Rush of Redemption (Rush Series #2)

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Rush of Redemption (Rush Series #2) Page 8

by LR Potter

  He had expected a bigger fight about the additional security, but she’d seemed to have taken it well… almost too well. With one last glance at his son, he turned and headed back to Trinity. She was still standing in the middle of the living room with her hands clasped in front of her. She surveyed him silently as he entered the room.

  “Come sit with me,” he invited as he moved to the couch.

  She stood blinking at him for several beats before joining him. He moved closer to her and brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek.

  “Everything will be okay. We’ll get through this,” he assured her.

  She couldn’t entirely stop the flinch from his touch. Pulling back from him, she gave him a small, tight smile. “I know. Listen, I’m fine now. The reporters just rattled me. You don’t need to stay. I know you have a lot to do at the office.”

  Not buying her act, he stared at her for a long moment. “Trinity, talk to me.”

  She swallowed hard, wanting nothing more than to claw at his handsome face… to inflict a small measure of the pain she was suffering. But she reined it in. She needed time to think and plan. She’d only called him to get her son to safety. Now, she just needed him gone. “There’s nothing to say. I was just rattled before…”

  “Yeah, you said that.” He studied her again before running a hand roughly through his hair. “You don’t need to worry about anything. I promise you and Blake will be fine.”

  “Will we?” she asked softly.

  “It’s a learning process. We’ll just know now to be more careful, right?”

  The very thin, fine thread she was holding onto was beginning to fray. Her chest rose and fell as she studied him. “This wasn’t my fault,” she said softly but adamantly.

  “I didn’t say it was,” he said.

  “No. But that’s what you think. That I should have known better than to take the baby out of the apartment. Just go ahead and say it.”

  “Baby, that’s not true…” he began calmly before she jumped up and interrupted him.

  “I never wanted this life! I ran from this life! And now I can’t even take my child to the park without being mobbed. And do you know the horrible questions they asked me? Did I sign a prenup; was I forcing you to marry me; and my personal favorite – was the baby the price for marriage. I told you last night it’d be this way. That in the long run both you and Blake would be hurt and I was right. They tried to pull his blanket away so they get a picture of his face. I nearly dropped him. I couldn’t get away. I couldn’t protect him.” She sucked in a deep breath and wiped a hand furiously against her wet cheeks.

  He rose from the couch and began to gather her into his arms. “Everything is going to be all right…” he began before she interrupted him again.

  Pushing against him, she backed up. “How can you say that? It’s not true. Nothing is going to be all right ever again. Is this the life our son can expect? Security details and reporters?”

  “Trinity, I think you just need to calm down…” he began once more.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! They tried to get at our son in any way they could and I’m supposed to be calm about that? They mobbed us in front of my home and I’m supposed to be calm about that?”

  “No, I just….”

  “I can’t even go back to my own home to get a change of clothes for myself and I’m supposed to be calm about that?” She ended on a yell.

  Grabbing her shoulders, he shook her. “Yes, you need to calm down. We will…”

  Snatching away from him, she cried, “Get your hands off me! I don’t want you touching me.”

  His eyebrow rose in confusion. “Trinity, what’s going on?”

  “Do you know how classless it was of you to invite your girlfriend to our engagement party? If you wanted to continue on with her, couldn’t you at least have tried to hide it from me? Or do I matter so little to you that it didn’t matter? Was it always only about Blake. If so, I told you I wouldn’t keep him…”

  He interrupted her. “What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t invite anyone to the party, and the only girlfriend I have is you. How can you doubt that?”

  Rushing to her bag, she snatched out the newspaper, still turned to page six, and thrust it at him. “A picture is worth a thousand words, don’t you think?” she said with a mocking flourish.

  He quickly scanned the pictures and the words. “Trinity, it’s not what you think…” he began.

  Trinity reached into her front pocket and withdrew the small business card. “I found this in the jacket you wore last night,” she said almost victoriously.

  He took the card and glanced at it, vaguely remembering taking it and slipping it into his pocket the night before. He cringed when he read the words after seeing the speculation in the newspaper: When you tire of playing house…. Call me.

  Balling the card in his fist, he exhaled before rubbing the back of his neck. “Trinity, while it’s true Olivia was at the party, I did not invite her. And while it’s also true that we once had… a thing, it was a while ago…”

  “So you didn’t have dinner with her last week?” she asked, interrupting him.

  He stared into her eyes while his teeth ground together. “Well, technically speaking, no. I had dinner with her father and she attended the dinner with him… she was with him… not me.”

  Her eyes shifted side to side and her lips trembled as she tried to read what was the truth and what was a lie. Frustration, fear, and jealousy clawed at her insides. Because she so wanted to believe his words, she was afraid she was just seeing what she wanted to. Could the explanation be that simple? “Well, you certainly looked cozy at the party, if the picture is any indication… and you kept her card. Why’d you keep her card if you weren’t intending on calling her?”

