The Lottery

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The Lottery Page 14

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  As one woman placed a firm hand on his butt, he stopped, grasping the stranger’s wrist. Squeezing the woman’s flesh strongly in his hands, he pulled her close so he could look at her eye to eye. He was angry at the world in that moment, angry for his parents abandoning him, angry that his sister was sick, angry at his place in the world, but more so, he was angry at the fact this woman, and those like her, felt they were allowed to touch him in this way.

  Karlyn grasped his chin within her hands, and she turned his face towards hers. As soon as he looked into her eyes, the anger that had rolled in seemed to free itself. Closing his eyes and resting his head on her forehead, he then looked back to the woman he was holding and released her arm.

  The group that had collected around them stood stunned. Men were property in their eyes, and most were probably expecting Karlyn to publicly denounce his actions, and possibly punish him physically as they all stood there and watched. They had all stepped back, giving the man and his mistress room, but staying close enough to watch the drama unfurl. Rubbing her wrist, his assailant stood glaring back and forth at them both, expecting an apology.

  Apparently refusing to give them the satisfaction, she grasped his hand, smiled at his aggressor without apology, and then pulled him through the open-mouthed throng. She did not castigate him for protecting himself from the advances of strangers, nor did she humiliate him in public as many mistresses would.

  Once inside the doors of the elevator, they were completely alone.

  “You should have punished me. I was wrong for grabbing her hand; she was within her rights to touch me. Your reputation may suffer for this.”

  “I disagree. She, or any other woman, has no right to openly touch you on the street, especially when you are escorting me.” Pausing for a moment, “Actually, she has no right whether I, or any other woman, is accompanying you. One hundred years ago, when this was a male driven society, women were not openly groped in public. It happened, yes, but it was considered a crime. I don’t care how few of you there are, it is not fair. You were only protecting your body, and I don’t care what people think of me for doing nothing.”

  He heard her intake of breath as he pulled her into his arms and his lips descended on hers with a kiss that could have combusted them both. Melting into her, he wrapped his tongue around hers, a dance within her warm depths. Tasting the insides of her mouth, and once again forgetting where they were, they continued to kiss the entire ride up the elevator, until a series of sharp coughs when the car had stopped on the fifth floor made them realize where they were. Blushing faces watched them disentangle, and they finished the ride apart, but he was sure the sizzling heat that crackled between them could be felt by every rider on the car.

  As they finally arrived at their floor, the pair exited the car and turned towards Bailey’s room. Karlyn could feel Ethan’s rigid body, as he steeled himself before entering the door. He took a deep breath before pushing open the door. Bright sunshine had finally found a foothold in through the single window, and as they entered the room, they saw the light shining on a sleeping Bailey.

  Ethan moved to the side of the bed, sitting to check for any signs of her awakening. Moving her limp hand into his, he shook her ever so carefully, trying to see if she would open her eyes. No response came and his face fell. Karlyn watched the scene take place, feeling his pain in her own chest.

  Hours passed, and Ethan began the same events of the day before. Pacing, and checking his sister every few moments. While out to grab Karlyn a coffee and get him a few moments to focus on something else, Karlyn noted that Bailey’s fingers moved slightly. Moments later, Ethan returned to the news and rushed to the bedside. Grasping Bailey’s hand in his, he felt her squeeze.


  It was enough for him in that moment, and it calmed him to see responsiveness of some kind from her limp form. Within hours, she was squeezing his fingers regularly, and by the time the nurses kicked them from the room, she had moved her head. Happiness and hope flooded his heart and he spent the night sleeping in the arms of his woman, his first real night of good sleep. The next morning he awoke early to stand vigil over his sister.

  By the third morning after her surgery, Bailey finally opened her eyes. Ecstatic, Ethan’s joy diminished slightly when they realized Bailey could not speak. Once the doctors came in and used a system of her moving her eyelids to respond to them, they realized that she had little use of the left side of her body as well. But she was alive. And therapy would start immediately.

  Over the next three weeks , the doctors began reestablishing the new connections they had created before the surgery, and along with physical therapy, Bailey began to slowly control her motor functions again. Speech took a little longer, but she had mastered the use of single words to help communicate her needs and feelings.

  Ethan spent most of his days with Bailey, allowing Karlyn to finish her commission pieces. Coming home to his woman, he finally felt like he could have it all. His sister improved every day, so his confidence grew that he wouldn’t lose her, and Karlyn warmed his heart and his bed, and she gave him hope for a family to grow, even though they never spoke of any kind of future. She showed him every day how much she cared about him in her own little ways, and he gave himself to her mind, body and soul.

  He hoped it was enough.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bailey’s road to recovery was enough to put Ethan at ease. Karlyn was happy to see that Ethan began to return more to his former self, eating and sleeping regularly again, as each day new victories in Bailey’s progress gave him hope. Each night, she fell into his arms and shared her hope and the passion for him. The mornings were special, a quiet time where she could revel in his arms.

