Surrender My Love

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Surrender My Love Page 16

by Lisa Eugene

  She was sexy and sweet and delectable. He nibbled her chin and moaned, remembering how she’d audaciously stood up to him the night of Mr. Barkley’s death, even though she’d obviously been shaking inside. He also loved how sexually aggressive she’d been the night at the club. Women who were comfortable with their sexuality were a big turn on for him, because he enjoyed every aspect of sensual exploration.

  This woman was strong. She was a fighter who wouldn’t simply allow the hospital to throw punches and knock her down. And he was determined to be in her corner every step of the way.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he announced, stealing one last lick of her delicious lips.

  She favored him with a brilliant smile, her breath skipping shallowly. Her eyes glowed expectantly, like the shimmering surface of a pond, and he had to pause a moment for a breath. Looking away awkwardly, he stood, adjusting his boxers when he followed her heated gaze and realized the opening in front was askew, revealing his goodies.

  “Surprise?” she asked, and he chuckled.


  Her gaze again landed at the front of his boxers. Laughing, he shot her a glance of mock rebuke. The look she was giving him created an explosion of activity beneath the thin cotton.

  “I love it that your mind is always on sex, my little innocent.” He laughed harder at the blush suddenly painting her face. “Oh, no! You don’t fool me, Chloe. I know how passionate you are. But, the surprise I was referring to is not in my boxers, it’s in the kitchen. Come.” He held out an arm and tsked with disapproval when she wrapped the sheet around her as she rose from bed. He leaned in and placed his lips against her forehead. “You don’t have to cover up. You’re beautiful.”

  Before she could protest, he tugged her arm and led her to the kitchen.

  She gasped with delight when she saw the table he’d set up and he grinned like a school boy, glad to have pleased her. He’d hated seeing her in tears last night. She fawned over the breakfast, reaching into her cupboard for two coffee mugs. He enjoyed cooking. That and going to the gym were the two things that truly relaxed him. And now he could add being with Chloe to that short list.

  Being with her was different from being with other women. He didn’t feel the need to flee, to escape the smothering attention. His stress and overwhelming responsibilities were muted somehow. She dampened the noise in his head and gave him a chance to simply listen to the lulling rhythm of his heart. He gave brief consideration to going back down on his dose of medication, but first things first. He wanted to get this business straightened out with Chloe.

  He did worry for her. He was convinced now the deaths at the hospital were not coincidental. There were just too many intertwining similarities between the patients. He was still not one hundred percent convinced, however, that Omega Pharmaceuticals was the culprit. That possibility was simply too outrageous. He’d made the inquiries but expected little yield as far as getting answers to this puzzle. His best bet was to continue collecting information and then go to the O&S committee, and have it further investigate.

  As he pulled the chair out from the small table for her, he prayed that the information gleaned would help Chloe.

  “These pancakes look delicious.” She beamed as he took the seat across from her.

  He picked up his fork with a flourish. “Yes, they’re not just any pancakes.”

  Chloe pushed back her loose hair and the smile she gave him caused something to shift in his chest. They weren’t homemade, and he couldn’t find any syrup, but he did find a can of whipped cream they could use for a tasty topping.

  “They’re heart shaped!”

  He grinned at her childish exuberance. “I’m a cardiologist. I can’t make them any other way.” He picked up the can of whipped cream and sprayed a dollop of white foam on her plate.

  “They look soooo good.”

  Thinking the same about her, he took a bite and nodded for her to dig in. He chuckled when she started to eat and almost lost the sheet from around her body. Grabbing hold of it, she pulled it tight and tucked a corner into the bodice wrapped around her. He stared at the unblemished smoothness of her bared shoulders, thinking she looked like a beautiful Roman goddess wearing a toga.

  “Did you sleep well?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he lied and smiled when she eyed him.


  “I had a comfortable pillow.”

  She blushed and he took another bite and stared, suddenly curious about her. “Where’re you from, Chloe?”

  “Born and raised here in Manhattan. Lower East Side.”

  “Are your parents still here?”

