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His-And-Hers Twins

Page 17

by Rita Herron

  He gently brushed her hair from her face. “Why don’t you let me call a cleaning service? You can come over to my house and relax while they take care of it.”

  Paige gazed at him, her eyes shadowed with vulnerability. “Thanks, Zeke, I’d like that.”

  WHEN THE CLEANING crew arrived, Zeke took Paige’s hand and led her back across the yard to his house. The girls arrived at the same time and raced into the house, both jabbering about their visit with Betsy.

  “Paige is going to have pizza with us,” Zeke said when they’d finally exhausted their chatter.

  “Goody,” both girls squealed.

  Paige explained about the vandals breaking into the house. Zeke used the break-in as a perfect reminder to the girls as to why they shouldn’t go running off. Paige jumped in, warning them to always stay close to an adult and not to talk to strangers.

  “Did they break Angel?” Summer asked, her voice wobbly.

  Paige nodded. “I’m afraid so, and they destroyed two of my other dolls, too.”

  August threw her arms around Paige’s neck. “I’m sorry, Paige. Maybe you can fix it. You can spend the night with us if you’re scared to go back.”

  “Yeah, we can have a slumber party,” Summer suggested, tears pooling in our eyes.

  “Yeah, tomorrow’s the Fourth of July!”

  Zeke and Paige exchanged surprised looks, then Zeke stuttered, “Well, I don’t know. If she wants to stay over that’s fine. I can sleep on the couch.”

  “Oh, Daddy,” Summer said with a giggle. “Don’t be silly. Paige is a girl. She can sleep with us.”

  “Please, Daddy, it’ll be part of our birthday present,” August begged.

  Zeke hid a smile behind his hand at Paige’s agitated look. “But your birthday’s not for three more weeks.”

  “It’ll be an early present,” August argued.


  “I guess it would be okay,” she said. “I’ll need to lock up my house first.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  His daughters pulled at his hands. “Then Paige can spend the night?”

  “Okay, but only if Paige agrees.” And because I’m worried your mom won’t show. And I don’t want Paige to go home either.

  They walked next door and dismissed the cleaning crew, then locked Paige’s house. The four of them spent the rest of the evening relaxing, laughing and talking like old friends as they sprawled on the floor, gobbling pizza and popcorn while they watched The Wizard of Oz.

  Zeke glanced at Paige and gave her a sexy grin, their fingers brushing occasionally when they reached into the popcorn bowl. Each time, Zeke let his linger on hers for a brief moment, watching the pupils of her eyes dilate at the heat in his touch. He remembered the night they’d shared a romantic picnic in the mountains, the night they’d almost made love in his house, and he had to tear his gaze from Paige’s lips to keep his body in control.

  Near the end of the movie, Summer and August put on their red patent leather shoes. When Dorothy clicked her heels together, reciting the famous lines, “There’s no place like home,” the girls imitated the movements, reciting the words along with Dorothy.

  Afterward, Paige told them about her children’s designs and the girls were ecstatic that she would be making and selling clothes in town.

  Maybe that means she’ll be sticking around, Zeke thought, hope burgeoning in his chest. Then she mentioned the possible grant and his hopes deflated. Finally both girls dozed off and Paige helped him carry them to their bedrooms.

  “I guess I should go,” Paige whispered as they tucked them in bed.

  Summer popped an eye open. “No, Paige, you promised.”

  August rolled over. “You said you wouldn’t leabe us.”

  Uncertainty crossed Paige’s face, but she caressed Summer lovingly. Zeke read the questions in her eyes. “I’ll explain if you don’t want to stay,” he said softly, hoping she would stay and he could coax her downstairs and into his arms for a while.

  “No, I did promise.” She brushed her fingers across August’s forehead. “And I don’t break my promises.” Then she scooted down and lay beside Summer. His throat closed at the sight of the three redheads cuddled together. Moonlight rippled through the miniblinds, casting shadows and streaks of golden light on his daughters’ angelic faces and highlighting the soft, sensual curve of Paige’s cheeks. Then both his daughters snuggled up beside Paige and he had to leave the room—before he joined them.