  Sitting down heavily on the couch, he set his forearms against his thighs and interlocked his fingers. “She’s the daughter of a business associate. I haven’t been with her – like that – in several months. She wanted to continue on with what we had, but I didn’t then, and don’t now.” Pinching the bridge of his nose, he closed his eyes tiredly. “Trinity, I’m sorry I have a past, I’m especially sorry that past keeps coming back to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you. But at some point you need to trust me. I love you. I’ve asked you marry me. I don’t know what else to do. I know our beginning was suspect, but I’ve tried to be an open book to you since. You’re going to have to help me… I can’t do this alone.”

  She lifted soulful eyes to his. “It was my fault,” she rasped.

  “What was?”

  “I was distracted by the pictures in the paper… you… my father… and I wasn’t paying attention when I walked into the building. I practically walked right into the middle of the hornet’s nest before I realized what was going on. I should have been paying more attention.”

  “Honey, it wasn’t your fault. They are vultures. I don’t blame you. Why would you expect them? I didn’t. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I should have taken more precautions, but I didn’t know they could find you. And I certainly didn’t think the engagement and baby would be leaked this soon. I’m sorry, Trinity, so very sorry.”

  She stood looking intently into his eyes for a long moment before turning away and rubbing her arms furiously as if cold. She stared out of the window without seeing, trying desperately to have things make sense. She jumped when she felt his hands on her shoulders.

  Brushing his lips against the side of her head, he said, “Trinity, I swear, this is real. I need you to believe that. You can trust me.”

  Silently, she nodded her head. Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her back against him. She held herself stiffly in his embrace but at least she didn’t pull away.

  “I was a little girl when my mother was killed. Whenever my father was and is mentioned in the paper, there is always mention of the kidnapping and of the ‘tragedy’ of his poor deceased wife and surviving child. I was never able to forget it,
and neither has anyone else. This is the life we have condemned our son to. He’ll know and be constantly reminded of our troubled beginning… of how you were trapped into marriage by a money-grubbing Judge’s daughter.”

  “There’s nothing we can do about that, Trinity. Our history is just what it is. I don’t care what other people say. I wouldn’t give him up for anything. Would you? If you could go back and erase that part of our lives that brought us him, would you?”

  Slowly she shook her head. “No.”

  “So what do you suggest?”

  She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Just promise to keep him safe.”

  He turned her to face him. Tugging her dark ponytail gently, he tilted her face up to his and pressed his lips softly against hers. “I’ll keep you both safe, I promise.” He pulled her even tighter against his body in a firm hug before pulling back. “I hate to do this, but I have to get back to the office for a couple hours. I’ll leave Radcliff here. If you need anything, just ask him and he’ll assist. You’ll be safe here with him. Okay?”

  After a beat, she reiterated, “I never wanted you for your money.”

  He ran his fingers over her jawline. “I never thought you did.” With a smirk, he said, “I thought you were only after me for my body.”

  She gave him a faint smile.

  Pressing his lips against her forehead, he said more seriously, “Everything will work out, you’ll see. Soon we’ll be married and people will find us so utterly boring, the reporters will have no choice but to report on other things,” he said with a small smile.

  She nodded, but inside she knew better. She’d lived in the public eye all her life.


  It was really late when Rush finally made it home… much later than ‘just a couple of hours’ as promised. Exhausted from the events of the day, both at home and at work, he inhaled deeply before opening the door, unsure of what he’d encounter. When he entered, the overpowering warmth of the house seemed to hit him in the face. It took a moment for him to realize the source of the heat. In the living room, a fire was burning in the marble fireplace. It was the height of summer, why would there be a fire in the fireplace? The room was illuminated only by the flames and it flickered sensuously over the walls of the living room.

  Looking around the room, he wondered briefly why Trinity would leave the fire burning. It wasn’t until he was in the middle of the room that he saw them. Trinity and Blake were lying on a pallet in front of the fireplace, asleep. She had on one of his T-shirts which stretched down nearly to her thighs. She was lying on her side and Blake was nestled up near her belly. The sheet she had draped over them at the beginning of their night had been kicked off and now laid bunched at her feet. The frustrations from his day seemed to just melt away as he took in the picture of his family lying in front of the fire. His family… the words gave him a catch in his chest and the warmth of the room seemed to absorb itself into his midsection.

  Tugging at the tie at his throat, he slipped it off and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. He tossed them onto a chair and moved to the air controller and turned it down cooler to compensate for the fire. He stripped off his belt, emptied the contents of his pockets, kicked off his shoes and pants, and peeled off his socks. Lying down next to Trinity, he turned on his side and spooned her from behind. He pressed a gentle kiss in her hair and wrapped his arm around her, tucking her up against his hard form. She sighed heavily in her sleep and snuggled her body into his. While she might have lingering doubts about their relationship, it was obvious her body didn’t. He exhaled silently, contentment filling him as he slowly drifted off. As he sank into the depths of sleep, he wondered why she was sleeping on the floor.

