Rush of Redemption (Rush Series #2)

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Rush of Redemption (Rush Series #2) Page 9

by LR Potter

  She paused, lost in her memories before continuing. “Afterwards, my father wouldn’t allow me to see her body. He thought it was better if I remembered her alive, I guess. But I think it would have given me more closure if I’d actually seen her one last time.” Lifting a hand to brush against a lone tear, she said, “Sometimes I feel like I’m still waiting for her to come back. I’ll see someone who looks like her in the store or in the street, and I’ll swear it’s her… but it never is.”

  Silence lingered over them for a long while. Whispering, she said, “I really hate my father for what he did. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him. He stole my life… destroyed it.”

  Rolling onto his side, he positioned her the way he liked, with her back facing him, and tucked her deftly against his strong, firm body. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he murmured against her ear. “I hate that you’re hurting. I wish there was some way I could take it all away.”

  She interlocked her fingers with his and burrowed into him. The room grew quiet, the only sounds being the air being pushed through the vents and their breathing. She’d almost fallen back to sleep when the tiny body in front of her began to squirm and whimper.

  Behind her, she heard Rush exhale, then ask quietly, “Can we take this party back to the bedroom now – back to our nice, soft bed, please?”

  Scooping Blake up into her arms, she stood. “Come on, Blake,” she murmured to the baby. “Apparently, Daddy’s no camper,” she said with a grin.


  As Rush had promised, a truckload of baby items arrived the next day. Rush had gone into the office really early and had left without waking her and she had to admit she felt a little cheated. She wondered if he always worked this hard and this late. She hoped it only had to do with the glitches in his two projects. She supervised the unloading of the truck, and as Rush wasn’t there, made a command decision on which room to set up for Blake. She picked the room closest to them which allowed for the most sunlight. She talked the delivery men into moving the furniture already in that room into the garage. She’d let Rush worry about what do with it afterwards.

  Once everything was placed where she wanted it, she thanked the delivery men and gave them a big tip. Right before they left, one of them brought in one last box wrapped with a huge bow. It reminded her of the box of toothbrushes Rush had gifted her with so long ago. She took the box into the living room and set it on the coffee table. Attached to the bow was a gift card which read: To the Best Mom in the World, Love Blake. She smiled at Rush’s thoughtfulness.

  Quickly, she grabbed the ends of the bow and tugged with both hands. The bow fell away and she removed the lid. Peering down into the box, she found a sheet of paper with Rush’s bold handwriting across it: Trinity, Please use these supplies and your incredible talent to help make our house into a home. With love and great impatience, Rush.

  Curious as to what could possibly be in the box, she leaned over eagerly to look. Nestled inside the box were dozens of different colored artist paints and an assortment of brushes. He wanted her to paint a mural in the baby’s room. The fact that he appreciated her talent made her insides glow.

  Once she fed and bathed the baby, she rocked and sang to him as he clutched his little hand around her finger until he closed his tiny, blue eyes which always looked up at her so trustingly. With a last kiss to his head, she laid him down in his new crib. She looked around his room and let her imagination run wild. Moving to the living room, she put the box of art supplies away and took the sheet of paper Rush had wrote his note on and turned it over. With a pencil she found by the phone, she sat on the couch and looking out at the vast expanse of the river, she began to draw ideas for Blake’s new room. Instead of the same theme she’d used at her condo, for reasons she didn’t want to examine too closely, she wanted to do something unique for Rush’s house. What did it mean that she still differentiated their homes? Yours and mine? Staring out at the river, she began to sketch scenes of boats on the water with airplanes flying overhead.

  She sketched for about an hour when the doorbell rang. Her hand paused in mid-sketch. She stayed seated and waited for Radcliff to answer the door. She hated the apprehension which started to crawl up her spine. Her apprehension rose further when she actually saw who walked through the entry.

