He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1) Page 13

by J. L. Ostle

  We walked from room to room when we found her, tied up to a cross in just her red underwear, I could feel my dick harden. I was about to stop the whole thing but when I head the first sound of the whip, and saw Raven not in pain, but enjoying it, I couldn’t help but watch. Each whip, hearing her say more. I have never seen her so beautiful.

  So breathtaking.

  She is like a dominants wet dream. She kept asking for more, begging for it. Seeing her come apart, I wanted her to feel that kind of pleasure from me. I wanted to see her pale skin turn red. When her eyes landed on me, I could see and smell the desire radiating from her. I watched as she talked to the woman. Seeing her kiss the woman is one of the things I wasn’t expecting. The woman came to me and looked me up and down.

  “She wants you, she wants you to play a scene.” I can tell the woman doesn’t like this fact. I’m not surprised, though, anyone who gets to know Raven will feel possessive of her. “She is rare, so don’t lose her. If you do, someone will take your place.” She looks sternly at me. With that, she walks away and I walk to Raven, her eyes on me. I can see she is breathing fast by the movement of her perfect breasts moving up and down.

  “Want to play a scene, Raven?” I say in my serious tone. She nods and licks her lips and my eyes follow the movement. I look away before I do something stupid. Doing this may actually be stupid, but if she wants to me to dominate her, I will. I go to the wall and grab a cat o’nine tails whip as I saw that she liked that one. I walk back to her and her eyes are trained on me. “Open your mouth.” She does and I put the handle side of the whip in her mouth. “Close.” She does. I take a step back and unbutton my shirt and take it off. I walk to the bench her dress is on to set it down. I walk back to her and take the whip from her mouth. I step forward so my body presses against hers.

  “If I hurt you, you will say stop okay?” She shakes her head. I look at her confused.

  “Red, let’s say red. I may say stop but I won’t mean it.” I feel my dick harden by her words.

  “Red, it is. You ready, my little bird?” She nods. I take a step back and I lift my arm and when I feel the whip connect to her skin, hearing her moan, seeing her milk-pale skin turn pink, I almost come right there. “Again?” I ask her.

  “Yes.” Her voice is husky. Her eyes are glazed over; her breathing comes in heavy. I hit her across her stomach.

  “Again?” She looks to me, panting.

  “Yes, don’t stop.” I feel some pre-come at the end of my dick.

  I wait a moment, letting her catch her breath. I stroke down her stomach, down to her wet panties and feel the heat coming from her; she tries to push herself into my hand but I pull back, looking at her. I hit her against her breasts, her sides, and then I hit across her pussy and she shakes and screams out my name as she falls apart. I walk quickly to her and unstrap her and she falls into me. I lift her bridal style we sit down on the bench our clothes are on and I stroke her skin, she snuggles closer to me.

  “Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift; you are so beautiful, so amazing.” She smiles into my chest.

  “I wanted to see into your world, and I’m glad I did. Maybe I’m more a part of it than I thought.” I shake my head; she could never be a part of it, not really. She is too good to be a part of it.

  “You are a bright light and this is the darkness, you couldn’t be here for too long, it changes people. It’s like a drug and I wouldn’t want to see you change.” She looks up into my eyes like she’s trying to tell me something, but I can’t work it out.

  “I’m ready to go home now.” She yawns. I nod and grab her dress and help her into it. I grab my shirt and put it on, not caring to button it up. I lift her again, not caring if she can walk or not. We head to the doors and find Caron and Alan standing on the other side.

  “What the fuck is that about, man? You were hitting Raven?” Alan shouts at me. I glare at him. People like him who are short minded pisses me off.

  “She asked me too, and you wouldn’t understand. That’s what this place is, it’s a line between pain and pleasure.” I walk past him with Raven still in my arms, but he is right behind me.

  “All I saw was pain.” I stop and turn around.

  “Then you weren’t watching properly,” I grit out. He looks at Raven in my arms and shakes his head.

