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Burning Rescue: BBW Werebear Firefighter Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Scarlett Mountain Firefighter Werebear Shifters Book 1)

Page 7

by James, Ava

  "Red! It's RED! I love it! Holy shit!" Amber was screaming at the front of the store, holding up a gorgeous red beaded gown. The silver sequins and beads on it swirled around the bust and flowed to the waist. It had a sweetheart neckline and lucky for Amber, she had the breasts to hold it up. The bright red gown was designed to turn heads and on Amber's voluptuous body, Isabelle had no doubt that it would.

  Amber practically ran to the dressing room with the gown. She screamed two more times while trying it on. If Kitty couldn't make that dress work, Amber would probably need to be committed to a mental institution.

  Isabelle looked through the racks trying to find something else in case Catherine couldn't make the green dress fit her. "Alright, honey, let's try it now." Catherine was holding the dress with a sly smile on her face.

  "Hot damn!" Amber burst out of the dressing room wearing the stunning red gown. Everything about it was perfect: the color, the neckline, the way it delicately hugged her curves. She looked amazing.

  "Oh, honey. You look beautiful!" Catherine came up behind Amber with the tape measure. She measured her shoulders and waist. "I can probably take this in if you want it to hug your waist, but other than that, it looks just about perfect. Great length and the bust is good. Go ahead and take it off and I'll alter the waist for you."

  Isabelle went into the other dressing room to try the gown on again. This time the zipper glided effortlessly and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Ugh, dressing room mirrors. I hate trying on clothes. The sleeves camouflage my flabby arms, at least. It is a really pretty dress. Isabelle sighed.

  "Get your ass out here!" Amber and Catherine were impatiently waiting outside the dressing room. Isabelle took a deep breath and opened the door. "That dress was made for you. Simple as that." Amber was beaming. "You look beautiful. Hopefully Donovan's pants have a reinforced zipper."


  "Who's Donovan?" Catherine asked.

  "He's nobody," Isabelle replied, glaring at Amber.

  "He's just the guy who makes her panties wet."

  "Amber! What the hell? He does not!" Isabelle's face turned bright red and she turned around and slammed the dressing room door behind her.

  "Does he make her hands shake?" Aunt Cat smirked at Amber.

  Catherine headed to the back room to alter Amber's gown while Isabelle changed.

  Isabelle and Amber paid Catherine for their finds and stopped at a shoe store on their way back to the mountain. They easily did some more financial damage and bought shoes that were much more beautiful than they were comfortable.

  Isabelle's staff room was ready when they returned to the hotel. There was a plate of rich chocolate truffles on the nightstand and all of her things had been put away. She didn't have much for them to put away, but it was a nice gesture. She knew in the back of her mind she would eventually have to return to Tim's or at least call him and let him know where she was. She also needed to figure out her phone situation. It was all too overwhelming, so she grabbed a beautiful truffle and ate it while she looked out the window toward the firehouse. She noticed that Donovan's truck was parked out front and tried to see in through the garage door but it was too far away.

  She turned to walk into the bathroom and the phone rang.

  "Yes, Amber?"

  "How'd you know it was me?"

  "I wasn't wrong, was I? You're the only person who has my number."

  "Well, it could have been Laylah. You never know. But I am calling with a message from her."

  "What's that?"

  "She has set us up with appointments for facials and to get our nails done at Serenity on Friday after our shift. Serenity is the spa on the main floor next to the atrium, in case you don't remember. Laylah likes us to look polished for the parties. See, I told you she would spoil you!"

  Isabelle hung up the phone and sat down on the bed. She wasn't sure what she had done to deserve an opportunity like this. Clothes, spa treatments, chocolate truffles, a place to stay. And Donovan a hundred yards away. Of course I meet a man I can't have and I have to see him around every corner.

  Isabelle's first week of training went by in a blur. She was surprised how much there was to do working in the hotel. But Amber showed her the ropes as well as a few shortcuts. It'd been years since she treated herself to a facial and she was in heaven getting some pampering.

