Anywhere With You

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Anywhere With You Page 7

by Danielle Jamie

  In no time Killian is coming back out, dangling keys out in front of him. “We’re all set. We’re in the second cabin right on the lake. Talk about winning.” He sounds like a little kid. It’s adorable. His eyes are sparkling in the afternoon sun that's peeking through the trees as he walks back to the car.

  “Awesome! You can pull the car over and I’ll walk with Blue down so she can stretch her legs.”

  Not wasting any time, Killian jumps back into his car and pulls a few feet down the dirt road and parks behind our cabin. When I round the corner of the tiny cabin, I find Killian sitting at a picnic table watching people out on a speedboat water skiing. “This place is gorgeous. We hit the campground jackpot!” I can’t hide my excitement even if I tried right now.

  Standing, Killian walks over to the front and unlocks it. The windows to the cabin are already open, which is fantastic because that means the cabin won’t be musty. “Let’s see what our home will be for the next week,” he says swinging the door open.

  I attach Blue’s leash to a leg of the picnic table so she can lie outside in the grass to get some fresh air and then follow Killian inside. “A week? You seriously booked us this place for an entire week?”

  Nodding his head, Killian reaches out, takes my hand, and pulls me into his arms in the doorway of what will be our cabin for an entire week. “Yup. One whole week of fun, sun, and bar-b-quing. They said each cabin comes with a small charcoal grill that we’ll find in the tiny storage shed on the side of the house.”

  “This is going to be so much fun! Thank you!” I squeal as Killian bear hugs me, lifting my feet up off of the floor before crashing his lips to mine.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It’s been four days now since we checked in to the Happy Endings Resort. We’ve been having so much fun exploring the resort and Endings. It makes me sad to think in three more days our trip is over. Then we’ll be back on the road and heading back to California. We’ve made the most of our stay here though so far. Every day has been so much fun.

  On our first day here after we checked in we headed back into town to spending the entire afternoon at the beach. Killian sat with Blue while she chased seagulls and sand crabs up and down the beach while I surfed. I loved getting back out onto the water. It is exhilarating after a week of nonstop traveling to just chill with Killian at the ocean. When I was finished surfing, we walked Blue up and down the beach, collecting any interesting seashells we could find there.

  We stayed at the beach until sunset. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. After leaving the beach, we stopped by a small grocery store and bought all kinds of yummy junk food perfect for a camping trip.

  On day two here in Endings, we staying at the campground to hike with Blue along the hiking trail then cooled off in the pool before dinner. We opted to hang out and bar-b-que at our cabin, even inviting a few of the other campers over to join in. One being Izzy, who’s the life guard here at Happy Endings. We hit it off immediately while hanging out by the pool. I’ve missed Mila so it is nice having another girl to chat with while we’re here.

  This place has been so welcoming. I definitely have made a mental note to return here again next summer because the hospitality and the campground itself is beyond amazing.

  Then yesterday we returned to the beach spending the entire afternoon there. We had dinner on the boardwalk enjoying fresh lobster tails and fries. After dinner we decided to check out the local drive it. It was the perfect way to end another amazing day with Killian.

  We brought a blanket and laid it on the hood of Killian’s car, which I was terrified to lay on because the car looks to be worth what would take me ten years to make. He insisted we lay on it, telling me he could care less about the car and only cared about enjoying a movie with me.

  Blue stayed asleep in the car while we laid on the hood together with me curled up into his side, resting my head on his chest. I found it hard to focus on anything but him. I could hear his heart beating against my ear and feel my body tingling from head to toe with desire as he hugged me tightly against his side.

  Later we decided to stop and check out the local bar after the movie was over so Killian could have a few beers. While inside sitting at the bar, Killian noticed a small stage in the bar with some instruments on it. He brought it up to Luke, the bartender, and found out that Luke is also musician. I guess he plays at the bar a lot. After talking with him over an hour and a few beers later Killian had a gig set up for tonight at the bar. I loved how his eyes lit up as they discuss music from what they love to listen to, to the songs they enjoy performing the most.

  A few times throughout the night while at the bar, Killian’s phone kept going off and he’d immediately send it to voicemail or if he got a text he’d ignore it and not respond. I hate that it’s bothering me but I haven’t seen him talk to anyone since we’ve been on the road. Every day I feel more and more like he’s running from something...or even worse...someone. I’m trying to push the negative thoughts out of my head and not over analyze everything but it’s getting harder with every passing day.

  Right now I’m finishing fixing my makeup and getting dressed so we can head to the bar for dinner and Killian’s gig. His phone went off a few more times today. I tried to tell him that maybe whoever it was had an emergency and needed to speak to him immediately, but he waved it off saying it was his father blowing up his phone because he’s been on the road for a while and he wanted to know when he’s coming back to L.A. Hearing the mention of going home makes a knot twist in the pit of my stomach.

  I’m loving every minute with Killian. I’m not ready for our time together to end just yet. We haven’t even discussed what we’re going to do once we return to our normal lives. As soon as we check out of here in four more days, we’ll be back on the road returning home. I don’t know where that’ll leave us once this road trip is over.

