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Love of Lady Liana.

Page 4

by Alvarez y Losada

  There were no profane words sufficiently low pa­ra to describe what Liana was feeling.

  -- Volvera's to see me -- it was able to say --. Oh, yes, you will return to see me, but I do not believe that you are so arrogant cuan­do us let us find again. It requests by your life, campesi­no.

  It happened quickly next to him.

  -- I do It every day -- he shouted to him -- . And I do not create...

  She did not hear the rest of the phrase, then once one went into in the forest, she retired the dress and the hairdo of escon­drijo and she ran towards his horse. The animal waited for without mover­se while Liana it cleared the wool dress. It threw to the ground and pisoteó, sinking it in earth.

  — ¡Repugnant! -- it said --. Dirty people and revolting -- mur­muró. And it had thought that the life of the farmers was romantic. ¡One saw them so free!

  -- they do not have to that it protects them -- it said to its horse. -- If my guard or lord Stephen had here been, they would have skinned that pig forcing it to crawl by sue­lo. It would laugh seeing how that demon pelirrojo kisses zapa­to of lord Stephen. What I will do with him, Belle? -- it asked the horse --. The colt? The carving up? That they des­tripen it? That they burn it in the pyre? Yes, that pleases to me. Or­denaré that burns it, I will serve the supper and its death by the fire will be the diversion.

  Dressed again in its own ones articles, mounted and directed a glance of hatred in the direction of the pool. It dealed with to imagine the death violent of the individual, but remembered its kiss and wagged head as if it wished to move away those pen­samientos. Again it tried to think about death by fue­go, but was not beyond imagining that beautiful body ata­do to the post.

  — ¡Damn it is -- it exclaimed and it spurred his horse.

  It had crossed one short distance when it found to fifty of the horsemen of its father, had of pe­sada armor, as if they were going to the war.

  -- Aho­ra has decided to look for to me near suspend -- said Liana. So that they had not appeared when it threw it to water or forced to wash it its clothes... or when he was besándo­la?

  — ¡My lady! -- I exclaim the horseman who it marched to the front --. We were looking for it. You have suffered some damage?

  -- In fact, yes -- she said, irritated -- . In the forest, so­bre the flank this of the pool has...

  Se interrupted. It did not know why, but suddenly fifty men against a disarmed farmer him pa­reció one very unjust situation.

  -- What has, me lady? We will kill it.

  -- Vi a so great cluster of butterflies bo­nitas than never I found -- its des­lumbrante said and offered to the soldier smile --. I forgot the passage of time, lamen­to to have worried to people. We returned?

  It forced its horse to become and rode to the front of the men, who felt very disturbed reason why she it had done. Of course, he was better to wait for and to say to its father the happened thing, and how that terrible man treated. Yes, that was most accurate. The attitude that she was adopting was most reasonable, her father would know how to solve situation. Perhaps it would lock up it in a tachonado barrel of nails. In effect that one it seemed a good idea.


  Rogan saw move away to the young person and was sorry not to have had time for her. It had pleased to touch that white skin to him... and those hair! They had the color of the horsehair of a horse his of when it was youngster.

  Corcel killed in action by Floward, remembered with bitterness, and of a pull the woven average was put.

  The great finger emerged by a hole. Without thinking it much, the average one accommodated better to cover the empty space and it returned to wear the panties. The small finger enlisted to the height of ankle. This time, their own clothes attracted the attention of Rogan. It raised the panties, put them to backlighting and thus it saw the hundreds of very small orifices. At the moment, the averages conserved their form by mere custom, but in few days they would more begin to fray. It elevated the shirt to the sun, saw that also she was full of holes and that the same happened to the túnica of wool.

  It thought angered: To the demon with that presumptuous youngster. One seted out to marry the heiress of the Neville and their own articles were falling him of the body. If sometimes it returned a to find that female, already would see what...

  Rogan interrupted the thoughts and it examined the shirt again. That woman had not wanted to wash the clothes, which she wished was a good tumble in the grass and as she did not obtain it, she took revenge herself of he; the revenge was something that Rogan understood very well.

  In spite of its rage, the fact of which now it would have to confront the cost to buy new articles, it watched light of the sun that filtered by the orifices of its shirt and did something that rare time did. It smiled. That bold female did not fear to him. Dangerous a was had to receive deserved blows when it was dedicated to bore the clothes to him. to catch it, it would have to him... Always smiling, it thought that probably it would have given him tumble that it wished.

  It threw the shirt to the air, received it to to fall and began to get dressed. Now it saw with good disposition the possibility of to marry with the heiress of the Neville. Perhaps after the marriage it would find to the blond beauty and it would see if it could give him what it longed for. Perhaps would take it with himself and to perhaps it would do the nine mocosos him that she it affirmed to have.

  After getting dressed, it mounted and it returned to it borders, where they waited for its brother and the men.

  -- we have waited for enough time -- it said Severn --. Now you feel more valiant? You can face the girl?

  The good humor of Rogan disappeared.

  -- If you want to conserve that language that you have, déjala quiets. Mount and we march. I am going to marry with a woman.

