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The Hill - Carla’s Story (Book Two): A Paranormal Murder Mystery Thriller. (Book Two)

Page 7

by Andrew M Stafford

  Maria listened to him chatting away to her best friend. He certainly seemed unaffected by his ordeal.

  They left the coffee shop and strolled around the high street before going their separate ways. It was early afternoon and Maria had nothing planned for the rest of the day.

  She checked her phone and saw there was still no attempt by Campbell to contact her.

  Slowly she made her way back to the flat. When she turned the corner of her street she was horrified to see that the car had gone from where she’d left it yesterday evening. She quickened her pace as a mild panic set in.

  She opened the door and hurriedly manhandled Christopher and the buggy into the hall. She closed the door and saw a note had been put through the letter box and was lying on the floor. She bent down to pick it up, it was from Campbell.

  ‘I called round to see you, but you were out. I needed the car to get to a meeting in Cardiff. I will drop it back later. I hope you are OK.

  Love Campbell x x’

  She put the note in her pocket and wheeled Christopher into the lounge, undid the straps and he climbed out of the buggy.

  “Is my daddy home?”

  “Not yet darling, I’ll expect you’ll see him later.”

  Maria walked over to the window and gazed down the street, hoping that Campbell would be back early from the meeting. She craned her neck to see whether he was driving down the road.

  Maria spent the rest of the afternoon entertaining Christopher. After the previous evening’s events, and the bad night’s sleep, she was exhausted.

  By seven o’clock Christopher was in bed and she was stretched out on her bed longing for sleep. She forced herself to stay awake in case Campbell returned with the car. She was losing the battle with fatigue, and soon she was sleeping.

  Campbell returned with the car just after eight. He’d received no text or call from her so he assumed that she wasn’t in the mood for talking. He posted the car keys through the letterbox and left a note saying he’d call her after work tomorrow.

  He hoped that after two full days of not being with him she’d have calmed down.

  At eight twenty five Christopher began to quietly bang his head and rock from side to side. There was no grunting or chanting, he just gently nodded his head into his pillow.

  Chapter ninety five

  The Awareness

  Ben was awake. He could see no mysterious light and so assumed he would not be speaking with Tom.

  He’d contemplated what had happened when he had spoken with him. He was certain they weren’t memories as he had no recollection of speaking with Tom when he was alive. The more he thought about his conversation with him, the more things began to make sense.

  Somehow, he had ended up within the body of a small boy. Was this reincarnation? Would Christopher grow up and would Ben live on through Christopher’s existence? Perhaps, but it didn’t feel that way.

  Ever since he had died, Ben had a need to be heard. He’d accepted he’d been killed and was now in some kind of afterlife. The longing to be listened to was stronger than ever. He knew what it was he wanted to say, he was desperate to name his killer and get the bastard locked away. Something made him think that his killer had never been caught, it was just a feeling. He also wanted to get a message to Liz to let her know he’d never stopped thinking about her and that the last memory of the two of them was his favourite memory of all.

  Ben planned what to say to Tom the next time they spoke. The first thing he intended to do was name the person who killed him. He replayed the memory of just before the rock was slammed into his head, the moment he looked his killer in the eye. He knew that he’d had a connection with the person who’d killed him, he couldn’t recall what the connection was, but he was aware that they’d met before.

  But what was his name? Ben could not remember his killer’s name.

  When Ben first developed within Christopher he spent his time collating memories, putting them in order and working out who was who. It wasn’t long before he could name close friends, family, work colleagues etc. These had all been people with whom he’d been close. He had difficulty remembering the names of those who had not been so close. As hard as he tried to remember, Ben did not know the name of his killer.

  The other thing Ben struggled with was time. He still had no concept of the passing of time and had no idea how long it was since he’d died. He couldn’t even remember what time of year he’d been killed. He recalled it being a day of fair weather, but it could have been any season.

  He was starting to get angry. What if all of this hard work struggling to be heard was a waste of time and he would end up trapped within Christopher’s body forever? And what would happen to him after Christopher eventually died? The anger was building and he needed to get a message out. He needed to speak with Tom again. Tom was the only one he could talk to. Perhaps Tom had the answer.

  The anger and hatred towards his killer was building. He’d promised Tom he’d stop making himself heard so Christopher could sleep peacefully, but he was desperate to get another message out.

  This time he had a message directly for Christopher’s parents. He couldn’t recollect the father’s name, but he remembered the mother’s name, Maria.

  He let his hatred and anger rise to boiling point until he had the energy to project his thoughts through Christopher.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom.”

  Chapter ninety six

  Maria’s flat


  Maria was sleeping lightly when the chanting voice crackled over the baby monitor.