  Amber came to Isabelle's room afterward and they ordered dinner from room service. Staff suite televisions had even more channels than the guest suites and they found a movie to watch while they ate. Amber didn't talk much, and they mostly watched the movie in silence. After a couple of one-word answers, Isabelle soon realized that something was bothering Amber.

  "Are you alright?"

  "I'm fine, just a little tired. Why?"

  "You just seem quiet."

  "It's nothing."

  "Are you anxious about tomorrow?"

  "What? No. Of course not." Amber snapped back, trying to put an end to the conversation. Her mind was a blur, swimming in the possibilities that tomorrow's party held.

  "Okay. Just asking."

  The girls finished their dinner. Amber was cuddled up on the couch with a blanket while Isabelle stretched out on her bed. Her ankle was throbbing from being on her feet so much. Amber hadn't been kidding about this weekend being extra busy. They had had more people check in today than she had seen in the two weeks since she arrived.

  "Isabelle?" Amber had a concerned look on her face,


  "I'm not worried about tomorrow night. I'm terrified."

  Isabelle sat up and could see the worry on Amber's face. She looked like she was about to throw up.

  "I try not to make a big deal about these parties. Every month, I tell myself not to stress about it, that it'll be great. And every month, I almost make myself sick over it."

  "What are you worried about? That it's going to be crazy busy?"

  Amber rolled her eyes. "You know I like that guy Axton, right?"

  "Yeah, it's quite obvious."

  "Well, I can't stop thinking about him, and he's never given me a second look. I feel like I'm probably not his type. I'm too fat for him or something. Why would he like me, anyway?"

  "Don't say that. You're not fat. You have an amazing figure. You're not a stick, but real men don't like to cuddle a stick in their bed. You're beautiful. And if Axton doesn't think so, then he can fuck off. Don't do this to yourself. I've never met a man who was worth any woman beating herself up about. Seriously." Isabelle couldn't believe that Amber was just as insecure as she was about her body. "Amber, I watch you, and I look at your clothes. I admire you so much. You put your body and your sexuality out there. I just want to hide in yoga pants and a hoodie most of the time."

  "Are you kidding me? With those green eyes and tits for days? You make men turn their heads without having to show off the way I do."

  "It doesn't feel that way most of the time."

  "You know what? Fuck this! Let's go downstairs to Tricky Lily."

  "For what?"

  "For a tickle fight. Are you kidding me? For a drink! So put on some mascara and a top that shows off that rack of yours! With any luck, we won't have to pay for anything!" Amber winked at Isabelle, and they pulled themselves together and headed downstairs.

  Donovan and the guys had their usual table inside Tricky Lily's. They wouldn't have much time to hang out here once fire season really got going, so they took advantage of the downtime. Jake and Colton were committed to drinking soda for the night. The guys all took turns staying sober in case there was an emergency. They couldn't all be intoxicated.

  Every girl in the place had her eye on the sexy firemen. The smallest one was Jake, and he came in at just over six foot three. The youngest was Colton; he had an amazing smile, brilliant blue eyes and sandy blond hair. Their table was a buffet of men who could satisfy every woman's fantasy.

  Giselle had already dropped off the second round of drinks. Bottles of beer and rocks
glasses with scant drops of whiskey would soon litter the table. Donovan refused to admit that he was trying to drink Isabelle off his mind, but a few shots couldn't hurt. He tried not to let the other guys know that something was bothering him, but the look on his face was always his tell. For his benefit, they pretended not to notice, but they all knew something was up with their brother.

  Amber was the first one through the door and Axton immediately took notice. He didn't want her to know what he thought of her. He could barely admit it to himself, other than when he thought about her luscious body in the shower. With his eyes locked in her direction, one by one the guys turned to look their way. Donovan broke away from his daydream and looked up from his beer bottle and saw her. Isabelle followed close behind Amber, and they were holding hands so Amber could keep her from turning around and running back to her room. They didn't look too dolled up, but Isabelle looked damn sexy in her jeans and plain black v-neck t-shirt. Donovan could feel his cock stiffen as the memory of eating her pussy and tasting her delicious honey fired on all of his senses. For a moment, he was afraid they would come to the table. He'd been afraid to face her and knew that one whiff of her scent and he would have to have her again.