  Andrew Drayton, Rush’s grandfather, strolled into the room carrying a couple of brightly wrapped gifts. He was dressed elegantly but casually in tan slacks and short-sleeved royal blue shirt. The color of the shirt enhanced the shocking white of his hair and brought out the intensity of his blue eyes. His astute eyes seemed to take in everything. Even in his advanced years, he was a very attractive man.

  Shoving her sketch to the side, she rose nervously and slid her suddenly damp palms against her pants. She gave him a hesitant smile and brushed a hand over her hair to smooth it into to place. For reasons she didn’t quite understand, Drew Drayton made her feel exactly the same way as her father had. As if no matter what she did, she would never measure up to whatever goal had been set.

  “Ahhh, Trinity. You look beautiful as ever. How are you?” he asked as he set the gift boxes down on the coffee table and leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek.

  Trinity held herself stiffly, but endured his touch. “Umm. I’m fine, thank you. Uh, Rush isn’t here. He’s at the office. I can call him if you’d like.”

  Sitting down on the couch and crossing one ankle over the other knee in his elegant manner, he waved a hand at her, indicating she join him on the couch. “No need. I’m actually here to see you and Blake. I’ve been remiss in my duties as a doting great-grandfather and I’m here to remedy that.

  Once again, Trinity ran her hands over her pants leg. “Oh… that’s very nice. He’s asleep right now…” she trailed off, not sure what she was supposed to do.

  “That’s okay. I wanted to have an opportunity to talk with you as well… you know, get to know the girl who’s stolen my Rush’s heart,” he said with a smile.

  She nodded but didn’t know what to say. There was nothing she wanted less than to sit with this man and talk with him. She felt cornered as he was Rush’s grandfather, however.

  Leaning forward, Drew Drayton reached onto the table and picked up the first of the two gifts and handed it to her. “This was given to Rush at his birth from my father, Randall Drayton. I thought it only fitting that it now be passed down to his son.”

  “That’s very kind. Thank you,” Trinity answered as she took the box and slowly removed the lid from the small blue box. Lying amongst white tissue paper was a small silver rattle. Around the center, engraved in a fancy script was Drayton. It was beautiful and elegant.

  “It’s beautiful, thank you,” she murmured.

  “You’re welcome. I hope one day, Blake will pass it down to his son. It is as it should be. While I must admit to being a little old-fashioned and would have preferred things done in a more conventional order – you know, marriage first then baby; I’m willing to accept Rush’s decision to accept his responsibilities. It’s the way he is, the way he has always been,” Drew Drayton said as he picked imaginary lint from his pants leg.

  Trinity felt her ire rise and her face flush. “I didn’t trap Rush into marriage if that’s what you’re insinuating,” she said hotly.

  “You’d hardly be the first, my dear,” he said with a forced smile.

  Rising to her feet, she said coldly, “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “Are you after his money?” he asked as if she’d not spoken.

  “Not that my relationship with Rush is any of your business…” she began before he cut her off.

  “On the contrary, it is definitely my business. The decisions Rush makes impacts us all now that he is head of DrayCo.”

  “I’m not after his money,” she replied simply.

  “Then why didn’t you sign the prenup?”

  Anger rose up in her until she thought about his words… why didn’t you sign… not why don’t you sig
n… meaning he thought there was one to sign and she’d refused. “It’s never come up.”

  He eyed her levelly then slowly shook his head. “Man. That boy must be running more scared than even I thought.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I assume that since the contract has been drawn up, he’s now so afraid you’ll take the baby away, he’s afraid to ask you to sign it. It’s a tough position to be in,” he said in mock sincerity. “How else would he feel? You’re pregnant, then you’re not, then you show up and bam, you’re pregnant again. You played him well, I must admit. You’ve got him running scared.”

  Folding her arms together, she let his words wash like ice crystals over her skin. “I can assure you that if Rush gives me the forms I will gladly sign them.” Moving to stand at the edge of the couch, she said quietly, “I really think it’s time for you to leave now.”

