He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1) Page 2

by J. L. Ostle

A beautiful partnership.

  “Don’t ask.”

  “Oh I am definitely asking now, get your ugly ass in here and give me the details on how this one tried to get into your pants.” She laughs and walks back into her apartment. I follow, closing the door.

  Her apartment looks identical to mine. The living room is the first thing you see - black leather couches, huge black TV - the kitchen is on the right with up to date appliances, on the left is the bedroom and bathroom. Her dad is some producer so he pays for her rent while she’s in school. I head straight to the couch and plunk myself down. Caron heads to the kitchen and brings out two cups of coffee and, if I was a lesbian, I would so kiss her right now.

  I absolutely needed this.

  “Right, okay, now spill. Tell me everything.” She curls her legs underneath her, watching me like I’m on a soap opera.

  “Well first off, he texts me telling me that he is here and to come out; never even had the decency to come inside the building.” I take a sip, sighing with happiness.

  “Wow, what a way to gain points.”

  “I know right? Then he took me to the pizzeria that we go to.”

  “Harvey’s Pizza?”

  “That’s the one. I’m lucky that he paid but, for a moment, I did think he was going to ask me to pay for my own, the tight dick. Then, of course, he said he had some drinks back at his place and that we should get to “know each other more”.” I use my fingers for quotation.

  “How cliché. So you go back to his place, then what?” I take another drink of my coffee.

  “He tries to ask questions about me and my life, pretending to be interested, and then, he brings out the tequila,” I smirk and she bends over laughing.

  “Oh God.” She continues laughing. “That’s your drink of choice, the guy was doomed from the start.” I shrug.

  “Well, we start doing shots and sipping beer and after that, I start spitting my shots into the bottle of beer as he continued and even though he tried to stay sober, he passed out before he knew it.” I shake my head, chuckling.

  “That is hilarious, what would we do without our movies? Coyote Ugly was a Godsend to you. So you did the usual drill?” I nod.

  “Yup, got him completely naked and into bed and left my panties on the bedroom floor with a condom wrapper. Think I need to buy a few more pairs of underwear, though.” I take another sip.

  “I can’t believe this is what you do. At least you don’t do it that often.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want people thinking that I’m a sex addict, plus, I like men chasing after me, I like the attention. Even though they are all horn dogs only after one thing.”

  “True, but don’t you get tired of it? You’ve been doing this for what? Three years now? Why not just stop and let it be it?” I look down into my cup and think about it. Caron may know my life here, but she doesn’t know about my past, and like hell I’m telling anyone the torture I went through.

  I don’t want pity.

  From anyone.

  “Well, school is almost over so I probably won’t have to do this anymore. You know I only do it to keep assholes off my back. I know it’s messed up but guys pray on the vulnerable, and if they think you are hard to get, they see you as more of a challenge and give you false hope. My way, I don’t get hurt and guys don’t come back for more and leave me be. It’s a win-win. I don’t want men stalking me and getting in the way of my future.” Caron looks at me with sympathetic eyes and I look away; it’s why I don’t like opening up on how I feel, people judge you on what you say.

  “I know, well I don’t, I’m just glad you stay safe. Even though you have this plan, some guys can still hurt you, you know. Some people are just sick in the head.” Yeah, tell me about it. “Anyway, with Jonny being your BFF I doubt any guy has the guts to even think about hurting you.” I smile as I think of Jonny. Yeah, he would kill for me; I like the fact he is protective even though it can be annoying sometimes.

  “You know you are my BFF too. You are like my GBFF and he is my BBFF.”

  “You're what?” She looks at me, scrunching up her nose in a way that makes me laugh.

  “GBFF: girl best friend forever, BBFF: boy best friend forever.”

  “What are you, twelve?” We both laugh. “Well, glad to know I’m your GBFF. So, you ready for your exam?” I groan but nod.

  “Yes, I am. Just happy that I only got three more and that’s it. Then we’ll graduate. It’s such a scary thought, knowing we will be in the real world, having to be responsible and shit.”