  She hesitated, then nodded and filled her mouth.

  He waited for her to swallow, then pressed, “Your family has always lived here?”

  “Yes. My dad passed away when I was a kid,” she said finally, and he could tell by the attention she was showering on the pancakes that she did not want to discuss her family.

  He could understand that. His parents were legends in themselves, and everywhere he went there was always an ongoing discussion about their astounding accomplishments. He was just kindling for a fire that always burned bright around them.

  Chloe’s lashes fluttered down, and he knew she was thinking about WMH and her troubles there.

  “Try not to think about it, Chloe. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”She nodded, shot him an appreciative smile, and then dug into her pancakes.

  Clearing his throat, he watched her lick whipped cream from a messy finger, the act firing right to his cock. She had no idea what she was doing to him. He almost groaned out loud when she inserted the tip of her index finger into her mouth and sucked enthusiastically.

  “I love whipped cream,” she crooned.

  “I know. There were five cans in your fridge.”

  She smiled widely, her tongue curling around her finger and dragging the lick along his shaft. His boner jerked in his boxers, stiff and eager, and he swore it tilted the table.

  “Everything tastes better with whipped cream! I pretty much put it on everything.”

  A skilled madam could not have enticed him more. Chloe, in her innocence, was his fantasy come to life. She scooped another snowy mound onto her finger and suckled it between her lips.

  “Chloe…” He bleated a strangled moan and knew there must be a pained expression on his face.

  She looked up, eyes wide with surprise, then she looked at her finger, seeming to understand his discomfort. He watched her expression change to mirthful exasperation.

  “Why is it that everything I say or do, you construe as sexual?”

  He grinned. “That is because, Chloe, everything you say or do is sexual! You don’t even realize it! Face it, you’re a horny girl!”

  He was laughing now at the indignant shock on her face. Lust must have dulled his reflexes because when she flung a forkful of whipped cream at him, it landed with a wet splatter all over his naked chest before he could duck. He dragged in an audible breath and watched her jaw slacken with disbelief at what she’d rashly done.

  “Oh, you are in so much trouble…” he warned slowly, laughing and rising from his seat. He didn’t give her a chance to flee as his arms quickly jailed her in the chair, and he hovered over her cowering figure.

  Chloe giggled and squirmed in her seat, gasping as he reached for the can of whipped cream. She laughed and tried to escape the trap of his powerful arms, but in one swift move he pulled the top of her toga away from her body, inserted the tip of the can and sprayed vigorously. The busy buzz of the can was a musical accompaniment to her giggles, and because she was restlessly twisting and futilely grasping for the can, the foam ended up smeared all over her neck and lathered in the long strands of her hair.

  “Oh my God!” she screeched, laughing. “That’s cold!”

  Brad stood back and gazed down at his handiwork. Chloe was covered in whipped cream, and she looked delectable as all hell. She even had dollops of it on her nose
and forehead, and a patch streaking across her cheek. She looked like a sweet dessert topped with whipped cream, and he couldn’t wait to indulge.

  Her sheet had given up the pretense of clothing and now hung wrinkled, soggy, and looped around her torso and under one succulent, cream-topped breast. He chuckled when she used a finger to clean up the cream and utilize her mouth as a receptacle.

  “I can’t believe you just did that…” she admonished, her lips trembling with the effort to contain a grin. She shrugged, made a face at him, and put more cream in her mouth. “At least I get to eat some more.”

  She twisted her neck to get to a spot on her shoulder, but he swooped down and slowly licked the cream away. “Save some for me.”

  His tongue traced a path up her neck, savoring the delicious cream and the silky glide of her skin. He heard a breath shiver out of her parted lips as his mouth made its way across her upper chest. It skimmed over the hill of her breast, and focused on the bud of her nipple, devouring his treat. He drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked it like ripe fruit, then tugged down the sheet and gave attention to the other breast. Chloe moaned and arched in the chair, spearing her fingers through his hair and pulling him into her.

