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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

Page 11

by J. L. Ostle

  “What are you guys doing?” I watch as Caron slaps Alan across the head. “If you ever call me bitch face again, I will slap you. Now stop touching my shit.” He rubs his head.

  “Fuck, you hit me.”

  “Serves you right. Now, what are you talking about packing?” She places her hands on her hips.

  “We’re going on a trip. Jonny packed your suitcase, Raven, so Caron, go pack your shit, we need to leave in ten minutes.” I stand up and walk to Jonny.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re taking some time away. I thought it would be a nice surprise.” I beam up at him. He’s actually taking me somewhere, taking all of us. He actually listened to me about what I needed.

  “Where are you taking me?” He smiles down at me.

  “That would be telling, now go help Caron, I know she’ll take forever picking out what things she will want to bring, that’s why I already packed your stuff.”

  “What if I wanted to pack myself?”

  “Then it’s just tough luck. I did it, now get your butt in gear or we’ll be late. You don’t want to miss the flight do you?” I stand on my tip toes and place a kiss on his cheek and skip to Caron’s room. The place already looks like a bomb hit it.

  “I can’t believe we’re going on vacation. I’m so excited, what should I bring? How am I supposed to choose clothes in just ten minutes?” Caron groans as she flings clothes out of her closet.

  “Just grab some nice tops and skirts and let’s go. I want to see where we’re going.” I jump up and down on the spot in excitement. I feel like it’s Christmas. Caron stops and looks at me.

  “Do you think he did this for you?” I stop jumping and think about it. I told him we needed to get away, but I didn’t actually think it would be this soon.

  “Yeah, I think so. I told him we needed to get away from all this, away from the real world for a little bit, but didn’t think he would plan something so soon, especially for all of us.” I sit on the bed that’s now covered in clothing.

  “You do know the real world will be waiting for us when we get back?” I nod sullenly.

  “I know, but it’s nice that I don’t have to think about it for a little while. Now get your ass moving or I’ll leave you here.” She stands up, looking like I killed her puppy.

  “If you left me I would hunt you down. Now help me choose some clothes so we can get going.” We both quickly go through her clothes and with her bag packed, we all get into one of Jonny’s cars and head to the airport. Once again, I’m in awe when I see we will be flying on a private jet.


  High School – Senior Year

  “Oh honey, you look so beautiful,” Mom says as she takes picture after picture of me in my prom dress. I can’t help the smile that is on my face. I’m wearing a tight, light purple dress; I feel like a princess. I may have no date but I feel amazing.

  “Mom, I think you have taken enough pictures.” I giggle at her.

  “You can never have too many pictures of your baby. I can’t believe how grown up you look. My baby going to prom, then to college. Where have the years gone? Wasn’t so long ago when I was just holding you in my arms at the hospital.” She grabs a tissue as she starts to cry. I walk to her, wrapping my arms around her.

  “I will always be your little girl, so please don’t cry.” She smiles at me and I smile back.

  “I hate that your father couldn’t get the time off work to see you.” I look down to the floor. I hate that he couldn’t be here. They work chaotic hours; I know that but still, I wanted my dad to see me looking like a princess. “Oh honey, you know he tried his best, at least my boss lets me take time off. I’m here.”

  “I know, I’m glad that you are. That hospital has loads of doctors; they could have given him an hour off to see me.” I pout.

  “You know it doesn’t work that way.” She holds me to her chest.

  “I know, I’m sorry.” I pull away and straighten out my dress. “Okay, I’m ready.” I walk to the door and see the limo pulling up.

  “In my day, we couldn’t afford limos, they were just for celebrities.” I roll my eyes.

  “In your day, didn’t they just invent fire?” I tease and she swats at me.

  “You, cheeky madam, how old do you think I am?” I try to think with a smile. “Don’t you dare answer that. Now you go have fun before I ground that silly mouth of yours.”

  “Does that even make sense?”

