Death Waltz
Page 3
“I don’t know what I’d do without you Alaric. You’ve saved me so many times and not just physically. I would do anything for you, anything.” She turned her head into his hand, kissing his palm.
“Liasare, I was lost before I met you. But now I have a home. It is wherever you are, within you. My spirit and soul lies with yours.” He moved so he was on top of her. “I told you before I wasn’t a very verbose man when it came to matters of the heart, and I think you know that by now. But you have stolen everything from me ... my heart, my soul, my life. And by doing so, you’ve made me whole. I am yours to do with as you please ... until there is no longer energy within me. You are the most perfect being to have ever graced my life with her presence. Tell me you’ll be mine until time ceases to be.” He gently touched his lips to hers and then rubbed his cheek against hers.
“You’ll always have me Alaric and you were right.”
“About what?”
“When you said that love couldn’t describe what you felt for me. It’s really a puny word, isn’t it? It doesn’t come close to illustrating how I truly feel about you. I can’t put into words what I feel.”
Jurek grinned at her. “I hate to say it, but I told you so.” They both laughed.
“Thank you.” She kissed him with a loud smack on the cheek.
“Whatever for?”
“For making me forget, if only for a brief moment, about Abaddon. Focusing on my feelings for you is much more fun anyway.”
“Well then, would you like to focus on something even more pleasurable?”
“Hmm, and you said I was insatiable!”
The next morning, Jurek announced to his team that he and Liasare would be headed to Praestan so she could work on developing her power to fight.
Tak was the first to respond. “I don’t believe this. Amidst all of this, you’re going to take her back to Praestan so she can be groomed ... for what? To become some sort of super Praestani Ninja? What the hell Jurek?”
No one in the room was expecting Tak’s outburst and no one, other than Liasare, expected Jurek’s response. Tak suddenly found himself slammed against the wall and his neck in a vise grip. “You and I go way back, but I’m getting damned tired of your remarks regarding Liasare. It was a bit funny at first, but you’ve crossed way over the line, my friend. I don’t know what’s been eating at you, or what makes you think you can comment on or question every decision I make, but that time has come to an end. If you so much as make one more remark, be it good or bad, you can consider yourself out. I will have your ass brought up before the Triumvirate for treason. Have I made myself clear?” he bit out.
“Perfectly,” Tak hissed. Jurek unclenched his fist from around Tak’s neck. He dropped like a stone and crumpled to the floor. Moments later, he shifted to energy and was gone.
It took a few minutes for Jurek to calm down, but when he did, he said, “I apologize for my team member’s lack of manners. He should not have commented as such. As I was saying, Liasare had another mind invasion from Abaddon last night so we’ve decided that it’s imperative for her to spend some time on Praestan so her power can manifest itself to its fullest potential. She must learn to wield it to her greatest advantage. We can do it best from there. I’m not sure how long it will take, but I wanted to keep all of you in the loop.”
Rykerian and January commented that they would be heading back to Vesturon and would inform the rest of the Yarristers what was taking place. They would also convene the Guardians of Vesturon to let them know and to be on full alert.
Shandro said he would be returning to Vesturon as well.
All eyes turned to Tommy.
“I think I’d like to stay here for awhile. I’m not quite ready to face all the questions I know will be waiting for me on Vesturon. I can always help Ludo with the search for more information on the bases, and once we find them, we can start probing them for updates.”
Jurek nodded in agreement. “Feel free to stay as long as you like. If you need to contact Liasare, let Naroo know. She can put you in touch with us, or with January for that matter.” Jurek glanced at Liasare when he continued, “We rely solely on telepathy for communication here so we don’t have any devices. You’ll have to go through one of the team to contact someone.”
“Tommy, are you sure you’re okay?” Liasare gave him a penetrating look.
“A little frayed around the edges, but in time, I’ll be fine.”
“You can always come to Praestan if you need to,” Liasare offered.
They hugged and Jurek gave his team orders on what they needed to do in his absence. Then Liasare and Jurek headed for their quarters to make their final preparations before their departure.
Chapter Three
The Planet Praestan
“Remember when you were learning how to fight with the sword? Extend your whole body Liasare. Don’t worry about me; I won’t get hurt. Your colichemarde was forged using Praestani power ... my power. Look, try to plunge it in me.”
Liasare gave him a look like he’d lost his mind. “I can’t possibly do that. I’d feel like I was murdering you.”
“Liasare, the sword will recognize me. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. My power will merge with it. Do it slowly and watch what happens.”
“Okay, but I still don’t like it.”
She approached him with her weapon and took the tip of it and placed it against his abdomen. Applying the slightest of pressure, she watched as the waltz of power began. The beauty of his power always entranced her. Jurek’s power surged from within him, meeting the tip of her colichemarde. Suddenly her weapon was encased in that wonderful display of blue-green, as it swirled and danced. It traveled up Jurek’s body and before long, it had surrounded both of them, sending currents of that luscious heat coursing through Liasare’s veins. She looked up to see Jurek’s eyes on her and she stopped breathing as she gazed at their silver depths. He loved to see her wrapped up in his power for the golden flecks in her eyes leaped out at him, tightening his belly and loins, making his desire for her almost unbearable.