  “Talk for yourself, I’m still going to keep having fun. But yeah, glad I got a job lined up; four years have flown by. I am thankful, though, that you moved across the hall from me. My life would be so boring without your stories.” I chuckle at her.

  “Thanks, glad I’m good for something. But I am glad I met you, glad I had an ally.” I see tears prickle in her light blue eyes and it takes a lot for me to not cry, too; I really don’t know what I would have done without her. I can be myself, not this charade of a person I created. “Come here and give me a hug before I cry.” I lean towards her and wrap my arms around her. We’re still hugging when I hear my phone ding with a message. I smile when I see Jonny’s name.

  Jonny: I heard you banged that hockey player, hope you didn’t get herpes. Leaving in thirty mins, you better be ready.

  “Jonny?” Caron asks.

  “Jonny,” I answer her back as I reply to the text.

  Me: Yes, sir, I fucked him till he passed out. Don’t worry, I always make sure they’re covered up. See you in thirty x x

  “His highness has summoned me. See you later.” I give her another hug and head to the kitchen, washing out my cup and putting it in the dishwasher.

  “I don’t know how you put up with his ass sometimes,” she says as I head to the door.

  “It’s easy, he owns me.” I wave goodbye and head to my door, going straight to the shower. I need to wash last night off me and get back into my role of Jonny’s girl.


  I wait at my door and when the elevator dings, I turn my head and smile as I see him. Seeing his light brown hair and perfect body. Don’t get me started on his ocean blue eyes. Have you ever seen that show Supernatural? He looks like a younger version of Dean, so yeah, when he enters a room, you can’t help but stare.

  I saunter towards him, noticing how his eyes linger over my body like always. I watch his eyes go from my face to my cleavage to my legs and back up again. I give him my signature smirk when his eyes land back on mine. He never looks sorry for checking me out, but I like the attention he gives; it makes me feel beautiful even though at times I feel anything but.

  “Like what you see?”

  “You dressed to seduce anyone in particular?” he asks me. I step in the elevator and when the door closes, I look down to my outfit and shrug. I’m wearing black skinny jeans, a dark purple tank that stops at my midriff, and a leather jacket. My top is quite a low cut, showing off my best assets. My breasts.

  “What, this? I think it’s quite tame compared to some of the other clothes I wear.” I wink at him and he shakes his head.

  “True, so did you enjoy your fuck last night?” I tap my finger over my bottom lip as I pretend to think about it.

  “It was okay, he made sure I was dripping wet and fucked me till I screamed out his name if that’s what you want to know?” I try to contain my smile as I see his eyes dilate. “It’s a good thing I’m still tight down there; it’s what they always say as they thrust their hard dick into me, groaning about how tight my warm cunt is.” As soon as I finish the sentence I’m pushed against the elevator wall, Jonny’s hand around my throat, but I’m not afraid.

  I’m anything but.

  “You love to torture me.” He leans forward and breathes me in, smelling me.

  “If you didn’t want to be tortured, you shouldn’t have asked if I enjoyed my fuck. I don’t ask you about your sex life, so I don’t expect you to ask about mine.
Don’t ask if you’re not willing to hear the dirty details.” I feel his hand wrap around me harder, but I don’t flinch, I don’t move.

  “How do I put up with you?” He releases me and takes a step back.

  “Because I’m your best friend, your life would be dull without me. I’m special, and you know that about me.” When we decided to be friends, I asked him why, why out of all the girls, he wanted to be my friend when he doesn’t have friends who are girls. He said that very thing, he can sense something special in me, that he was drawn to it. True he tried everything to fuck me, but once he knew he wasn’t going to get in-between my legs, he settled on being my friend.

  “Yes, that’s it, you make my life more interesting.” He rolls his eyes.

  “I do. So, you ready for your exam?” He groans and I chuckle.

  “How can you have studied, help me with my accounts, and go out on a so-called date and still look fresh as a button?”

