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Death Waltz

Page 8

by A. M. Hargrove

  She whirled in his arms and embraced him. “What just happened then? I don’t ever want to argue like that.” Then she crushed her lips against his. His exotic spiciness filled her senses and there was only one thing on her mind at that time. She flashed them to their quarters.

  “Hmm. What about Tak?” Jurek asked.

  “We’ll talk to him later. Show me how sorry you are.”

  He pushed her back against the wall, until her shoulder blades ached. She could feel his hardness pressing on her and she pushed her hips forward to meet him as they stared at each other. Seconds later, their clothing was gone and Jurek grabbed Liasare’s hands, stretching them above her head. His mouth dropped to where her neck joined her shoulders and he began nipping at her.

  “You are so damn gorgeous when you’re angry. Your eyes reach into my soul, Liasare.”

  His mouth resumed the sweet torture he was performing on her skin, making his way closer to her breast. When he arrived at his goal, his teeth clamped around her perfectly beaded nipple and she groaned. Liasare buried her hands into Jurek’s hair and she pulled him closer to her. His mouth sucked and bit her and then moved to her other nipple. She knew she was going to come.


  Jurek lifted his head and gave her a questioning look. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want you.”

  “You have me.”

  “No, inside. I want to feel you inside of me when I come. I want to come on you, around you.”

  Jurek released one of her hands and reached between them. “Christ! When you say it like that, I almost come hearing the words.”

  “I need you, Alaric. It’s like something is clawing at me, inside. Take me. Now.”

  His tongue plunged into her mouth at exactly the same time he thrust into her body. Then he cupped his hands on her ass and lifted her onto him, using the wall for support. At first he moved at an achingly slow pace, but then she urged him to move faster. Liasare’s heels dug into the backs of his thighs as her legs wrapped around him. The room brightened as their energy flowed between and within them. There was no need for words, as their thoughts were mingled with each other’s. They expressed their love through their bodies and power.

  Sweat misted them, but they didn’t mind. In fact, Liasare knew it was the sexiest moment she could recall.

  As they both chased their releases, their mouths were locked together sharing their breaths.

  “Ah, Alaric,” Liasare’s mind screamed as she orgasmed.

  Jurek quickly followed. Without breaking their connection, he framed her face with his hands and shared his heart with her.

  “Each time with you is like the first. You never fail to amaze me, love. I’ll never get enough. I would trade Praestan to be with you like this just one time. I could lose everything I own, but if I have you, I’d consider it the greatest win,” his mind said back to her.

  Jurek heard and felt her suck in her breath.

  “What? You didn’t know that? Everything’s a win with you, love.”

  “That was beautiful, Alaric.”

  “Not nearly as beautiful as you.”

  “I am so in love with you.” She pressed her mouth to his cheek, then nuzzled his neck and inhaled deeply. “I wish I could bottle your scent. You don’t know what it does to me.”

  “Oh, I think I do,” he grinned. His hand pushed her hair back from her face and he walked them into the shower. “I think I want to bathe and do other sinful things to you right now.”

  “Um, remember Tak?”

  “He can wait. You, on the other hand, can’t. You’re much more important than he is.” He stilled for a second, then said, “You know you were never just a fuck to me. Please tell me you know that.”

  She looked in his eyes and saw the regret within their depths. Sliding her hands into his hair, she leaned in and murmured against his lips, “Yes. I remember well what happened that time I told you I wanted you to fuck me. And please don’t get angry when I say this, but you certainly do know how to fuck.”

  He smirked at her and said, “Then I suppose I should be honored by that.”

  “Just don’t ever stop fucking me like that and we’ll be just dandy.”

  “Dandy? Oh, Liasare, we’ll be much more than dandy.” He squeezed the cheeks of her ass. She giggled and in the shower they went.

  Chapter Ten

  Liasare stretched like a cat and rolled to her side in search of Jurek, but all she found was a small bouquet of flowers and a note.

