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The Lottery

Page 16

by Alexandra O'Hurley

  Karlyn looked down, afraid if she told the woman the truth about the ticket swap, that she would incriminate herself and Sam. She was never a good liar, though, so she ultimately decided that honesty was the best course, and hoped that the woman would respect that.

  “If I give you the answer you want, I will be incriminating myself. But to be completely honest, it was a birthday present from my best friend. She thought I was…lonely.” A blush swept through Karlyn’s face, adding to her horror at having to divest herself of that knowledge.

  “A birthday present? You seriously expect me to believe that someone would spend that much money on a simple birthday present?”

  “It is the truth. And as I stated before, implicates me in fraud. I am not happy about the circumstances, but it was a gift I didn’t even want. I tried to decline it, but my friend felt slighted that I would not accept it. Assuming I would never win because my luck usually doesn’t go that well. But now I truly see that I was as unlucky as ever.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I have a vicious ex-lover and the grandmother from hell breathing down my back.”

  Karlyn could have sworn she saw the woman smirk, but in a flash it was gone.

  “A-hem?” Karlyn looked over the loft’s railing down to the living space below and saw a young man standing there. Shock shook her, as she wondered how long he had been standing there, and how much he had heard.

  “Sorry to intrude, but I am here to pick up an order of paintings.”

  Karlyn continued down the stairs as the guilty looking man continued to speak.

  “I knocked, but no one answered. The door was ajar, and I heard voices. Sorry to just come in, I did not realize it was your home.”

  “The paintings are wrapped and ready to go. Just behind you, against the wall.” Dread filled Karlyn as the young man gave her a sly smile and turned to grab the paintings. Walking towards the door, he grabbed the bundled paintings and slid the metal open. Grasping the handle as he turned outside in the entry, he smiled at her again, and she was chilled to the bone.

  Turning back once she realized her worries were far from over, she glanced at Ethan’s grandmother.

  Shocked silence covered the older woman’s face.

  “I suppose I should let you get ready for the gala tonight. I wasn’t planning to attend, but after this conversation I don’t think I would miss it for the world.”

  Breezing past Karlyn and down the steps, she stalked to the door, halting just as she grasped the handle. “And that large blue piece, the one that looks like water. Send it to me. I expect delivery by three tomorrow.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Water sluiced down her body as she showered in preparation for the gala. The water was as hot as she could stand, hope in her heart that the relaxing thrum against her body would beat some of the nervousness and stiffness the afternoon had added to her body. No matter how long she stood there, she could not relax. Closing her eyes, she wished for peace.

  Fingers against her belly startled a squeal from her lips, but she was quickly turned and pushed against the wall. An arm was put under each knee as her lips were captured, swallowing any remnants of the yell that was left in her lungs. A hot brand slid into her sex as Ethan’s tongue delved into her mouth, mimicking the motions between her legs.

  His swift penetration had washed all the fear and anxiety away from her mind, and she slumped into his hold, allowing him to ride her body hard against the wall. Her nipples were taut with excitement and the caress of his chest against the hard buds made her climax build.

  Biting into her neck, he grasped her buttocks in both hands, and lifted her roughly; pushing himself into her with all the power he could without hurting her. She rode a fine line between pleasure and pain, his rough lovemaking was something she needed to erase the feelings that had taken her mind hostage this past afternoon.

  All thoughts of lotteries, ex-lovers, or the loss of Ethan vanished. It was only the two of them in this world of hot pounding water and even hotter pounding flesh. Scrapping her nails along his back, holding on for all she was worth, he pumped himself into her with a need she had never sensed before.

  As quickly as he had entered her, he exited and placed her feet back on the shower floor. Reaching around her to turn off the water, he then grasped her under the legs and whisked her off her feet, stalking from the bathroom. Depositing her on the bed, she sat on her knees as he stood at the edge of the bed kissing her senseless.

