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The Fate of Her Dragon

Page 3

by Julia Mills

  Looking to her side, she saw Hannah and Liam had identical looks of obedience as they also followed the Commander’s orders. When they were about two steps from where the formidable Rayne MacLendon stood, the door behind him swung open and out came his fiery redheaded mate with their son on her hip. She smacked her mate on the shoulder before smiling directly at Alicia. “Don’t let Mr. Grumpy Pants order you around like that. Y’all come on in and have some muffins. I just put the coffee on.” Then to her husband as she was turning to go back inside she said, “I swear your manners leave a lot to be desired.”

  Alicia held her breath, not sure what to make of what she was witnessing. Then she saw the look of utter love and devotion in the Commander’s eyes as he took his son and leaned down to kiss Kyndel on the cheek, and knew theirs was a match made in the Heavens. It was something straight out the love stories Brenna was always reading and would make what Alicia had to say just a little easier.

  Following the MacLendons into the house and taking a seat at the kitchen table next to Liam and Hannah, Alicia prayed for a meteor to hit the house or some other tragedy that would keep her from having to tell her story. Unfortunately, nothing happened, and in no time at all Rayne and Kyndel were sitting across from her asking what was going on.

  She told her story the same way she had less than an hour ago, but this time with no interruptions, even though she could feel Liam about to jump out of his skin at her side. “And now I am here to ask if you and the other Guardsmen will help me get Drago out of that Goddess forsaken hole.”

  Time seemed to stand still as Rayne simply sat and stared at her. Alicia wanted to fidget, thought about getting up and leaving, but just sat completely still and waited. It seemed that was what everyone was doing, including Rayne’s usually very animated and opinionated mate, and it was absolutely nerve racking.

  Alicia decided to count to a hundred in her head and had reached seventy-eight when the Commander finally spoke. “I understand you believe the man,” he said the word like it had quotes around it, “is my uncle, but that simply is not possible. My father and some of the greatest Guardsmen to ever swing a sword moved the Heavens and earth to find Drago and his men and they came up empty-handed. There was no sign of them or magic or anything. They had simply disappeared. There is no way that whoever is speaking to you is Drago MacLendon. I think we should call Kyra and have her see if it is Cleland or one of his lackeys. That is a much more logical explanation. I am sorry you wasted your time.”

  She’d heard enough. It had been a long couple of hours and an even longer couple of weeks and Alicia was simply fed up. She was going to save the man that needed her help with or without the ‘great Rayne MacLendon’s assistance, and then she was going to show them all that she was not crazy. But first, she was going to have her say.

  “I see where it would be hard for you to accept. Hell, it was hard for me to deal with too. But imagine having someone talking to you when you sleep, willing you to literally get out of bed and traipse through the woods in the middle of the night to find them. Imagine feeling like someone else’s life was in your hands but in this case, it was someone you’d never met, never even seen, and they were telling you they’d been trapped for a hundred years and you were their only hope of survival. Can you imagine that, Commander? Can you fathom it?’ She didn’t wait for his answer.

  “Well, I have lived it and I am here to tell you that I will save him and I will prove that he is your uncle because I believe what he’s told me. I can feel it here.” Alicia laid her fist on her chest right over her heart. “And I know it with all that I am.”

  She stood up and started to the door then remembered what Drago had told her. Spinning around, she looked up at the six foot five inch Dragon Guard Commander who’d also stood and was apparently following her out the door. “And by the way, the man you are sure is not your uncle said to remind you that your first taste of whiskey was from your father’s flask after he’d had too much to drink after the battle at Hunter’s Cove. He also said to tell you that you have a scar on your left butt cheek from falling down the ladder the next morning after passing out in the hayloft. And I think he said that he covered for you while you were sick during training that afternoon.”

  Rayne stood motionless with a look of utter shock on his face. Alicia waited exactly two heartbeats before doing an about face and heading toward to door. Only Kyndel’s words stopped her progress. “Holy shit! He does have a scar on his ass and he told me it was from a sword wound.”

