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The Bartered Bride [Climax, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Reece Butler

  “You need to change your appearance from an uptight, wealthy duchess, to a low-class, fun-loving woman, is that correct?” he asked.

  “I’m not a duchess,” she replied stiffly.

  “Duchess suits you,” said Riley, jumping in with a grin. “You’ve got too much backbone to be a sissy princess.”

  “Have you ever dressed for comfort in loose, baggy sweats and T-shirts with rude slogans printed on them?” asked Travis.

  “Of course not!”

  “And a ball cap,” added Riley. “A real one, not one of those frou-frou hats the tourists wear. Cheap sunglasses, too. Plastic ones. Red, with stars in the corners.” He grinned, rubbing his hands and twitching his shoulders. “I can really get into this. We’ll fatten you up so you fill those sweats with curves. No bra, and—”

  “Ex-cuse me?”

  “Fine,” said Riley, graciously giving in, “you can wear a bra, but only when you go out. And not a padded one, either. Something silky, with lace. But you’re not cutting your hair. You can tuck it up under your ball cap when you go out. And those pearl earrings have to go. Same with that gold necklace that tries to tickle your tits.” He winked. “I’ll be happy to tickle them with my fingers instead. Any time you like. Just ask, and—”


  Travis smiled at her fluster. He figured at least sixty percent of her fussing was because she wanted his brother to do what he’d suggested, but thought she shouldn’t.

  There was no sign of the woman who’d collapsed on the beach. They’d ease her into it but from what he’d just seen, she would not be kicking and screaming. He corrected himself. Jane would kick, fight, and scream, and enjoy every minute. She needed him to go slow, constantly arousing her while gently pushing her forward.

  “That’s me, at your service!” Riley grinned, then turned away as the kettle whistled. “You want lemon in your tea, Duchess?”

  * * * *

  “What else?” asked Jane half an hour later.

  She’d started a grocery list after Riley and Travis went upstairs to check out the state of the other condo. She’d needed time alone to get over the emotional storm from the beach. Something had changed. Her body felt alive, as if a shell had cracked and released her.

  Having Riley make her a relaxing cup of tea had been an amazing experience. She’d not imagined having a man serving her, laughing and joking. That look of his, both playful and serious, and very arousing, made her tingle from nipples to thighs.

  She’d calmed down when the men returned, but immediately started tingling again.

  “Beer,” said Riley. “Make sure there’s beer on the list.”

  “That’s the seventh time you said that,” she told him. She smiled at his indignant expression.

  “You want chocolate or vanilla ice cream?” asked Travis.

  She chewed the end of her pen as she thought. It was a serious decision. She’d not been given a choice before.


  Travis chuckled. “Take note, Rye. When Jane’s given a choice of A or B, she’ll find an Option C.”

  “And why is that a problem?” she demanded, puffing up like Riley.

  They both laughed. A hum of contentment soothed her. These men enjoyed her company, and even liked her pushing back. She hadn’t known how to joke with people until she worked at the soup kitchen. No one behaved that way in her social circle. They used attack sarcasm instead.

  “Add a couple cans of whipping cream,” said Travis.

  His eyes fell to her chest. He wanted to spray some on her breasts? Her nipples rose at the thought. She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

  “Hoo, boy,” said Riley, rolling his eyes. “Time to head for the truck, Buster.”

  The patio door slid closed behind man and dog. She kept her eyes on the list but could feel Travis approach. He came so close she could feel the heat of his body, but he didn’t touch. She waited, tension and arousal rising, for him to say, or do, something.

  “You want the list?” she finally asked, looking over her shoulder. She caught her breath. His face was only inches away. His dark eyes glittered with promise. He’d shaved, and smelled wonderful.

  “That, too,” he murmured.

  He used one finger on her shoulder to bring her body around. It didn’t take much pressure. She panted, unable to breathe deeply. He watched her very carefully as he brought his face closer, and closer. Was he going to kiss her? She silently begged him to keep going. Her heart thudded in eager anticipation.

  “Tell me no, Jane,” he whispered, his lips a mere inch away.