  My Lovely Liasare,

  I didn’t want to wake you since today is our big day ... and you also looked so peaceful as you slept.

  The next time I see you will be when you walk down the aisle on your brother’s arm. I look forward to that time with great anticipation.

  Forever yours,


  She picked up the bouquet, and as she usually did, she brought it up to her nose and inhaled its lovely fragrance. A huge smile spread across her face when she thought about the look on Jurek’s face when he would see her in her wedding outfit. Then she broke out in a fit of giggles. He was certainly in for it.

  Brinna walked in, carrying a large tray loaded down with Liasare’s favorite breakfast foods.

  “Good morning, my lady.”

  “Indeed it is, Brinna. And thank you for this,” she said taking the tray.

  “Naroo will be here in a bit to assist you with your garments and the other women will be here to help you with your hair.”

  “How much time do I have?”

  “A few hours.”

  “Oh, good. Thank you.”

  Liasare took her time eating and then bathed. When she was finished, Naroo was waiting for her. This was not something Liasare enjoyed, but she knew there was no way around it. Suffering through the hair styling and makeup application was a pain in the ass, she thought.

  “I swear I’ll never understand how women wear this crap on their faces everyday. Who in the hell would go through this? This is awful!”

  “Oh my God, look at my baby sister!”

  Liasare twirled around to see January standing in her room. She squealed and ran to hug her sister.

  “Is this the same little girl that always had her hair in a tangled mess of knots?” January asked.

  “Uh, yeah, and if I had my way, it would still be like that!”

  “You look beautiful.” And then she started laughing so hard she had to bend over and hold her sides.

  “Well damn, I’m not sure how to take that.”

  “No. I’m just thinking about Jurek’s reaction when he sees you. Oh, God, I can’t wait. When I think back to all the snarky comments he made about Rykerian when he walked me down the aisle...” and she howled with laughter again.

  “Honestly, I’m more worried about the fact that he’ll strip off my outfit and leave me standing naked in front of everyone.”

  January held out her hand and said, “Okay, baby sis, that’s too much information for me.”

  Now it was Liasare’s turn to laugh. “So you think I look okay, then?”

  “Oh, you look perfect.”

  Liasare beamed. “Then I guess we should go.” The two girls linked arms and headed out the door. The wedding would take place on the terrace and Tommy would escort Liasare down the makeshift aisle. Everyone was ready and waiting for them so January hurried to where the minister awaited, and grinned at Jurek. She was positive she’d never seen him look more handsome.

  When the musicians began playing, Tommy turned to Liasare and said, “You look unbelievable.”

  “Oh, Tommy! Thank you.” Liasare hugged her brother. She briefly thought of how far her brother had come in his recovery. “I’m so glad I came to Earth to find you.”

  “Me too. But more importantly, I can’t believe my little sister is getting married today. And look how happy you are.”

  “I am. Especially that you’re here. If it weren’t for you and your idiocy, I wouldn’t be getting married at all.
It’s all because of you that I even met Jurek in the first place.” Liasare felt her eyes tear up.

  Tommy took her face in his hands and said, “No tears, sister. This is your happy day. And let’s not dwell on the past. Only your future with that man of yours.”

  “You’re right, but they’re happy tears, you dork.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you get away with them, then. Are you ready?”

  “I suppose I am.”

  “Well then let’s go. I don’t want to keep your King waiting.”

  Liasare groaned, “Oh, puh-lease.”

  Tommy took her hand and they made the short walk down the aisle. Liasare smiled at the guests as she went. But when she reached Jurek’s side, it was impossible not to feel his power latch on to hers. The force of it made it impossible for her to breathe. She raised her head to look into his eyes and every coherent thought she owned disintegrated into nothing as one word formed inside of her head. Alaric.

  A slight fragrant breeze wafted between them as the minister asked, “Who gives this woman to be joined to this man?”

  “I do,” replied Tommy as he handed Liasare’s hand to Jurek. When Liasare’s hand touched Jurek’s, their powers erupted in a flash of blue and green hues.