  “Raven, why would you let these people do this to you?” He speaks to her with sympathy.

  “I enjoyed it, I liked it. I felt like I had a certain power, a control I didn’t know I had and I wanted more.” She yawns again. “I just want to go home now, we can shout and argue when we get back to the states.” I kiss her forehead and start heading to the exit when Caron makes me laugh.

  “That was fucking hot, though. I wonder if I could handle being whipped.” Everyone but Alan laughs.


  “I can’t believe graduation is here, do I look hot or what?” Caron says as we are waiting to get to our seats.

  “You look hot, just like everyone else here who is wearing the same graduation gowns as us.” I chuckle and head to the middle row and take a seat.

  “I know, but don’t I look extra hot? I think I’m rocking this gown.” She gives a little spin.

  “Sorry, you’re right, you look extra hot. Now sit down before you bang into anyone. I want to leave this place in one piece.” She sticks her tongue out at me and sits.

  I look around and see Jonny and Alan on the other side in their seats and I give them both a wave. Alan argued until he was blue in the face about how wrong BDSM is. I told him to each to their own, but if people like it, then it’s up to them, not him. I liked it. I would do it again but Jonny keeps telling me that the lifestyle changes people and he doesn’t want it to change me. He kept going on about it being like a high, he made it sound like I wanted to take drugs. I have dropped the subject but if I ever did want to expand my horizon and try it, then he isn’t going to stop me.

  He does it for goodness sake.

  The hypocrite.

  I listen to the Dean make his speech and then the student speaker. The weird thing is, I was chosen to be our class valedictorian back in high school but I turned it down. You would think I was turning down a million dollars but I couldn’t do it; yeah I’m smart, but I don’t think I deserved it, not really. How could I give a speech about hope and a future when I didn’t believe in those things at the time. I continue to listen to the girl, I think her name is Amy, talk about life and I could imagine me being up there, but the girl I can see is the girl I once was. The one with hope and who knew what she wanted from life. Even though today is the end of an era, I still have no clue about what I want from my life.

  I still have a week to let Linda know about my decision, but what if I say no and I end up being a waitress or working at McDonald’s and all that hard work I put in the last four years was for nothing? I couldn’t work at Jonny’s company. There are too many bitches there and I would probably go insane hearing all their whispers and rumors.

  Amy finishes off her speech and we all stand and cheer and throw our caps in the air, but I feel scared. Scared on what’s next and what is to come. School is over, this is the real world now. Why didn’t they have a real world class? Caron has a few weeks until she goes off and starts work. Her dad helped her into advertising. She will be leaving me. Jonny will start his job and I will probably hardly see him. I’m going to be alone. I feel tears prickle behind my eyes.

  “Don’t cry, Raven. I know school is finished but we will always cherish these memories.” Caron hugs me, thinking I’m getting emotional because of the speech. “Come on, let’s go get the guys and head out to a club. We need to party before we turn into old, responsible fogy’s.” She links her arm through mine and when we head to the guys. Alan hugs me then hugs Caron, twirling her around and I laugh at them, then I feel arms go around me, twirling me around.

  “Didn’t want you to feel left out.” Jonny laughs at me. I hit him on his chest.

for that. Now let’s get our asses in gear and party. After today, I need a good drink.”

  “Here, here,” Alan says and we head back to the apartment.

  My parents, for certain reasons, didn’t come. They probably don’t know that I am even graduating. Jonny’s dad sent someone to film it and as Caron’s Dad is a producer, he couldn’t take time away. I think her mom is a model so she couldn’t come either and Alan, bless him, his parent’s died when he was a kid and his grandparents looked after him until four years ago when they passed away. I know some of us are probably emotional more than others, so I think drinking is a good idea.

  Jonny and Alan head to Jonny’s apartment to get ready and Caron comes to mine. I am taking the gown off and throwing it on the couch as I grab a bottle of wine from the fridge and two glasses. I head to the living room and see Caron pick up a parcel that I completely forgot about.

