Surrender My Love

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Surrender My Love Page 17

by Lisa Eugene

  Oh God… This woman made him crazy! The way his body responded to her was a mystery. He’d thought the orgasm in the alley was just a fluke, but this one had been just as powerful and surprising. What was it about her?

  The kiss ebbed, slowed to a languid caress of lips and he kept his eyes closed. Eventually she lifted her sticky torso, and knowing she was staring at him, he opened his eyes.

  Chloe was grinning, all teeth, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. She looked like a child that had discovered a sweet shop.

  “Wow.” Her hazel eyes glittered with shards of green.

  “Wow, indeed.” Missing her warmth, he pulled her back on top of him and hugged her close.

  “You have taught me many firsts, Dr. Markson.” He sensed her smiling against his neck.

  And I’ll be the last to teach you…

  The response that popped into his head had him frowning. Instead, he said, “Is that so, Nurse Bennett?”

  She nodded. “I don’t think I can ever eat whipped cream again without thinking of you.”

  “Good.” He brushed his lips against her forehead and smiled, a warm contentment glowing in his chest, stunning him with its brilliance.

  He sighed and stroked his palms up the feminine curve of her spine, then plunged his fingers into her thick, dark locks of hair. He loved her hair. He buried his nose in it and inhaled, adoring the rich texture and the way it smelled and felt against his skin.

  “Mmmm…” He trailed small kisses on her neck. “We should get cleaned up, my little innocent.” He grinned. “Although, I don’t think I can call you that anymore.”

  Her head shot up, and her eyebrows rose high in her forehead. “Why not?”

  He chuckled and pulled her head back down. “Not with the words that came out of your mouth!”

  He heard her gasp and knew a pink blush was probably crawling up her face. He laughed and grasped her as she tried to roll away, pulling her back onto his body. She was blushing floridly, but he could see laughter dancing on her lips.

  “Who would’ve thunk? Babe, you could teach a sailor a word or two!” He grinned and rolled them, laughing harder when she grabbed the sheet, balled it up and started beating it against his chest.

  A soft laugh purred from her throat, and he felt it reverberate through his body. “Well, Dr. Markson, there’s quite a lot you can teach me.”

  She’d said it so sexily, and he bet she hadn’t even realized it. Her voice had revved low and sultry and it stoked a flame in his shaft. He swelled instantly.

  “You feel that way, do you?” He had her pinned beneath him.


  Groaning, he captured her lips for a thorough kiss, grinding his hips against hers. Their tongues met and played, doing a sensual slow dace.

  “Well, let’s go take a shower and we’ll start your next lesson.” He regarded her thoughtfully. “I hope you’ve got lots of soap.”


  “For that lusciously dirty mouth of yours.” He sprang up just as she squealed and tossed the sheet.

  Chloe walked out of her small bathroom and swaddled her naked body in her bathrobe. She sat on the edge of her bed, listening to Brad in the bathroom as he finished his shower. Scrubbing a towel through her damp hair, she couldn’t deny the grin that demanded an appearance. She had no words to describe what she was feeling for Brad. She just knew it felt like her body was filled with warm, sweet honey. Brad had lavished her with attention. He’d thoroughly washed her hair as well as bathed every inch of her body, paying particular attention to what he termed his ‘favorite spots.’ Turns out they were her favorite too. She grinned. Who would have thunk?

  She remembered the sensual feel of his long fingers massaging her scalp and combing through the long strands of her hair. His touch was amazing, sure and purposeful, and was a luxury she could easily get used to. They’d made love again in the shower, their passion hurling them both to an explosive end. Brad had withdrawn at the end, again appearing surprised as he’d painted her abdomen and breasts with his warm essence. She wondered about his surprise, but was too shy to ask. He was a fantastic lover, and seemed to thoroughly relish having sex. She couldn’t imagine him ever having problems.

  Chloe groaned and buried her face in her palms, not understanding how she could be so happy and so miserable. Just the fact that Brad had come to her aid was astonishing in itself and left her with a myriad of baffling emotions. She tried hard not to read into his actions, but he made her feel deeply cherished, something she hadn’t felt in years.