  “What can I say, I have many gifts and talents.” The doors open to the parking garage below the building and we head to his fancy sports car. Don’t ask me what type it is, I have no idea about cars, but trust me when I say it looks very expensive.

  We drive to the college with a comfortable flow of conversation and as we park, girls are already bouncing towards us. Jonny smiles at them and gets out, sitting on the trunk of his car. I see a girl step in between his legs and start twirling her hair.

  Can she be any more cliché?

  Her eyes land on me when I step out and head towards them; her gaze going between me and Jonny. I flick my head to signal for her to move and she eyes Jonny, seeing if she should, but he just shrugs so she steps back and I take her place in-between his legs, my back to his front, and start flipping through my phone.

  Why does Facebook have to be so addictive?

  “Yo, man, you ready for the test?” Alan Coulthard, Jonny’s best friend, asks. I see his eyes land on my cleavage before bouncing back to Jonny. Alan is harmless. He’s cute with his black, spiky hair and dark brown eyes. He’s about six foot and I’m sure he has a decent body by looking at the clothes he wears, but I wouldn’t go near him. First, he’s Jonny’s best friend and I think that would be a little weird; and second, I think I would break his heart. I couldn’t do that.

  “Why do people ask if you’re ready for a test just before the test? I just can’t wait to get this shit over with and get out of here, I’m sick of studying,” Jonny complains.

  “You’re such a whiny bitch, at least you got a job lined up after this, some of us still haven’t decided on what to do yet,” I say as I stand up to take a few steps away but I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. Am I the only one who has no idea what they are going to be doing after college?

  “Don’t be angry, you know you can come and work with me; you know I would want my girl there, my light through the darkness.” This time, I roll my eyes.

  “You are so cheesy, no way I would let you be my boss, and like hell would I let you boss me around.” He grips my hips and spins me around so I’m facing him, his eyes boring into mine. His face is so close to mine; I can feel his breath on me.

  “I would never boss you around, you mean more than that to me.” I look into his ocean blue eyes and see how sincere he is. I give him a smile and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a hug.

  “I know.”

  “Well, when you two are done sexually charging up the air, we better get to class; think you get points for showing up on time?” Alan interrupts us.

  “I think that’s a myth,” I chuckle. Jonny entwines his fingers with mine, we walk to class, discussing what extra points we could get on the test.

  “I am so glad that is over with,” Jonny says as he drapes his arm over my shoulder as we head to the cafeteria.

  “Here, here. I feel like my brain is fried. How many exams you two got left?” Alan asks us.

  “I have two more, Mr. Quiz guy still has three,” I gloat and he tickles my side until I swat his hand away.

  “I don’t know why you are laughing, you’re helping me study since, for some reason, God gifted you with a huge brain and us mere mortals just the peanut versions.” I roll my eyes.

  “It’s not my fault I let things sink in better than you, but you know I’ll always help a friend in need.” We are still talking as we enter the cafeteria and come to a sudden stop. I look to see why, when it clicks. Steven is with his group of friends and he’s looking right at me. Time to play my part. I’m about to head towards him when I feel Jonny’s hand grip onto my shoulder.

  “Thought you were joining me for lunch.” I look into his eyes and see how dark they’ve gotten.

  “I am, but first I need to nip this in the bud before he thinks he gets a round two. Unless that’s what you want?” He doesn’t answer. “Be right back.” I kiss his cheek and leave his side, but I feel his eyes on me as I walk away.

  “Steven.” I give him a sultry smile and I notice his eyes wander over my body before he looks back up to me.

  “Raven.” Is this how he’s going to play? Fine by me. I walk right up to him, making sure my body presses tight against his. I feel his erection press against my stomach and I rub myself against him, hearing him groan.

  “I can’t believe how wild it got last night, what you did to me…” I pause and sigh. “With how loud you made me scream, I’m surprised we didn’t wake the entire house.” I see the confusion in his eyes since I know he doesn’t remember anything at all from last night. “Thanks for a great night.” I kiss the corner of his mouth, lingering a little, then take a step back. I face his friends and they are all wearing huge smiles.

