scan the crowd, spotting her back on the dance floor with Chopper.

  “Look who’s itching to jump into the marital bed.” E laughs. “You’re an old married man now. Say goodbye to all the freaky shit.”

  I turn to him with a raised brow. “Fuck that shit. It’s just getting started, brother.”

  While he chuckles, I meet Raven’s stare as she moves in our direction. She looks around carefully, then smirks. Sticking her tongue in her cheek, she makes a fist and simulates a blow job. My dick threatens to burst through my zipper.

  “See that? My baby just put out the bat signal. Old married man my ass.”

  “Just wait ’til that brand new feeling wears off. You’ll see,” he teases.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I say as I watch her approach me. “Stop worrying about me and go get some pussy before your dick falls off from lack of use.”

  “Don’t you worry about my dick, motherfucker.”

  “We’re talking about dicks?” Raven asks as she slides her arm around my waist.

  “Yeah. This one that I got for you,” I answer. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m kinda tired. Netflix and chill?”

  “Net what and who?” I exclaim.

  She giggles and E bursts out laughing next to me. Motherfucker.

  “Yeah, we can watch La Bamba.”

  I catch the twinkle in her eye and realize she’s teasing me. I wrap my arms around her, joining in on the game.

  “As long as you make monkey bread.”

  “Oh, I have some monkey bread for you all right.”

  “Okay, that’s my cue to leave,” E says. “I’ll see you two… whenever.”

  “Bye, Dr. E.” Raven wiggles her fingers at him.

  “Let’s go, baby doll. It’s time to get the real party started.”



  My heart beats faster as he stares down at my naked body. The man is fully clothed but the look in his eyes is enough to induce a pulsating rhythm between my thighs. He’s my husband now; not my boyfriend or old man… my husband. All the plans I had for tonight are fucked. I came out of the shower and he had me tied to the bed before I could say a word. I squirm beneath his heated gaze, anticipating what’s to come.

  “Something wrong, Mrs. Hunter?”

  “Yes. I’m naked and you’re not.”

  “Patience, babe,” he says as he shrugs out of his jacket.

  I roll my wrist inside the restraint, needing to touch him. Slowly, he removes his clothes, teasing and taunting me with his magnificent body. Down to his boxers, he stands at the foot of the bed.

  “On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you want me right now?” he asks.


  He chuckles, walking toward the bathroom. “Let’s see if I can get that number higher.”

  “What?” I exclaim. “Where the hell are you going?”


  Dick. He’s going to make me suffer on our wedding day? “It’s gonna be a zero by the time you get back!” I shout after him, listening to him laugh as the shower comes on.

  I stare at the ceiling, waiting for him to return. Instead of my arousal dying down, I only get more turned on. I imagine him in the shower, water cascading down his body. Fuck. I try to squeeze my thighs together, but my legs are spread and bound to the bed.

  He returns with a towel wrapped around his hips, water dripping from his hair. Resuming his position at the foot of the bed, he begins to dry his hair with another towel. He glances up just as I lick my lips, and he gives me that cocky smile of his. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me and the fucker is enjoying every second of it.

  “So… where are we at now?”

  “One,” I answer, trying to sound disinterested but failing miserably.

  He chuckles. “Let’s see what we can do about that.”

  He drops both towels then places his hands on his hips. Sweet baby Jesus. I swallow hard. No matter how many times I see him naked, the effect is always the same. It’s not just the sight of his hard dick, the “V” that accentuates his flat stomach, his defined arms, or the ink covering his skin; it’s also the knowledge of the pleasure that body always delivers. I try to reach out for him but my forgotten restraints hinder me.

  “Please, Gage….”

  “Please what?” he asks as he drops a gentle kiss on the inner side of my leg.

  Lifting my head, I stare down at him as he kisses his way up. Tremors rock my body as his lips and breath whisper across my skin.

  “I need you.”

  He stands upright, staring down at me once again.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful… and you’re mine. All mine, Raven.”

  “Get your fill. I won’t look like this in a few weeks.”

  “You’re right.” He chuckles, making me want to kick him in the nuts. He’s lucky I’m tied up. “If it’s possible, you’ll be even more gorgeous.”

nbsp; Now I want to kick myself. “Oh, Gage….”

  He crawls onto the bed, nuzzling my stomach.

  “Watching our baby grow will be the most beautiful thing I’ll ever see.” He kisses below my navel and whispers, “Daddy loves you so much already. I can’t wait to meet you.”

  I twist my wrists in the leather cuffs, wanting to hug him more than I ever have before.


  He doesn’t release me. Instead, he moves down, sliding his tongue between my lips. I moan, raising my hips off the bed. Wrapping his hands around my thighs, he keeps me in place as he concentrates his efforts on my clit.



  “Sweet… wet…” I clench around his finger as he slips one inside me. “Tight… so fucking tight.”

  “Dios. Por favor… I need you inside me.”


  He trails his wet lips up my stomach and to my breast, pulling my nipple into his mouth. My back arches, thrusting it toward him. He continues his journey up my sternum and neck, coming to a stop at my lips. I stare up at him, breathing out of control, heart hammering in my chest.

  “Love me?” he asks.

  “With everything in me.”

  Our lips connect just as he slides inside me. I moan, contracting my muscles as he sinks deep.

  “Fuck, babe.”

  “Right there,” I groan as he begins to move. “Fuck me.”

  “No, doll. Maybe tomorrow, but not tonight,” he says as he moves to his knees and releases my ankles. As soon as they’re free, I wrap my legs around his hips.

  He resumes a slow, steady pace, staring into my eyes. It’s our wedding day; the day we stood in front of our families and declared our love for each other. Now, he’s making love to me; giving me the side of him I fell in love with in the beginning. There will be no Reaper in our bed tonight. Only Gage.

  He reaches between us, circling my clit as he moves inside me. The sensations, not being able to move, staring up at him and seeing the love in his eyes… It’s all too much. My toes curl and I clench my muscles as my orgasm approaches. He gives me all of him, grinding his hips against mine. Without pausing, he frees my wrists. I slide my hands around his mid-section, sinking my nails into his back.


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