Anywhere With You

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Anywhere With You Page 6

by Danielle Jamie

  It’s going to be a long night trying to go to sleep with him only a few feet away. It was hard enough last night knowing he was sleeping on my futon, but now having him only an arm’s length away is going to be pure torture.

  I twist my hair nervously around my index finger as I smile at him. I’m excited and extremely nervous about tomorrow. I have no clue what he has planned but I’ve run a million scenarios through my mind. I think the excitement for tomorrow is only going to add to my insomnia.

  Last night, Killian gave me a kiss good night before I retreated into my bedroom and I swear every kiss is better than the last. I can see the hunger in his eyes now as he lies in bed with one arm tucked behind his head. He wants me as badly as I want him. Even though it’s pure torture with this whole taking it slow crap, I’m actually grateful to Killian for it because we’re getting to know one another on a deeper level by spending every moment together talking about anything and everything. I can only hope once the time comes and we take whatever we are to the next step that it won’t change nothing between us because I’m loving every moment we’re having and our road trip has only begun.

  I slide off of the bed slowly and cautiously, and take the few steps needed to get to him. The same sexy crooked smirk curls up at the corner of his mouth as I climb up onto the bed and sit down beside him. The heated look in his eyes causes my breath to hitch as he reaches out, slowly running his fingers through my hair before bringing his fingers to rest at my chin and saying, “I don’t think I can tell you enough how happy I am that you’re here right now.” His words wash over me in a slow caress against my skin making my body relax and my heart to race once again.

  “I’m honored you asked me to come along with you. This is the craziest, most randomly fun thing I’ve ever done in my life. Even crazier than up and moving to California! I can’t wait to see where this road trip leads us. So thank you for asking me to come. I’m still somewhat in shock that you even came back for me. No one has ever come back for me before.”

  Slowly my walls are falling away with each moment spent with Killian. It’s only been a couple of days but each day feels like ten together. I can’t explain it but there’s just something about him that makes a sense of peace wash over me whenever we’re together. I feel as if I can talk to him about anything—completely free from judgement, which is huge for me because I’ve only ever opened up to Mila about my past in Nebraska. Everyone else knows bits and pieces but only the things I want them to know. I prefer keeping the demons of my past where they belong—in my past—leaving my future open to only positivity and awesomeness.

  Killian’s eyes narrow and a look of sadness flashes across his face at my words. His thumb gingerly grazes my cheek as he responds to my confession, “I still can’t believe that someone as amazing and sweet as you got served such a shitty hand in life. To all those assholes who abandoned you, it’s their loss, Summer, not yours. I hope you remember to tell yourself that every-single-day-of-your-life because it’s the fucking truth. I would’ve had to add my name to the list of assholes if I hadn’t turned around and headed back to Newport Beach. You are the most fascinating person I’ve met, and believe me, that’s saying a lot because I’ve met some pretty extraordinary people over the years. I’m going to make sure this is the best trip of your fucking life.”

  I’m pretty much speechless right about now. I’ve never had someone talk to me like that. The honesty and raw passion in those words he spoke hit me hard like a sucker punch to my gut, knocking the air from my lungs and making me fall a little bit harder.

  Before I can even attempt to try and respond to that, he leads my mouth down to his by gently pulling on my chin. I bring my hand to his chest to steady myself and close my eyes just as his lips gently brush against mine. Our kiss is soft, loving and deliciously slow. My head is spinning as I feel almost drunk off of his words and now his lips. His hand slides to the nape of my neck holding me to him as his other hand comes to rest on my hip. His hand squeezes my hip as he tilts his head deepening the kiss.

  Suddenly Blue’s barking snaps me out of our moment and I’m finding myself mentally scolding my dog for interrupting us.

  “God,” I say under my breath, my frustration evident.

  Killian lets out a low chuckle as he presses one more kiss to my lips before I unwillingly pull away from his too perfect mouth. “I guess someone doesn’t like me stealing your attention,” he teases as he drops his hand over the edge of the bed, petting the top of Blue’s head.

