The Lottery

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The Lottery Page 15

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  “Perfect timing! The opening to the public is this Friday.”

  “Sorry to cut it so close, but a friend has been in the hospital, so my attention was divided.”

  “It’s no worry, I had forgotten to tell you about the special gala opening we are planning this Wednesday night for all of the contributors to the community fund, and I was scared they wouldn’t be ready in time. There will be some heavyweights there that night, so I think you should attend. Sam told me about your lottery win, so dress him up and bring him out with you. I’m dying to meet this hunk in the flesh. So come out and mingle a little, and maybe you can drum up some more business. It’s a night to be social.”

  A smile crossed Karlyn’s face. “Absolutely, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  The call was completed, and she called the delivery service she had used on a couple of occasions in regards to getting the pieces transported to the community center the next day.

  Her world was in complete, happy chaos. Thank goodness for the mystery woman at her door, because from the sounds of it, she needed a dress and now she had a little room to splurge and look more the part, fitting in with the crowd that was apt to be at the gala. Just as she was climbing down the stairs, the door opened and Ethan walked through it. A smile plastered across her face as she saw him, and everything was right with the world. Jumping into his outstretched arms, she held him tight; knowing today had been a good day.

  “Not that I don’t like great hugs, but I get the feeling there is a story behind this one?”

  “Absolutely. But let me get washed up and, oh no, I got paint on your shirt. I think you need to come get cleaned up with me.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Why yes, Mr. Spears.”

  A wave of desire for her marry him, take her name, and call him Mr. Bowman flooded him. “Well, how about you go and run a nice, warm bubble bath, and I will put in an order for Chinese food.”

  A pout raced across her face. “But that would mean we would have to get out of the tub to answer the door.”

  “How about I place the order for two hours from now?”

  “Now you are talking.” Karlyn exited to her bedroom as Ethan climbed the stairs two at a time to prep the vid.

  As she was starting the tub, Ethan called out to her hesitantly. “Um, have you started wearing a new perfume?”

  “No, why?”

  “Nothing, I thought I caught a hint of a scent I don’t like.”


  Moments later, Ethan stepped into the warm bubble bath, splashing water on Karlyn as she waited to enter. She stepped in as he got seated, and sat in his lap, allowing the warm water to soak into her tired body. A contented sigh escaped her lips as she nestled herself into him.

  Signals of his enjoyment came soon afterwards as the crest of his cock began to press against the curve of her buttocks. His breath was heavy on her shoulder as he began to bite the delicate skin there. Rubbing the soft skin of her forearms, he pulled his mouth away from her.

  “So are you going to tell me the story before I get so far gone that I lose all conscious thought?”

  “Ahh, the mystery lady.”

  “Mystery lady?” Ethan felt a sudden twist in his chest.

  “Yes, this woman just showed up today, asking to see some of my paintings. She was a bit off, and I didn’t care for her much, so I threw out an outrageous sum of money for four paintings she wanted, and she went for it. I was never so glad she was gone, between her odd questions and her strong perfume – which is probably what you smelled upstairs - she was just weird all together. But she paid me this afternoon, and we need to celebrate tonight.”

  “What was her name?”

  “I don’t remember, she gave me her card, but I was so in shock that I didn’t pay attention. She had interrupted my call to the patron from the community center, so I ran back upstairs to finish that up.”

  “Where did you put it?”

  “Where did I put what?”

  “The card, Karlyn. Where did you put the card?”

  “On the table, by the door. We can look later.”

  “No, we can look now.” Ethan pulled her up so he could lift himself out of the tub, leaving her behind as he strode nude and dripping through the apartment. Lifting herself out of the tub, she threw on a large towel and scrambled behind him.

  “What in the hell…?” She saw Ethan kneeling on the floor looking under the table.

  “There was no card on the table, so I was looking under and behind. Could you have put it somewhere else?”

  “Ethan, what is this about?” Fear suddenly gripped her for some reason.

  “Where is the card, Karlyn?”

  “I don’t know. I sat it there on the table so I could slide the door closed, and then I ran upstairs to call about the community center commission pieces being done. I left it right here. It could have blown off when either of us closed the door.”

  Ethan squatted again, looking around the furniture and under the rugs, turning up nothing.

  “Was she almost as tall as you and have black hair and eyes, with pale, porcelain skin?”

  “Yes.” Goosebumps coated her entire body. “Who is she?”

  “The evil bitch that ruined my reputation as a companion. Which lead to the loss of my career and almost my home. If it had not been for her, I probably would not have ended up in the lottery. I thought I recognized her heavy perfume when I called in our food. That bitch!”

  “Then I suppose I should thank her. If she had not done those things, you wouldn’t be here right now.”


  Ethan looked squarely at Karlyn, and his anger dissipated. Karlyn was right, had it not been for the hell Ophelia had put him through, he would not have found love in Karlyn’s arms. And he could not imagine his world without her. Standing and gathering her up in his arms, he pulled her close, knowing she was everything to him.