  The amazing taste infused his blood with a sweet, lusty burn, and he found he couldn’t get enough of her. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm. The deafening throb in his cock pounded out everything but his urgent need to be inside her. With another deep breath he slanted his mouth over hers and twirled his tongue deep in her warm cavern, greedy now to delight in all her flavors. He moved back and pulled the edges of the sheet away, exposing her gloriously naked body.

  She tried to cover herself, but he wrapped his fingers around her wrists and drew her arms away.

  “Let me see you, Chloe. Don’t cover up with me.”

  She stared at him with wide, uncertain eyes, eyes that sparkled gold, drowsy with passion. Chloe’s skin was a beautiful rosy blush and he feasted on the sight. Her nipples were hard, dark points of enticement, still glistening from his attention. His gaze traveled down the pale landscape of her stomach to the dark thatch of curls at the juncture of her thighs and he gritted his teeth at the thought of what was hidden below.

  In one smooth move he sank to his knees on the shag rug, his palms reaching for her hips and scooting her forward. He saw her throat work down a nervous gulp, but she obeyed his insistent hands.

  “Open your legs for me, Chloe. Let me see how beautiful you are.”

  He felt her shiver, and her muscles tensed beneath his grip. He kissed the top of her thigh, making slow circles with his tongue up her smooth skin. She groaned and threw her head back. Eventually her legs grew slack and parted, revealing the luscious treat he sought. She was beautiful and enticingly feminine and her pink folds glistened with arousal. He grunted and pulled her hips forward to the very edge of the chair, then angled his shoulders between her thighs. His heart pounded in his chest, his craving a driving hunger. With a guttural groan he sank his nose into her nest of dark curls and inhaled an aroma that whipped him into a lustful madness. In one quick action, he pushed her thighs wide, grabbed the can of whipped cream and sprayed a generous portion down the line of her passion glazed center.

  Chloe gasped and tried to close her legs, but he used a firm grip on her thighs to keep them splayed.

  “Oh God…what are you doing?” She stared down at him, her eyes stunned and panicked.

  “Having dessert.” Those were the only words his muddled brain could manage before he dove in and eagerly consumed the sweetness. The taste of the foam mixed with her sensual essence jarred his senses, and his taste buds burst from the effect of her wonderful flavor. He moaned as he devoured her, voraciously uncivilized as he grunted and groaned, humming as he whipped her tight nub to a tersely rigid point. He licked his tongue inside, foraging deep, desperate to swab more of her natural sweetness onto his tongue. He distantly felt the sting of her nails raking his scalp as she fisted his hair and ground her center into his greedy face. He loved it. He craved it. He couldn’t get enough of it.

  “You taste like heaven, Chlo…” He latched his lips on to her flesh and sucked, then when he heard her escalating breath he pulled back to slowly rake the flat of his tongue through her drenched cleft and attend her sensitive spot with a feathery brush of the tip of his tongue. He let her ardent cries guide him. She keened and shouted, cursed and panted. And every heated gasp or exalted breath stroked along his shaft and encouraged it to unbearable stiffness. She belted curses he would have sworn she didn’t know, words that put a smile on his busy lips. He glanced down. His engorged cock had long escaped the confines of his boxers. It forced through the opening to jut out angrily, leaking clear fluid that pearled and rolled down the thick shaft.

  Another of her breathy curses had his shaft twitching hard and slapping against his belly, and he knew he would come apart if he was not inside her slick channel soon. It was a war, because his lips and questing tongue wanted to remain right where they were, content to sup the tasty dew from her flesh and feel her hips humping wildly against his face.

  He groaned against her, drawing fast circles with his tongue. He winced when she yanked hard on his hair and exploded, echoing a shrill ear-piercing scream above him. Her body tightened in his grasp as spasms launched her hips forwards, but he held her firmly to him, sucking hard. He realized then that his hands were shaking with the fierceness of a need that vibrated his entire body.

  Quickly he reclined on the floor and stretched out, his back against the shag rug. Jerking his boxers down, he took hold of his tumid shaft and tugged a few hard strokes in a futile attempt at relief. He leaked more fluid into his palm and rubbed it over the fat mushroom head, groaning at the pleasure that started at the tip and streaked a blazing trail down to his groin.

