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Learning to Walk, a City Hospital Novel

Page 15

by Zachary, Drew

  “Sorry,” Kit gasped. “Oh, wow.”

  He shook his head. “It’s okay. Flattering.”

  Kit panted a little more, clearly working on getting his breath back. “Okay. Kiss me.” He reached for Neil, insistent.

  “You’re so pushy.” Not that this was anything new, but Neil figured it bore repeating. He crawled back up to lie close, brushing their lips together briefly in a teasing kiss.

  “I know. You’re a saint for putting up with me.” Kit kissed him back, his arms sliding around Neil to cuddle him close.

  “I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say saint. Maybe just a minor one.” He put his head on Kit’s chest, listening to the beat of his lover’s heart.

  “Do they having minor saints?” Kit’s fingers carded through Neil’s hair. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  He shrugged, his body sliding along Kit’s. “Don’t know. Not Catholic. There’s minor deities, though, so why not saints? I can be the patron saint of pushy, recovering gay dudes.” He looked up and smiled at Kit. “And me too. Am glad, I mean. That we’re here together.”

  Kit nodded and kissed the tip of Neil’s nose. “You feel good,” he whispered. “Against me. Warm.”

  “You too.” He brushed their lips together again, before turning it into a deeper kiss, his tongue sliding slowly into Kit’s mouth.

  Kit let him in and deepened the kiss. His hands were roaming over Neil’s skin again, petting and caressing, like he couldn’t get enough.

  “Revving me up again.” Neil wasn’t quite sure if he meant it as a warning or a promise.

  “Good.” Kit tweaked one of Neil’s nipples and soothed it with a soft hand. Then he did it again. “I want you.”

  He jerked against Kit, gasping softly. Nodding, he rubbed his cock along Kit’s hip. “Who in who?”

  “Whatever.” Kit reached down and touched him, tracing Neil’s cock with warm fingers. “Whatever you want. You can be the pushy one this time,” he teased.

  “Then I want to do you.” He leaned down and whispered into Kit’s ear. “When you can walk on your own, you can fuck me through the mattress.”

  He felt Kit shudder a tiny bit, just a jerk of his body that Kit clearly couldn’t control. “Yes,” Kit hissed, barely above a whisper. “I will. Now I want you in me.” He nodded.

  “You have the slick stuff, right?” He half raised his head, looking in the general direction he thought he remembered Kit pointing out at the beginning of this encounter.

  “Uh-huh.” Kit shifted and gestured to the nightstand. “In the drawer.” He ran his hand down Neil’s body and cupped his balls. “Can you reach?”

  This needy little sound came out of him. God, Kit was sensual -- it was good. He hadn’t been touched like this in too long. “Not if you do that.”

  “Are you sure?” Kit chuckled softly and then let him go. “How about now?”

  “Yeah, I think I can get it now.” He stuck his tongue out at Kit and got off the bed, going to the little nightstand and pulling out the drawer. He grabbed the stuff they needed, noting that the bottle of lube was jumbo sized. Raising an eyebrow he turned to look at Kit, holding the bottle out.

  “I am an optimist.”

  He laughed and tossed the bottle at Kit. “Think fast.”

  Kit’s hand flashed up and he caught it in a tight hand. “Like a ninja.”

  “I thought ninjas were stealthy?” He moved back onto the bed and pushed at Kit, encouraging him to turn over onto his side.

  “And fast! I was fast, see?” Kit rolled, laughing. “The stealthy part is beyond me.”

  “And crazy. I think you’ve got that part covered, too.” He slid his hand over Kit’s ass cheeks.

  “You like the crazy. And the pushy, but I won’t tell anyone about that part.” Kit shivered and pulled a pillow around for support.

  “I like it all,” he admitted. Kit was definitely his own person, and Neil appreciated that. He pushed a finger between Kit’s cheeks, rubbing the wrinkled skin where Kit’s hole was. He was going to be inside there, inside Kit. The thought made him shiver in anticipation.

  “Oh.” Kit sighed and shifted back a little, the small of his back arching.

  “Let me get the lube -- I just wanted to feel for a second.”

  “Feel away. I’m not going to complain.”

  Neil almost pointed out that Kit had whined when he’d taken his time exploring during the blow job, but decided not to. He kind of liked the complaining -- it was just another part of who Kit was.