  Applying my lip gloss, I stare at my reflection in the tiny bathroom mirror. I look over my lightly applied make up one more time before deciding I’m ready. I’m wearing a spaghetti strap long flowing chevron printed dress and bangle bracelets. It’s the nicest dress I have and I want to look beautiful for Killian, especially since the bar will probably be packed with gorgeous tourists who’ll be lining up to flirt with him. I try not to get jealous but it’s definitely not an easy task.

  I slip my wedged sandals on and walk out of the bathroom and into the tiny one room that's a living room slash kitchen area where I find Killian standing in the screened doorway watching the water outdoors. I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “You look lost in thought...penny for your thoughts?” I ask as I rest my cheek against his back. I can feel his back muscles flexing as he brings his hands up to cover mine.

  “I’m just thinking about our plans for tomorrow. What do you say tomorrow we use one of the small row boats and go out to that tiny island for a picnic? It’s supposed to hit a hundred tomorrow so I figure it’ll be the perfect day to spend it out on the lake. We can eat and swim for a bit before coming in and grilling up some dinner.”

  I hug him a little tighter and inhale his cologne, instantly feeling a sense of peace wash over me. He smells amazing. Mixing that with the feeling of his hands on mine, I find myself never wanting to move from this spot because this moment is too perfect.

  “That sounds perfect. But anywhere with you is perfect, Killian.”

  Turning in my arms, he brings his hands up to cup my face, his dark green eyes look as if they’re a never ending splash of color with beautiful specs of gold. When he stares at me with them, I swear it’s as if he sees me—deep inside of my soul, all of my secrets, my fears and my hopes and dreams—he sees it all. When I try to read him, I come up with nothing. His eyes are guarded, dark, mysterious and full of sadness but bursting with love all at the same time.

  Every time I look into them, I feel my heart free falling inside of my chest as I feel myself falling hard and fast for the gorgeous yet mysterious man who’s fli
pped my entire world upside down.

  Traffic is crazy as we try to get to the bar. With it being summertime on the coast no matter if it’s east coast or west coast, tourists are going to flock to these areas making getting around a nightmare. While waiting at a red light, I scan through the stations trying to find something to listen to and as I get to the top hits station we were listening to yesterday I hear a new song I’ve never heard before. It’s darker kind of pop that sounds like Foo Fighters and Sia’s love child. I laugh to myself.

  The radio DJ’s voice comes on over the beginning of the song saying it’s the brand new single of a band called Riptide’s second album and it’s already gone platinum after being out for only three months. Just as they’re about to say something about the band’s lead singer, Killian reaches out and pushes the scan button going to another station, settling on a station playing Maroon 5’s Sugar. I love the song, and of course, Adam Levine so I could care less he turned the station. I just can’t wrap my head around why though? We’ve listened to the radio the entire trip and he’s never cared what’s playing.

  Sensing my questions, he glances at me as he begins to pull away as the light turns green, and takes the turn leading to the bar. “Sorry. I hope you don’t mind I turned the station. It’s just I cannot stand Riptide. I know them from back at home in L.A. and their music is like nails on a chalkboard for me.”

  Shrugging it off, I put my hand on his, which is resting on the shifter, “It’s totally fine. I’d do the same thing if that freaking Uptown Funk comes on the damn radio one more time,” I laugh as I lace my fingers with his. I love the spark that courses through my fingers the second they touch his. It’s like a jolt straight to my heart, making it dance in my chest.

  “I couldn’t agree more. That song has been overplayed way too much.” Just like that the mood swiftly changes back to happy and carefree. But I can’t help but find this to be yet another thing to add to the list of things that make Killian the hardest puzzle to figure out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Within a few minutes, we are pulling into the parking lot of the bar. As we walk in, I immediately recognize Luke who’s tending bar again tonight. Finding a table in the back, we sit alone for an hour enjoying the delicious and very unhealthy deep fried yumminess we got for dinner. Of course Killian opted for the bacon burger and fries. When he ordered, I couldn’t help but smile at his cocky grin that was curling up at the corners of his lips.

  I decided on a grilled chicken sandwich and onion rings. The food here is fantastic. It always surprises me when a bar actually serves decent food because you’d think the only thing that would be great at a bar would be the alcohol.

  “I’m going to run out to the car and grab my guitar, then I’ll be in the back warming up. Will you be okay out here?” Killian asks, slipping out of the booth and digging his car keys out of his pocket.

  Waving my hand at him I say, “I’ll be fine. I’ll go sit up at the bar and get a new sweet tea while I wait for you. If I get bored, I’ll come find you. I want to make sure I get a seat close to the stage so I can be front and center for yet another amazing show.”

  “Sounds good, babe. I’ll see you in a bit.” Hearing him call me babe makes my brain short circuit and a goofy grin spread across my lips as I peer up at him. Leaning over the table, he presses a quick kiss to my lips before disappearing outside to grab his guitar.