  Twisting her around, so her rear was perfectly aligned with his engorged cock, she rested her hands before her in preparation for his assault. As quickly as he had entered her before, he was equally slow. He began to torture her pussy, pushing in ever so slowly, before exiting and rubbing his cock from her clit to the puckered nether hole.

  One hand roamed the globes of her ass, giving the occasional slap, making her tingle and cry out for him. Wetness pooled and a stray drop slid down the inside of her thigh. He watched the glistening liquid before catching it with the plump head of his cock, smearing it into her sex.

  Leaning forward, he grasped a cuff from the top of the bed and placed one of her wrists in it before she had even realized what he was doing. Flinching at the surprise, she pulled away and fought him for the other wrist. His strength overpowered her in a way that made her entire body tremble, and he wrapped her second wrist in the padded ankle cuff. Pulling back from the side of the bed, he looked at her as she watched him from over her shoulder.

  Her arms splayed out to either side while on her knees, her ass high in the air ready for him to assault.. Taking himself in hand and pumping a small amount of cum to the tip, he walked back up to her and spread his juice all over the puckered flesh of her rear.

  Fear had her pulling away, yet moments later need had her arching back even further, pushing her ass into his hands and rubbing against his hot cock. Ethan reached into her bedside drawer and lifted out a small bottle of oil. The sound of the cap popping open reverberated through her entire body and her hard nipples tightened even more. Cool oil was drizzled over her cheeks, and was quickly followed by his hands spreading the oil and warming it into her skin.

  One slippery finger found the entrance to her rear and slowly began to slide inside her. Pushing, Ethan slipped in a second finger while using his other hand to drizzle more oil directly on his stabbing fingers. Karlyn felt the oil slickening her and felt the two fingers enter her completely.

  Feeling the pulse of his heartbeat in the cock pressing into her thigh as she pushed back into those fingers, she sighed in delight at the sensations he was wringing from her body. He slid his fingers almost all the way out and pressed back inside her slowly. Picking up speed, he moved faster as she relaxed into him, enjoying the warming stretch.

  Pushing her forward on the bed, she felt the mattress dip as he settled himself behind her. The crisp hair on his legs tickled the backs of hers as he slowly moved the head of his cock around her pussy, wetting himself in the oil there. Another handful of the liquid was spread along his shaft and she finally felt the weight of his cock as he pushed the head against the sensitive flesh.

  He was much bigger than his fingers, and the pressure was intense, but she knew he was holding back as much as he could. Patiently, he worked his cock into her, pausing behind each half inch he slid in, allowing her to accept his size and relax around it. Slight tremors of pain lanced through her, but were immediately followed by arcs of pleasure as one hand grasped her clit and stroked her there.

  Pulling against the cuffs at her wrists, she was almost thankful for the bonds. She was putty in his hands, allowing him to mold her body into what she needed; to push her to where she needed to go.

  Finally fully seated, he kissed the nape of her neck, and gently bit her just below the hairline. Once she relaxed, and accept him inside her, he slowly withdrew a few inches, sliding back home cautiously. The wonderful friction of tight hot flesh with the lubrication of the sweetly scented oil was almost too mu
ch for her to take. Each stroke withdrew further and further until he was finally pumping into her ass.

  He was gentler with her versus the scene in the shower, and he kissed her all over her neck and shoulders, murmuring words of endearment into her ear as he continued to manipulate her clit. She felt the tension spiraling differently than it ever had when he was planted inside her sheath, as if the taboo alone of his penetration was cause for her desire. The felt him pressing into her as he drew circles on her clit and nibbled the column of her throat, and screamed her release, exploding into bliss. A new satisfaction filled her, so unlike the sensation she felt when they had coupled before, but not unwelcomed. Seconds later, he followed behind her, his whole body trembling around her as he shot deep jets of cum, and she felt the jerk of his cock in her tightness.

