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Thirteen Hours

Page 10

by Meghan O'Brien

  Laurel chuckled and tugged her closer so that their breasts smashed together. “You’re gorgeous, Dana.” Craning her neck, she peppered Dana’s throat with tiny, nibbling kisses. “Absolutely gorgeous.” She dropped a hand down to press against Dana’s belly, still kissing.

  Resisting the urge to suck her stomach in, Dana closed her eyes and tilted her head to give Laurel better access. Immediately Laurel latched onto Dana’s pulse point and sucked hard enough to send a jolt of pleasure thundering throughout Dana’s body. “I just hope…”

  “Hope what?” Laurel asked, never breaking the contact of her mouth with Dana’s skin.

  Dana dropped her hand between their bodies and skimmed her palm over the trimmed thatch of hair between Laurel’s legs. Laurel sucked in an unsteady breath and finally stopped her kisses, leaning her forehead against Dana’s shoulder.

  “I hope you’re okay with a more untamed look,” Dana whispered.

  She cupped Laurel in her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze, punctuating her point. If only I’d known I was going to get trapped in an elevator with the woman of my dreams today, I would’ve started a new grooming regimen.

  Laurel giggled, a sound that was breathy with arousal. “I’m more than okay with it.” She slipped her hand between Dana’s legs and palmed her through her pants. “I’m ravenous.”

  Dana closed her eyes as she struggled to contend with the overwhelming sensation of being touched so intimately. Even through clothing, it was the single most electrifying caress she had ever received.

  Laurel moved her hand to the button of Dana’s pants. “May I?”

  When she could make her mouth work again, Dana said, “Yes.”

  Laurel brought her other hand down and fumbled with Dana’s pants. The slight trembling of her fingers surprised Dana, and she asked, “Are you nervous?”

  “Incredibly,” Laurel murmured. She managed to get the button undone, and eased the zipper down slowly. “Aren’t you?”

  Dana took stock. Somehow it helped tremendously to know that Laurel was nervous, too. That it was normal, and not just because she was socially inept. “Not as much as I was.”

  “Good,” Laurel said. She pressed one palm against Dana’s lower back and moved the other hand to rest on Dana’s stomach.

  Dana was ready to take back her confident words the moment Laurel slid a hand over her abdomen and into her unbuttoned pants.

  Before she could register what was happening, Laurel’s hand was cradling her, and careful fingertips slid through the abundant wetness that had gathered.

  “Oh, Dana.” Laurel’s voice sounded strained. “You’re soaking wet.”

  Dana’s cheeks burned. There was no way that much wetness was normal. “For hours now, honestly.”

  “My poor girl,” Laurel cooed, and removed her hand so she could tug Dana’s pants down over her hips. “Let me take care of that.” She put a gentle hand on Dana’s shoulder and pushed. “Lie down for me.”

  Dana collapsed onto her back with a relieved sigh. She had been having trouble staying upright on weak, trembling knees.

  “Lift,” Laurel urged with a soft pat on her hip. When Dana planted her feet and raised her hips into the air, Laurel tugged her pants down.

  Tossing them to the side, she traced the waistband of Dana’s panties with one fingertip. “These are ruined, aren’t they?”

  Dana squirmed beneath Laurel’s touch, all too aware of the wetness that stained her panties and painted her inner thighs. “Until I can do some industrial-strength laundry, yes. Completely.”

  “Shame.” Laurel rubbed her palm over the crotch of the cotton panties. “They’re so cute on you.”

  “Favorite pair,” Dana admitted.

  “Mine, too. So far.” Laurel eyed them seriously. “Even so, they’ve got to go.”

  Dana took a deep breath. Of course. That was the way these things worked. She agreed with a reluctant nod. “All right.”

  Laurel stretched out beside Dana, moving her hand to rest on her soft abdomen. “You’ve got the sweetest tummy,” she said. Stroking the skin around her belly button with feather-light touches, Laurel added, “I love your body.”

  Dana stared down at herself with critical detachment. For the first time, she felt a certain warm glow at the sight of her full breasts and all her curves—especially with Laurel’s hand on her. She grinned, emboldened by Laurel’s obvious appreciation. “It’s…all right.”