  “I’m sorry if I frightened you. Hate is an ugly master. But you are right, if it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t know you. But you still need to be worried. I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t know I am here and that she came for her own selfish reasons. Be careful and keep your eye out.”

  “I thought it was odd when she asked about my love life.”

  “Then she absolutely knows I am here. You can’t trust her. Promise me you will be careful.”

  “Oh, she knows you are here, she was nosey and looked under the canvas at your portrait and wanted to buy it. Now, I see why she wanted it. But that alone gives her an insight into our relationship. I will definitely be careful, I promise.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next few days flew by. Delivery trucks pulled up the following day, and Karlyn jumped aboard with the crew to ensure the paintings arrived in one piece. Once there, construction droids assisted her in getting the pieces in place on the walls Michelle had pre-determined.

  A tuxedo was rented and a beautiful gown purchased as well as accoutrements within the week, all thanks to the help to Karlyn’s bank account provided by Ophelia. Ethan talked Karlyn into a little pampering, a new haircut, manicure and pedicure, as well as a massage given by Ethan himself later that evening, which led to special massages all night long and all over her body. She felt like a princess for the day, but then again, he made her feel special every time she was in his arms.

  A burst of creativity came out the days following, and many visits to Bailey in the hospital were tucked in between. All was well in her world.

  That following Wednesday morning, Karlyn stopped by the flower cart to get new flowers for Bailey’s room. Slipped under her arm was a new canvas she had painted. Her happiness with Ethan flowed out of her into her new work, and it showed. Hope was that Bailey would feel that energy from the painting and make a more speedy recovery.

  Later in the afternoon, she would be visited by Ophelia’s employee to pick up the paintings, which wouldn’t necessarily be pleasant, but it had to be better than a visit from Ophelia hersel
f. Her nerves were on edge; excitement was flying butterflies around her belly, so a visit to Bailey would hopefully keep her grounded.

  Opening the door to Bailey’s room, she smiled when she saw the young woman sitting on the chair, looking out into the sunshine. A warm glow filled Bailey’s face, one screaming of vitality and health. Karlyn walked over to her chair, hugging her hello. She unwrapped the flowers and tossed out the limp ones in the vase. Grabbing her satchel, she pulled out the painting and turned for Bailey’s reaction.

  The megawatt smile was a great response, so she placed the canvas on the dresser on the opposite wall from the other two. She sat down on the bed across from the chair, slipping her feet below her in Indian style.

  “So where is your brother?”

  “Down..hall. Doctor.” Bailey’s speech was slowly returning and she was able to communicate basic ideas. It was a step in the right direction.

  “ how are you feeling?”


  Smiling, she reached out and squeezed Bailey’s hand.


  “I’m glad that makes you happy. He makes me happy as well.”

  “Can...see.” Bailey turned towards the new canvas. “Your...paintings.”

  Karlyn glanced at the new addition. It made her happy to look at it, which is why she wanted to share it. “He makes my creative juices flow. I want to spend all day painting.”

  “His…pain.” Her face scrunched as if she was in pain herself.

  “Are you in pain?”

  “No…Ethan…pain. You...can…save.”

  “I know he has lived a hard life.”

  “You...make…better.” Her face scrunched together again. “Don’t…forget.”

  “I won’t. But he seems content for now, so he can live in the moment. We don’t need to dwell on his past.”

  “Why would we want to?” Karlyn turned as she heard Ethan speak behind her. “Why would we want to dwell on anything about me?”


  Ethan came over to hug his sister. “I don’t see any point in facing anything, we will just let it go and move forward.”


  Ethan turned to Karlyn, and she felt the blush stretch across her face.

  “Bailey, it’s a little early to be talking about love. We just need to focus on getting you better and back home where you belong.” Kissing his sister on the forehead, he seemed to quickly change the subject. “So did Karlyn tell you I’m going out with her in a penguin suit?”

  “Yes…need…pictures.” Bailey’s smile lit up the room.

  “I’m glad you are recovered enough to pick on me, little sister. I will limit it to one picture. You’ll use it later as blackmail material, so I have to ration your ammo.”

  “Dance…promise…you will.”

  “Yes, I will if there is dancing. By the way,” he turned towards Karlyn, “Do you dance?”

  “I never have. Unless you count skipping around my studio singing into a hairbrush.”

  “Ahhh. Looks like we have a student on our hands.” He helped Bailey stand, putting her feet on his own, and traipsed around the hospital room, being mindful of all the wires she was attached to. “If I can make my clumsy sister look good, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Bailey slapped him on the shoulder, but then put her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder. Karlyn got a pain in her chest watching the pair, knowing that he loved his sister with all his heart, wondering if he would ever love her as much.

  Karlyn suddenly felt the strong desire to go home and paint. Strong emotion always did that to her, as if she needed to capture lightning in a bottle. She stood, kissed them both on the cheek and said her goodbyes.

  She looked over at the pair still dancing as she exited the door.


