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Rush of Redemption (Rush Series #2)

Page 10

by LR Potter

  Kissing and biting gently against her shoulder, he murmured, “You deserve that also. I love you. Come with me… come with me to the islands… say you’ll marry me… marry me this weekend,” he said as he stroked smoothly into her body, over and over.

  She struggled to take in his words. The majority of her focus was on the connection of his body to hers – the feel of his weighted thrusts, the silky slide of his wet, hot body against hers, the feel of his teeth and lips against her skin, along with the feel of the bubbling, jetting water. She tilted her hips and the next thrust buried him even deeper within her and she groaned. “Yes, oh yes. Like that, keep going like that. Rush… oh, Rush,” she mumbled incoherently.

  On his next thrust, he jammed himself as deep as he possibly could and stopped, supporting her with his straining thighs. “Say it,” he whispered against her ear.

  Her head lolled against his shoulder as she tossed it side to side needing him to continue. “Please, Rush. Don’t stop, I’m so close,” she begged.

  “Say it,” he growled, the strain evident in his voice.

  “Say what?” she cried in impatience.

  Rocking his hips side to side in a slow roll, he rasped, “That you’ll come with me… marry me… this weekend.”

  “Yes, God, yes,” she muttered in exasperation.

  He exhaled in a quick breath indicating his pent-up tension and also his uncertainty of her answer. With renewed effort, he plunged into her body, in and out, up and down. Moving his hands down to her hips, he held her tightly as his thrusts became ferocious and wild.

  “That’s it, baby. Come on, baby. Mmm, you feel so good. I’m so deep, do feel you that?” he mumbled against her ear.

  The sensations rippling through her body made it difficult for her to remember the simple things: like holding onto the wall of the hot tub; and breathing. She struggled to do both. Electricity and lightning seemed to be zipping through her veins looking for an outlet. She could feel the volcano buried deep in her belly starting to bubble and threaten to erupt. She wiggled and rubbed against him as best she could. His thrusts were more aggressive, lifting her off her feet. And just when she thought she’d never endure the pressure and pleasure of his thrusts for another moment, she went off, gasping and trembling against him, then sagging nearly weakly against his massive chest. He thrust into once, twice, and then on the third time he clutched her even tighter against his body as he finally found his release. The relief he felt rushing through his body was two-fold: relief from the physical needs of his body and relief from the mental strain of losing her… again.

  Sucking in deep gasps of air, he pressed his forehead against her shoulder and mumbled, “I really, really like this hot tub. We’ll never get rid of it. Matter of fact, if the entire house burns down, we’re saving the baby and the hot tub, the rest can go.”

  With her body still sagged against his, she smiled. “I agree.”

  Moving his hands to encircle her waist, he pressed his lips into her neck. “So… this weekend… you and me?”

  She turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his waist while burying her face in his chest. “Yes.”

  “Okay. I’ll make the arrangements. My flight is at noon, but if you need more time I can bump it back a little,” he said with his face buried in her hair.

  “Please do. I have a few things to do tomorrow. The later the better,” she murmured as she thought about his grandfather’s visit. She was not marrying him before signing the prenuptial agreement. She refused to have everyone – Rush included – having even a small doubt that she was marrying him for who he was; and not for what he had. Tilting her head, she rested her chin against his chest. “I love you, ya know?”

  He pressed his lips against her forehead and smiled. “I know.” His soft expression became serious. “If you aren’t happy here, we can find another house. I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I was just having pre-wedding jitters, I guess. This place is fine. I don’t care either. I just want to be where you are.” Laying her face back against his chest, she said, “Thank you for the present. I should’ve told you that earlier.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m excited to see what you come up with. You know you can change anything you want in the house. This is your home. I want you to be comfortable here.”

  “I am happy here,” she said emphatically. “But, I do need to get out of this hot tub. I’m pruning.”

  He gave a light laugh. “Your wish is my command.” Together they turned and climbed out. Just as she was drying off with one of the big, white, fluffy towels stored in the cabinet next to the shower, Trinity heard the wails coming from the monitor.

  “Looks like we timed that just right,” she told him with a grin. Wrapping the towel around her body and stopping to scoop up her clothes, she hurried up the stairs.

  Blake was up and down all night, crying, wailing, and refusing to nurse. Nothing Trinity tried seemed to pacify him. Knowing Rush had to work the next day, she kept the bedroom doors shut to both the master suite and the baby’s room to muffle the cries. When Rush finally rose to prepare for work and to finish packing for the Caymans, it was to find both Trinity and the baby in tears.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her quietly as he watched a teary-eyed Trinity bouncing Blake in her arms as he wailed.

  “I don’t know. He won’t stop crying. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s just starting to get a little fever. I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Here, let me take him. You go and get a cup of coffee, then we’ll decide what to do, okay?” he said.

  “What if something is really wrong with him?” she nearly sobbed.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing. Now, go. I’ve got him,” he assured her.