  I make my way through the crowded bar and spot an empty bar stool near the end with no one around it. I slide up onto it and wait for Luke to head down to me. The instant he spots me, his eyes light up and he gets an impish glimmer in his eyes. I can spot a player a mile away and he for sure is a player. “Well look who we have here...I just saw your friend Kill…?” He looks at me with a puzzled look as he stumbles over Killian’s name.

  I let out a soft chuckle, “Killian. Yeah, he said he was heading to a back room to warm up or something. So if you could get me another sweet tea, that’d be amazing. If you can just add it to our bill from dinner.”

  Tapping the bar with his index fingers, he flashes me a panty dropping grin, “Anything for a beautiful lady like you. One sweet tea coming right up.”

  A man of his word, Luke brings me my drink in record time. He stays talking to me for a few minutes telling me about a few more attractions in town for Killian and me to check out before we head back to the west coast. While talking, a petite woman sits next to me who looks to be about the same age as me. Her hair is cut in a sleek bob with it styled with her hair platinum blonde on top and red underneath. Judging from the dress she’s wearing, and the blinging diamond earrings and massive rock on her left hand, she is definitely out of her element in this bar.

  Luke lets out a low whistle as he takes in the girl beside me, “Look at that...two gorgeous women sitting at my bar at the same time. What are the odds? Usually my bar is full of old, crabby men. What can I get ya, darlin’?” He asks, bringing his attention to blondie beside me.

  She fingers the menu as if its carrying a life threatening disease or something, looking over the drinks before setting it back down. Glancing up at Luke, she says dryly, “I’ll have a dry martini please. With extra olives.” No please, no smile, no nothing. This woman is one uptight bitch from the look of things. I’ve met far too many women just like her. They look down on everyone and treat anyone who crosses their path as if they’re annoyed with having to share the same oxygen with them.

  I can feel her eyes on me as I try to gaze out the window, watching the sea of cars passing by on this busy summer night. I shift uncomfortably as I reach for my tea and take another sip. I hear Luke approach her again, handing her the martini.

  “So what are you in town for darlin’? Business or pleasure?”

  “You could say a little bit of both. I’m actually here tonight because I saw on your Facebook page some guy named Killian was performing here tonight. I figure there’s not too much else to do in this town so I might as well come in and listen to some live music.”

  Feeling both of their eyes on me now, I look up from my glass as Luke says my name, “Summer here is actually with that Killian guy. He says he’s good so I guess we’ll see,” he says, slapping the bar one more time.

  A few moments later he’s sliding her dry martini in front of her and then flashes us both another killer smile, “I have some thirsty customers to tend to, but if you ladies need anything else just give me a holler.” I give him a polite smile, while the uptight chick beside me pops an olive into her mouth before forcing a smile his way.

  With Luke disappearing to the other end of the bar, I’m now left sitting next to this girl who for some reason is giving off the weirdest vibe. I can read people well and the read I’m getting off of this girl is she’s bad news. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. She’s not someone I want to be around.

  Sliding off of the stool, I give her a courteous smile and excuse myself before making my way down across the bar. I spot an older woman who I remember hearing someone call Stixx earlier when we were ordering our dinner. I decide to approach her and ask where to find Killian so I can watch him warm up until it’s time for him to take the stage.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Tonight's show has been off the hook. Everyone was loving everything I sang and I even took a few requests. The bar is jam packed with patrons. Everyone from young college kids doing shots up at the bar to older people who look to be town regulars in the place. Since Summer offered to drive back to the resort again, tonight, I’m planning on drinking my ass off to celebrate the success of tonight.

  I’m well past buzzing as I drink my third beer after doing a few rounds of shots with some new fans I have in here who offered to buy me all my drinks tonight if I did shots with them. Who am I to pass up free alcohol?

  There looks to be a group of fraternity guys along with some sorority girls partying it up and getting a little rowdy. Right now I’m playing a round of pool against a girl named Josie and her boy
friend Dave, who are all still rocking their beachwear at almost one in the morning. The bar is close to the water so anyone staying on the beach can easily walk over to party it up before heading back to their hotel. I can’t help but wonder how many actually make it back to their hotel rooms tonight by the way they’re all taking shots of whiskey like its water.

  Summer has had a permanent smile on her lips since the second I stepped up on stage and I plan on seeing it on her face well until the middle of the night when I finally bring her back to the cabin and finally show her everything I’ve wanted to do to her since the first day I met her. I told myself I’d wait two weeks so that Summer could see I wanted her here with me because I truly enjoy being around her—not because I wanted to get her into my bed. I’ve waited long enough and there’s no way in hell I can wait one day longer.

  The bar is now filled with the hottest hits topping the charts right now as it pours out of the surround sound system wired throughout the bar. Summer is looking sexy as all hell swaying her hips to the beat of This Is How We Do by Katy Perry. She is driving me crazy tonight with every little thing she’s doing, which isn’t hard on her part. All she has to do is bat those beautiful blue-green eyes at me or flash me that mega-watt smile of hers at me and I’m putty in her hands.


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