  “Go, shoo. Want some me time now.” We laugh. I quickly give her another hug before heading out to the limo. I turn my head around and see my mom give me a wave then close the door. I am a few steps away from getting in when I feel a hand cover my mouth and my body being lifted up.

  “You scream, we hurt you. Understand?” I feel tears sliding down my cheeks, but I nod. “Good girl.” I know that voice belongs to Lindsey. I’m pulled away from the limo and I wonder why the driver isn’t coming out to rescue me, or my friends. Did they do something to my friends?

  I am carried to a car that is a few blocks away and am pushed in. I see Sharron and Tristen climb in on either side of me. They are in their prom dresses too. Why are they doing this? This was supposed to be a good night for me, I had it planned out. I would arrive and stay in eye vision of the teachers so they wouldn’t be able to get near me. I was even willing not to pee for the whole night. I didn't want to take any chances.

  “Now isn’t this fun? All of us going to prom together.” Lindsey climbs in the front passenger seat. I notice a guy get in front of the wheel, I can smell alcohol radiate off him.

  “Why are you doing this?” I hiccup.

  “Because we might not get another chance. Aren’t you happy that we’re spending time together? That we have a chance to have a final hurrah before college?” I don’t say a word. I just know, whatever is going to happen, I have to put up with it.

  You’re going to college soon, then you can get away from them. My head tries to reassure me.

  We drive in silence; I don’t know what’s worse, them talking or them not saying a word. I watch the houses and trees drive by and my heart hammers in my chest. I keep my eyes forward so I don’t make eye contact with anyone. I’m scared what they would do if I did.

  We pull up to the school and I’m shocked that we are actually at the prom. But if we’re here, what are they going to do? Sharron steps out first and takes my arm, pulling me out; I stumble over but balance myself quickly. I watch everyone else get out. They all stand near me and give each other a look and we start walking but we head to the back of the school.

  Lindsey is wearing a tight red dress that stops just beneath her ass and Tristen and Sharron are both wearing dresses that are just as short.

  The guy opens the back doors of the school and we head inside. I wonder why it wasn’t locked. We head down the hallways that I have seen many times over the years. We walk to the science department and enter a classroom. The first thing I see is my two friends, Emma and Katie, and they are crying. They were supposed to be in the limo, how are they here?

  They are supposed to be safe.

  “Why are my friends here?” I speak up.

  “Because what we have planned involves them too.” I look at them and I feel my heart ache. They are the only friends I have. I made sure they never got involved with the nightmares I lived.

  I watch Lindsey walk to them and stroke their hair. “They’re supposed to be your friends, but yet, not once have I ever seen them try and protect you. They could have told a teacher, told their parents, been by your side, but no. Don’t you wish they could take some of the heat we put on you?” I see my friend’s eyes go wide. I told them most of the things they have put me through over the years, I think that’s why they are frightened, they think they are going to get a taste of it.

  I don’t blame them.

  “No, I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. I have told teachers, my parents, but nothing gets done, it just makes it worse. Why would they do someth
ing just to be punished?” I raise my voice and she glares at me. She walks to me and gets so close there is just an inch of air between us.

  “Because they are supposed to be your friends,” she spits at me.

  “I am theirs and I wouldn’t let them go through this hell.” She bursts out laughing.

  “So you would do anything so they don’t get touched by us? Now that’s interesting.” She paces slowly in front of me. “So, if I said if you didn’t want us to hurt them, you would need to strip, would you do it?” I look at her and back to my friends. “There it is, the air of doubt. Would you be willing to strip to protect your friends?” she asks me again. I watch her walk to them and she stands behind them and fists their hair and pulls so their heads fall back. I hear them groan in pain.

  “Stop it, leave them alone,” I shout, tears falling down.

  “Why? They don’t do shit for you. Maybe they should be punished. I’m doing a good thing right now. I’m letting you off. Tony, come here babe.” I watch the guy who must be Tony stagger towards her. “Baby, ever let a virgin touch your dick?”