  She opened her eyes and sat bolt upright. It was light outside as she checked the time on her bedside alarm clock.

  The chanting wasn’t as loud as it normally was, this time Christopher’s chanting was barely louder than a whisper and she couldn’t hear the words.

  She got out of bed and cursed under her breath.

  “I thought he was going to stop this nonsense.”

  She opened Christopher’s door, crept in and stood over his bed. She was drowsy and couldn’t work out what he was chanting. Kneeling down, she put her ear to his mouth.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom.”

  She recoiled when she heard the words.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom.”

  “No, no, stop it, please go away, whoever you are, leave my son alone….please.”

  She sat on the floor and wept as Christopher banged his head and whispered the new chant. A chant which was addressed to her. The whispered tone made the chanting sound more surreal than before.

  She recognised the voice as not being her son’s, it was the same voice he’d spoken with when Tom Judd had hypnotised him and it was the same voice he used every time he chanted in his sleep.

  Maria edged away from Christopher until her back was against the wall. She banged her head against the wall behind her, and again, and then she did it again until she was thudding the back of her head along with the slow but steady beat drummed by her son.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom.”

  Each time her head thumped against the wall, she let out a pathetic whimper like a puppy dog. The dull pounding was hurting her head, but it didn’t bother her, in fact she drew comfort from the dull pain.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak t
o Tom.”

  Time stood still as she sat with her back against the wall, banging her head, trying to block out the words coming from her son.

  Maria started her own mantra out of frustration and madness.

  “Leave me the fuck alone – leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone.“


  Campbell hurried as he made his way along the street and back to the flat.

  He’d walked over half the way to David’s house and stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn’t explain why, but he knew something was wrong and had to get to Maria.

  He could see the door of the flat just a hundred yards ahead of him and quickened his pace. Stopping at the door he clumsily fumbled for his keys and as his nerves got the better of him. He struggled to get the key into the lock.

  The door swung open and he quietly walked into the hall. He looked for Maria. She wasn’t in the lounge. He turned and walked towards their bedroom.

  He stopped as he passed Christopher’s room. He could hear a thumping noise which was accompanied by a voice.

  It didn’t sound like Christopher’s head banging. The door was ajar and he was about to enter, but stopped. He thought it would be better to get Maria first and he assumed that she was sleeping in their bed.

  He tiptoed across the hall and into their bedroom. The bed was empty, but he could tell by the untidy duvet that she’d been lying on it.

  The monitor was on and he could hear chanting over the speaker. He bent down, picked it up and put it close to his ear. He could hear two distinct faint chants.

  He dropped the monitor and ran to Christopher’s room. He pushed open the door and as his eyes grew accustomed to the dull light he saw Maria sitting with her back against the wall thudding her head and sobbing. He knelt down and listened to what she was chanting.

  “Leave me the fuck alone – leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone.“

  Christopher was also chanting, he was very quiet and Campbell couldn’t make out what he was saying. He moved closer and put his ear to the boy’s mouth.

  “Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom - Maria I need to speak to Tom.”

  My God, Ben’s trying to contact Maria, thought Campbell, as he backed away from Christopher.

  He stood up and was uncertain what he should do first. Maria seemed to be having a breakdown. He weighed up the situation and decided that the first thing he should do was attend to Maria. He knew that Christopher showed no ill effects from head banging and chanting. It was Maria who needed help.

  He walked over and gently held her arm and as he went to speak, he saw an empty vacant look in her eyes.

  “Maria, it’s me. Can you hear me?”

  She continued to thump her head.

  “Leave me the fuck alone – leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone - leave me the fuck alone.“

  She stopped, then looked him straight in the eyes and slowly and concisely repeated the five words, but this time they were aimed directly at him.

  “Leave ….. me ….. the ….. fuck ….. alone.”

  Chapter ninety seven

  Maria’s flat


  Campbell had called the out of hours’ surgery. Dr Sullivan arrived just after ten thirty and prescribed a sedative to calm Maria.

  She had become violent towards Campbell after he’d attempted to move her from Christopher’s room. He gave up trying and left her slumped against the wall, rocking back and forth whilst quietly sobbing.

  After she had taken the sedative, Campbell and the doctor slowly walked Maria to her bed, lay her down and Campbell made her comfortable. He didn’t undress her and let her sleep wearing her clothes.

  “Is she having a breakdown?” asked Campbell trying his best to not sound overly concerned.

  “I don’t think she’s having a breakdown, what is happening is extreme anxiety. From what you have told me she’s been through a lot these last few weeks, Maria has been through an awful lot of stress.” replied the doctor.