  Rising from the couch, he stared at her for a long moment. “You may think that I’m being harsh, but remember I know your family and what’s its capable of.”

  All her righteous indignation fled at his words. While she couldn’t forgive him his part in what happened when he’d inserted himself, through Rush, into her life, he wasn’t wrong. Her father’s crimes were much more devious and grievous. Instead of answering, she gave him a small nod of acknowledgment.

  Trinity’s knees bucked the instant Rush’s grandfather walked out of the front door. She sat with her elbows on her knees and her face buried in the hands. Is that really how Rush felt? That she’d barter Blake for money? While she didn’t have near the amount of money Rush’s family had, she wasn’t poor by any measure. Her mother had been from a moderately wealthy family and upon her death, her trust fund had converted to Trinity. A fact she was sure her father hadn’t foreseen.

  She sighed wearily as she vaguely remembered how happy she’d been prior to Drew Drayton’s visit. She sat back heavily and looked around. Irrationally, it hurt her a little that Rush would have had a prenup drawn up at all. She knew it was the most practical thing to do, but still, a small part felt irritated by the thought that he’d even remotely think she’d wanted his money. Her drawing from earlier crinkled beneath her leg. Dispassionately now, she picked it up from where she’d shoved it. Looking down at the water scene, she slowly balled the paper up. She rose from the couch and moved to the kitchen where she pushed the kickplate on the trashcan which opened the lid and threw the discarded drawing away.

  She wanted to go home… her home… hers and Blake’s. She needed to discuss this with Rush. He wasn’t going to take it well, she knew. But she just wasn’t ready for all this… no one was.


  “Is something wrong with Anna’s spaghetti bolognese?” Rush asked, as he sipped his ruby red wine.

  Trinity jumped a little at his words, so lost in her own thoughts. “No, it’s good.”

  “Are you angry because I was so late getting home? Look, I’m sorry. Things are just a little hectic right now. But they’ll calm down soon, I promise,” he said reassuringly as he laid a hand against her.

  She stared down at the massive hand covering her. Why couldn’t things just be simple? There just seemed to always be so many secrets, lies, and half-truths between them. Slowly, she slid her hand out from underneath his and balled it into a fist in her lap. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. “What’s going on, Trinity? Radcliff told me Boppa was by today. Did he do or say something to upset you?”

  She cleared her throat and replied softly, “No. He was ever the gentleman.”

  He studied her for a long while. “I find that hard to believe. Are you upset because I picked out all the baby’s stuff? What?” he finally ended sharply, exasperation evident in his voice.

  Taking a deep breath, she raised her eyes to meet his. “I want to go home.”

  He sat back quickly as if she’d struck him. “This is your home,” he said in deadly quiet.

  She didn’t break eye contact with him, but slowly shook her head. “No, it’s not.”

  “It’s not safe for you and Blake to be at your condo alone right now,” he said adamantly.

  “We’re going to have to leave the safety of your walls eventually,” she replied.

  “Maybe, but not yet,” he said with finality.

  She sat a little straighter in her chair. “You don’t get to make that decision.”

  Rush ran the tip of his tongue against his lips thoughtfully. Anger began to burn in the pit of his stomach. He was running on little to no sleep and his overseas projects were going to crap. He was going to be forced to leave tomorrow for the Caymans and now Trinity wanted to bolt. He struggled to understand what had set her off. He assumed it had something to with his grandfather, what, he didn’t know yet, but he’d find out.

  “I have to go to the Caymans tomorrow. I want you and Blake to fly out with me. We could stay through the weekend and get married by a Justice of the Peace on the beaches there. It’ll be beautiful and just us… you, me, and Blake.”

  She blinked rapidly at his request. She was trying to put separation between them and he was trying to hold tighter to her. “I… I don’t know. That’s really quick.” she said softly.

  “Not quick enough for me,” he replied.

  “I… I think…” her response was cut off by the fierce wail of Blake via the baby monitor. She placed her napkin on her plate and started to rise.