  Rolling my eyes, I climb off of the bed, slowly dragging my hand along Killian’s upper torso while doing so, sighing then saying, “I’m going to take her out to go potty one more time. Hopefully, she’ll be a good girl then and go to sleep.”

  After bringing Blue outside, I head back into the hotel and up to our room. When I reenter the room, it’s completely silent. As I make my way towards the beds, I find a sleeping Killian. He wasn’t joking when he said he was spent after the long drive today. I set Blue down on my bed and lift the covers, letting her crawl under and go to sleep. Slipping under the covers, I roll over to face Killian and flick the lamp off beside my bed. Pulling the covers up to my chin, I hug the comforter against my body as I watch a peaceful Killian sleep beside me.

  Before I know it, my eyelids are slowly shutting on me too as my body drifts to sleep with thoughts of Killian dancing around in my head.

  Chapter Twelve

  I barely slept last night because all I could think about was the surprise Killian has planned for me today. As soon as we wake up, we get ready to leave for the day. As Killian showers, I get myself ready, choosing to wear a pair of cut off jean shorts, a floral top and flip flops. I decide to pull my hair up into a ponytail instead of wearing it down because he mentioned whatever we’ll be doing, it's outside. With the humidity, I don’t want my hair all hot and sticky against my neck.

  We look up doggy daycares in the Phoenix area and find one near our hotel so we drop Blue off there for the day because Killian said where we are going, dogs are not permitted. I hate leaving her but the place has amazing reviews and looks like she’ll have a ton of fun playing with the other dogs there.

  The entire car ride is a surprise, and I try to get him to give me any hints but all he would tell me is that we’ll be up extremely high in the air and it involves an array of colors. His response still leaves me totally clueless as to what we’ll be doing today. The scenery quickly begins to change from the city to secluded desert. I keep catching myself staring off into the distance, mesmerized by seeing actual real life cacti beside us along with the canyons and desert mountain terrain.

  Finally with a sly grin on his face, Killian puts on his blinker and pulls off of the highway and onto a dirt road leading us towards the desert. There’s a car parked with a trailer attached to the back with the words Equinox Hot Air Balloons on it.

  Holy crap.

  “We’re going up in a hot air balloon?!” I ask, with my voice going up a few notches as a mix of excitement and terror course through me. My feet are bouncing against the floorboard of the car as we come to a stop and we spot the gentleman who I’m guessing is the pilot of the balloon.

  Turning the car off and opening the door¸ Killian glances at me before slipping his sunglasses on and adjusting his hat, responding, “That we are. Now I really hope you’re not afraid of heights because I’ve booked us for a seventy-five minute private flight over the Sonoran desert. We've lucked out that there’s a perfect breeze for ballooning.”

  Slamming my door shut, I rest my hands on my hips, and inhale deeply before exhaling slowly between tightly pressed lips. I’m not afraid of heights—and I’ve actually always wanted to go hot air ballooning in Nebraska but it was always super expensive. I now wonder how much Killian paid for this private flight as I know they sure as hell aren't cheap.

  “I’m super excited. Now I’m glad I charged my phone last night so I can video this.” Looking around the desert, I take in the lush green
s and red rocks surrounding us mixing with the bright blue of the sky. It’s absolutely breathtaking. I know seeing it from above is going to be even more beautiful. “I can’t believe we’re doing this. Thank you, Killian,” I say with excitement as I’m smiling so hard my cheeks are beginning to ache. He takes my hand and walks with me over to greet the gentleman waiting beside the hot air balloon.

  After going over everything with the instructor, we get to walk inside the large rainbow colored balloon as we take a quick tour and listen to how it all works before finally climbing into the basket we’ll be flying in.

  I am beyond nervous but also excited as we get ready to take off. Killian stands beside me chatting casually with the pilot all the while holding my hand and gently rubbing my hand with his thumb to help calm my shaky nerves.