  Alicia turned again and wondered if it would be easier just to turn in circles until all of this mess was over, but laughed when she saw the blush on Rayne’s cheeks and the shit-eating grin on Kyndel’s face. The entire room erupted in laughter when the sassy redhead added, “Sword fight my ass! No, I guess it’s actually your ass!” She laughed out loud. “Just wait until I tell the guys this story.”

  “Kyndel…” Rayne growled.

  Swatting his arm, Kyndel laughed even louder. “Don’t you growl at me, ya big ol’ grumpy dragon. I can tell from the look on your face the story is true.” Her laughter had all but stopped. “And it’s obvious no one else knows that story, so what are you gonna do to help Alicia?”

  The Commander looked down at his mate and then at Liam before coming back to Alicia. “We need to call Melanie and Kyra and the rest of my Force, as well as Rory and his men. I’m sorry I doubted you, but you have to understand…”

  Holding up her hand, Alicia cut off whatever the Commander was going to say. “It’s okay. I understand. Trust me, none of this shit makes sense.”

  “I do have another question,” Rayne paused, turning to Liam and Hannah. “Can you two begin rounding everyone up?” He then added, “Oh, and will your mother and sisters be able to help, as well?” He directed his question to Hannah.

  “You know it. They’re just waiting for you to say the word.”

  “Consider it said,” was his answer as he turned his attention back to Alicia. Nodding his head for her to follow him, Rayne walked past, opened the door, and held it while motioning for her to walk outside.

  Once they were standing on the patio, he asked, “Why is it that Drago can only communicate with you? And you with him? Is there something else I need to know?”

  Alicia could see in his eyes that he already knew the answer but needed to hear her say it.

  This crap is really getting old.

  Shaking her head, she looked out over Kyndel’s huge garden and wondered how to answer. Alicia was exhausted, but more than that, she was tired of answering the same question over and over. Not that she should’ve been surprised. The dragons were very perceptive and highly intuitive, so there was little that got by them. Just this once she was hoping all the other news would trump this one stupid question.

  Looking back to Rayne, Alicia gave in and answered the only way she could. “He says we’re mates. And before you ask, he’s probably right, but can we please just get him out of there and worry about everything else later?”

  Smiling the first real smile she could ever remember that wasn’t directed at his family or one of his Guardsmen, Rayne nodded. “Whatever you like, Alicia. And thank you for not giving up on me. I know I can be stubborn but it has served me well over the years. Having Drago back is something I never dreamed could happen. I can never thank you enough for giving me back part of the family I lost.”

  “You are very welcome, Commander, but we don’t have him back yet,” was all Alicia could squeak out past the lump in her throat.

  Thankfully, the back door flew open and out came Liam and Hannah, with Kyndel not far behind. Liam was the first to speak. “We got a hold of everyone and they are all headed to the McKennons’. Hannah called her mom and they’re getting ready too.”

  Rayne nodded and looked at his mate, who’d just started to talk. “Sam is on the way to hang with Jay and me, so ya’ know Lance will meet you there, too. Keep in touch. I’m sure the rest of the girls will end up here soon, so le
t us know if you need anything.”

  Cutting through the crowd, Rayne approached his mate, scooped her into his arms, and kissed her as if she was the very air he breathed. Alicia knew she should look away but simply couldn’t—it was just too amazing to behold. When they broke apart and Rayne retuned Kyndel to her feet, they looked into each other’s eyes for just a moment longer. The Commander said something in Gaelic that made Kyndel blush and had Liam clearing his throat, then turned and stepped off the patio before calling over his shoulder, “Come on, it’s time to see some witches about saving an assassin.”

  “Just watch your ass out there, Commander,” Kyndel called after them.

  Everyone laughed aloud as they followed Rayne out of the yard and through the woods. For the first time since all this had started, Alicia really felt like she might not be as crazy as a bed bug.

  Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to save the assassin we go!