  Rush placed a hand against her arm. “Sit down and finish dinner. I’ll go get him. I haven’t seen him all day,” he said lightly.

  Running a hand through her long, dark tresses, she sat stiffly while she waited to see if Blake would actually calm down.

  Through the monitor she heard Rush enter the baby’s room. “Hey ya, buddy. What’s wrong? What’s with all racket? How’s daddy’s little man doing...?”

  It seemed no matter how Rush talked or bounced the baby, he wouldn’t stop crying. Finally, not able to stand it any longer, Trinity rose from the table and headed towards his room. She turned into the hall when the crying suddenly ceased. She hesitated, but curiosity got the best of her. Creeping to the door of his room, she peered in. Her heart melted at the sight of Rush holding Blake’s tiny body in his huge hands. Their faces were nearly close enough to touch and Rush was singing a soft lullaby to him as he bounced him in soft, smooth movements. Blake was staring up at him with his huge, blue eyes.

  Trinity leaned a hip against the doorjamb. Blake deserved this. He deserved to have a life with parents who loved him. Parents who lived together in the same house, not being jostled between homes. She couldn’t do that to him… she wouldn’t do that to him. To alleviate everyone’s minds, she would agree to sign the prenup. She didn’t want his money, so what did it matter?

  As she turned, she rolled the muscles in her neck and shoulders. Her body was stiff from her partial night on the floor. The hot tub loomed in her mind. Looking back in at Blake and seeing he was okay with Rush, she headed down to the gym, grabbing the baby monitor from the dining room just in case Blake woke up while she was down there.

  After adjusting the controls, she quickly disrobed and carefully began stepping down into the water. A sound behind her had her pausing and glancing behind her. Rush was standing as she herself had been standing just a few minutes before – with his hip leaned against the jamb.

  “Want some company?” he asked quietly, as he raked her naked body with his eyes.

  She gave him a small smile. “Always.”

  With economical movements and grace, he slowly peeled his clothes from his gorgeous body. The body which from the very beginning had made her gasp – then burn. She loved the display of his muscles as he lifted his shirt up and off his massive shoulders. He smirked when he caught her staring at him. He knew what he did to her. “I like what I see also,” he told her.

  Slipping into the steaming, frothing water, he settled down across from her. “We’ve been here before. Remember? It seems a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?” he said in a soft v
oice dripping in sexual memory.

  “It seems we’ve come full circle,” she replied, as desire burned like fire against her skin at the sensual quality of his voice. His velvety, smooth as silk tones, drew her in, keeping her captive.

  Lifting a hand, he pushed the heavy length of her hair behind her shoulder before running his hand down the back of her arm until he lifted her fingertips to his lips. Sucking a finger into his mouth, he bit gently, causing her to gasp.

  “What am I going to do with you,” he asked softly. He tugged her hand and she came willingly to him. He settled her on top of his muscular thighs. He ran his hands down over the backs of her shoulders, down to her waist. He leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against hers. “It seems I spend half my time running after you. Can you explain that to me? Why do you keep running?” As he spoke, he trailed kisses over her jaw, down her neck, and licked along her collarbone.

  “I’ve stopped running,” she said as she tilted her head up to provide his lips access.

  “Have you now?” he said as he ran his fingers silkily against the sides of her full breasts. “I’m glad to hear it.” As he sucked her lower lip into his mouth and nibbled against it gently, he asked, “And what brought about this change of heart, might I ask?”

  Trinity brushed her hands over his short, dark hair and pressed herself more fully against him. “Because I love you… I want to be with you… I want you to be with Blake. He deserves that… you deserve that,” she said in between kisses.

  Gripping her hips firmly within his hands, he lifted her and spun her around, standing her up. Moving up behind her, he placed their clasped hands against the wall of the hot tub. In one quick stroke he filled her. She gasped and trembled at his complete possession of her body. As he pressed his body tightly against her, she sighed.


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