  Kit’s back arched again, and his ass moved, almost rocking. He made a pleased sound and looked back at Neil with a smile. Neil smiled back and got his fingers all slick -- a little more slick than he’d planned, really, but it was hard to just get a bit of lube out of the giant-sized bottle. Then he reached for Kit’s ass again, sliding his fingers over the puckered little hole, getting it wet.

  Kit made a soft sound and nodded, then curled around the pillow. “Yes,” he whispered. “Feels good so far. Slow is good.”

  “What was your favorite thing? Before the accident, I mean?” He pushed his index finger against Kit’s hole, then across it, then just barely in, then across, then in, and across.

  “Sex, you mean? Oh, man. Hard to think.” Kit gave a short laugh. “Uh, rubbing off until I was almost shooting, then getting a mouth on me. And fucking on the couch, ‘cause moving to the bed would take too long.”

  “Have you done this a lot?” He slid his finger into Kit, the heat and tightness incredible. And the softness. It amazed him how soft Kit felt inside.

  “Not lately.” Kit moaned quietly. “Oh man.”

  “You have done this, though, right?” Maybe Kit didn’t switch hit like he did after all.

  “Yes.” A laugh burbled up out of Kit and then another moan. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s good. I like it. Keep doing that.”

  “Okay, good. Good.” He pushed his finger in deep and slid it almost out before pushing it in again. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on doing Kit with his finger.

  Kit almost purred. The sounds he was making all curled together into a low hum of approval that gave out all the right signals. Neil worked in a second finger and started rocking with Kit, his cock rubbing against Kit’s back.

  “Yeah,” Kit whispered, his hips moving back to meet Neil. “Neil. Yes. More, honey.”

  “Yes. Another finger, okay?” He knew the prep was the most important thing. If they got this right, the rest would flow.

  “Ready.” Kit’s ass flexed around his fingers and relaxed a little more.

  He pulled all his fingers out, added more lube, and then pushed all three in. Kit’s hole opened for him.

  “Oh God, yes.” Kit pushed back, not even waiting for him. “Good.”

  Neil laughed, the sound husky because he was also close to moaning.

  “Don’t stop. Okay? Don’t stop.”

  “I’m not stopping, oh pushy one.” He wriggled his fingers around inside Kit, and then began sliding them in and out.

  “You like pushy,” Kit gasped out. He braced his hands on the bed and started moving, riding Neil’s fingers.

  “I do. I didn’t think I did, but you changed my mind.” Neil let Kit do most of the work, and focused on opening and closing his fingers.

  Kit made more noises, some of them really, really good and loud. When those happened, Kit would stop and enjoy what was going on before moving again. For a man who’d spent so long being relatively still, he was getting fairly athletic about things. Finally he looked back, his face flushed. “Neil. Please?”

  Neil nodded. Between the way his cock was rubbing on Kit’s skin and the noises Kit was making, he was pretty damn hard himself, and he could feel the need to rut in his balls. He slipped his fingers out and grabbed the condom, wishing he’d thought to open it before his fingers had become all slippery.

  Kit whimpered. It might not have technically been a whimper, but it was certainly a whine. “Need help? I can help.”

  He handed over the stupid package. “My fingers are too slippery.” It would be fine for putting it on, but not so fine for actually opening the little packet.

  Kit unceremoniously tore the wrapper open and passed the rubber back. The wrapper got tossed into the corner, and Kit flopped down, pushing his butt back. “Ready!”

  Neil found himself laughing again and decided that he liked it -- it made sex that much better to be laughing with your partner. He smoothed down the condom and couldn’t resist teasing. “Are you sure?”

  “Fuck me!” Kit yelled, starting to giggle. “I’m reasonably sure I’m ready.”

  “Yeah, and I’m reasonably sure that if I don’t do you soon you’re going to explode.” He giggled, too, lining up and rubbing the head of his cock against Kit’s tiny hole.

  “In me,” Kit said, drawing out the “me” to be “meeeeeeeeee.” He wiggled back impatiently.

  “No, here I get to be pushy. You be patient.” He wanted to feel this.

  Kit made a noise that may have been a grunt or even a snort. “I’ll try.”