  “No, but wouldn’t mind,” he slurs.

  “Emma, want to see what a hard dick feels like?” Lindsey purrs in her ear as she sobs.

  “Please let me go,” Emma pleads.

  “Where will the fun be in that? Tony, take your cock out.” I watch him unzip his trousers.

  “Wait,” I shout and Lindsey smiles at me. She knew I would stop it. She was counting on it.

  “Yes pet, you spoke.” I swallow and look to her.

  “I will strip if you leave them both alone.” I bow my head in defeat. I feel my body shaking.

  “Fine. My way was more fun, but I am a woman of my word. You strip, I let them go.” She walks back to me. “Now strip pet.” I look to my friends and they are crying as they watch me. I can see fear in their eyes, as well as guilt. I take off the thin straps and let my dress fall to the floor so I’m just left in my matching purple underwear. I keep my eyes closed; I’m scared of what will happen next.

  “Fuck, she’s hot,” I hear Tony say.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I hear Lindsey reply. I open my eyes and see she is glaring at me. Her face has turned into pure anger. “Step out of the dress,” she shouts at me. I take a step out and watch her bend down and pick it up. “You are disgusting you know that? I feel sorry for the future guy who has to look at this every night.” Her eyes trail up and down my body like it’s the ugliest thing she has ever seen.

  I wrap my arms around my body to try and cover myself and she smirks at me. I watch her eyes look behind me then I feel a kick on my back. I fall forward to the floor, crying out in pain. I’m then kicked on my side, then another, and another. I’m crying and screaming in pain. I tuck myself into the fetal position, but they keep kicking me.

  “That’s enough, let’s go enjoy the prom,” Lindsey says, standing over me. I open my eyes and she looks down at me before spitting in my face. “Have a nice night,” she purrs and walks away. I hear the door open, then close. I then hear running as my friends come to my side

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” Emma says over and over. She strokes my hair and cries.

  “We need to get you to the hospital, we need to tell the police,” Katie says hysterically. I see tears falling down her face.

  “We can’t, it will make things worse. We’ll go to the hospital and say I got jumped.” I try to stand but my body screams in protest. I can’t get up. I cry even harder; they cry with me.

  “We can get a teacher, say a drunk guy was chasing us and you tried to save us and he beat you up and then ran when he thought he heard someone coming,” Emma stutters out. I nod my head in agreement.

  “Okay, go get help.” Katie stands but I hold onto her ankle. “But don’t mention the trio okay?” She nods and runs off.

  “I am so sorry we have been shitty friends, she was right, we should get punished. You have dealt with this for years and we couldn’t handle one night. We are pathetic.” I hold Emma’s hand and she cries harder.

  “You are not. I’m used to this. I couldn’t let them hurt you.”

  “But I let them hurt you; I was scared of what else they would do to us. I froze, I was thinking about me. I watched you strip and then get beaten up. Do you want to know what the weird thing was?”

  “Apart from them ruining our prom?” I try to joke but she shakes her head at me.

  “Lindsey was shocked at how you looked when you took your dress off. Tony was drooling over you and she looked at you like she was jealous.” I laugh but then stop when my sides ache in pain.

  “I think what you saw is wrong. You heard her, she thinks I’m disgusting. Maybe she’s right, she hurts me for a reason, and I think it’s because I’m that ugly.”

  “But you’re not, though. You're gorgeous,” she says defensively.

  “Well, I don’t feel like it. I think my body definitely doesn’t look like it now. How bad is it?” I watch her look down at my body and see her cringe.

  “It looks a little bad, but you will heal. It’s just a few bruises.” Yeah, maybe my body will, but I won’t.

  “Raven, are you okay?” I hear Mrs. Critten; our English Literature teacher ask. I turn my head and see some students near the doorway, I remember I’m half naked and try to curl myself a little more. I look up one more time to see Lindsey standing there, she gives me a wink and then walks away.