  After getting off of the ground, my nerves quickly vanish into the afternoon Arizona sky as I begin taking in the awe-inspiring sight below us and all around us. Killian and I take pictures together that include ones of each other alone and also some short videos. We’ve been up in the air for over thirty minutes and I feel as if I can’t take everything in fast enough, trying to soak it all in before it ends.

  Stepping up beside me, Killian wraps his arm around my waist as I lace our hands together and let them come to rest on my hip. “The smile on your face right now has to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” he whispers into my ear making my stomach tingle as it feels as if a swarm of butterflies have tried to take flight inside of me.

  I love how sweet he is. He says all the right things at just the right moment, making me feel special. Every time he tells me I’m beautiful, his words he said to me back in Newport Beach ring loudly inside my head.

  He only sees me.

  I’ve never felt more special and cherished than I have in the few days I’ve spent with Killian. I keep holding onto every flicker of perfection we have together, praying that our time with each other will never end. But just in case whatever it is we are right now does end up coming with an expiration date, I’m soaking up every single moment with him and locking them away in my heart to look back on whenever I find myself feeling lost or lonely.

  Turning my head to gaze up at him, I can’t help but get lost in his smile that’s taunting me to kiss those lush lips. I dream every night now about kissing him. “This has been the best day of my life. I’m so happy I’m spending it with you,” I say happily as I lean up on my toes, resting my palm against his chest. I feel the hard toned chest that is hidden behind his t-shirt and press a kiss to his lips, savoring the feeling that washes over me as his lips connect with mine. There’s a gentle warm breeze blowing over us, and the sun is warming us as it moves across the afternoon sky. The sound of the hot air balloon is relaxing and helps me forget about the outside world, and allow myself to get lost in this moment and in Killian.

  This will be a day I look back on as one of the happiest moments of my life. It has been beyond my wildest expectations.

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” he says as he presses one more kiss to my lips before hugging me against him and looking back at the mountains below. “I don’t know where you’ve been my whole life, but I’m glad I found you. It’s crazy to think a simple decision of going to that diner for lunch has led to you here with me today. I’m happy that when I went out on a limb and asked you to go out on a date with me that you didn’t toss a drink in my face,” he lets out the sexiest laugh as he brings up the first day we met back at the diner. It’s crazy how it feels like a lifetime ago, but really it was only seven days ago.

  Pursing my lips, I bump my hip against his leg, “You’re crazy if you think I would’ve tossed a drink in your face. Rosie would’ve whooped my butt for chasing away a paying customer. You had the whole dark and mysterious look going on. I almost for a second blew off your request, but there is just something about when you smile at me it makes it simply impossible to tell you no.”

  That response makes a wicked grin spread across Killian’s face. “Good to know. I may have to use the powers of this smile a little more often during this road trip now that I know it’s helping me get my way where you’re concerned.”

  The remainder of the hot air balloon ride flies by way too quickly. I kept wishing that the day could go on forever. This has been hands down the coolest and most fun date I’ve ever been on. We’re going to end the evening in the best possible way with me sitting front and center while I watch Killian rock the roof off of the bar he’s playing at tonight. Even though every girl in there will be secretly hoping they’ll be able to flirt with the guy performing tonight so they can go home with him, I know it’ll be me leaving with him and it’s the most amazing feeling in the world.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It’s been a little over a week since we left Phoenix and every new city has been just as amazing...maybe even better if that’s possible. We’ve looked at every new place as a brand new adventure. I’ve loved seeing all of these new, amazing places that I never would’ve visited if it wasn’t for this spontaneous road trip. Experiencing each place with Killian has only made it that much more exciting.

  After leaving Phoenix we headed north to Denver then down south to play at a bar just north of Dallas before heading further east, stopping in Montgomery, Alabama, which was the last place Killian had a gig set up. Now we’re heading to the coast with no destination in mind. We decide we’ll drive until something catches our eye. We’ve been staying at hotel after hotel and I told Killian I’d love to find a place on or near the beach so we can chill in the sun all day and I can finally get back on my surfboard that is attached the roof of Killian’s SUV.