  Chapter Four

  It took almost two hours and four more times through her story to get everyone on the same page and headed out the door to save Drago. For some silly reason, Alicia had thought once Rayne was on board everyone else would be on board too, but boy oh, boy, had she been wrong. They’d all needed to hear her story for themselves. By the time the witches and dragons were marching the path she’d followed so many times it almost seemed surreal. Never in a million years would Alicia have guessed that she wasn’t really losing her mind but finding her…well… a man that meant a lot to her.

  Nope, can’t string those words together. Maybe later, just not yet.

  She knew she was being silly. Sooner rather than later, if everything went as planned, Alicia would be face to face with Drago. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that he would demand she acknowledge their connection, but for right now, she had a little time and dammit, she was going to take it. Lost in thought, she ran right into Rory’s—the leader of the Blue Thunder Guardsmen—back. Looking over his shoulder, he grinned. “Not much sleep lately, huh?”

  Deciding it was easier to just answer than get mad, Alicia shook her head. “Nope, not much at all.”

  “Do you have any idea what we’re walking into? I mean I know you and your family have some serious magical mojo, so does it feel like anything you’ve dealt with before?”

  “If you’re asking if it feels like Cleland and his crew then the answer is no. It’s most definitely black magic but nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

  “Give the girl a rest, Rory. She’s had a rough couple of weeks and has to stay on her toes. This place is damn near glowing with dirty magic. It still amazes me that I haven’t felt it before.” Kyra shrugged. “Guess my mind’s been on Mom. At first I thought she was just out gallivanting but now I’m worried.”

  “We’ll find her mo chroi’, you know we will,” her mate Royce answered, coming up behind her. “Calysta’s a tough old bird. Wherever she is, she knows we’re looking. It’ll be over soon. I can feel it my bones.”

  Kyra and Rory laughed in unison but it was Lance, another member of Rayne’s Force, who was the first to comment. “And them are some real old bones,” he joked in his best good old boy accent. “Heavens know they have the wisdom.”

  Everyone howled, even Alicia, although every step they got closer to the cave she grew a little more anxious. She and her family had always been around black magic and had fought it at every turn, but Kyra was right, the stuff they were walking into was old, like really old… ancient. There was something just not quite right about it, too. Something the young witch had mentioned to both her mother and the incredibly strong daughter of the Grand Priestess, Kyra. Alicia couldn’t put her finger on it but it was weird. It made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

  Creepy shit—and Drago has been immersed in it for a hundred years.

  Rayne repeatedly asked about his uncle as they made their way through the woods. Alicia told him everything she could but hated to admit that she’d argued with Drago more than she had assessed his condition. It was one of things worrying her as they started up the mountain to the cliffs. The Assassin had sounded so weak when he’d spoken to her while she was back at the lair. At first, she’d blamed it on distance, but that didn’t feel right. She’d called to him to let him know they were headed his way almost twenty minutes ago and had yet to receive a response. Every few minutes, she would say his name or ask if he was there, but their connection remained silent. She knew he still lived because she could feel him… everywhere. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, Alicia chastised herself for even thinking something might have happened to him.

  He’ll be all right. He has to be. He’s been in there for a hundred years; a few hours couldn’t have made things worse… could they?

  Thinking she should ask her mom, Alicia opened her mouth but Melanie, her sister Hannah’s oldest friend and also a mate to one of the dragons, cut her off before she could speak. “Whatcha thinking so hard about, doll?”

  “Nothing really? Just thinking about what has to be done.”

  Melanie nodded but the knowing look on her face said she wasn’t buying Alicia’s nonchalance. Her words confirmed her expression. “I know you’re worried. Hell, I would be frantic if it was Jace.”

  “It’s not the same thing,” Alicia muttered.

  “Okay, yeah, whatever you say. I’ll let you have a little more time with your denial, but as soon as Drago is out of his cage, you had better be ready. These dragons don’t play when it comes to their mates. And you’re boy’s been through a hell of an ordeal. He’s gonna seriously need you.”