  Severn approached its mount, that it hoped, and when it put the foot in the stirrup, something blue in the grass attracted his attention. It gathered it and it saw that it was a piece of linen cloth. It dropped it again and it did not think more about him while it rode behind its obstinate brother.

  -- My lady -- Joice said again, and it hoped. But Liana did not answer.­¡My lady! -- the servant in voice repeated more discharge, but now was no answer either. Joice watched Liana, that was in front to the window, its mind far distant. It had maintained the same attitude from eve, when returning of its stroll --. Perhaps that was the imminent marriage -- perhaps tomorrow they had sent the messenger to lord Stephen was something completely different. Anyway, Liana had not said a word a nobody. Joice left in silence of the room and closed the heavy door of rivet.

  Liana had not slept during the night and it resigned to his attempts to work. It remained sitting the window in front of of his room and it fixedly watched the village that extended underneath. It observed people who walked quickly, laughed and cursed.

  The door was opened noisily.

  — ¡Liana!

  It was impossible not to pay attention to the voice irritated and loaded of hatred of his madrastra. The young person returned towards her one cold glance.

  -- What you wish?

  It could not contemplate the beauty of Helen without remembering the smiling face of lord Stephen, its eyes that paid attention to gold tray deposited on the rim of the home.

  -- Your father wishes that you come to the hall, he has guests.

  In the voice of Helen there was certain bitterness that it intensified the curiosity of Liana.

  -- Guests?

  Helen became.

  -- Liana, I do not believe that you must come. Your father will pardon to you in fact, pardons you everything. Dile that already dresses to that man and you do not want it. Asegúrale which you gave your heart lord Stephen and no you love another person.

  Now, Liana in effect was interested.

  -- What man is that one?

  Helen became to watch his hijastra.

  -- He is one of the terrible ones Peregrinates -- him it responded -- Probably you do not know them, but the te
rritories of my previous husband they were near that this people occupy. In spite of its old lineage, they are poor men like a sheep and more or less equally clean.

  -- and well, what has to do with me these Peregrine?

  -- Two arrived last night and the greater one affirms that it came to desposarte. -- Helen elevated the hands to the sky.-- Very own of people like them. They do not request your hand... they announce that one of those dirty beasts has come to marry with you.

  Liana remembered another dirty individual, man who had kissed it and had made fun of of her.

  -- I am it jeopardize with lord Stephen. The acceptance of its proposal was already sent.

  Helen seated in the bed and because of their fatigue the shoulders sank to him.

  -- It is what I said to your father, but no it wants to listen to me. These Peregrine brought to him like gift two enormous hawks, two great travelling hawks, as the last name that they take, and Gilbert spent the whole night with them relating an anecdote of falconry after another one. It is convinced that they are the best Earth men. It does not perceive its stench and poverty. It does not pay attention to the anecdotes about its brutality, father of these two sent to the tomb four spouses.

  Liana calmly watched his madrastra.

  -- Why it troubles to you with whom me case? A man is not as good as another one? What you wish is that it leaves your house so that, perhaps it matters with whom I contract marriage indeed?

  Helen took the hand to the belly each enlarged time more.

  -- Never you will understand -- it said with expression tired --. I only want to be the master in my own home.

  -- While I leave and go to the house of an individual that...

  Helen raised a hand.

  -- Cometi' an error when I wanted to speak with you. It is well, sees with your father, permítele that marries to you with this man, who to probably it will punish you; that you will seize of each cent of your dowry and not it will at least leave the clothes that you take puttings. ¡The clothes! Nothing means stops these men. The greater one dresses worse than the mess attendants. When it moves, you reach to see the orifices of its dirty articles. -- Helen was put of foot and separated from the bed. -- You can hate to me, if you want, but request to the sky that you do not only ruin your life to do what I say to you that you do not do.

  It left the room.

  Liana very was not interested in this new visitor who had announced his intention to marry it. Men by style already night and day ran to months visiting the house. On the other hand, she no it reached to see much difference between and others: some were old, others young people; some were intelligent, and other no. What it united them was the desire of to seize of the fortune of Neville. What they wanted was...

  -- Holes in the clothes? -- Liana thought aloud, the very great eyes --. Holes in the clothes?

  Joice entered the room.

  -- My lady, the gentleman of the castle...

  Liana happened in front of its servant quickly and it descended running the lofty stairs from spiral. It had to do that candidate, needed to see it before he did it. On the foot of the stairs it ran towards the door, it crossed the patio, it happened next to the horsemen who they haraganeaban that way, to the horses that waited for the riders, to youngsters who rested to the sun and entered the kitchen. The enormous homes opened they radiated a very intense heat, but Liana continued running. It opened abruptly a puertita that was near the water-drainage sewer and raised lofty stone steps that took to the gallery of the musicians. One took a finger to the lips to impose silence to the violinista when it saw that this one it began to speak to him.

  The gallery of the musical ones was a balcony of wood that it gave on an end of the great hall, with a high railing of wood that it prevented to see the musicians. Liana approached a corner and watched towards the hall.

  He was he.