  “What’s this?” I put the wine and glasses down on the coffee table and grab the box from her. I don’t see a return address so I take a seat and rip it open, wondering what’s inside. I pull the flaps open and see loads of fake rose petals. I dig my hand in and I freeze when I see a picture in a frame of me and him. I stand up, dropping the contents on the floor like it will burn me if I keep touching it. He knows not to get in touch with me. I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest, my vision has gone blurred.

  Caron is standing in front of me, trying to talk to me, but it’s like white noise. I can see her lips moving but nothing else. I fall to the floor and Caron is at my side, shaking me, but I’m still in a daze. I feel a slap across my face and it causes everything to come back into focus.

  “You scared the shit out of me. What happened? You totally zoned out. What is that picture? Who is that guy? I know I said I would wait, but it has been three years, you need to tell me, Raven. Please.” I didn’t realize I was crying until I feel a tear drop land on my hand. I look into her eyes and she is crying with me.

  “I know, I think need to tell you, I need to say it out loud before I totally go insane. I feel like I’m going mad. My past won’t leave me alone.” I hug my knees to me.

  “Then tell me, let me help you.” I look at her and tell her about my life. I tell her everything and she listens. She cries with me and holds my hand and I do feel better for finally letting all my demons out. Even if it is just to one person.

  “You went through all of that? How could these people do this to you? You are so nice and sweet and they treated you so horribly; they are truly fucked up. They are fucking monsters.” She stands up and paces. In the whole three years, I don’t think I have ever heard Caron say the F word.

  “You can’t tell Jonny though. He wouldn’t handle it rationally,” I plead with her.

  “Maybe you should, they should get punished for what they did, all of them. They need to be locked up. Where are they now?” She comes back and sits next to me, holding my hand.

  “They are probably still back at home, I had to get away after all that. I couldn’t stay.”

  “I don’t blame you. I’m surprised you stayed as long as you did with those witches there. Just thinking what they did, it makes me want to be sick, it makes me want to get a blunt knife and stab them over and over. And him…” My body freezes and she notices. “I’m sorry. I’m just so angry, I wish I could do something. Anything.” I hug her and she squeezes me in tight.

  “I know, but there’s nothing we can do.” She pulls back and shakes her head.

  “Your parents, though, how could they not believe you? You are their daughter, they should have protected you, been by your side.” I feel the tears fall again. Yeah, I wish they did, but they didn’t.

  “Yeah well, they were hardly there for me anyway. So can we put a pause on this and get ready. After reliving everything, I really want to go out and get drunk.” She looks at me with sympathy; I look away.

  “Okay, we’ll go out.” She stands and goes over to the box and starts putting everything back inside. “We are throwing this out.” I nod even though she can’t see me. I’m watching her, still sitting on the floor. I see her hold a letter. She looks at it, then back to me.

  “Just tell me what it says. I’ve got you now, so he can’t hurt me.” Not physically. Emotionally he still can but I need to know what the letter says. I guess the saying curiosity kills the cat is dead on.

  “My sweet Raven, I miss you so much. I know I have no right to say that, but I do. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I close my eyes and see your beautiful long brown hair, your beautiful grey eyes. I can still see your smile. I know what I did was wrong, but I meant the words, I do love you…” I start to feel sick at hearing those words. “You may not believe it, but I do. I know I shouldn’t even send you this but it’s been three years since I last saw you, last smelled you, last tasted you. I need you to come back home. We can go back to how it use to be if you want. We can go back to being friends. I was always there for you; I am willing to still be there. I need you, your parents need you. Come home. Yours always.” She drops her hands and looks at me and tears are streaming down my cheeks. I hear a cough and look up to see Jonny standing there with Alan. He looks pissed off.

  “He’s the one that hurt you isn’t he?” he asks me with no emotion on his face.

  “Jonny…” I stand.

  “Isn’t he?” he yells and I jump.

  “Jonny, it’s just a stupid letter,” I plead with him.