  ZEKE SAT FOR a long time in his bedroom, the image of Paige and his girls lying side by side tearing at his heart. Paige was partly right—he did want a mother for his girls. But he didn’t want just anyone. He wanted Paige Watkins. He’d never met a more loving, giving, sexy and talented woman and he wanted her in his life, not just for his daughters’ sake, but for himself. She was the type of woman he wanted his daughters to become—strong, independent, self-confident, ambitious, but loving and nurturing at the same time.

  Why had he ever thought a woman couldn’t mix a family and a career? Men did it all the time. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Paige could handle both roles. She fit perfectly in their family. Didn’t she see it?

  And she would fit perfectly with him. He took off his clothes and slid under the covers, wearing nothing but his boxers, imagining Paige lying beside him, cuddled next to his naked body. He wanted her whispering sweet nothings to him all night long instead of sleeping with his children, and he wanted to tear off her clothes and make love to her until she couldn’t speak, could only breathe his name on a contented sigh.

  But how could he convince her he was sincere? He had four weeks until Renee came to visit; he’d have to use them to persuade Paige they were right for each other. A knot of dread tightened his stomach as he thought about his ex-wife flying in. The girls would be devastated if she didn’t come for their birthday, but they couldn’t count on her. Not like Paige. When Paige gave a promise, he knew she’d do anything within her power to keep it.

  But what would his ex-wife’s appearance do to him, other than reopen old wounds and scrape them raw again? And how would her appearance affect his already shaky relationship with Paige?

  PAIGE WOKE TO Summer sitting on her stomach and August blowing bubbles above her head. Henrietta lay snoring at their feet. She groaned, then laughed. “Today’s the parade, today’s the parade,” Summer chanted.

  Paige rose and finger-combed her hair from her face, motioning for the twins to follow her to the kitchen. They tiptoed down the stairs and she made French toast for the girls, touched when they gave her a handmade invitation to their birthday party. She had just seated herself with a cup of coffee when Zeke stumbled into the kitchen, his hair still damp from the shower, the scent of his aftershave and soapy skin almost bowling her over with its masculinity. At least he had the good sense to put on a shirt, even if it wasn’t completely buttoned.

  “You’re still here?” he said as if he’d expected differently.

  “I’m getting ready to go home,” Paige said, apologizing quickly.

  “Don’t leave on my account,” he said in a sexy drawl. Paige shivered at the heated gaze he shot her. She sipped her coffee, feeling a heated blush creep up her cheeks.

  “Are you coming to the parade, Paige?” Summer asked.

  “Come with us,” August begged. “Can she, Daddy?”

  “That’s a great idea,” Zeke said with an easy grin.

  “Then I’d better go shower.” Paige jumped up and hurried from the kitchen, Zeke’s teasing, flirtatious smile almost scorching her back as she disappeared to the safety of her own house. But Zeke caught up with her, ordering her and the twins to stay outside while he checked her house to make sure the vandals hadn’t returned.

  Such a hero, Paige thought, with ridiculous pleasure, when he strode out and told her the coast was clear. Her feelings for him grew even more when he leaned sideways and dropped a sexy whisper in her ear. Then he winked and the heated promises in his eyes made he
r think of fireworks—not the kind they were going to see at the town parade.

  THREE WEEKS LATER, Paige could no longer deny she was totally in love with Zeke Blalock. She wasn’t sure when it had happened, the night she’d spent the night for the impromptu slumber party, the moment she’d fallen into Zeke’s arms when her house had been vandalized, or snippets of treasured moments they’d shared over the past few weeks. They hadn’t been alone, but the tension burning between them every time they saw one another was more exciting than any night she’d ever spent with another man. She was dying to sleep with him, aching to know if his passion was as strong as the heady promises she saw in his eyes.

  But today would be the test. Zeke’s ex was coming home.

  Her stomach pitched, totally protesting any breakfast, and she quickly wrapped the small sewing baskets she’d bought for the girls in decorative paper, then carefully placed dress-up clothes in a small trunk for the twins.