  She closed her eyes. His lips brushed hers, landing on a corner. The next barely touched her cheek. Then one after landed on her forehead. She opened her eyes, silently asking why he was avoiding her lips.

  “That’s better,” he said. “I want you to see who’s kissing you.”

  This time his lips seduced hers with gentle, but firm, pressure. Her body buzzed from within, awakening tissues that swelled in eagerness. She opened her mouth to encourage him, but he pulled back before she got more than a taste.

  “Sweet dreams, Jane.”

  Stunned and aroused, she sat on the stool, fingers to her lips, until the sound of his truck faded.

  Her first real kiss, and it was perfect. Sweet and tender, it was a gift for her pleasure. She exhaled, sighing. She felt wonderful, and wanted more. Would he give her another kiss before bed tonight? After everything that happened today, she trusted him to take only what she was ready to give.

  She turned, and her arm brushed against her breast. She gasped at the thrill of sensory arousal. The men, and Buster, would be gone at least two hours. There were no cameras or guards here. No one would intrude on her exploration. She would be able to pleasure herself thoroughly.

  Her heart raced as she checked to ensure both exterior doors were locked. She pushed her door over, just enough that no one could see in through the front window. Then, heart racing, she stood in front of the mirror over her dresser.

  Only a few days since she’d escaped, and she already looked so different. There wasn’t much left of Penelope Elizabeth. The eyes of the woman in the mirror looked alive, excited about life. She’d been denied the gentle touch of others. Her reaction to that kiss proved how much she craved it. She’d also been denied the opportunity to touch herself. That was something she could, and would, solve immediately.

  She quickly stripped, avoiding the mirror. From force of habit she folded each piece of clothing, tucking her panties and bra inside her shirt so they wouldn’t be seen. Then she braced herself, and looked at her blank canvas.

  The brown curls hiding her pussy didn’t match her dyed hair, but no one else would see to notice. For now. She slid her hand over her belly. One finger slipped between her lips. It came out wet. She trembled as she slowly circled her clit. She placed her other hand over her breast. Her nipple pushed into her palm. A zing of arousal shot from her breast to her pussy. Her swollen flesh throbbed.

  Was it just her touch that made her so aroused? Or was it the thought of Travis caressing her? She closed her eyes, imagining his calluses grazing her skin. He would explore her with his fingers and lips. He’d nuzzle her neck before tracing down her breast with kisses, centering on her nipple.

  She tugged it, and her pussy answered. She moved her ankles apart, but it wasn’t enough. Feeling terribly wanton, she climbed on the bed and lay on her back, bent knees wide for better access.

  Travis knelt on the floor before her, his hands under her bottom. He lifted her to his mouth. His tongue explored her, sliding between and around. He knew where to linger, where to press. She arched her back, demanding more. His hand clasped her breast, squeezing her. Then he pinched her nipple. He flicked his tongue over her clit as both hands explored her breasts. Riley kissed her mouth, taking over kneading her breasts as Travis concentrated on licking her. Tension wound even tighter as their groans filled the room. Riley’s tongue s
lid between her upper lip and her teeth. His fingers pinched her nipples. Travis sucked gently on her clit and—

  “Oh yes!”

  She thrust her hips up, wanting more than fingers. But the only heart pounding in the room was her own. She panted as her orgasm slowly faded.

  “Oh, my. No wonder people want to do this.”

  She looked at her right hand. It was slick with fluid. Her left flopped onto the bed. She rolled onto her side and curled up as her heart returned to normal. How had a fantasy with Travis turned into one with both brothers?

  “Because you want it,” she said out loud, answering her own question.

  It was true. She wanted both of them. One licking her pussy and the other kissing her and playing with her breasts. But nothing more. Not yet.

  Once she could move without her head spinning, she rolled to her feet. The woman in the mirror was flushed from her belly on up. The tops of her thighs slid easily as she walked, wet and glistening. Her hair was all over the place. Her eyes glistened as well, and she smiled as if life was very, very good.