  She prayed, though, for a swift ending to this ordeal with WMH. She couldn’t afford to be out work of any length of time. To save money, she’d have to take over most of her mother’s shifts while she was out of work. It would be great to spend more time with her mother, but without her salary coming in, they would soon suffer serious financial hardship.

  A sharp banging on her door caused Chloe’s hands to freeze as she shimmied a towel through the roots of her hair. Her gaze flew to the bathroom, and certain that Brad would be occupied a few more moments, she stood and lapped the tie around her robe, giving it a decisive tug as she padded barefoot to the door. The loud banging continued, and frowning, she pulled it open.

  “What the hell took you so long?” her brother demanded, pushing roughly past her.

  Chloe pivoted to face him, her heart sprinting fast. Her head jerked towards the bedroom, then her gaze latched on to Richard. His hair was blue this week, an electric neon that was almost blinding. Clothes that were wrinkled more than usual hung off his thin frame and agitated, he bounced from one foot to the other.

  “Richard! What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing! I’m here to collect my money!”

  “You look awful.” She felt her heart reaching out to him.

  “Well, you don’t look so good yourself!”

  In no mood to start another argument, she huffed and walked past him. She needed to get him out of her apartment as soon as possible. She fished an envelope out of her bag and handed it to him.

  “Richard, I’m worried about you,” she said gently. “Let’s meet up at Mom’s later. We should talk.”

  His head was bowed as he ignored her, shuffling through the envelope.

  “What is this shit?” he yelled, looking up.

  “It’s the amount we agreed on.” Her head swiveled to the bedroom. “Please keep your voice down.”

  “This isn’t gonna cut it, Chlo. I told you. I take care of Mom just as much as you do! I want more up front, especially now that you’ve fucked up at work. I don’t know what sort of shit you’ve gotten yourself into, but soon you’ll be holding out on me altogether!”

  Chloe pinched her lips together, trying to control her anger. She knew he was going to be difficult. “That’s all I have. Now, go! We’ll talk about this later!”

  “Bullshit! I know you have more. I’ve slaved over our mother and I deserve more than this!”

  “Richard, half the time you don’t even show up! You know there’s not much left in the account. Now, just go,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “I don’t believe there’s no money!”

  “There’s barely enough to cover Mom’s medical bills!”

  “You just want to keep it all for yourself!”

  “That’s not true. Now, go! We’ll talk later.” Her gaze jolted towards the bedroom door.

  She saw him follow her gaze, then watched his complexion grow ruddy with anger. His green eyes moved contemptuously up her bathrobe, and she knew the moment he figured out someone was in the other room. Her brother’s mouth pulled into an odious slash, and he regarded her with red-hot loathing. “You fucking whore! You’re always lecturing me on my life and here you are being a little slut!”

  “Richard! Shut up! Just go!”

  “Miss high and mighty, fucking know-it-all! You fuck up at work and now you’re spreading your legs. Is this your new job?” He snorted a nasty chuckle. “I h
ope you’re at least getting paid for this!”

  Richard was yelling now, his voice drumming into the apartment, beating anguish into her heart. She couldn’t believe he was being so cruel. She’d taken care of him his entire life. She felt the sharp lance of disappointment and hurt, and tears began to fill her eyes. She could usually stand up to her brother, but she felt emotionally drained from her other battles. Afraid that Brad would overhear her brother’s tirade, she moved closer to the door, hoping Richard would follow.

  “You’re nothing but a fucking hypocrite, you bitch! Mom is sick. You should be with her instead of whoring! You have a nerve always harassing me and trying to run my life!”

  Chloe pushed back her tears and bit her lip, desperate to be rid of him. She was about to pull the door open when from the corner of her eye she perceived a lightning fast, hulking blur of movement. In less time than it took for her to blink, turn, and focus, Brad had her brother’s body slammed up against the wall, his shirt twisted in a tight angry fist.