  Beams of radiant energy formed between the two and Jurek pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  The minister cleared his throat and said, “Um, sir, you’re not supposed to do that until after the vows are spoken.”

  Chuckles could be heard among the people and Jurek eventually released Liasare.

  Jurek actually had the good graces to apologize, which raised a few brows. “My apologies, sir. But it was impossible to refrain from doing that when I saw her. I’m sure you don’t blame me.”

  The minister laughed. Liasare couldn’t stop looking at Jurek. He was dressed in all white, as was the Praestani custom. His trousers were loose and rode low on his hips. The shirt he wore was tucked in with the first few buttons undone. He had rolled his sleeves up, revealing his muscular forearms, and his long hair was tied back. Liasare never wanted him to cut his hair. Ever. She loved his hair long.

  Their vows were simple, as they each promised themselves to one another forever. When Liasare finished repeating what the minister said, he turned to Jurek and asked him to do the same. But Jurek surprised Liasare by saying, “I’ve got this.” Then he turned to her, brought her hands to his lips, and after kissing them said, “I, Alaricus Jurganus Herdekian, take you Liasare Davidson, to be my wife. From this day forward, I vow to honor you in every way possible. I promise to stand by your side and to be ever faithful, to protect you with all that I have, in sickness and in health, in good or bad times, for richer or poorer, until you or I take our final breath. You are the light of my life and without you my life is meaningless.”

  Liasare was so surprised by his words, she could only stare. She felt her heart fill with love for him; it was an immense moment for her.

  Thankfully, the minister took over after that. As soon as Jurek finished speaking, he pronounced them husband and wife and Jurek’s lips found hers. He wasted no time in flashing them to the sanctuary, where he indeed shredded her wedding outfit as Naroo had predicted. He also destroyed some of their bedroom furniture, with his mega power surge.

  “Christ, Liasare, look at this place!”

  Liasare took a good look around her and burst into a fit of giggles. “It looks like we’ll be getting new furniture as a wedding gift to ourselves.”

  He eyed the damage and rubbed the back of his neck. “We need to join our wedding guests for a brief visit and then it’s on to our other ceremony. You need to get ready because we’re running late as it is. I need to summon Naroo and Brinna for you.”

  Liasare was still laughing at him when she said, “I’ll do that. But I want you to know what you said to me ... you know, in the ceremony. That was the most beautiful thing ever.”

  He grabbed her in a bone-crushing hug. “That’s how I feel.”

  She ran her hand through his hair. “I love you. So much more than mere words.”

  Moments later, the other women arrived and gasped when they saw the condition of the bedroom. Liasare shook her head and didn’t say a word.

  “My lady, if you don’t mind me saying so, your hair looks as though it’s been through a typhoon,” Brinna commented as she rearranged Liasare’s hair back to what it had been before Jurek got his hands on it.

  Liasare sighed. “I know. He sure can demolish a hairstyle. Just so you know, be prepared to do this again after the next ceremony too.” All three of the women laughed.

  When she was ready, Liasare and Jurek rejoined the wedding guests. Liasare looked a bit sheepish when January and Rykerian started teasing her. Jurek laughed at January when she finally got the last word in over how merciless Jurek was to Rykerian at her wedding.

  “I’m so glad to finally get you back,” January said.

  “I deserve it and take it with pleasure,” Jurek responded.

  “Shandro couldn’t make it then?” Liasare asked Tommy

  “He said he couldn’t get away from his duties,” Tommy said. “He visited me on Lare-Stell last week.”

  “Oh, well he’s going to miss a big party then.”

  Jaylen joined them and hugged Liasare. “You look amazing. That outfit is unreal.”

  “Oh, it’s for a purpose.” She briefly explained what they had to do at a Praestani ceremony.

  “So, all this time, I never knew about Jurek and his powers. And now you too,” Jaylen said.

  “Yeah, and you have to keep the secret.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. You know I have your back.”