  Laurel slipped her hand beneath the waistband of Dana’s panties, running searching fingertips through the wet, curly hairs. “You feel more than all right to me.”

  Dana stared at the shape of Laurel’s hand moving beneath her panties with disbelieving eyes. When she felt her swollen clitoris brushed by a slippery fingertip, she arched her back and cried out.

  Laurel brought her mouth close to Dana’s ear. “So, so responsive.”

  Dana tightened her fists at her sides. Her hips ground out desperate circles beneath Laurel’s hand, needy for more. “Take them off,” Dana hissed.

  “Take what off?” Laurel eased into a teasing grin. “You want me to have better access?”

  Dana’s ability to participate in witty banter was rapidly deteriorating. Along with her autonomic functions. She tried to control her breathing as Laurel pressed the length of her fingers over her labia, then rubbed up and down along the slippery flesh. “I want…uh…yes,” she ground out.

  Laurel removed her hand, leaving Dana cold and wanting with her absence. She tugged on Dana’s panties with both hands, and Dana lifted her hips automatically, allowing Laurel to undress her.

  “You’re lovely,” Laurel purred. She stared between Dana’s legs and rubbed her palm over the thick patch of dark hair there. “I’m trying to decide what to do first,” she mumbled, darting her gaze between Dana’s breasts and her pussy. “It’s not as easy as it may seem.”

  Dana’s nipples tightened at the sensation of Laurel’s hand between her legs, and at the sound of her throaty voice. “Kiss me,” she suggested in a whisper. She reached between her own legs with trembling fingers, taking Laurel’s hand and bringing it to her lips.

  “Start by kissing me.”

  Laurel replaced her fingers with her mouth, giving Dana a kiss that made her toes curl. Dana spread her legs and allowed Laurel to settle between them, groaning at the feeling of Laurel’s naked skin on hers. It was almost too much to process: Laurel’s erect nipples rubbing against her own, the short, wiry hairs between Laurel’s legs tangling with Dana’s own damp curls, the pleasant weight of a lean female body atop hers.

  This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.

  Laurel ended their kiss by sliding her mouth down over Dana’s chin to her neck, nibbling and licking her skin every inch of the way.

  “You’re so soft,” Laurel murmured as she trailed wet kisses down to the slope of Dana’s breast. “Feel so good.” She licked a trail down to Dana’s erect nipple. “I never want you in clothes again,” she said, then took Dana’s nipple between her teeth briefly before releasing it and laving it with the flat of her tongue.

  Dana laughed, a breathy noise that sounded more like a muffled gasp than the expression of unrestrained joy that it was. Laurel’s mouth eased into a smile around her nipple, for a moment still licking, then sucking hard. Dana watched, still fascinated by the reality of being touched by another woman.

  Laurel released her nipple and kissed over to its twin, lavishing the same kind of attention on her other breast. Dana writhed and moaned beneath her touch, amazed by her complete lack of self-consciousness when it came to reacting out loud to Laurel’s caresses.

  Laurel’s thigh pressed into the copious wetness between her legs, forcing a strangled plea. “Laurel, please. Please.”

  Laurel lifted her head with a grin. “Well, it didn’t take me long to make you beg.”

  Shameless, Dana tried to catch her breath. “I’m more than willing…” She cried out when Laurel seized a nipple between her fingertips and
tugged. “To…to beg.”

  Laurel kissed her mouth, murmuring, “That won’t be necessary.”

  She disentangled herself from Dana, then began a slow descent of Dana’s body, trailing hot, nipping kisses along the way. The next thing Dana knew, her pale thighs were lifted over Laurel’s slim shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered in shock.

  It was perfectly clear what Laurel was doing, of course. Dana had watched enough porn and read enough stories to have no doubt. She just couldn’t quite believe it was happening to her. She scooted back a little to make more room and Laurel settled more fully between her thighs. She licked her lips as if in anticipation of a great meal, staring at Dana’s pussy with hunger in her eyes.

  “I’m going to taste you,” she said quietly. She bent and kissed Dana’s inner thigh, and when she drew back, Dana could see her shiny juices coating Laurel’s full lips. Laurel poked her tongue out and swiped at her lower lip, eyes drooping closed in obvious appreciation.