  “You don’t have a choice.” He got a hold of Kit’s hip and pushed his leg between Kit’s. That gave him the leverage he needed to slowly push in.

  Kit gasped and went still under him, though his hips seemed to twitch a tiny bit, like he was trying not to push back. “Oh, man.”

  Neil kept pushing in, nice and slowly, working his way in inch by inch. Kit was tight and oh my god hot and it was better than anything he’d done with anyone in a very long time.

  “Neil.” Kit was back to whispering. “God, yes. So much yes.”

  He pushed in until his hips were snugged up against Kit’s ass, the position seeming even more intimate because of the way their legs were tangled together. He rested his head against Kit’s shoulder.

  “Why are you stopping?” Kit whispered. “This is the moving part. I remember moving.”

  “Just giving you a minute to get used to it.” A minute to be here on the cusp of fucking, to enjoy just this, being buried deep inside his lover for the first time. “Shh.” Neil hushed Kit when he heard his lover take a breath and open his mouth.

  “Pushy,” Kit whispered.

  He giggled, his cock shifting inside Kit.

  “Oh God.” Kit groaned. “That. Do that again. Just a little.”

  “Shh.” He said it more insistently this time and circled his hips.

  Kit shushed. At least he stopped talking; the sounds kept coming, though, low and almost growly. Neil could see one of Kit’s hands flexing and relaxing, and flexing again as he held onto the bed covers.

  It felt so good, Neil kept doing it. He’d start thrusting soon, he was pretty sure he’d have to, but for now, he kept circling, feeling Kit all around his cock.

  “Uhn.” Kit’s hand stopped grasping and went flat on the bed. He squeezed around Neil, his ass going even tighter, and he shifted his hips back, clearly trying to make Neil move.

  Neil leaned down to give Kit a hard kiss. “I’m running the show here.”

  “I’m trying not to!” Kit protested. “But my ass is full of a very hard of cock, and it’s been a long time, and my body wants to just go.”

  “We’re being in the moment, enjoying your ass and my cock.”

  Kit made a frustrated sound, but he stopped trying to move. “When I’m in you, I won’t tease so much.” His tone didn’t make it clear if that was a threat or a promise.

  “I’m not teasing. I’m making it last.” He did give in, though, to Kit and to his own body’s needs. He started to pull out, moving slowly and stopping with only the head of his cock inside Kit’s body. Then he pushed slowly in again. This low groan was pulled out of his body, the sound full of his need.

  “Yes,” Kit whispered. “Oh, yes.” He reached back and held onto Neil’s hip.

  Neil kissed Kit’s shoulder and kept moving, slowly, but still moving. Back and forth, he pushed into Kit’s body. The hand on his hip dug in, but didn’t guide; it was like Kit needed to have the bit of connection for a while. When he started to breathe harder, though, Kit let go and took hold of his own erection instead. Neil reached around and twined his fingers with Kit’s, sharing the job of stroking Kit’s cock.

  Kit’s breathing grew closer to gasps with each movement and his head fell back on Neil. “I don’t know if I can make it last for very long,” he confessed.

  “It doesn’t matter. Just enjoy it while it does.” He pushed a little harder but not a lot. He wanted Kit to feel every second.

  “I am. I really am.” Kit nodded and Neil could feel Kit’s fingers tighten a bit. “Oh, God. Neil. You feel so good.”

  “You too.” Like really, really.

  He slid his hand with Kit’s, moving them a little faster as he pushed up against Kit’s ass cheeks again and again.

  With another long, rough noise, Kit managed to drag his knee up a few inches, opening himself wider. It was an effort, that much was clear, but when he’d done it his hand almost flew along his cock, pulling Neil’s with it. “There,” Kit said, his voice tight. “Oh, God. Harder, Neil. Harder.”

  He moved faster, began to pound into Kit, his own orgasm building in the small of his back, in his balls. Every time he thrust deep, Kit grunted in response and arched his back. When the grunt turned into a cry, Kit’s hand stilled on his erection and Kit gave a long shudder, all over. “Yes,” he said, dragging the word out as he started to come, going tight-tight-tight around Neil.

  Neil kept pushing in, trying to keep hitting Kit’s gland so the orgasm would be even better.