  Twisting her hand across the canvas, only a few basic sketches were laid down when she heard knocking on the door. It was only three-thirty, early if it was the pick-up for Ophelia’s paintings, but better to get rid of them and be done with that whole mess.

  She climbed down the stairs to the front door. Sliding it open, she came face to face with Ethan’s grandmother. Her defenses immediately went up as she looked across the older woman’s face. Tingles trickled down her spine in warning. This was not going to be a nice visit.

  “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to ask me in?”

  Karlyn stepped back and gestured for her to enter. The elder woman looked around the apartment with distaste written all over her face. Turning back to Karlyn, her eyes filled with expectation, the woman smirked at her as if she knew a secret.

  “So you work and live here in this space? My grandson is living here as well?”

  “For the time being, but since I am not a rich woman, I do what I can to keep everything up and running.”

  A flash of knowing raced across his grandmother’s face and she moved to the base of the stairs. “And you work up there?”

  “Yes, that is my studio.”

  “Well, I would like to see more of your work. May I?”

  Karlyn nodded her approval and began to walk behind the woman as she slowly ascended to the second floor. Every muscle in her body tense, unsure what to expect, Karlyn realized she held her breath. Why did she allow this woman to intimidate her so much? Ethan would be here a year, and after that point, there would be nothing more for them. Granted, with her connections, she could see a break in her career, but she would not pander to this woman.

  “Mrs. Spears, you are welcome to look through any of the paintings to your left, all are completed pieces and can be handled. Anything on an easel, I ask for you to be careful, as they may still be wet.” Gasping under her breath, she thought about the nude painting of Ethan under the canvas. Hopefully the woman would not peek, and moving the painting would only fuel the other woman’s curiosity. It would have to remain where it was for now. Wanting to escape the woman’s presence, even if for a few moments, she offered more. “Can I bring you something to drink as you peruse? Wine, coffee..?”

  “I doubt I will be here overly long. I was just curious about the work you do here.” Moving to her left, she began to browse the stacks of paintings that leaned against the studio walls. An eyebrow rose on occasion, but other than that, the space filled with an eerily strained silence.

  Walking to another corner, Ethan’s grandmother continued to look in silence, the seconds ticking by loudly in Karlyn’s brain.

  “These are very good. I almost hate to say it, but you are quite talented, and I foresee you as a great success.”

  A little breath of relief left Karlyn’s throat, but too soon.

  “But as you are not a success quite yet, it amazes me that you would be able to lead the lifestyle you are currently living. Or afford the things you currently have.”

  Karlyn searched her brain for a second, taken aback by the comment, trying to figure out what she was talking about. The ticket. She knows. Trying to collect herself quickly, she hoped her nervousness would not shine through.

  “What are you talking about? All I have is my work. My life is hardly wild and luxurious.”

  Eyes boring into her, she felt like the older woman could see right into her soul. Ethan’s grandmother just stood there, not answering. Uneasiness continued to fill Karlyn, as she felt herself begin to squirm.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink? I have club soda, wine, or…” Arsenic maybe? A little paint thinner? Anything to get you to leave me alone.

  “Changing the subject won’t divert my attentions, little girl.”

  “So, why not spit it out?”

  “Why, if I just spit it out, where would the fun be? Watching you squirm is interesting. And at this point in my life, I need all the entertainment I can get.”

  “Just be over with it instead of playing this game. I have better things to do with my time t
han to wonder about what you think of me or the life I lead.”

  Evangeline approached Karlyn with a forcefulness and aura of a woman half her age. “I refuse to have my family name ran through the mud, and this whole situation has the potential to do just that. What are you conspiring when it comes to my grandson?”


  “Who are you in collaboration with?”

  “I think you have this all wrong. I am not in collaboration or in any type of conspiracy against your grandson.”

  “I have done the research. I know you were not able to financially pay for the ticket you won my grandson with. Yet, soon after you won, millions of dollars funneled into your banking IP. And then a few days ago Ophelia Mack was here, and another sixteen million was added to your account. She has already ruined my grandson once; whatever she has planned for him this go around is unnecessary.”

  “It seems odd that you care so much about him given that you practically threw him to the wolves when he was a young man. I am not in league with Ophelia. I didn’t even know who she was when she came to the studio the other day. I have already told Ethan about her visit.”

  “Your opinion of my relationship with my grandson is none of my concern. And your comment still does not answer the question of the ticket or the money.”

  “My financial history isn’t any of your business.”

  “I am sure the lottery commission may not agree with that comment.”

  Fear raced through every nerve in Karlyn’s body. Even though it had only been three months, she had grown attached to Ethan. “I sold a commission for five large pieces within a couple of days of winning Ethan. We are both going to the gala tonight where they will be presented as a gift to the community center.”

  “LakelandCommunity Center? So you are the mystery artist Michelle commissioned.”

  “Yes. And the day Ophelia came, she wanted to buy four pieces. I threw an outrageous sum at her hoping she would leave because she gave me the creeps. Crazily, she accepted the sum.”

  “And the ticket?”


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