  “Yeah, anytime,” Steven replies. I give him a wink and walk away, making sure I sashay my hips a little. I hear the guys hollering and cheering their friend.

  Yup, a job well done.

  I see the guys, Jonny’s eyes still on me, and head towards them. I stick my tongue out at him and his lips quirk up a little. I decide to get myself a drink first, so I bypass them and head in line to get a coke. When I head back to where the guys are, I see a fake blonde sitting on Jonny’s knee, pressing her fake tits in his face. As if he can sense my eyes on him, his find mine and I see his signature smirk in place.

  The dick, he is doing it to annoy me.

  I head to the table, Jonny’s eyes never leaving mine, and I blow him a kiss before my eyes train on Miss Slut Bags. Every girl knows that when I’m around, his attention is on me. I know it sounds fucked up, but Jonny and I have certain rules that we made three years ago and no girl is going to be the exception to them.

  “Up Barbie,” I say to her. I watch as she turns her head to Jonny, but he just sits there and I feel like slapping that smile off his face. He’s doing this because I walked away from him to take care of business.

  Childish ass.

  And why does every girl look at him for confirmation?

  “Jonny?” she purrs. I think I’m about to be sick in her lap. I know who this girl is; head cheerleader, bully. A complete bitch. I see how she treats some people around here and it’s disgusting.

  One thing I hate is a bully. Jonny can see my eyes simmering with anger and he finally butts in.

  “You know the score... Cindy?” Oh great, he doesn’t even know her name.

  “Kathryn,” she corrects him, glaring, before getting up and walking away. I watch her leave then turn around and face him again. He has his arms out, giving me a ‘what’ look.

  “You are unbelievable.” I sit in between his legs and open my Coke, taking a long drink.

  “I know.” I scoff at him. “So, you took care of the Steven problem?” I pretend to look at my nails and shrug.

  “Yeah, think he knows the score.”

  “Good to know.” He places his hands on my thighs.

  “But you never know, I may go for round two. I do like a guy who makes me scream; you know, kink is in this year,” I say sarcastically. I feel his fingers dig into my thighs and
I try not to whimper. Heat rushes through me, but I try hard not to show that he has any effect on me. I don’t want him knowing the power he has over me.

  “You do like to test my patience.” I place my hand on his and squeeze tighter and I feel him loosen his grip. I turn around so I’m straddling him and look him in the eye. Trying to get my composure back.

  “Who I fuck is my business, like who you fuck is yours. Don’t act all jealous now, baby, it doesn’t suit you.” His eyes darken. I’m sure I heard him growl in the back of his throat, but I’ve known him for too long; I know he enjoys me talking back to him, that I am probably one in a few that can talk to him like this.

  “You do like to press my buttons.” I give him a sweet smile.

  “You wish that I would.” I stand up so I’m towering over him, his eyes trained on me. I bend forward and lick his lips like an ice-cream cone. “See you around, baby.” I wink at him and leave. If I stay for too long, we’ll get into an argument and, trust me, our arguments aren’t friendly.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he shouts. I turn, walking backwards.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I give him a huge smile and he shakes his head at me. I turn back around and leave, hating that I can’t keep this smile off my face.


  “She really does get to you, doesn’t she?” Alan says as my eyes follow Raven until she walks through the doors.

  “You have no idea. She frustrates me, she annoys me, she irritates me.” I shake my head again and grab the coffee that I got when Raven went to that dickhead Steven. “She is a pain in my fucking ass.”

  “Then why do you put up with her?” I turn my head and watch Alan as he stuffs his face with pizza.

  “Because, even though she can be a pain, I can’t imagine my life without her; she challenges me, she’s there for me whenever I need her. She’s my best friend.”

  “Aww, you big sap! Hope you say the same thing about me.” I chuckle at him.

  “Yeah, I tell everyone how much I need you in my life.”


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