  Kit came in hard bursts, his back curling down and then up as he shot. He was noisy, which Neil was beginning to know was just Kit, and then he went limp. His hand was sticky, he was making contented sounds, and his body was still open for Neil.

  Smiling, Neil rested his chin on Kit’s shoulder and gave a number of quick, shallow thrusts, so close to following Kit over into orgasm.

  “Come on,” Kit coaxed, sounding drowsy. “Come in me. I want to feel it.”

  “Oh God.” With that, Neil came, filling up the condom.

  “Nice.” Kit’s sticky hand rested on Neil’s leg. “So nice.” He was almost purring.

  Neil panted, resting his head against Kit’s shoulder. “Uh-huh. Whoop even.”

  Kit laughed, his body shaking. “Whoop, indeed. Why don’t you stay the night? If you can tolerate seeing my dad across the breakfast table, anyway.”

  Neil nodded without thinking about it. “I’d like that.”

  “Me, too.” Kit looked pleased. “Good.” After a moment he added, “Though we should probably shower tonight, if only so we can sleep without sticking to each other.”

  Neil laughed, his cock sliding out of Kit as he did. He dealt with the condom and snuggled back in. “In a few.”

  “Not yet,” Kit agreed, drawing Neil’s arms tighter.

  Neil lay there quietly, just enjoying the afterglow. Enjoying Kit.

  This had been the best date yet.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was a beautiful sunny day with crisp air and the fresh smell that only comes after a rain. Kit was enjoying the hell out of it as he and Neil strolled along with no real destination in mind. They were out for a walk just because Kit could.

  They did a lot of that, just wandering around for the joy of it. Kit knew that Neil didn’t mind, at least not much. They went into stores and got treats for meals, or rented movies, or lingered in book stores.

  This time they were walking on the sidewalk next to a park. On one side they had green, and children, and happy sounds of playing. On the other was parked cars, presumably belonging to some of the people in the park. “I like that green Impala,” Kit said, pointing. “The color of it, I mean.”

  “I bet it’s a gas guzzler.” Neil gave him a grin. “But the color’s okay.”

  “There’s a gas guzzler.’s a gasd Kit pointed to a big, rangy-looking SUV with huge tires. “Not like that.” “That” was a sleek and lo
ng street motorcycle, built primarily to look sexy as far as Kit was concerned. “Ducati.”

  “Bless you?”

  Kit was startled for a moment and then grinned. “The bike. It’s a Ducati. Streetfighter, I think.” Kit headed to the bike, wanting to take a better look.

  “Ah. Of course. Streetfighter? That sounds... more dangerous than the usual.”

  “It’s just a name.” Kit squeezed his fingers and looked the bike over. It was well kept and nicely polished, all gleaming black with red. “It sure is pretty.” He let go of Neil’s hand and circled the bike. “Someone loves it.”

  “Does it make you want to get one?”

  Kit shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t know about that. I can’t see owning a bike again, I don’t think. I’ll ride, but it’ll be like taking someone else’s out for a spin once in a while. Maybe. I’ll have to see what happens the first time I try it.” He could have a massive panic attack. He knew Neil wasn’t a fan, and Kit didn’t want to worry him, either.

  “I don’t think I want to know if you do. It would make me crazy with worry.”

  That totally didn’t surprise Kit. He gave Neil a smile and stepped away from the bike. “Can I tell you after? Or should I not mention it at all?”

  “No, you should tell me after. I don’t want it to be like you’re hiding it from me. I just don’t want to have to worry about it.”

  Kit nodded. “Okay. I can do that. I don’t want you to worry. I really don’t. But I think this might be something I need to find out about myself, at some point. Not right now, though. Not this month.”

  “Good. In my mind it’ll be never, and that way I don’t have to think about it.” Neil gave a small shrug. “It’s just something that I can’t reconcile.”

  “I know, honey.” He did. He wouldn’t want Neil to do something that had led to great injury, either. But for Kit it wasn’t that simple, not really. The bike hadn’t hurt him, the drunk had. The bike had just not been very good protection against a bigger object. “I won’t do anything that will put myself in danger.”

  Neil reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezed it once before letting go again. “Thanks.” Then he got a grin. “Have I mentioned lately how cool it is that we can walk together like this?”


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