  Richard’s green eyes were wide and frightened, his pupils dilated, his mouth flapping open in a dazed stupor.

  Chloe gasped in shock, her palms flying to her quivering lips.

  “Brad! What are you doing?” she yelled.

  Terrifying anger radiated from Brad in ribbons of black fumes. The only thing he wore were his jeans riding low on his hips. His torso was bare, his corded muscles rippling across his broad naked back. His skin still glistened with beads of water and she knew he’d dressed hastily. Her brother seemed so puny next to him, so fragile, and Chloe grew afraid for him.

  “Brad! Please…”

  Brad turned to her then, a slight jerk of his chin in her direction. She saw the blue of his eyes deepen and his nostrils flare wide as he turned back to Richard. She wondered how much of their conversation he’d overheard.

  “Why do you think it’s okay to speak to your sister like that?” he hissed slowly into her brother’s face.

  Chloe watched Richard’s lips tremble and his gaze darted imploringly to her.

  “Why?” Brad bellowed, and her brother shrank further into the wall, a pained expression on his face.

  “Brad! Stop.”

  “Now, apologize to her, you little punk, or I’ll put your fucking head through this wall!”

  Her stubborn brother shot her an insolent sneer and pulled his lips tight, the silver ring in his lip jutting out. “I just want my money.”

  Brad yanked his shirt hard, plucking him from the wall before slamming him back against it with alarming force. Richard was shaking so hard he must have bitten through his lip, because a small trickle of blood seeped at the corner.

  “Now! Apologize!” Brad’s body coiled with fury, and Chloe was afraid he’d carry out his threat.

  “I—I’m sorry, Chloe,” Richard finally stuttered, and Chloe let out the breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

  Brad shoved him away roughly and Richard stumbled. He recovered his step, but his green eyes burned with anger and hatred. Brad stared him down, his gaze lethal.

  “Don’t you ever speak to her like that again!” he yelled angrily. “Now get the fuck out of here!”

  Her brother stared at her, his face flaming red, and her heart cried out at his pitiful expression. She saw him as the boy who every year had made Father’s Day cards despite the fact he’d never known his father. He’d kept them secreted at the bottom of a closet and it almost broke Chloe’s heart when, years later, she’d stumbled upon them. There’d been years of hope buried at the bottom of that closet, hope that had been blackened with dirt and debris and disappointment.

  Richard cursed and turned to leave, sending Brad one last angry glare.

  “Wait, Richard!” Chloe reached out to him, but he disappeared through the door.

  She pivoted, her hands fisted at her sides as she leveled an angry glare at Brad.

  “How dare you! Who do you think you are, interfering?”

  Chloe could tell he was surprised by the emotion spilling from her. His lips flattened into a tight line and he took a step towards her.


  “You have no right!”

  She took a step back and he halted in his tracks, his tall body thick with tension.

  “Chloe, what’s going on? Is your mother ill? Do you need money?”

  Chloe felt tears blur her vision and the shameful scourge of her pitiful situation hit her head on, sending fine tremors crawling up her spine. She’d never felt so beaten down by life as she did at that very moment and she suffered the ruthless blows. She hated the look in his eyes. The last thing she wanted was his sorrowful pity. It was bad enough he’d witnessed the embarrassing encounter with Richard.

  “Chloe, you’re dealing with so much. Let me help. Let me take care of you,” he said softly.

  “I don’t need you to take care of me. I’ve been doing it myself since I was eight years old! I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”

  He sighed and pushed his fingers through his wet hair. “Let me handle things financially. Consider it a loan, just until you start working again.”

  “No!” Her shrill voice rang through the apartment.

  Brad shifted his weight and his broad shoulders bunched. Chloe could tell he was getting angry again.

  “You shouldn’t be giving your brother money. From the wild look on his face, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on drugs.”

  Chloe stomped her foot, her spine so rigid it threatened to snap. Anger, frustration, helplessness, failure, all mixed into sludge and poured into the black abyss in her gut.