  She was only gone for five minutes. When she returned, Blake was still crying. Rush had him nestled against his body as he spoke gently to him. When he saw her standing anxiously just inside the door, he tilted his head and gave her a look of sympathy. “Come here,” he said softly. She moved to him and he wrapped one arm around her and drew her into him as well. “My poor baby. Did you get any sleep?”

  She heaved a deep sigh. “No. He’s been up all night. As soon as I’d lay him down, he’d wake back up and cry.”

  “It’s nearly seven. Why don’t we call the pediatrician? It’s probably nothing, so don’t worry,” he assured her.

  She called the doctor’s office and they agreed to see him right away. Having Rush Drayton for a father was proving to be helpful, thanks to all the donations his family had made to the hospital over the years.

  “You don’t have to go with me. I’ll call you after the appointment,” she told him.

  He gave her a quizzical look. “Of course I’m going. Don’t be silly.”

  If she hadn’t loved him before that moment, she certainly would have after. She’d dreaded going alone, afraid of what the doctor might find. In the end, it turned out to be a good news/bad news type of situation. Double ear infections. While antibiotics would certainly clear up the baby’s problem, he wouldn’t be able to fly until his ears where healed.

  Rush cursed internally. Deep down he knew if he didn’t get her tied to him quickly, she’d find another reason to run – no matter what she said. But it couldn’t be helped. Their weekend island plans would have to be placed on hold for at least ten days – which was how long Blake would be on antibiotics.

  “I’m sorry, Rush,” Trinity said when they were on the way back home.

  He gave a shrug of his shoulder. “I’m just glad it’s nothing worse than that. There will be other opportunities for us… right?”

  “Of course,” she promised.

  Giving her a nod, he drove in silence, lost in thought for several minutes. Heaving a sigh, and with his lips drawn into a grim line, he said, “I’m hesitant to leave you here with everything that’s going on – what, with the death threats against your father and your
run-in with the press. If I had any other alternative, I wouldn’t leave.”

  “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us,” she replied.

  “I’ll worry regardless, but I am going to add additional protection for you and Blake.”

  “I don’t think…” she began before he cut his eyes at her.

  “Please do not start with that. It’s different now. I won’t be in the country. I need to know you and Blake will be safe. Please do not fight me on this, okay?” he begged.

  Inhaling deeply, she nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll try to hurry things along and be home either late Friday night or Saturday. I’ll call and let you know my details.”

  “Do what you need to do, Rush. We’ll be fine and waiting on you,” she said.

  “You won’t try to go back to your condo, will you?”

  “No. I told you last night, I’m not running anymore,” she promised.

  “Okay,” he said with a huge exhale of relief.

  Chapter Eight

  Even though Trinity had spent the bulk of her time at Rush’s house alone during the day, just knowing he was now hovering somewhere thousands of feet over head, made her feel even more alone. She missed him already. The first round of antibiotics seemed to be helping Blake and he finally slept. Once she was able to put him down, she tucked the monitor in her pocket and went into Rush’s office. Looking through his rolodex, she found a phone number for Drew Drayton.

  “Hello,” he answered briskly.

  “Mr. Drayton, it’s Trinity Grace,” she replied when he answered.

  “Call me Drew,” he insisted. “Is everything, all right? Did Rush get off okay for the Caymans?”

  “Yes. He left a couple hours ago. I need a favor,” she said quickly before she lost her nerve. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Rush wasn’t going to be happy about this at all.


  “I need you to get the prenup paperwork and bring it by. If you have a notary handy, I’ll sign it before you leave. I’m afraid Blake is a little under the weather or I’d come to you.”

  There was silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Does Rush know about this?” he asked.

  “No. I don’t want him to until after we are married. I don’t want him for his money. But he’ll fight me on this, I’m sure,” she replied.

  “You’re probably right. Good. You’ve made the right decision,” he said approvingly.

  “Make no mistake, I’m not doing this for you, I’m doing this for Rush. I love him,” she said firmly.

  “I’ll be by this afternoon or tomorrow,” was his only response before he hung up.

  An hour later, the doorbell rang. She remained seated as Radcliff answered it. She tensed in preparation of dealing with Drew Drayton. She stood as she heard his footsteps. Turning her head, she stood frozen for a moment. “Alex?”

  Alex Masters, her father’s previous bodyguard, moved towards her, stopping when he reached the edge of the couch. “Ms. Grace,” he replied.

  “Alex, what are you doing here?” she asked, taking in his military bearing and short-cropped blonde hair and eyes as green as glass.

  “Rush sent me,” he replied.

  “Sent you for what?”

  “To protect you while he’s gone,” he replied.

  “You work for Rush?”

  “Yes, ever since I left your father’s employ,” he said.

  “I didn’t know. What do you do for him?” she asked.

  “I’m head of security for DrayCo.”

  “I bet you’re thrilled to be on babysitting duty,” she said with a grimace.

  Glancing around the room with his ever watchful gaze, he replied, “It’s a privilege, Ms. Grace,” he said.

  “Come on, Alex. Call me Trinity,” she insisted.

  “As you wish. I need to walk around to learn the landscape. Is that okay with you?” he asked.

  “Of course. Do what you need to,” she assured him.