  Every one of his gigs has been stellar. He blows me away every time he gets on stage. I keep telling him he should be putting his performances on YouTube for the world to see. Though every time he shoots down the idea, saying he isn’t performing to get attention, but doing it because it’s his passion.

  For now, I’ve decided to drop the subject. I won’t force him to put anything up he doesn’t want to but that doesn’t mean others aren’t. When I go onto the YouTube app on my phone and search Killian singing one of his covers like Sam Hunt or Royal Blood, he’s popping up all over. There are hundreds of comments along with views on each one with everyone asking the same question as I am: Who is this guy? And why the hell isn’t his fine ass touring the world?!?

  Killian has been the perfect gentleman like always and I keep finding myself falling harder and harder with every passing day. Sure we’ve had some pretty hot and steamy make out sessions, but nothing has gone further than that. I know for certain he really, really wants to go further because the evidence is always right there for me to see. I even felt the evidence while we shared a bed at the last hotel. To my luck, the hotel was completely booked with only one king bed suite available.

  Killian tried to convince me to let him find us another hotel but I tell him he was being ridiculous. We’re together, and while I understand he doesn’t want me to feel pressured into anything because he had no expectations with this trip, I really wanted to stay at that hotel with him. The thought of falling asleep in his arms was like the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae. That declaration got me the sexy crooked smile I crave to see on a daily basis now. I’m addicted to his touch, his kisses, and that 'make my knees weak' smile that he only gives to me.

  I spot a sign for an upcoming exit that says beach and camping. I love camping. Mila, Rick, Noel and I all went camping last spring it was so much fun. I’m suddenly finding myself craving yummy s’mores and late night stargazing.

  “Let’s take this exit!” I say, pointing the sign showing the next exit is for Endings, South Carolina.

  Putting on his blinker, Killian takes the exit, coming to a stop at a red light at the end of the road lined with trees. “Alright. Now where to next?” He asks, looking at the different signs showing gas and lodging.

  I look for the sign leading to the campground. “L
et’s take this adventure up a notch and stay at that campground,” I say and point to the sign for Happy Endings Resort.

  “Camping?” Killian asks raising an eyebrow. “We don’t have anything for camping.”

  I sag in my seat as I try to think of something. I really don’t feel like being stuck in a stuffy hotel. I want to be outside exploring and experiencing everything. “Well, let’s go check it out and see if they have those little cabins you can rent with electricity and all that shebang. If they do, we’ll come back into town so we can hit the beach and then grab supplies because if we’re going to camp we’re going to need fishing poles, worms, bug repellant. Oh, and for dinner tonight, we can roast hot dogs over a campfire and for dessert make s’mores. Because we need to do this whole camping trip right! It ain’t camping if you’re not cooking over a fire.”

  Laughing, Killian turns down the road leading us towards the campsite. “I’ve never camped before so this will be interesting. At least from the sounds of it, I’ll be popping that cherry with an expert outdoors woman,” he jokes as we maneuver through the traffic. The smell of the ocean tickles my nose as we roll the windows down letting in the warm Southern heat. I’ve missed the ocean. It’s only been a week but it’s been a week too long. I can’t wait to see how the surfing is here in South Carolina.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never been camping. Poor city’re lucky to have me because I’m going to make sure you have the best camping experience ever!”

  After a few miles, we finally see the sign on the side of the road saying Happy Endings Resort. I’m practically bouncing in my seat with excitement.

  We pull up to a main cabin where we see the office and climb out of the car to head inside. I bring Blue over to the nearby designated dog walking area to let her go potty while Killian heads inside to see if any cabins are available. From where I’m standing, I can see a row of cabins along what looks to be a pond or lake. It’s gorgeous here. It’s surrounded by wooded area with spots where I can see campers and tents lined up. This is a really great little place and I’m excited to see what Endings, South Carolina has for fun. First thing on my agenda is hitting the beach.


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