  A month after Bailey’s return to consciousness, the morning dawned bright and beautiful, with sunlight shimmering through the soft sheer curtains of the French doors. A soft, warm breeze blew through the opening. Spring was finally in full form, bringing rebirth and warmth to their lives. Awakening in each other’s arms, holding on tightly after sharing their bodies once more, soft and tender emotions swirled about them.

  “I want to paint you.”

  “I believe I have seen a few paintings upstairs that look quite a bit like me.”

  She flushed at the truth of his words. “Yes. There are. But, I want you to sit for me, so I can capture you in front of me. The other paintings are just random recreations of an emotion, abstract. I rarely do portraits, but I want to do yours. You won’t be here forever, you know, and I want to have something to remember you by.”

  Sadness suddenly filled him, her words reminding him of their inevitable goodbye. Hope had begun to grow that she would not say those words to him, as he had already become so attached to her. Thinking she felt the same, he was troubled by the train of her thoughts.

  “Then you shall paint me, so when I say goodbye you can remember how sexy I am.” Even though there were no words of a forever that had ever been uttered by either one of them, he still felt the stab of sadness that she was obviously not even considering a future.

  “I’m glad you’re so humble.”


  After a quick slice of toast and fresh jam, Karlyn jumped into an old t-shirt and threw on her coveralls. Bounding up the steps, she saw that he had moved a few of the oversized pillows that littered one corner she sometimes used for reading into a makeshift chaise. He laid across it in his nakedness, and she smiled. What a memory to have for the future.

  Pulling out a large canvas she had just prepped the night before, she quickly sketched the scene before her, becoming aroused at the sight of his nude form. No matter how much she had him in her bed, in her body, she couldn’t get enough of him. As she sketched his genitals, he obviously felt the weight of her stare there, and he grew thicker and longer, making her re-sketch the area several times.

  Looking into his eyes, seeing the desire there as she finished up her initial sketch, she moved, grabbing her paints with trembling fingers
. Hours passed as she fought her need for this man, and did her best to infuse all her love, all her passion, and the desire he reflected back at her within the confines of the canvas before her.

  “How much longer? I’m starting to get a cramp in my side.” After several hours, she was sure he was getting tired of holding his pose.

  “Not much longer. Stay still for a few more minutes.”

  “Can I at least see what it looks like?”

  “You sound like a pouting child. You can see it when it is done.”

  “No fair.”

  “The world is not fair.”

  He began to stroke the soft skin of his cock after she finished her last words, and she watched his fingers move across the shaft lazily.

  “Now who is not being fair?”

  “Well, the world is not fair. Correct?”

  Lust swirled within his green gaze, and it had her whole body alive, trembling with longing. Knowing her work was almost finished, she fought through the craving she felt, watching him for long moments pleasuring himself as she captured the light in his eyes with the magic of her paints.

  Once done, she threw her palette and brush aside, with little care if it landed safely, and ripped the clothing from her body. He shivered as he watched her undress, and she flung herself on top of him, seating herself in his lap. Immediately impaling herself on his massive tool, they began an animalistic rhythm of lovemaking, at the limits of her control.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent in the studio, sleep intermingled with lovemaking until they finally gathered themselves to go downstairs to make an early dinner. Neither redressed, and finger fed each other, sitting atop her dinner table, wine flowing liberally, until Ethan finally gathered her within his arms and carried her into the bedroom where they remained for the rest of the evening.


  Late afternoon sunshine streamed into the studio the next day as Karlyn made the final stroke on her commission piece. Excitement thrummed through her, knowing these pieces would soon be installed at the community center. Her coffers were also going to fill, which made her feel overwhelmed. She had never been paid this well, and the potential exposure she could get from this set of work could start the ball rolling on a true career.

  Priming up the vid phone to call Michelle to let her know the pieces were finally complete, she heard knocking at the door. She took the stairs two at a time, happiness filling her. Sliding the door open, she saw an elegantly beautiful woman standing in her doorway.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I hope so, are you Karlyn Bowman?”

  The woman’s strong perfume hit her squarely in the face, and she nearly choked from the strength of it. “Yes I am. What can I do for you?”

  “I saw one of your pieces recently, and I was hoping I could come for an impromptu show. Is it possible to see some of your other artwork?”

  Pride radiated along her body. People were coming to her, to see her art. It was finally starting to happen. “Sure, come right in. Watch yourself though, this is a studio and you may get paint on your clothing.” Which looked really expensive, she wanted to add. “The studio itself is upstairs, if you want to follow me. I have a store of paintings up there.”

  The woman followed along behind her quietly, taking in her surroundings.

  “Now these pieces on the pedestals are already spoken for, as they are commissioned pieces or private pieces for my own collection, but I have many pieces to the left. If you tell me what type of painting you are looking for, I can put a few pieces together for you to view.”

  The woman stopped in front of the piece she had just finished and took in a deep breath. “This is stunning; too bad it is already spoken for. I love the cityscapes I have seen so far. What else do you do?”