  As Jane, she had a power that Penelope could never find. Jane had no one telling her what to do, and no need to hold herself back. She could do whatever she wanted, with whomever she wanted.

  “They say when you fall off a horse, you have to get back on.”

  She was afraid of being touched. No, Penelope was afraid. Jane could stand up and demand what she wanted. And that was a pair of cowboys pleasuring her body. Riley and Travis, both at once.

  But not quite yet.

  Travis’s chaste kiss held a sweet promise of more. She would wait and see what they did next. She yawned, suddenly exhausted. She couldn’t remember a time she’d felt safe enough to fully relax. Now she had Travis and Riley, and Buster, to keep her safe.

  She used the showerhead to rinse her pussy and thighs with warm water. After patting herself dry, she put on a new T-shirt and panties, and climbed into bed. Two minutes later, she was dead to the world.

  Chapter 14

  Riley watched from the doorway as Travis woke Jane. They’d been gone a few hours, and she was out cold. They’d come in the front so not to scare her if she was sleeping. She was, and had left her bedroom door ajar. Buster had eagerly pushed it open, and they’d followed. They wanted to wake her gently so they could carry the groceries through the patio door. It was a lot shorter than having to tromp all the way around.

  Her shirt, jeans, and gray socks were carefully folded on the dresser. He caught a flash of white lace from her bra. The clothes hadn’t been there when they left. Was Jane naked under the comforter? He wouldn’t mind if she wore nothing but a T-shirt and panties. No, a thong.

  Travis said all he’d done while Riley and Buster waited in the truck was to give Jane one small kiss. He’d left her panting, eager for more. Riley would treat Jane with respect, of course, but he’d do things his way. He would arouse Jane every way possible. That meant getting her used to enjoying all her senses.

  By the time Jane was ready to let them do more than kiss, both he and Trav would have the worst case of blue balls in the history of the world. But they would cowboy up. Jane was worth a bit of pain.

  Buster pressed against his leg. Riley rewarded him for his patience with a scratch around the ears. The dog had wanted to jump on the bed but Travis had his own ideas on how to wake her. Riley had a few ideas as well, but that would have to wait until she was ready to be woken by a couple pairs of lips. Which would he choose, upper or lower? His cock surged, eager to try both. Neither was possible, dammit, so he watched the scene unfold.

  Travis lay on his side beside Jane, holding a spoon of dark chocolate fudge sauce. He ran the back of the spoon over Jane’s bottom lip. Her pink tongue came out and she licked it, still asleep.

  Riley held back a groan. That tongue on his cock would go well right about now.

  She hesitated, then licked it again. Travis put the spoon near her nose, letting her smell it.

  “Chocolate?” she whispered, still half out of it.

  “That’s right. Open up, sweetie.”

  She opened her mouth, but not her eyes. Trav slid in the spoon, upside down so the chocolate would immediately touch her tongue. She closed her mouth and he slid it out.

  “More?” she pleaded.

  “You have to get up. No chocolate in bed.”

  She pouted, eyes still closed. “Why not?”

  “Chocolate’s only allowed in bed when we’re naked.”

  Her eyes shot open. “Excuse me?”

  Travis smugly held up the jar. “The next time this comes into our bed, we’ll be painting each other’s skin. And then we’ll lick it off.”

  She got up on one elbow. The sheet slipped, proving she wasn’t wearing a bra, though she did wear a T-shirt. Her eager nipples were bite size. Oh, yeah! He groaned in pain. He’d need another ten minutes in the ocean or twenty in a cold shower before he could think straight.

  “Our bed? This is my bed.”

  She pretended to be mad, but nipples, like cocks, didn’t lie. She hadn’t complained about being naked, or licking her skin. Travis stood up, taking the sauce with him. She pouted up at him like a sex kitten.

  Damn, Janey was sex on two legs, and she didn’t have a clue.

  “For now,” said Riley, getting her attention. “Since you’re awake, we can bring in the rest of the groceries. Elizabeth.”

  Her cheeks pinked, but she shook her head. “That’s not what I was called.”