  Dana didn’t answer, too concerned with the incredible teasing between her legs. Laurel moved her mouth across her inner thighs, delivering gentle nibbles along the creases on either side of her aching pussy. She smiled up at Dana with flashing blue eyes as she worked, poking her tongue out every now and again to swipe at sensitive skin.

  Dana schooled her breathing. She didn’t know if she would survive the night.

  Laurel hummed as she pressed her lips against the tuft of hair shielding Dana’s throbbing clit, providing just enough pressure to make her gasp and arch her back in anticipation. Dana threaded her hands in Laurel’s thick chestnut hair, thighs trembling at what was about to happen.

  Laurel lay her hand on Dana’s stomach and met her eyes. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Dana nodded fast, opening and closing her mouth a few times without managing to actually form any words. She tightened her fingers in Laurel’s hair, then groaned when Laurel planted another kiss on her soaked curls.

  “Are you ready?” Laurel’s eyes were bright and alive, full of obvious pleasure.

  Dana opened her mouth to answer in the affirmative, but all she could manage was a quiet moan that turned into a gasp when Laurel bent slightly to blow a stream of air over her overheated pussy. The breeze raised her nipples into even harder points, wrenching a pained grimace from her.

  “Please, kiss me,” Dana pleaded. There was no hesitation. She was beyond being afraid to ask for what she wanted.

  Laurel planted another gentle kiss between Dana’s legs, pressing her nose into her curly hairs. Retreating, but keeping her lips mere inches from where Dana needed her most, she mumbled, “Like that?”

  Almost against her will, Dana raised her hips to try to force more contact. “Kiss me…harder.”

  Laurel lowered her mouth and pressed firm lips to the same spot, teasing Dana’s clit with the promise of her attention, but the kiss was still muffled by hairs that absorbed the caress. “Harder like that?” she asked.

  Dana tightened her hand in Laurel’s hair again, resisting the urge to force her face between her legs. “God, Laurel, please—”

  Laurel moved her hands so she could spread Dana open, exposing her wet, swollen need, and lowered her face to trace the tip of her tongue along her labia. Dana cried out in surprise at the exquisite sensation.

  Laurel lifted her face. “Like that?”

  Dana nodded, frantic for more. “I’ve never…I’ve never felt anything like—” She tugged on Laurel’s hair, urging her back. “Please…please.”

  Laurel dragged the flat of her tongue up the length of Dana’s sex, unleashing a whole new wave of wetness that Dana was sure Laurel had to feel on her chin. Drawing away for only an instant, Laurel said, “You’re so beautiful, Dana. Thank you for this.”

  And then she settled in to feast.

  Dana’s mouth fell open and stayed that way, fists tightening and toes curling, when Laurel covered the engorged flesh of her pussy with her whole mouth. Her body tensed at the intimate kiss, so much more intense and all consuming than she had imagined it would be. Her hands loosened in Laurel’s hair; she was boneless beneath the tender assault, and she lacked the strength to exert her will in any way.

  She surrendered to Laurel, body and soul. She became more vulnerable than she had ever been before, and infatuated with the heady bliss of giving herself over to Laurel completely. Moaning, she was all instinct and no thought at all.

  Laurel’s tongue played Dana with casual skill, lapping up and down her ridged flesh and slick wetness. It teased lower, circling Dana’s tight opening, pressing inside only slightly before withdrawing with a sensuous wiggle. Laurel kept her palms pressed against Dana’s inner thighs, holding her open, and she moved her head up and down, back and forth, as she worked her over with lips and tongue.

  Dana cradled Laurel’s head with both hands, cursing her thighs for trembling uncontrollably with the pleasure of it all. Laurel wrapped her arms around her thighs and held on, moaning loudly when Dana pumped tentative hips into her face, seeking release. Laurel allowed Dana to thrust into her mouth as she licked and sucked her pussy.

  “Yes, Laurel, yes…yes,” Dana gasped. She planted her feet on the blanket, seeking leverage as she continued to move her hips in rhythm with Laurel. “Yes, please, yes.”

  Laurel opened her mouth wide, sliding her tongue in large circles over Dana’s throbbing clit.