“Liasare,” he said in a low throaty voice, “Try to push the sword in. Do it,” he commanded.
She tried to shove it in, but his power pushed back at her with such an immense force, the weapon flew out of her hand, and the connection between them was broken. She stood there, air exploding between her lips, trying to regain control of her body.
She finally stole a glance at him, and he was leaning against a table, ankles crossed and arms folded across his chest, looking like he’d only been out for a walk in the park.
“I don’t get it. I’m sweaty, panting and I feel I just went ten rounds with a heavyweight boxer and you ... you’re all perfect!”
“That’s what I was trying to explain to you. The power in the sword recognizes me. My power will fight against you if you try to harm me. You fought my power, not me. I did nothing but let my power work for me. When you tried to push the sword in, my power took over. Does that make sense? You have to look at it as a part of you, not a separate entity. You can’t hurt me with that sword. It’s impossible. Understand?”
“Yeah, I believe you now,” she said, wiping her brow. She walked over to the table and grabbed a bottle of water and guzzled the whole thing.
“Ready to try again?”
They went at it all day. Jurek taught her how to make her power flow from the sword.
“When you extend, don’t think of attacking with your arm and sword. Think of pulling from within. Remember when you dreamed about Abaddon and kept him at bay using your power? Think of doing that only in conjunction with your sword. You’ll get a double whammy that way. Your power will explode from your sword as well as your body.”
It took a few more times when eventually her sword began lighting up. “That’s right. You’re on the right track. But it still isn’t enough. I want to see enough fire power in here to light up the Earth. Now come on L
iasare! Quit fighting like a girl and fight like the warrior you are!”
That pissed her off. “What do you mean by that?”
She started fighting like hell on wheels. Jurek fought off every thrust and parry, but she matched him skill for skill. She didn’t let up one inch and pushed forward until her power erupted from her, spewing outward and pushing Jurek back until she pinned him against the wall. Though she couldn’t wound him, she had matched his every move and bested him on every count.
Locked beneath her colichemarde, he looked at her and she stuck her tongue between her teeth and grinned. “Don’t ever tell me I fight like a girl again.”
“Drop the sword Liasare,” his voice was calm and deadly.
She had an instant of fear race down her spine but then that intense current of electricity replaced it as it sped through her body. Her fingers loosened their grip on her weapon and the thing clattered as it hit the floor. His lips ground into hers the moment her hand was free and his hands were undoing her pants, while she did the same to his. He spun, putting her back against the wall and slipped his hand between her thighs, making her moan with want. Then she felt his fingers on her, sliding inside of her.
“Christ, you’re so drenched Liasare. What do you want? Do you want me to take you like this or another way?”
“Now. Like this. I want to feel you inside of me now Alaric.”
The corners of his mouth turned up as he looked down at her with heavy lidded eyes. “How can I possibly refuse you?”
Afterwards, they were coiled around each other and Jurek said, “It’s always so intense with you. You are spectacular to watch Liasare. You do something to me that I can’t put into words.”
“I can say the same for you.” She traced his markings on his arm and asked, “Can I ask you something?”
“You won’t get mad at me?”
“Yes, Liasare, I promise. What is it?”
She dropped her head and stared at his magnificent abs. As her fingers walked across them, she mumbled, “This is kind of embarrassing, but I’ve never been with anyone other than you. Was it like this with everyone you were ever with?”
Dead silence greeted her. She looked at him and he was staring off in the distance.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. That was a little ... well it was ... never mind. You don’t have to answer that.”
He turned back to her and said, “No. I was trying to remember how it was when I was mated with Larensa.”
He felt her tighten beneath him. “Don’t get upset. You asked, remember?” He rubbed her lower lip and ran his hand through her hair.
She nodded.
“I was reflecting back and I can say it was never like this. I’ll not deny I’ve had my share of women. I think you’re fully aware of that. I never tried to hide that from you. But you ... you were different from the start. That’s why I couldn’t complete the act with you. Well, you know that. And the why of it. I knew there was a power element involved and you were somehow attached to me. I couldn’t take that step until I knew it was forever. Our bonding wouldn’t allow for either one of us to back away from each other. Anyway, I’m getting off track here. Liasare, there has never been anyone like you in my life. I thought that person was Larensa but what I had with her doesn’t even come close to this. Never think for one second that I’ve experienced anything like what we have between us. Sex is sex. Love and sex take it further. But this ... this is monumental. It transcends everything I’ve ever even dreamed of.”
“I kept thinking it was just me ... that I was the only one that felt this way.”
“Why ever did you feel like that? Did I do something to make you feel that way?”
“No. It’s just that I’ve never been with another man so I didn’t have anything to compare it with.”