  “Just leave, Brad.”

  “Listen to me, Chloe.”

  “This is not your problem. My life isn’t your responsibility to fix.”


  She looked into his eyes. “You don’t do relationships, remember?”

  He stared at her, his expression blank, though his searching eyes dug a hole into her soul. She walked to the couch and dropped to the worn cushion as he made his way to her bedroom. She wiped her tears as she listened to him get dressed. Chloe pursed her lips. She was done crying. She refused to feel sorry for herself. Brad was already doing enough. She couldn’t possibly ask him to do more.

  Moments later she heard the soft tread of his steps as he walked back into the room and stood in front of her, his thick thighs braced wide. She stared straight ahead, afraid to look at him. She’d just gotten hold of her emotions and knew she’d fall apart if she looked into those deep, probing eyes. His large palm skated gently over her head, his fingers groping through her hair, the feeling so familiar now. He bent down and placed his lips against her forehead.

  “It will be okay, Chlo.” Warm lips tickled her skin. “I’ll let you know when I’ve met with the hospital board.”

  Her head dipped fractionally, but she kept her gaze averted.

  “Thank you,” she whispered just before he walked out the door.

  Later that day, Chloe walked back to her apartment from the small laundry room in her building, her arms full with a basket of clean laundry. She was trying hard to put the events of the morning out of her mind. Well, not all of them, she mused. Her time with Brad was forever stamped in her mind and on every inch of flesh he’d coaxed to inexorable pleasure. She had no idea that sex could be this intense, this fulfilling. When he held her, she felt…special. Desirable. He had no idea what that meant to her. Jack’s rejection had been a crushing blow she thought she’d never heal from.

  Although she knew now that he’d probably done her a favor, she was determined to never go through that destructive, soul-deep agony again. Every aspect of her life had been compressed into the pinpoint darkness of those emotions, and she’d had to endure the prick each day until she could find her way to the light. It had been hell—the apology notes, returning the wedding gifts, canceling the honeymoon, the sympathetic phone calls and pitying glances that secretly wondered what was wrong with her. She would never open herself to that ag

  Sighing heavily, she thought of her brother. He’d been out of control this morning and unfortunately, Brad had been there. Perhaps she’d overreacted with Brad. She knew he’d been acting in her defense, but she was used to handling her family on her own. He already knew more about her than she was comfortable with, and he didn’t need other glimpses into her disordered life.

  She was so deep in thought she didn’t notice the three people at her door until she was almost upon them. Susan, Justin, and Paul were standing in the hallway.

  “There you are!” Susan rushed forward and hugged her.

  “Are you okay? We’ve been so worried,” Paul relieved her of the laundry basket.

  Chloe managed a smile and nodded. She opened the door and ushered her friends in, happy to have the company, considering her tumultuous morning. She recalled the last time she’d seen them and how distraught she’d been.

  “We miss you, Chloe.” Justin took a seat on her couch while she sat in a chair opposite him. “We still can’t believe what’s happened.”

  “I can’t believe it myself,” she said sadly.

  “It’s not the same without you. Who am I going to flirt with?” Paul teased from across the room, pulling a smile from her. “Susan?”

  Susan’s lips twisted snidely. “Not if you value your gonads.”

  Paul grinned. “Women go mad for my gonads.”

  Susan rolled her eyes and gave him the finger, then directed her attention to Chloe.

  “We miss you. Everyone is so tense. There’s a security guard always around!” She pushed up her lips, her voice plaintive.

  “Witch Wall has been wielding her broom. I swear that woman needs a house to land on her!” Justin said.

  Chloe laughed, thinking how she’d always imagined Nurse Wall as the Wicked Witch of the West.

  “What can we do to help?” Paul asked, placing the basket on her table.

  …a winning lotto ticket, clean up my druggy brother, heal my mom, have my job reinstated, make Brad fall in love with me forever and never break my heart….oh, and a flying house would be nice…

  “Nothing.” She shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”


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