  “Raven, you okay” I open my eyes to see Caron looking at me in concern. I look around and realize I’m still on the private jet.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I sit up and wipe the little drool that escaped from my mouth.

  “Bad dream?” I look to see where Jonny is. “He’s talking to the pilot,” she reassures me.

  “Yeah, another bad dream.” She stands up and takes the seat next to me and hugs me. Right now, I need it. Why can’t I just let my past go? Why am I still letting them hurt me?


  “We are in freaking England; we are in London!” Caron shrieks as we get off the plane to a waiting car.

  I am so full of excitement; I knew we were going somewhere, but England? That is nuts. I climb in after Caron and watch Jonny and Alan come in after. When we start moving, I look out the window and watch the scenery and buildings drive by. I see Buckingham palace and I almost scream in excitement.

  London looks very busy, traffic moving along the lanes, people everywhere, loads of them crossing streets whenever the lights change. We drive past a huge green space taken by hundreds of sunbathers. As we pull away from the park, I see buses and cars speeding up when lights go amber. I thought LA was busy.

  This place is just crazy.

  We stop at a hotel called Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel. When I step out, I look up; the place is huge, it’s like a castle. But nothing compares to when I walk inside. My mouth drops at how elegant everything looks. I look down at my clothes and suddenly feel underdressed.

  Jonny gives me a wink and starts walking to the concierge desk. The woman at the computer looks so put together and she smiles when she sees him. She looks to be almost thirty with light brown hair that is tied up in a bun. She has a radiant smile. Perfect, just like this place.

  “Hello and welcome to the Mandarin, can I help you?”

  “Hi, I booked a suite under Stone.” She gives him a nod and starts typing away on the computer.

  “The Royal suite. Here are your room cards, your luggage will be taken up for you. If you would like to head down the hall to the elevators and press the top floor. If you need anything, just ring the desk.” She passes him the key cards and smiles.

  “Thank you.” Jonny takes the cards and I notice her eyes linger on him.

  “My pleasure.” I roll my eyes and step forward to take a key card from his hand and I watch her eye me up and down. I give her a wink and start walking down the hall. When I see the elevators, I press the call button and wait.

  “This place is ridiculous, I bet it costs
a bomb to sleep here, I bet it costs hundreds just to eat one tiny meal,” Caron whispers in my ear.

  “I know; I feel out of my element. I thought we were going to a beach or something, but Europe? We’re in Europe! I am dying to see Phantom of the Opera, hope it's playing while we’re here.” I beam at her and the elevator dings when it arrives and the doors open. Even the elevator is huge.

  I press the top floor when we all step in and watch the numbers go up. When we get to our floor, I realize the whole thing is ours; there is only one door. I step forward and open it and my mouth drops. It’s like an entire house all on one floor.

  The living room is so beautiful, I walk straight to the large, long windows and look out and see all of London in front of me. I turn around and watch Caron and Alan eye the place. At least I’m not the only one who thinks this is crazy. There are two white couches, a blue sofa chair near the window - a perfect spot to read at night. Everything is in its place, not a grain of dust in sight.

  I head to a bedroom and it’s massive. Everything is white in here. I go to the windows and see there is a balcony. I open it up and take a step outside. I close my eyes and breath in the London air. After a couple of minutes, I feel arms wrap around my stomach and I turn my head seeing Jonny look out in front of us.

  “This is beautiful, thank you for doing this, for inviting our friends. I can’t think of anything more perfect.” I lean up and kiss the side of his jaw and he smiles down at me before pressing his chin on my shoulder and we both just look out.

  “I wanted to take you somewhere unexpected. You happy we are here and not somewhere sunny sitting near a pool with cocktails?”

  “This is amazing. At least I can take this off my bucket list. At least I know before I die I can say I came here and stayed in a gorgeous place on earth.” I feel him hold me tighter.

  “I don’t want you talking about death,” he grumbles.

  “I’m not saying I’m going to die tomorrow, I’m just saying it’s nice knowing that I did come here.” I place my hands on top of his that are still around my waist.


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