He raised her arms above her head and began kissing her again. “I, for one, am most honored that I am your one and only. I intend to show you every day that I was worth the wait.”
And he made good on his promise.
Chapter Four
Jurek was intent on teaching Liasare to shift into her energy form wherever and whenever she wanted to. Her powers were incredibly strong now; he was positive they would outmatch his very shortly. It stunned him to think how powerful she had become. It was difficult for him to hide how proud he was as he watched her shift from mass to energy and back again. He marveled at the beauty of her colors. She never realized she would be able to recognize him in his energy form, but there were distinct differences between them, especially in the different hues their forms displayed. She loved streaking through the night sky with him by her side, for it gave her that same sense of freedom she’d felt that day on the speedster, right before her accident.
Again, Jurek! I don’t want to stop yet.
No, head back to the house. We need to talk about something else.
Please, once more around Praestan.
One more time, Liasare. Then home!
When they returned to their informal living area, Jurek grinned at her.
“What? What’re you laughing at?
“I’m not laughing, I’m smiling. At you. You’re like a child with a new toy,” he chuckled.
“Jurek, this is so amazing. It’s like that day Tommy and I flew on that speedster. I imagined the wind against my cheeks and my hair flying about my face. I swear I could feel it. It was awesome. Why didn’t you tell me it was like this?”
“After five hundred years, I guess I take it for granted. My apologies. If I’d known how much you’d enjoy it, I would have pushed you to learn this before.”
“Why didn’t I feel this when you’d take me with you before?”
“Ah, because that’s a different method of traveling altogether. That’s flash traveling. Remember when you flashed to the waterfall? That’s when you think of a place you want to go and you flash there. This is different. This is consciously shifting into your energy form and then traveling as such.”
“Can we travel like this and go anywhere we want?”
“Yes, but it would take much longer. That’s why we flash. It’s much faster. Shifting allows us to do things as we travel. When we flash, we can only travel. Am I making sense?”
“Yeah, you are. I really love this Jurek!”
“Great because now I’m going to teach you to use this as a means to destroy.”
“What? How?”
“Think back to the first time you met me.”
Her brows scrunched up as she thought of the time she saw him in the club. He immediately laughed and said, “Not that time. Earlier that night when I saved your pretty rear end from getting mauled by those Xanthians.”
“Oh, right.” She remembered how the streaks of light swooped in and destroyed her attackers, leaving them dead at her feet.
“That’s what I want to teach you. I want you to know how to kill on the run. It’s something you have to master though because if you don’t do it at the right moment, depending on who your enemy is, it could cost you dearly.”
“So what do I need to do?”
“It sounds simple but the element of surprise will be your best friend. The other thing you need to learn is that if somehow you do sustain a mortal wound while you are in your mass form, you need to shift as soon as you can to avoid death. I know it sounds easy, but Liasare, imagine taking an annihilator blast and surviving it. If you don’t shift before it hits, you could be dusted. That’s why I was so intent on you learning the art of defense.”
“So how do I do this if my mind’s addled?”
“You don’t let your mind get addled in the first place. And before you get all crazy on me, what I want you to learn is that there’s a place in your mind you need to find. Everyone has one, but it’s a place that will bring serenity to you and keep things static. Come here ... let’s sit.” He pulled her by her hand to the couch and placed several pi
llows around her, getting her comfortable. “I don’t want you to have a single distraction while we are doing this. Stretch your legs out so you’re in complete harmony with yourself and your environment.”
Liasare propped her feet up on the coffee table and leaned back, letting the softness of the pillows and couch surround her like a fluffy cloud.
“Are you ready?”
She nodded.
“Good. Now close your eyes and relax. Empty your mind of everything you know.” He took his hand and rubbed it across her forehead for several minutes, relaxing her further. His voice became soft and low, almost dream-like. “Now search your mind for that special place. It’s a comforting place. You’ve been there before ... maybe when times were rough and you needed a safe place where no one could hurt you, where no one could find you. A place that was yours and yours alone ... your very own haven that no one could destroy. Find that place now, Liasare, and go there.
She found herself at a cove by the sea with the sound of the water crashing up on the shore. She could smell the salt in the air and taste it on her lips. She loved this place ... her own special cove. The first time she ever came here was after her accident. She’d seen it from the speedster and it was so beautiful, she just had to come back to see it for herself. Whenever her mother would visit her in the medical facility, she would escape to her seaside cove. The day they released her for the first time, January took her home because her mother wouldn’t come to get her. Liasare overheard her mother telling whoever would listen that she couldn’t stand to look at her own daughter because of those terrible scars. That’s when she decided she wanted to live in her cove forever and never leave it. The only reason she would come out was to speak to Tommy. If it hadn’t been for him, Liasare would’ve stayed in there forever, where no one could hurt her, call her names, laugh at her or tell her how ugly she was. Her cove made her happy. No one shared her cove, but she would let Jurek in there. He made her happy and he would never hurt her.