  Reaching out to unclasp her wrists, he pulled her limp body into his and cuddled with her in the soft bed. Kissing her forehead, she nuzzled into him and nearly fell asleep before she remembered they were supposed to be getting ready for the gala.

  With a jolt she jumped up and looked at the clock on the wall. “We have thirty minutes to re-shower, dress, and get to the community center. You are such a bad influence.”

  “You looked tense when I glanced into the bathroom, so I wanted to take away some of the nervousness for tonight. All night, you will feel where I took you, feel the soreness, and be reminded I am there with you, to take away your stress. Then you can be the belle of the ball and the smash of the night.”

  All the memories of the afternoon came flooding back. Or my whole life is going to be smashed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She plastered a smile across her face. “Nothing is wrong.”

  “I can see it written all over your face.”

  She didn’t know what to tell him, nor did she want to worry him. Maybe nothing would come of the conversation this afternoon, so there was no reason to get him upset and have them both concerned.

  “Everything is fine. Just worried about tonight.”

  He looked at her unconvinced. “Liar. But you can tell me when you are ready.”


  Karlyn’s heart beat in her throat as they neared the community center in the aerocab. Ethan grasped one of her hands, stroking her palm with his thumb, as his other arm surrounded her shoulders. She knew he was trying to be supportive, but his watchful gaze gave the impression that he sensed there was more to this night then she let on.

  As the cab slowed to a stop in the long line of other vehicles, she suddenly wiped her thumb across the paypad before opening the door, not wanting to be watched getting out of an aerocab versus the large luxurious autos being led up to the entrance. Ethan exited quickly behind her and ran behind her.

  “Are we suddenly in a rush to get in?”

  “I just want to get it over with.”

  “Get it over with? You sound like you are getting prepared for a firing squad instead of what may be the event that sets off your career.” Stopping her on the sidewalk twenty feet from the masses surrounding the doors, he turned her towards him. He lifted her chin and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. “You are incredibly gifted and talented. Tonight will be your night to shine. Network, talk to these women, these are the moneyed masses who are capable of putting you on the map. And don’t worry; I will be by your side all night to help. So take a deep breath and relax a little.”

  Her heart ached a little at his sweetness. She should probably tell him about her afternoon, but there was something inside that refused to voice her concerns. She was fearful that either his grandmother or his ex-lover would be here to ruin her night, but since all the scenarios that had ran through her head were probably her overworked imagination, there was no reason to get him upset. Slowly she nodded her head at him and gathered all the courage she could to give him a smile.

  He looked her deep in the eyes, eyes filled with query. He apparently knew her too well in such a short time. She pulled his hand with her own and led him through the throng of people before he could ask the question that was written all over his face. Approaching the red carpeted stairs that showcased the wide double doors, she grasped the hem of her deep red gown in one hand and pulled Ethan behind her with the other.

  Entering the brightly lit space, she was suddenly overwhelmed when she looked around the wide vestibule and was surrounded by her art. Three of the main pieces graced the three walls in view. Tears sprung to her eyes to see the well lit, large pieces surrounded by throngs of people, talking, sipping champagne, and looking over the brightly colored scenes of the city she loved.

  Ethan stepped slightly behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “Congratulations, Ms. Bowman,” he whispered into her ear, then he kissed the small, soft pink shell before licking it gently.

  A tear nearly escaped before she heard her name called from across the room. She turned to see Michelle Paul, her gracious client, walking towards her, all white teeth showing in a smile that looked too big for her face. Enveloping Karlyn in a hug, afterwards she stepped back with her hands on Karlyn’s shoulders.

  “You are a hit! Everyone has been talking incessantly about your paintings all night. I have at least a dozen people who want to meet you, and I was getting worried you weren’t going to show. Thank goodness you are here!”


  The woman pulled Karlyn away to meet the first of a long line of admirers, Ethan stood back for a moment, watching the way Karlyn was blossoming. Eyes alight with pure unadulterated triumph, she radiated a confidence he had seen a peek of in the past weeks, but waves of it rolled off as she smiled and spoke to the crowd surrounding her.