  She’d wanted desperately to be alone with Zeke over the past few weeks, had craved the final intimacy that would bond them as a couple, but she’d kept the distance between them in spite of the fact Zeke had subtly hinted for more, forcing herself to wait until today, to see for herself how he reacted to his ex. Because once she gave herself to Zeke, her body and heart, she would never be able to withstand the pain of his loss. Already the strength of her feelings for him went way beyond the feelings she’d had for Eric.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, she picked up her presents and peeked out the window, grateful not to find a strange car in his driveway, knowing when she did, his ex would be back in his life. And wondering if it would mean that she was no longer a part of it.

  ZEKE’S HEAD spun from blowing up balloons, preparing for twenty four-year-olds to arrive for Summer and August’s party, and wondering if indeed, it was going to take him half a lifetime to win Paige. They had helped the neighbors, taken the girls on a picnic, and even discussed the girls’ party, but he’d yet to have a moment alone with Paige. The tension was killing him.

  His ex would return any time and he’d wanted Paige to know how he felt before Renee blew back into the picture. He’d wanted to make love to her, too, but she kept pushing him away.

  He could scream like a wild man. Watching her house before had been an exercise in torture, but being with her and not touching her was even worse. He wanted to tease and explore all her sensitive areas, find the hidden places on her body that drove her crazy and make her writhe beneath him. Then he wanted to slap a ring on her finger, tie her to his bed and make love to her until she promised to never leave him. He was scared out of his ever-loving mind.

  What if she didn’t love him? He’d failed once, what if he failed again? And what if Renee didn’t show for the girls’ birthday party?

  “Daddy, the kids are here!” August screamed.

  “It’s time for the party,” Summer cried.

  The girls jumped up and down and Zeke’s stomach did somersaults. He hoped he could pull this party off without a hitch. If only Renee had taken an earlier flight. The girls had asked several hundred times already when she would arrive and he’d used every stalling technique he could think of. Maybe he was going overboard with the party, hoping to compensate for Renee. A swift surge of panic hit him when cars started to arrive.

  The doorbell began ringing and kids filled the room, their excited whispers and chattering creating a crescendo of noise as they piled presents everywhere. Soon the kids were running circles around the den, screaming and laughing and chasing each other and his house had erupted into total bedlam. He had no idea what to do.

  “Looks like you can use a little help.” For a moment Paige looked stricken at the sight of the unruly youngsters, but she quickly masked her emotions, slipping into the house with presents.

  “I’m open to suggestions,” he yelled over the noise.

  Three girls ran in circles around them. The kittens chased and swiped at the bows on the presents, and Henrietta dived into the corner and hid beneath a chair. Another girl threw her headband across the room like a Frisbee toy. Somebody popped three balloons, having a domino effect as it sent a series of squeals renting the air. The headband pinged across the room again, barely missing Zeke’s nose.

  Paige gestured to one of her gifts. “Why don’t you let them open this big box? The kids can play with the things inside while you set up the refreshments.”

  Zeke swiped sweat from his brow. “Thanks, Paige.”

  Within seconds, Paige had organized the children in a circle. Summer and August opened the big trunk, their faces animated when they discovered Paige had made them a dress-up box filled with assorted dress-up items, including colorful scarves, hats, costume jewelry, old dance costumes, capes, western vests and cowboy chaps and shoes.

  “Everyone find an outfit and we’ll have a fashion show,” Paige suggested.

  The kids squealed and Zeke marveled at Paige’s calm take-charge approach. He watched as she made an impromptu runway, served as master of ceremonies. Soon, he was videotaping the fashion show, laughing, and actually enjoying himself.

  “Time for cake,” he finally announced. The children gathered at the table, taking seats and watching in awe as he lit the candles. “Now, make a birthday wish.”

  Summer and August both closed their eyes, “Please give us a mommy for our birthday,” they whispered. Zeke’s chest tightened with a surge of sorrow. When he saw the concerned look on Paige’s face, he realized she’d heard the wish, too.