  Amber did her best to ignore them and dragged Isabelle past their table to a small booth in the corner. The men's pathetic attempts to sneak glances at their asses were obvious to everyone in the room. As it was Friday night, the bar was packed with locals and hotel guests unwinding. The ones looking for a hookup were obvious to spot. To Donovan, there was only one person in the room. He could smell her, he could taste her, and all he wanted to do was touch her. The urge to go over to their table and talk to her grew stronger. He wanted to tell her the truth, who he was, why he was here, but he knew it was too much for most women to understand. It's easier this way. I'd rather she think I'm an asshole.

  Donovan slammed the rest of his beer and finished off his whiskey. He realized he wasn't listening to what anyone at the table was saying. "Guys, I'm gonna hit it. It's been quite a week and I just want to relax."

  "Yeah, we all do. That's why we came here." Axton had a puzzled look on his face.

  "Just not feeling it tonight." Donovan got up and grabbed his keys and phone and headed out to the hotel lobby. Outside of the hotel, Donovan looked up at the moon. It was waxing and almost full so his senses were heightening. The full moon made his sexual energy and appetite skyrocket. He would need to avoid the hotel until the full moon began to wane in a couple days. Her scent would be too difficult to resist if he came too close to her for the next few days. The heat wave of a couple weeks ago had receded and in typical Colorado spring fashion, winter was back. He could see his breath and the cold air chilled his sleeveless arms as he walked back to the firehouse. I am a dick. She deserves better, anyway.

  "What a dick!" Isabelle looked at the empty seat at the table across the bar and couldn't believe that he'd bolted the minute he saw her. She hadn't told Amber anything about Donovan and found it just about impossible to fight back tears. Amber was trying unsuccessfully to ignore Axton while he did the same. Amber looked out the window and saw Donovan standing in the parking lot looking up at the sky.

  "What's he doing?" Amber lowered her head to peek through the shutters.

  "I don't know. Getting ready to bark at the moon, I suppose."

  Amber looked back at Isabelle and watched her stare at Donovan. "Who do you think you're fooling?"

  "Come on now, Amber, really? Can we not?"

  "Well, I hate to say it, but I think he's got it bad for you too."

  "What? The man took one look at me tonight and got the fuck out of here. I'd say your spidey sense needs to be recalibrated."

  "Okay, whatever you say. Did it ever occur to you that he left because he likes you?"

  "He left because he likes me? What is this, the eighth grade?"

  "No. Well, yes, in a way. But I've seen him in here plenty of times with the guys, and he is usually the last one to leave and has to carry the others out at closing. And, besides that, I know for a fact that he spent quite a bit of time in your room."

  "Alright, just stop."

  "Fine. It's time for another round, and I'd rather dream about having Axton's hand inside my panties, anyway."

  "Fine." Isabelle turned and looked outside the window. Donovan was approaching the firehouse and was soon out of her sight.

  Giselle set down another round of vodka with cranberry drinks courtesy of two stuffed shirts at the end of the bar. "See, told ya. Show some tit, get free shit!"

  "Yep, men are dumb." Isabelle rolled her eyes. The last thing she wanted to deal with was random men buying her drinks.

  "No, they're led around by their dicks. They aren't necessarily dumb."

  Another round soon followed as well as another. Isabelle wasn't sure how, but she managed to crawl into bed sometime after one in the morning. Alcohol always turned her on and she wished that Donovan was naked in her bed. She craved his cock inside her again despite the fact that he obviously didn't feel the same.

  "What do you mean, you're not going to the party at Hillside tonight?" Axton had a puzzled look on his face.

  "I just don't feel like it tonight. Alright with you, Axton?"

  "Listen, don't snap at me. I know you've got it bad for that chick, but you've been acting like a real dick for the past week."

  Donovan stood up, kicking the chair out from under him. His chest was heaving and his face was flushed. The full moon made him and his brothers a little crazy for about thirty-six hours. The full moon today was no exception. Donovan walked out of the kitchen without another word and went into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

  "What the fuck is going on?" Colton looked up from his newspaper. Jake and Axton traded smug glances.