  She still had a faint glow from the passionate sex they had shared, and seeing her become lost in the moment, lost in the adoration of the public was something that struck him right in the chest.

  She is beautiful. Stunning. And I love her.

  The last thought almost unbalanced him. Wetness misted in his eyes and his chest tightened as he thought that maybe, for once, he could have happiness with this beautiful, gifted woman. Being with her cleansed his soul of all the darkness he had been filled with.

  A smile came to his face as he warmed from the thoughts of spending the rest of his life with her.

  And then he saw her.


  She stood in one corner of the room, watching him intently; guarded by Addison and another man whom he had never met before. The closeness the three exhibited illustrated to anyone in the room that they were all lovers. All three watched him from across the room, making his skin crawl. Ophelia’s wink made his nerves stand on end immediately.

  No way would Ophelia and her minions ruin Karlyn’s night. Walking towards the trio, he clenched his fists, trying to remain calm to prevent making a scene. The smug look on Ophelia’s face made that difficult.

  Once within a few feet, he slapped on the most winning smile he could muster up. “Ophelia, it has been way too long. You look absolutely radiant tonight.”

  His stomach turned at his lie, and he broke the glare he held with the woman. “Addison, so nice to see she hasn’t broken you yet.” He grasped the hand in a firm handshake before turning to the other man. “And this must be your new toy?”

  Ophelia turned to her newest lover, a behemoth of a man, at least two inches taller than Ethan and much more muscular. She ran one blood red nail down the front of his tuxedo shirt before grasping a handful of the giant’s package.

  “This is Jorge. I had him shipped here from Brazil. I was there last year with Addy on business and could not resist a new spicy Latin lover. He’s not the most brilliant crayon in the pack, but he more than makes up for that in studliness. And after the bitching and whining I had with you, I figured I needed a real man to show me what he’s made of.”

  Ethan stuck his hand out to shake Jorge’s, and had his hand crushed in the monster’s grip.

  “So what brings you out tonight, Ophelia?” He bit out as he extracted h
is hand.

  “A wonderful new artist I have recently acquired a few pieces from is being showcased tonight with works through the community center, and I just had to come out to show her my support. Why, there she is now, over there in the crowd in that luscious red gown.”

  Ethan looked over his shoulder to see Karlyn, and feeling the weight of his stare turned to look him in the eyes. Once she saw who he was talking to, the color leeched from her face. Mouth open, face ashen, a few members of her group turned to see what was upsetting her so. Karlyn tried her best to recover and turned back to the crowd.

  Turning back to Ophelia, Ethan stared at her pointedly. “I think you have done enough for the both of us. You did your best to drive me into the ground, but her…” He turned and pointed at Karlyn. “You need to leave her alone. She has done nothing to you.”

  “Considering I have done absolutely nothing to her but purchase a few paintings to help her in her pursuits, how dare you claim otherwise?”

  “Stay away from her.”


  “Or I may have to dig out the few cards I didn’t play when you tried your best to completely destroy me.”

  “You would have played those cards long ago if you had them. How entertaining. You must really care about her to stand up for her. As I recall, you didn’t stand up for anything in the time I knew you. Interesting, very interesting.”

  “Just leave her alone, Ophelia. It really isn’t all that interesting, believe me.”

  Ethan turned and walked away, and heard what he hoped wasn’t foreboding.

  “We’ll just see how interesting it gets.” Ophelia’s cackle made his skin crawl.

  Karlyn looked nearly wiped out when he returned to her side. Casting a glance at Ethan, she looked the scared little girl.

  Damn Ophelia. This was Karlyn’s night and she was coming out of her shell. Damn it!


  Ethan shook his head, moving to stand beside Karlyn in a show of support. He snaked one arm around her back and casually rested his hand on her opposite hip, and when the conversation finally moved towards someone other than her, he pressed a gentle kiss into her hair.


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