  He checked the door every thirty seconds in anticipation of Renee’s arrival, moving on autopilot as he and Paige served ice cream and cake.

  “Can we open gifts now?” August begged.

  “We should wait for Mommy,” Summer said, her face suddenly crestfallen.

  “I think we should go ahead and open the gifts before the parents arrive,” Zeke said, his gut tightening with every passing minute.

  Paige gave him a sympathetic look. An undercurrent of tension and sexual awareness rippled between them. Zeke’s mother arrived, camera in hand, and shrieks and laughter filled the air as everyone crowded around to look at the gifts.

  “This is for my two precious angels,” Mrs. Blalock said. The girls opened the bright pink bags and jumped up and down.

  “Gift ’tificates from the toy store!” August yelled.

  “And this is a flier telling all about the horseback riding lessons I bought for you,” Mrs. Blalock said.

  “Yippee!” the girls squealed.

  “Can we go riding now?” August asked.

  “We should wait for Mommy,” Summer said again.

  Mrs. Blalock patted her brown curls into place. “I’ll take you by the stables tonight if you want.” She gestured toward Zeke, then spoke softly. “Renee called and said she wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow. Her flight was delayed in Germany.”

  “I wonder why she didn’t call here,” Zeke muttered.

  “She said your phone must be off the hook.” Zeke glanced at the desk and noticed the phone was indeed lying out of the cradle.

  He cursed under his breath, then realized his mother had purposely showed up with the riding lessons to smooth over Renee’s disappointing no-show. When the party died down and the parents arrived to pick up the guests, Mrs. Blalock helped the girls pack an overnight bag.

  “Daddy, what if Mommy comes and we’re not back?” Summer asked worriedly.

  “Yeah, what if she comes and leaves and we misses her?” August asked.

  Zeke’s hands tightened around a paper cup, crushing it in his fist. “I won’t let her leave without seeing you,” he said. “I promise.”

  Summer swiped at a tear. “She said she’d be here for our party.”

  “Yeah, she broked her promise,” August added, her chin drooping.

  “I know and I’m sorry.” Zeke knelt and hugged both girls to his chest, his own heart ripping in two. “But she is on her way and I promise I’ll keep her here for the two of you.” He tipped
their small chins up with his thumbs. “You believe me, don’t you?”

  The girls nodded solemnly and he caught Paige’s eye, confused by the clouded expression on her face.

  “Now, have fun with Grammy,” Zeke said as they went out the door.

  “Don’t worry, girls,” Mrs. Blalock said cheerfully as she followed them outside. “I’ll have you back before your mother arrives.”

  Zeke waved to his daughters and his mother, then turned and saw Paige watching him. He was finally alone with her and after all these days and nights of craving her, he didn’t know if he could keep himself from touching her. Renee would be here tomorrow, wreaking havoc with his life, but tonight belonged to him and Paige. He intended to show her how much he loved her, with every part of his body, his heart, and his mind.

  PAIGE POURED herself a cup of coffee, hoping to occupy her hands to keep from touching Zeke. The last few weeks had been torturous and the yearning she’d seen in his eyes all day had nearly driven her insane with desire. Tomorrow his ex would arrive. He’d promised the girls he’d do anything to convince Renee to stay. Did that also mean he’d try to reconcile with her? If he did, Paige had to face the reality that she would be a fleeting memory in his life. But tonight he wanted her, and not just for his daughters’ sake. There was no mistaking the feral sexual interest in his chocolate-colored eyes.

  And she wanted him. If only for tonight.

  The long silence between them stretched, every nerve cell in Paige’s body screaming for him to touch her. He cleared the table, then turned to her, his mouth set, his jaw determined.

  “Do…you have plans tonight?” he asked.

  She shook her head slowly.

  His lips curved into a sexy smile that made her heart flutter ridiculously. “I’d like to be with you,” he said candidly.

  She swallowed, perspiration dotting her forehead.

  “We’ll do anything you want tonight, Paige.”

  “I want to be with you, too, Zeke.”


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