  “Country landscapes, florals, more cityscapes, a few abstract pieces, but not many…pretty much anything that catches my attention at that moment. As of late it has been the cityscapes. Are you looking for larger pieces like these are something smaller?”

  “A little smaller would be nice, something to put into my bedroom. I have a large wall that needs to be covered.”

  “Let me see what I may have. Would you like some wine while I look through my stock?”

  “Sounds delicious. Red if you have it.”

  Karlyn walked down to grab a bottle and a goblet, and as she returned to the studio, she noted the woman looking around the space.

  “What lovely taste you have. This is such a quaint apartment. Do you share it with anyone?”

  Warmth flooded her, unsure of how to respond to the question. “Up until a couple of months ago, no. But I have a friend who has been staying. He, well…” A blush flashed across her face and chest. Pouring the wine, she looked at the woman and noted how she was solely focused on her.

  “From that blush, I would take that to mean your male friend is more than a friend?”

  Suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation, she wanted to change the subject. “I will take a peek at the stock I have and pull a few out that fit the guidelines you have told me, and then see if there is something that catches your eye.”

  “Fabulous.” The woman took a big gulp of wine and continued to walk around the studio perusing her work. “So, sharing your studio apartment with a male friend, living the good life, painting away, living in happiness. Does your friend share in that happiness?”

  “I think I found two over here that may work. Let me pull out a couple more and I will bring them over.”

  “Ahh. Shy about your love life? There is nothing wrong with sharing a little of your happiness with the world. It is so refreshing to see two people who care about each other in this day and age. So many male-female relationships are paid for, that true love simply cannot happen. So is this it, true love?”

  A shiver ran up Karlyn’s spine. The direction of the conversation was not appreciated. Grabbing the two other paintings she had been looking for, she pulled all four along with her and set them up on pedestals for the woman’s inspection. Cold sweat began to form on her brow, and she wasn’t sure if it was from digging through the paintings or inquisitive vibe the other woman was throwing her way. Or maybe it was a reaction to the strong perfume she wore.

  The woman swallowed the last of her wine and came close to the paintings on display for her. Closely inspecting the first piece before moving on, she turned and smiled at Karlyn. She felt like a preyed animal, and was never so afraid of a smile in her life.

  “So you never said. Is it true love?”

  “I never spoke anything about love. I just said he was a friend.”

  “Well from the blush and your smiles, I could only assume there was more than friendship there. So few of us get that chance, so I’m sorry for trying to intrude. Just trying to live vicariously through the happiness I saw in your face. I’m so glad he makes you that happy.”

  The woman turned to the next piece, gratefully, as her stare was uncomfortable and heavy. She remained quiet as she looked at each of the four paintings, taking her time with each canvas.

  “I was actually hoping you may have a few portraits or nudes. I love the nude body, and would love to know how much the piece under the canvas is.”

  Remembering the day spent with Ethan, brought more color to her face. “That piece is private, and not for sale.”

  “Too bad. If that is your lover, he is truly magnificent. You must be doing very well with your art to afford a stud like that.”

  Karlyn did not like the woman’s questions or her assumptions. She again directed the woman to the pieces she had shown her earlier. “I really think one of these would be more suitable for you. Or I have others, more rural landscapes if that interests you.”

  Glancing at the grouping Karlyn had shown her, she was pensive for a moment. “How much for the entire set?”

  “En-tire,” Karlyn swallowed hard, trying to recompose herself. She needed the money to bolster her career and to reinvest into supplies, but there was something abou
t this woman that she did not care for. The thought of her paintings gracing her walls almost made her sick to her stomach. She then decided to throw out a figure that would be laughable, in hopes the woman would leave empty handed and incredulous.

  “Sixteen million.”

  “Done. What is your banking IP, and the funds will be placed in your account?”

  Karlyn stood in shock. What the hell had just happened? She shook herself to ward off the shock, and robotically listed the bank information. The woman pulled out her portable comm unit, typed in the numbers and hit send. Within moments a message popped on her vid screen showing the correct amount had been deposited into her account.

  The woman rifled through her tote, and pulled out a business card with her name and address printed on it.

  “Maybe I will get a chance to see this special friend of yours one day. I am going out of town for a few days, but I will have one of my employees stop by to pick them up on Wednesday at four p.m. if that is okay with you?”

  Karlyn nodded her approval, too shocked to speak. The woman walked down the iron stairs and towards the steel door. Turning she air kissed both of Karlyn’s cheeks in a show of complete and utter superficiality, and pulled open the door. “I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. I love the work, absolutely love it.”

  Karlyn stood at the open doorway, surprise still stiffening her body. The business card was still clutched between thumb and forefinger and she placed it down on the table beside the door so she could close it. Finally remembering her call, she glided up the stairs, happy she had made such a wonderful sale, even if she was odd. Regardless, she was gone, and Karlyn was paid, so she needed to let go of the feeling.

  Prepping the vid, she entered Michelle’s address and waited for a reply. Michelle came on and was thrilled at the news.


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