  The two girls hugged and Jaylen asked about the other guests. Liasare introduced her to January, Rykerian, Xarrid and Saylan. She and Tommy knew each other from Tommy’s days on Earth so they caught up a bit.

  Soon it was time for them to depart for the next ceremony. The Vesturion guests, Tommy, and Jaylen would remain at the house until the ceremony was completed. Liasare didn’t want them to witness it. Then Naroo would come and collect them so they could attend the reception. Naroo and Liasare flashed to the site where the mating ritual would take place. Liasare stood off to the side of the stage.

  “Don’t worry, my lady. Everything will be fine,” Naroo said.

  “I never imagined it would be like this.”

  Liasare stared at the dais. It was round and elevated.

  “It rotates so they can view you from all angles,” Naroo explained.

  “Oh great. How fast does it spin?”

  Naroo chuckled. “Not fast at all. You won’t even notice it.”

  Liasare walked up to the curtain and opened it so she could peek out at the crowd. There was a throng of people gathered to witness the event. “Oh no! Huh uh. This is ... there are a million people out there!”

  Naroo pulled her by the arm and brought her back to the side. “My lady, there aren’t a million. There are only thousands.”

  “Thousands.” Liasare began fanning her face as she felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead and upper lip. “Oh, fuck, Naroo. What am I gonna doooooo?” She wrung her hands. Naroo put her hand on her forehead and she felt her power flow through her.

  “Use your power, my lady, to calm yourself.”

  “Yeah, okay. My power. My cove. I forgot. Right. I need to go to my special place.”

  “And don’t forget, you’ll have Jurek with you. You’ll forget about all those people.”

  “Are you CRAZY?”

  Naroo patted her hand and a man Liasare didn’t know came and told them it was time. Naroo walked her up to the dais and told her where to stand.

  “Think of your special place, my lady.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did I agree to this? How’s that for special?

  As she stood there, she felt rather than saw Jurek as he joined her on the dais. Their backs faced each other’s. And he began to speak to her through his thoughts.

going to be fine, love. Think of your cove.

  What if I fail, Jurek?

  When have you ever failed and do you think I would let you? Where is that kickass woman who threw me across the room the other day?

  Shaking in her panties, that’s where!

  That’s a lie and you know it. You’re not wearing any panties!

  The curtain rose and the spotlight beamed down on them from above. Drums lightly beat in the distance, while the crowd started to cheer. Then Jurek turned to face Liasare and her breath jammed in her lungs. His teeth gleamed as the corners of his mouth turned up in an encouraging grin. He was shirtless and his markings glowed. He wore the same pants he had on earlier, and Liasare had this irrepressible urge to slip her hand down the waist and take a hold of him.

  Her throat felt like someone had shoved a million cotton balls down it as she tried to swallow.

  Breathe, love. Nice and slow. Now turn around and face the crowd so they can see.

  She did as he instructed and the crowd cheered. After the dais made one rotation, he told her to face him again. When she did, he flashed her another smile.

  Have I told you how beautiful you look today? You have mesmerized the people of Praestan. You’re too nervous to hear them, but I can. Now extend your arms out level with your shoulders, palms facing me. Just follow my movements.

  Liasare watched Jurek and did exactly as he. Once their arms were extended he spoke to her again.

  Let your power loose, love. Let it surround me.

  Alaric, I’m so afraid.

  What are you afraid of?

  I’m afraid that they won’t think I’m worthy of you.

  Sweetheart, I’m not sure I’m worthy of you. Now let them see what’s within you. Look into my mind, love. See how you look. Notice your eyes. Look at your markings. You’re radiant. There’s no one that can come close to you. Release your power to me.

  She did and it flowed from her fingertips and immediately made the leap to Jurek. Her colors brightened and then the oddest thing happened. Her powers surrounded Jurek and cocooned him, creating a shield of protection around him.

  Oh my God, Alaric. Have you ever seen anything like this?


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