  “I do have a few requests if you don’t mind.”

  She looked at him expectantly.

  “Please do not answer the door and please do not leave the house without me. Is that understood?”


  “Good. I will also need a place to sleep. I’ll be here until Rush returns,” he said.

  “I’ll have the housekeeper prepare something for you. Would you like me to give you a tour?” she asked.

  “No. But if you’ll introduce me to the household staff that would be appreciated.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  It was late when Rush finally called. He’d arrived safely and had just checked into his room.

  “How’s Blake?” was his first question.

  “Better. He’s resting and eating a little,” she assured him.

  He exhaled deeply. “I was worried about leaving you both. Did Masters arrive?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know Alex worked for you.”

  “He’s the best,” was Rush’s only response to that. “I miss you already,” he told her in his silky voice.

  “I wish we were with you,” she told him.

  “I’ll be home soon. Then we’ll plan a time away… just the three of us,” he promised. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “I love you,” she said before hanging up.

  It was late in the afternoon the next day when Rush’s grandfather finally arrived. The door was answered as always by Radcliff. Trinity tensed when she saw Drew followed by a short man – the notary, she presumed.

  “Trinity,” Drew said in way of greeting.

  “Drew,” she responded.

  With a wave of his hand, he said, “This is Grey Whiting, the notary.” Moving towards her, Drew handed her a package in the familiar wrappings of Federal Express. She reached out her hand automatically. “This was left by your door,” Drew told her.

  “Thank you,” she said without looking at the package. “Let’s go into the office, if you don’t mind. It will afford us a little more privacy,” Trinity told them. She didn’t want Alex Masters reporting to Rush about the prenup. She wanted to be the one to tell him.

  She placed the Fed Ex package on Rush’s desk and sat down in his chair. Drew handed her a reasonably small packet of papers. How many pages did it really take to sign away any future hold on someone’s money? She read through the document carefully. When she got to the last page, she thought she might be sick. She made herself read it twice just to be sure. The last page said if she left and took the child and/or children with her, not only would she forfeit her rights to his assets, she would forfeit theirs as well.

  With her fingers shaking, she put the pen down. Rising to her feet, she swallowed hard to gain control of her emotions. Feeling so bitterly betrayed, she looked to Drew. “You say Rush drew up this agreement?”

  Slowly, he nodded his head.

  She nodded back at him, her heart breaking. In effect, if she ever left him, she’d either have to leave their children or steal from them their birthright. “I’m sorry, gentlemen. But it seems I’ve dragged you both here erroneously. I can’t sign this after all. I’ll have Radcliff show you out.”

  “What do you mean you won’t sign it? So you are after his money?” Drew blasted her.

  “This is not your business. If you’ll excuse me,” she said quickly as she walked out of the room.

  Moving quickly down the hallway to the bedrooms, she stopped to scoop up a sleeping Blake and carried him back with her to the master bedroom. Behind her, she closed and locked the bedroom door. Laying his still sleeping form down next to her, she curled up around him. Would he really cut his children off just to spite her? She remembered how he looked the night Blake had been so fussy. How he’d held him and cuddled him close. How concerned he’d been even to the point of changing his plans to go to the doctor’s office with her. Could that man refuse his children their inheritance… could she? She wouldn’t sign it. No matter what, she wouldn’t.

  She wok
e to the soft tapping on the bedroom door. Feeling a little disoriented, it took her a minute to pull herself together. She rubbed a hand against her swollen eyes. Moving to the door, without opening it, she said, “Yes?”

  “Ms. Grace, Mr. Drayton is on the phone for you, ma’am,” Radcliff said stiffly.

  “Tell him I’ll call him later, please,” she replied. It took a full minute before he walked away. He probably wasn’t used to someone who didn’t do what the master said. Too bad, she thought childishly.

  Anger simmered in her belly. If he ever asked her to sign that damned document… she paused in mid-thought. He had never asked to her to sign anything. She tilted her head in thought. Had Rush drawn up the contract before he’d actually had a child? Maybe he’d changed his mind. They were supposed to fly out together and get married in the islands, yet he’d never mentioned her signing anything. She sighed heavily and once again thought, why couldn’t things just be simple?

  As she mulled this over, there was another tap on the door. This time, the tap was a little more firm and caused the sleeping Blake to awaken. He scrunched up his face and let out a wail. She picked him up and cradled him close to her.

  “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” she said to him softly.

  “Ms. Grace? I need you to open the door, please,” Alex Masters said firmly.

  Irritation flooded her. “I’m busy,” she snapped, causing Blake to cry harder.

  “Ms. Grace, it’s important you open the door.”

  “Go away, Alex,” she said just as firmly.

  There was a small silence. “Trinity, please open the door,” Alex said a little more gently.

  With a huff, she stomped to the door and jerked it open as Blake continued to wail. “What?” she demanded.

  Alex looked her over then glanced to the crying baby. “Is everything all right?”

  “Does it look like it?”

  His eyes blinked rapidly. Clearing his throat, he said, “Mr. Drayton would like for you to call him right away. He’s concerned.”


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