  “Told you,” said Riley to Trav. “Jane’s got a unusual name.” They’d started a list, and would run through it in alphabetical order. “What about Frederica?”

  “Not even close.” Jane looked at the patio door. They’d stacked boxes and bags in the patio. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  She sat up, pushing her hair back with both hands. Her T-shirt pulled tight, revealing the shape of her breasts. He winced as his jeans shrunk at least two sizes. Yep, he needed another swim. He’d jump in the pool, which was just around the corner.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll help,” she said.

  “I think you want to do this first. Got the hair stuff, Rye?”

  Riley tossed the box to Travis, who handed it to Jane.


  “We were arguing about the color when a woman said if dyed blondes don’t put red in the first time, their hair could go green instead of brown. She said to use this one, wait a bit, then do it again with brown.”

  Jane looked at the box, turning it in her hands. He didn’t like her frown.

  “You’ve dyed your hair before, right?” he asked. She shook her head. Her cheeks turned pink. “What?”

  “I’m embarrassed to think how much I paid to get my roots touched up each month. I could live on what I spent on useless things like that.”

  “Did you have a choice?” asked Riley. She paused, then shook her head. “Then don’t worry about it. That was then, this is now. It’s do-it-yourself time.”

  “Riley threw our helper off your trail by asking if it was safe to dye your hair when pregnant,” said Travis.

  That really made Jane’s cheeks, and ears, turn red. Did she hate the idea of having a baby? Or was it the other way around? His big three-oh was waiting just around the corner. He was ready to start a family. If Jane was interested…Whoa! He hadn’t even kissed the woman yet!

  “Hope you like the Dallas Cowboys,” he said, forcing a change of topic.

  She tilted her head, frowning. “You bought tickets to a game?”

  “Hell, no, we—”

  “Six bucks,” said Travis, interrupting with a curse count.

  “I meant,” said Riley, glaring at Travis, “heck, no.” He switched to Jane. “Since you got all huffy when I asked about wearing sweats, we figured you wanted your clothes to match. We got you a complete outfit supporting the Dallas Cowboys football team. Because, of course, we’re cowboys.” He gave her a small bow. “Everything’s three sizes too big to hide your shape. Well
, not the ball cap, but you get the idea.” He pulled the oversize red plastic sunglasses out of his shirt pocket, holding them up like a prize. “These should fit perfectly.”

  She looked at the boxed hair color, then the sunglasses. She narrowed her eyes.

  “You shouldn’t have, Riley,” she said. “Really.”

  He smirked, pleased he’d goaded her into getting pissed off. If he couldn’t swear, or kiss her senseless, he had to do something to cause a ruckus. He pulled his own sunglasses, mirrored ones he’d brought from home, down his nose and looked over the rims at her.

  “Duchess, if you refuse to go shopping with the man carrying the money, you get what you get.” He winked, and tossed her glasses on the bed. “Enjoy your new wardrobe.” He strolled into the main room but kept an ear cocked for her reaction.

  “Ooh, that man!”

  Yes! He grinned to himself, pleased he hadn’t lost his ability to drive women crazy. Jane obviously wasn’t used to the way brothers bugged sisters. He didn’t want to be Jane’s brother, not by a long shot, but Travis said they had to keep things neutral until she was ready for more. Riley didn’t do “neutral.” It was either bug her like a brother, or seduce her like a lover. He voted for door number two, but would put up with what he could get for now.

  “Want some help with your hair?” asked Travis.

  “You’ve done this before, for your sisters?”

  “Nope, but I can see the back of your head better than you. There is one thing…”

  Riley knew what was coming. He held back a snicker as he leaned a shoulder against the wall and waited for the explosion.

  “What?” she asked innocently.

  “You’ll have to strip to the waist so you don’t get any dye on your clothes. Gabriella.”

  “Oh, you!”

  There was a grunt, some light foot stomping, and the bathroom door slammed. Riley peered around the corner. Travis grinned like a fool as he rubbed his stomach. She must’ve got him in the gut.

  “You think she’ll come out anytime soon?” asked Travis.


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