  “A letter you’re crying over. Look at you. His words have affected you. Are you going to go back to him?” I feel nausea fill my stomach.

  “Of course not, I wouldn’t go anywhere near him. I belong here.” I’m crying but it’s like he doesn’t see the tears; or if he does, he thinks it’s sadness for a guy he thinks I had a relationship with. I know how the letter sounded.

  “I don’t think I want to go out anymore. You guys go ahead; I’m going to have my own fun.” I feel like he just stabbed me in my heart by saying that. He said it on purpose. Right now, I’m too vulnerable to be hearing those words. Any other time I may not give a damn or easily show it, but right now, I need him to be near me. To be my protector from the darkness that is crawling inside me.

  “Jonny, please, I need you.” He walks to me and looks into my eyes and it’s like he’s seeing me differently.

  “I look at you right now and it’s like I’m looking into a stranger’s eyes. You could have told me about him,” he seethes at me; I feel myself starting to get angry. He doesn’t share with me so why should I share my gory past with him?

  “I should have? Well, why don’t you tell me about Cheryl then?” I spit out to him. “You use to say her name in your sleep, you use to plead with her as you dreamt and you want to talk about my past? About someone who I haven’t seen or talked to in three years? I look at you now and you’re not the only one who sees a stranger. You are supposed to be my protector. I beg you to stay with me but you would rather go out and have another random fuck. Go ahead; fuck every girl that crosses your way. But remember this, if you walk out that door, I’m no longer your friend. You and I are finished.” I look him dead in the eye and he is huffing and puffing.

  I watch him walk to the door and open it and I’m waiting for him to leave, I’m waiting for him to go so I can fall once again on the floor. I can fall once again into my miserable life. But he doesn’t move. He looks out into the hall and back to me and he growls and slams the door shut, looking at me with pure anger. But all that energy I had to scream at him takes its toll and I feel my head getting heavy and my body feel light. My eyes roll back and darkness actually takes over.


  I slam the door. I have never felt so angry in my life. I’m not angry with her, not really. I’m angry at the guy who actually does own her. Watching her as Caron read that letter, it was too much to take. Seeing her fall apart for a guy who couldn’t even keep her. But hearing Raven threaten to not be in my life… I couldn’t go, and she knew it. She knows I
need her, just as much as she needs me.

  I look at her and I just want to shake her but the anger fades when I see her eyes roll back and she falls to the floor.

  I run towards her, screaming her name, but she doesn’t wake. I shake her but nothing. I check her pulse and it's weak. I’m screaming out to for someone to call 911. I see movement in the corner of my eye but I make sure I keep my eyes on Raven. I place her head on my knees and stroke her hair.

  Did she faint? Fuck. All these crazy thoughts are entering my head. Fuck, what if she’s pregnant? I feel my blood boiling at that thought, but she needs me now. She needed me before but I was willing to walk away. What if she fell after I left?

  Fuck, I will never forgive myself if anything is wrong.

  We will deal with this. Even if that hockey player is the father, I will be there for Raven and the baby. I stroke her cheek and her lips. Seeing her limp body lying there breaks me.

  “You didn’t have to pass out to get me to stay,” I joke with her, but her eyes remain closed. “Where’s the fucking ambulance?” I shout out.

  “They said they are on their way.” Caron cries at my side.

  “She’s going to be okay, she’s a tough cookie,” Alan reassures us all. She better be okay or, by all things that are holy, I will bring her back. She is fine, she just fainted. She is going to be fine. I say it over and over until the ambulance arrives.


  I open my eyes that feel a little heavy and hear beeping next to me. I open my eyes wider and look around and see that I’m in a hospital room. I have wires and things attached to me. I look down to my arms, down my body, and close my eyes again when everything comes back.

  Me and Jonny arguing, the package, me giving him an ultimatum. I groan. I open my eyes again when I feel movement and see Jonny sleeping in a chair at the bottom of my bed with his head on the mattress. I try and lean forward but my body feels a little achy.


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