  “Shit, Chlo!” She stared at him, absorbed with the glide of his hand, her drowsy gaze following. “Sit on me. I need to feel you wrapped around me.”

  She sank to her knees next to him, her eyebrows raised in question.

  “Ahh…wouldn’t the bed be more comfortable, better for your back?”

  A smile pulled at the edge of his lips and his back muscles clenched in protest. “Next time.”

  She responded with a quirky smile and captured her bottom lip with her teeth, an action that had his cock swelling harder.

  “Chloe, I need you so fucking bad.”

  He coaxed her over him, and she straddled him awkwardly, her pale thighs bracketing his darker skin. He held his shaft straight, his tip kissing her moist entrance, and he locked her in a strained gaze. He sensed her hesitation and wondered if this might be new to her, or maybe she was worried about something else.

  “I won’t come inside you, Chlo,” he assured, then he hesitated briefly. “In fact…I may not come at all, but I can’t wait any longer.”

  She tilted her head and regarded him with a puzzled expression, but she nodded. Her hazel eyes blazed, and she looked down at his straining shaft. He watched her take a deep, shaky breath.

  “I’ve never done it this way, and it’s just so…so…large.”

  He chuckled low, amused by her words and the bright shade of red on her face. “Honey, that’s something every man wants to hear. Believe me, you’ll be fine. We’ve done this before. We’ll go slow…”

  Capitulating to the driving need pounding his body, he flexed his hips and slipped his tip into her wet heat, advancing and retreating more and more of his thick length. He groaned with the searing pleasure, especially when she caught his rhythm after several awkward attempts, and slowly sank onto his rigid shaft.

  “Oh, God…this feels amazing!” she gasped when she was fully seated, and he had to look away from the incredible sight of his cock disappearing in and out of her tight channel. She moved on him for several minutes, and he gritted his teeth and held on to her hips, praying for the strength to not take her like an animal. She was driving him mad, moving against him slowly and taking h
im all the way. She was stretched tight around him, milking him in smooth oscillating waves. His muscles bulged with his restraint and sweat beaded on his forehead. His sac was sucked so tight to his body it hurt and each slide burned his shaft with unbelievable pleasure that hurled tendrils of stinging fire into his body. He started rocking into her slowly, his gaze fixed on the steady jounce of her beautiful breasts.

  “Yes, Chloe. Fuck me! Ride my cock, baby!” he encouraged, but as she started to buck her hips in fast, uncontrollable stabs, he lost his mind and plunged up into her, driving into her with an almost maniacal speed, his hips slapping against her roughly, bouncing her with every deep jab. Sweat glistened on the square grid of his abs, rolling into the grooves. His fingers clutched her hips and his eyes were riveted to where they were joined.

  “God, damn! You make me so fucking crazy!”

  “Yes…Brad…like that! Yes! Like that!” Chloe met him thrust for thrust, her glutes clenching as she worked her hips urgently on him. He felt the tightest caress of her channel as she cried out again, her body arching stiff. She was beautiful, from the arch of her neck thrown back to the jut of her creamy breasts. Her nails dug into his pecs and his hips surged high off the floor, his body starting to shake furiously from the battering assault of pleasure on his senses. He felt a gush of liquid flood from her body, slicking his driving shaft and coating his aching balls in wet heat.

  His cock swelled impossibly thicker and bucked as the sharp tingle of approaching orgasm raked along the base of his shaft and twisted tight through his balls. He heaved and pulled Chloe off his cock just seconds before he let loose a hoarse barbaric shout and squirted thick semen on the inside of her thighs. His chest burned and his muscles cramped, but he could not stop bucking against her, could not stop groaning and spilling onto her creamy skin and drenching her pubic hair. He pulled her down against his sweaty torso and slanted his lips against hers, gliding his mouth and tongue over hers. His body was still seizing with blissful twinges as he kissed her and he wanted to wrap her around him like a second skin.


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