  The young person whom the eve had seen, same that kissed it, it was seated to the right of his father, and an enormous one hawk encaramado in a hanger, between both. The sun light that came from the windows it seemed to set afire the red one of his hair.

  Liana leaned in the wall, feeling that it annoyed the heart to him with force. He was not a farmer, had said that it came in order to court a woman and one talked about her. Its visit had by objective to marry with her.

  -- My lady, you feel well?

  Liana moved away with a gesture to the violinista and it watched the men who were down, not very safe of which saw. With his father were two men, but in fact she could see only one. Colored person seemed to dominate to the hall with his corpulento body collapsed in chair ' and the intensity whereupon spoke and listened. The father of Liana ed ***reflx mng itself and the blonde also, but his man maintained an expression serious.

  -- Its man? -- Liana opened very great the eyes when it included/understood what it was happened to him.

  -- How it is called? -- it murmured to violinista.

  -- Who, my lady?

  -- colored person -- she, impatient said --. There, that one, there down.

  -- Lord Rogan -- the musician answered --. And his brother is...

  -- Rogan -- it murmured, without rendering attention to the blonde --. Rogan, is well. -- Irguio' the head.-- Helen -- it said, it opened the door abruptly and it threw to run again. It happened again through it cooks, back left a fight of dogs in relation to which the men they crossed bets, crossed the patio paved in search of the South tower, raised the stairs, almost demolished two servants who had the loaded arms of clothes washed and it entered the lot. Helen was seated in front of the frame of a carpet and as soon as it moved the eyes when it entered running.

  -- Háblame of him -- Liana demanded, jadeante because of the race.

  Helen continued irritated because of commentaries formulated by Liana one hour before.

  -- Nothing I know of no man, I am not more that a servant in my own house.

  The young person took a stool located against the wall and went to seat Helen as opposed to.

  -- Dime everything what you know about this Rogan. He is the one that requested my hand? Red hair? Great body and brown skin? Green eyes?

  All those that were in the lot they were left paraliza­dos. Lady Liana never had demonstrated before to the plus míni­mo interest by a horseman.

  Helen watched worried his hijastra.

  -- Yes, she is a beautiful young person but, you no you hit upon to see that its beauty nothing else?

  -- Yes, yes, I know it, its clothes are infested of lice. Or they were it until I... It tell me what you know of him -- it demanded Liana.

  Helen did not understand absolutely to his hijastra, never had seen vivaz it, so sonrojada and so pretty. fear feeling began to dominate it. Liana, that reasonable young person, balanced and mature, it could not surrender before the beauty of a man. last months had visited the castle hundreds of good looking men, and none of them...

  — ¡Explícate!

  Helen sighed.

  -- I do not know much of them. She is a family of long data. One affirms that their ancestors fought next to the king Arturo, but makes few generations the greater one of Peregrine yielded ducado, the seat of the family and the money to the relatives of his second wife and for that reason ilegítimos to their older children were declared. After its death, the widow contracted marriage with a cousin and the son of Peregrinates became in Howard; now these are owners of the title and the earth that before they belonged to Peregrine. He is everything what I know. The king declared bastards a all Peregrine old and only they had left two and ruinous castles, county without importance and nothing else.

  Helen inclined towards Liana.

  -- I have seen where they live, he is repulsive. ceiling collapsed in several sites. The dirt is indescriptible, to them no it concerns roña to them, the lice or the seeded meat of worms. They live for one single thing, that is to take revenge itself of the Howard. This individual, Rogan, do not want one wife. It wants the money of the Neville to wage the war to the Howa

  Helen made a pause and continued:

  -- It peregrinates Them are horrible men. It interests solely the war and the death to them. When I was young there were six brothers, but four have died. Perhaps these two only live, or perhaps those men generate children as rabbits -- Responding to an impulse, Helen took hand of Liana -- Please, you do not consider east candidate. It would devour to you live to the breakfast.

  Liana felt that the head gave him returns.

  -- I am of one more a more resistant fiber of that you create -- murmured.

  Helen backed down a step.

  -- Not -- it murmured --. You do not think about it. No you can contemplate the possibility of marrying you with that man.

  Liana separated to the glance from his madrastra. Perhaps there was another reason for which Helen wished to move away it of Rogan. Perhaps it wished for she herself. Or perhaps they had been loving, when Helen lived close of Peregrine, at the time at which his first husband lived.

  Liana was arranged to say something by style when Joice entered the room.

  -- My lady -- it said to Liana --, Sir Robert Butler has arrived. It requests your hand in marriage.

  Vacillating, Liana crossed the patio outside towards where it waited for his horse.

  -- it had cherished the hope of to conquer your hand because they interest territories to me of your father -- di­jo to sir Robert with amiable voice --, but now that I have seen you, I must recognize that vos same you are sufficient prize.

  -- Oh? -- Liana stopped and it became in order to watch it -- My eyes are like emeralds or sapphires?

  The eyes of the young person enlarged by surprise.

  -- I would say like sapphires.

  -- My skin is like ivory or like satén finer?

  It outlined one slight smile.

  -- I would say that like the petals of whiter rose.

  The glance of Liana received an expression it lasts.


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