  "Come on, you can't tell?" Jake asked.

  "Tell what? What's his problem?"

  "That chick, the hiker he saved. He's got it bad for her and can't handle it."

  "This is about some tourist? I thought he was smarter than that. Tourists are good for an occasional fuck fest, but that's about it."

  "Well, he doesn't know if he's coming or going at this point."

  "Maybe he isn't coming, that's the problem."

  The guys laughed at Jake's snide comment. Jake was the sarcastic one and always good for a laugh. His talents came in handy quite often.

  Colton took his breakfast dishes to the sink and looked out the window to the hotel.

  "This weather report looks good. It's cool out and should be a gorgeous day. Nothing going in the way of fire danger, so let's enjoy a quiet day for a change." Zak was in charge in Donovan's absence. "Business as usual today. And leave Don alone about that woman. Alright, guys?"

  The guys nodded and grumbled as if they'd been scolded by their dad.

  Colton stood outside Donovan's door and took a deep breath. He was the only one who could get Donovan to open up. He wasn't sure if he was up for the challenge today. Donovan was a hard nut to crack. Colton knocked on the door, unsure what to expect.

  "Dude, it's Colt. You alright, man?"

  "What do you want, Colt?"

  "Just want to talk for a minute, okay?" Donovan didn't answer, but Colton opened the door anyway. Donovan was standing outside his bathroom door with a towel.

  "I'm about to take a shower. What?"

  "Listen, man, it's none of my business, but what are you doing?"

  "Seriously, I've taken enough shit about this. Can you all just give me a fucking break?"

  "I'm not trying to mess with you about her. I just don't understand the problem."

  "The problem is that I like her."

  "Since when is that a problem? She's beautiful, smart, and sexy as hell. What's the problem?"

  "What's the problem? Really? That's your question?"

  Colton stared back and refused to answer him.

  Donovan threw the towel on his bed and crossed his arms. "Yes, she's beautiful. Yes, I fucked her and now she's al
l I think about. Happy now?"

  "Are you happy, Don?"

  "No, not right now I'm not. I want to take a hot shower and then take off up the mountain."

  "So you're just going to run away from her?"

  "Yeah, I am. I can't face her. Laylah gave her a job and now I have to deal with her and I don't want to. I just want her to go away."

  "Is that what you really want? What's this girl got on you that you can't deal with?"

  "She doesn't know who I really am, and I can't trust her to know."

  "Do you think she's your mate?"

  "No. I don't know. Maybe. I don't want her to be." Donovan turned to his window, wishing Colton would just fuck off and leave him alone. "Look, I'll get over her. Just tell those two assholes to lay off or I'm leaving this summer and you can do all this shit without me."

  "I know you don't want to do that either. But yeah, I'll tell them to shut the fuck up about it."

  Colton turned and headed for the door. Donovan needed time to cool off and clear his head. Colton opened the door. "You can't keep avoiding your destiny. If it's her, it's her. You might be able to ignore it, fight it for a while, even run from it. But your connection to her will never go away." Colton pulled the door closed.

  Donovan turned to lock the door behind him. He stood with his hand on the doorknob for a minute. All he wanted to do was go to the hotel and break down Isabelle's door and fuck her until she screamed his name again.

  Luckily for Isabelle, Amber had the early morning shift and had room service send Isabelle her trusted hangover cure, which consisted of a pot of the strongest coffee possible, a Belgian waffle drowned in a pile of fresh strawberries and whipped cream, along with a double order of bacon. Amber sent along a note: 'Coffee, sex, and bacon cure hangovers. Two outta three ain't bad.'

  Isabelle ate her breakfast and the throbbing in her head began to recede. A hot shower helped a little bit and she headed downstairs for her shift.

  The madness of working the front desk on the busiest Saturday of the month kept her mind off of the looming party. Jaden soon showed up for his shift and relieved her from the desk. A sense of dread washed over her. Amber had the earlier appointment at Serenity for her hair and Isabelle couldn't wait to see her. Amber looked like she'd stepped off the cover of a magazine on an average day, so she could only imagine how beautiful she would look in the hands of a professional.


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