  Nodding, Alicia murmured, “Yeah, I know. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”

  “I’m here if you need me.”

  Looking up for the first time since Melanie had started to talk, Alicia gave her a smile before saying, “Thanks Mel. Really, thank you.”

  “Any time, doll. Any time.”

  They walked along in companionable silence until Kyra and Sarah Beth called out in unison, “Alicia, get up here.”

  Jogging to the front of the pack, she arrived just as Kyra was removing a copper pot and herbs from her backpack. “What are you doing? We’re about a hundred yards from the cave.” Alicia knew she was yelling and really didn’t care. Her frustration level was through the roof and still climbing. Every minute they wasted was another minute Drago had to suffer, and as far as she was concerned, that was completely unacceptable.

  Sarah Beth laid her hand on Alicia’s shoulder and spoke as calmly as possible. “Kyra and I both felt a huge surge of black magic right here.” She pointed to the spot on the ground where the platinum-haired white witch had placed her copper pot. “Kyra is going to scry for the origin. You’re going to need to be patient for just a little bit. If my hunch is right, this is the source of the power keeping your… ummm… Drago imprisoned.”

  Alicia knew her mother was about to call him her mate. She heard the snickers behind her and thought about telling them all to go to hell. Nodding to her mother, she walked ahead about fifty feet and sat on a rock to think while Kyra and Sarah Beth scryed.

  Closing her eyes, Alicia prayed to the Goddess that Drago was okay and that they would get to him on time. She’d never been extremely devout when it came to her spiritual side, but decided if it would help Drago, she would try anything. Several minutes into her prayers, the one voice she’d missed more than she thought possible finally spoke.

  “I appreciate your prayers, ceann beag, but it is you I believe in right now. It is you that will free me from this hell.”

  “Sure, whatever you say,” she scoffed. “And what did you just call me? I understood the others but I’ve never heard that one.”

  Chuckling the low, baritone chuckle that seemed to ignite all Alicia’s senses and make it hard for her to focus, Drago simply said, “Little one. It means little one.”

  Alicia wanted to be upset but kind of liked the name. All the same, she felt an obligation to give him just a little crap. “Little one, huh? W
here did that come from? I’m almost five foot ten.”

  “It is just how I think of you, as my ‘little one’. Someone I can care for. Someone to love. Someone that loves me back. You are my hope and that is something I haven’t had in a very long time.”

  Words escaped Alicia as she sat there absorbing Drago’s beautiful words. They touched her as few things ever had. It seemed incomprehensible for her to think of herself as anyone’s hope, let alone a Dragon Guardsman’s who’d been trapped in a magical spell under the earth for almost a hundred years. It seemed like some kind of mixed up, upside-down fairytale. She felt like the princess who was saving her knight in shining armor. The thought made her giggle, something she hadn’t done in a long time.

  “I love that sound,” Drago whispered into her mind.

  “What sound?”

  “Your laughter. The only thing better will be when I witness it for myself. I can’t…” Drago’s words simply cut off and the link between them went dead.

  “You can’t what?” Alicia asked, trying not to freak out but feeling her blood pressure rising by the second.

  Before she could get an answer, Rayne yelled, “Alicia, come here, please.” Looking toward the group of people she was proud to call friends and family, the young witch saw black smoke billowing from Kyra’s copper pot while her mother, sisters and Melanie stood chanting in a circle.

  “What the hell?” Alicia shrieked as she ran to them, still trying to contact Drago.

  Squeezing in between Hannah and their second oldest sister, Isabella, she grabbed their hands and chanted along with them…

  Under the earth, hidden deep, make yourself known, wake from your sleep. Your power is vast, your reach is long, and your work is finished, time for you to go back where you belong.

  She could hear the dragons joining in behind them but needed to focus. Something was happening and she knew with all her heart it was blocking her communication with Drago. Maybe her mother and Kyra had been right. Maybe whatever they were summoning was what was holding the Assassin captive. No matter, the young witch split her attention between contacting Drago and helping the spell.


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