  The pleasure was so intense that Dana’s body almost didn’t seem to know where to go with it, how to break through that final barrier to mindless release. She hovered on the precipice for what felt like hours, eyes squeezed tightly shut as she sought that last caress that would push her over the edge.

  She found it when Laurel brought one hand up and pinched her nipple hard, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger, still licking, then sliding her lips up and down the length of Dana’s distended clit.

  Dana cried out and arched her back, holding Laurel’s head tightly to her, still pumping and thrusting. She was not at all silent when she came. She wailed and keened incoherent pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her body. She endured the rush of sensation as long as she could, desperate to experience every last bit of it, but finally had to push Laurel away with shaking hands.

  “Wait,” Dana sobbed. “Wait, I…” She remained limp in Laurel’s arms until the oral assault ceased, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Her eyes burned with emotion brought on by all the feelings Laurel stirred in her, and crying was the only way to relieve some of the pressure inside. “My God, I—”

  Laurel kissed her way up Dana’s abdomen, over her belly, and brought both hands up to curl over Dana’s shoulders in a tender embrace. Her mouth left a wet trail along Dana’s ribs, her right breast, her shoulder and neck and chin. Laurel pressed her slick tongue into Dana’s mouth, sharing a flavor Dana had only hesitantly sampled before that moment. She tasted delicious on Laurel’s mouth.

  Laurel cradled Dana in her arms, kissing her for long moments before withdrawing with a tender smile. “That was amazing,” she whispered, brushing the back of her hand over Dana’s tear-dampened cheek. “Dana, honey, you were wonderful.”

  Dana clung to Laurel’s shoulders, burying her face in her soft, warm neck as she continued to cry. Laurel eased her arms around Dana’s back, holding her close. She whispered into Dana’s ear.

  “I’m so glad I met you tonight. So, so glad you gave me a chance, that this stupid elevator got stuck. It felt so good to touch you, to taste you. I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten so turned on tasting a woman before.”

  Dana’s tears slowed at Laurel’s quiet words, then stopped altogether. She tightened her arms around Laurel, cleaving to her supple body as her heart rate began to slow.

  “Thank you,” Dana mumbled against Laurel’s neck. “That was… that was…”

  “It was,” Laurel agreed, rubbing her hands over Dana’s shoulder blades. “You taste so swee
t.” She paused, then dropped a light kiss on Dana’s lips. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m crying,” Dana murmured, bringing one hand to her face and swiping at the drying tears. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”

  Laurel relaxed into a cocky leer. “Because I’m so good. That’s why.”

  Leave it to Laurel to make me feel okay about even this display of emotion. Dana brushed dark hair away from Laurel’s face. “You’re right, that must be it.”

  Laurel shifted so she could stretch out beside her. She kept one arm curled under Dana’s back and reached down with her other hand to stroke the oversensitized flesh of her abdomen.

  Dana sucked in a startled breath. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting ready to make you come again.” Laurel dropped her hand between Dana’s legs, slipping her fingers down to find Dana’s swollen clit. “If I’m going to make love to you, I’m going to do it right.”

  Dana’s breathing grew ragged again. Ah, yes. The difference between sex that involves a man and that which doesn’t. Instant replay.

  She took stock of her body, trying to decide whether she could withstand another shattering orgasm.

  “I promise to leave you in one piece,” Laurel murmured. She nipped at her earlobe, rubbing her fingertips over Dana’s labia. “But you’re not done yet. I need more.”

  Dana wasn’t about to argue. She let her legs fall open for Laurel’s hand and braced herself for more. “You can have whatever you want.”

  Laurel brought the tip of one finger down to probe at Dana’s opening, tracing gentle circles around the impossible wetness that coated her. “May I go inside?”

  Dana didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she whispered, then exhaled as she schooled herself to relax. It’ll feel good, she told herself, trying hard to let go of the memory of the last time someone had been inside her body.

  Laurel will make this feel good.

  Laurel pushed the slippery length of her finger inside Dana with a soft groan, the penetration filling but not stretching, gentle and controlled. Dana closed her eyes and whimpered at the feeling of surrounding Laurel with her pulsing flesh.


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