  Chapter Seven

  Rush was pulled slowly from sleep. It took him a minute to get both his bearings on the living room floor and to understand what he was hearing. With his eyes closed, he originally thought the sounds he’d heard were coming from Blake, but as consciousness returned fully, he realized it was Trinity whimpering and thrashing about. He rose up on his elbow and pulled her body closer to himself and further away from the sleeping baby next to her, afraid she’d hurt him in her distress. He pulled her onto her back and cupped her cheek in his palm.

  Leaning into her ear, he called to her softly. “Trinity, wake up, honey, it’s only a dream.” He lowered his hand from her face to her shoulder and shook her gently. “Come on, baby, wake up, you’re dreaming.”

  Suddenly her eyes flashed opened and she jerked up trying desperately to get away from him. Her actions caused them to bump heads. She fell back with a thud. She blinked rapidly and her chest rose and fell in quick ragged breaths. When she realized where she was, her lips began to tremble and she launched herself against him, curling her body against his. He wrapped his massive arms around her and held her close as he stroked her back in comfort and pressed his lips repeatedly against her head.

  “Shhh. It’s okay. It was only a dream,” he reassured her again.

  She pressed her face into his body and clung to him. “Oh, my God, oh, my God…” she repeated over and over.

  When she’d calmed somewhat, with both of them lying on their sides facing each other, he brushed the hair from her face tenderly. “You okay?” he asked, as she stared into his eyes still seeking assurance.

  She swallowed hard but nodded.

  “What were you dreaming about?” he asked softly.

  She blinked her eyes against the memories. “The night my mother was killed,” she answered simply.

  He pulled her back up against his body and pressed his lips against her forehead, knowing what had brought on the nightmare. “You’re safe, Trinity. No one can harm you here. I’ll protect you and Blake, I swear it.”

  Buried in his chest, she shivered but nodded. With her chest heaving and desperation flowing through her veins, she slid up his body and pressed her lips frantically against his. He hesitated for a heartbeat before returning the kiss. She wrapped her hands around his neck and clung as tight as she could. She forced his mouth open and thrust her tongue into his, trying to devour him… trying to find something life-affirming.

  With a soft moan, he quickly became the aggressor and flipped her over and dragged her body further away from Blake’s. With urgent hands, he slipped the T-shirt from her and ran his hands over her soft body.

  “I need you now,” she whispered frantically, as she ran her hands over him furiously.

  With less than gentle hands himself, he removed her panties and his briefs. Moving over her, he held her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes intently as he lowered himself into her body slowly… oh so very slowly. Her body clenched around him like a glove as he possessed her. They both moaned. With slow, precise movements, he plunged into her, over and over while continuing to stare into her eyes. When the heightened physical sensations of her body began to match her equally heightened mental distress, she became overwhelmed and tears streamed down her face. With soft words of love and tenderness, he brushed them away with his lips.

  “I love you, Trinity. I’ll always love you. You’re safe with me, I promise,” he reiterated against her ear.

  She closed her eyes at his words and concentrated only on the feel of his body as it seemed to worship her own. Slowly and easily, he continued to slide his body sensuously into hers until he took them both to the place they wanted to be. And with tenderness, he pushed them gently into the blessed abyss.

  Once their breathing slowed and peace lingered once again over the room, he pulled her back to him so she was once again snuggled against his chest. He stroked her arm rhythmically. With his eyes closed, and with a smirk, he asked softly, “Why are we sleeping on the floor?”

  He was surprised when he felt her tense at his question. She hesitated so long he didn’t think she was going to answer. Exhaling deeply, she said finally and haltingly, “I don’t… I didn’t want to sleep in the same bed as all the others.”

  His eyes flashed open and his rhythmic
stroking on her arm stopped at her words. Moving so he was once more hovering over her staring into her eyes, he said quietly, “I’ve never brought another woman into my home… only you.”

  She stared up at him as she weighed his words. “Where… where would you… did you…” she trailed off, not wanting to say the words. Not that not saying the words stopped the visions flicking through her mind of him with woman after woman on his bed, caressing them, enjoying them, and gaining satisfaction from their bodies.

  He traced her cheekbone with his forefinger to regain her focus. “Anywhere but here. They weren’t important to me. I didn’t want them here. This is my sanctuary… and now it’s yours.”

  Blinking rapidly, she took a shuddering breath and gave a small nod. “Okay,” she whispered raggedly.

  “Okay,” he whispered back, kissing her softly. Settling back down, he drew her back up against him. After several moments of silence, he asked quietly, “What do you remember about your mother?”

  Lying against his chest, she lifted a finger and slowly ran it in imaginary figures against his chest as she thought. “She was beautiful. I always thought she looked like a princess. She had long, dark hair and dark eyes like mine, but much more beautiful. She was quiet in a thoughtful way and gentle. Every night she would tuck me into bed and read to me.”

  Rolling onto her back, Trinity stared up into the darkness. “I loved the sound of her voice. I would close my eyes and her voice would soothe me. I miss her voice the most of all, I think. I struggled a long time after she died. During the time of the kidnapping, I didn’t know she was dead, and I kept waiting for her to come and rescue me. Whenever that creaky, metal door would push open, I always expected to see her face… hear her voice. But she never came.”


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