  Campbell didn’t go into detail about what had happened at Judd’s practice, but he did tell the doctor about how Christopher’s RMD had got worse and had now developed into sleep talking and how he and Maria had resorted to taking Christopher to a hypnotherapist.

  “I remember when Maria brought Christopher to see me about his head banging, it must have been well over a year ago. I can’t believe that he’s still keeping his mother up at night with RMD, and now he’s talking in his sleep.”

  Campbell nodded.

  “It’s good to see she has you and doesn’t have to face this on her own.”

  Sullivan said he’d arrange another doctor to visit in the morning and that Maria should not go to work the next day.

  Campbell thanked the doctor and saw him to the door.

  Christopher had stopped chanting just before the doctor had arrived and was peacefully sleeping. Campbell looked into their bedroom and watched Maria sleep as Claire sat alongside her. The sedative had worked quickly.

  Claire had arrived shortly after Campbell had called her and was sitting on the edge of the bed keeping a watchful eye over her daughter.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s sleeping now,” replied Claire.

  “Would you like me to stay for the night, I could sleep on the couch?”

  Campbell considered Claire’s offer. He had no idea how Maria would be in the morning and wasn’t looking forward to facing her alone.

  “Thank you, I think I’ll take you up on your offer.”

  Campbell and Claire shared half a bottle of wine. Both found the scenario awkward. It was the first time the prospective in-laws had been alone together and the reason for spending an evening in each other’s company was another cause for them to feel uneasy.

  Campbell was surprised when he’d found out that Maria hadn’t told her mother exactly what had happened when Christopher had been hypnotised.

  Claire found it difficult to comprehend what Campbell had just told her. He watched as the expression on her face turned to one of shock.

  “I can see why she didn’t want to worry me,” said Claire, taking a large swig of wine and putting the empty glass on the table.

  “There’s another bottle in the fridge,” offered Campbell.

  Claire waved her empty glass, “go on then, I need another.”

  “Sorry, but I’d assumed that Maria would have told you about Ben Walker.”

  “No, she didn’t, she only told me that Christopher had been hypnotised but it hadn’t worked and she wouldn’t be taking him back.” Claire filled her glass before continuing.

  “Tell me Campbell, you were there. What do you think is happening to my grandson and what do you make of this Ben Walker character?”

  He sat back in the chair, shrugged his shoulders and slowly shook his head.

  “I really don’t know. When he’s under hypnosis and when Ben Walker talks, it’s like you are hearing a different person. It’s just not Christopher who’s talking.”

  “So do you think Ben Walker was murdered and is now inside Christopher?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d rather not answer that one.”

  “But do you think Christopher should be hypnotised again, you know, to get to the bottom of all of this?”

  Campbell looked her in the eye and nodded.

  “Yes, I do Claire.”

  Campbell looked at his watch, it was eleven thirty.

  “If you don’t mind Claire, I need to sleep, I’ll get a duvet and pillow so you ca
n sleep on the couch, unless of course you’d rather sleep with Maria?”

  “No, that’s OK. I think it would send her over the edge if she woke in the morning to find me lying next to her.”

  Campbell smiled as he went to get the bed covers. He returned with a double duvet and a couple of pillows. He laid the duvet on the couch and plumped up the pillows.

  Claire kissed Campbell on the cheek and sensed his embarrassment.


  Campbell had an awful night’s sleep. His strange dreams were punctuated by Maria as she restlessly tossed and turned. She hadn’t woken during the night and by the time Christopher was stirring she was still out for the count.

  Campbell knocked on the door of the lounge and quietly tiptoed in. Claire was still sleeping. He gently nudged her.

  “Claire, Claire……you need to get up, Christopher’s awake.”

  She slowly opened her eyes and Campbell went to get Christopher.

  “Daddy, you’re home! shouted Christopher as soon as he saw Campbell.

  He leapt out of his bed and into Campbell’s arms.

  He jumped down and ran into the lounge to find his grandmother on the couch with a duvet wrapped around her.

  “Nanny’s here, daddy, come and see, nanny’s here.”

  He looked around the lounge.

  “Where’s mummy?”

  Campbell stepped into the lounge.

  “Mummy’s a bit tired so she’s staying in bed.”

  “Let me wake her, let me wake her.”

  Campbell grabbed him before he ran in to see his mother.

  “Hold your horses little man, let mummy have a lie in.”

  Christopher huffed and plonked himself next to Claire.

  Maria didn’t wake until eight thirty. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. Her first thought was that she’d overslept. Then gradually she remembered snippets of what had happened the night before. The memory was vague, but she could remember Christopher had been chanting and that he needed to speak with Tom, or had it been Ben that had needed to speak with Tom?


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