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Consequences (Blood of Pharaohs Book 1)

Page 15

by Mairsile

  “Because your mother forbid it, and when she died, he didn’t want to put more of a burden on you. They both just wanted to protect you.”

  “And what happens now that I know?”

  “I don’t understand the question, Lilah,” Beulah replied.

  “With my mother gone, will you, um, turn me into one of you?”

  “Oh, no, honey lamb. No, of course I won’t. No one will touch you as long as I’m alive, and that will be for a very long time.”

  Lilah leaned back, her anxiety dissipating somewhat. “Even Mr. da Polenta?”

  Beulah slapped her knee and laughed. “Don’t you worry about that big ol’ grizzly bear. He loves you like his own daughter. He’s just worried about the threat out of Russia, and he got frustrated. Even immortals can suffer from stress.”

  Lilah turned and faced Beulah. “Okay, I have to know, can you hear my thoughts, too?”

  Again, Beulah laughed. “No, your thoughts are safe with me. I control the Air element.”

  “I wish Nikki was an Air vampire,” Lilah said, sighing. I might actually like her if she’d stop eavesdropping on my thoughts.

  Beulah paused, looking at Lilah’s troubled eyes. “Are you in love with her, Lilah?”

  “No. I mean, I don’t think so. I don’t know, maybe. I could be if it weren’t for the fact that’s she’s annoying, bossy, overprotective, and she invades my mental privacy.” Her face suddenly morphed into anger. “She said that she’s been in love with me for three years, but I don’t remember it. How could she do that to me? Take my memories away and then tell me that she loves me? What kind of bullshit is that?”

  “The kind of bullshit that proves she loves you,” Beulah answered thoughtfully. She held her hand up as Lilah was about to protest. “I’m not trying to defend her, but I know what’s in her heart, and she was trying to protect you. Granted, she should have thought of that before she pursued you, but to love you that much took real courage to let you go. Lilah, because of my unique link with Nikki, I know what’s in her heart. She’s all of those things you said, but she’s also a very good woman. Has she told you that she can bring back the dead?”

  Lilah nodded. “Yeah, but she can’t or won’t bring back my mom, or Rebecca, so it’s not that impressive.”

  “She brought me back, and I think that was very impressive,” Beulah said.

  Lilah gasped and scooted further away from Beulah. “Seriously? You were dead? Like, dead, dead?”

  “Yes, just like that,” Beulah smirked. “Of course, I don’t remember it, but my husband told me what happened. My point is that Nikki knew what would happen to her if she revived me. She knew that she would lose her mind, but she didn’t hesitate.”

  “Is that when you became a vampire?” Lilah asked, wondering what it would be like.

  Beulah nodded. “It took death to make me realize how much I didn’t want to die. And here’s something for you to think about. I’ve been an immortal since 1863, and I’m not a day over forty-six, and I never will be.”

  Lilah always thought that Beulah was a cougar who married Ludovico because he was twenty years younger, when in fact, he was fifteen hundred years older. “But what happened to Nikki? She seems perfectly fine now, um, mentally speaking.”

  “It was Nikki’s second time at reviving the recently dead, so it took a bit longer for the insanity to take hold. Vince flew her to our villa in Zermatt, Switzerland, and locked her away in our specially built vault. It’s a doomsday vault like the mid-westerners have here, you know, for when the world ends. I believe that the only time it’s ever actually been used was when Nikki was there, so now we keep it just in case it should happen again.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t happen again for a whole bunch of reasons,” Lilah said with a shiver. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be trapped inside your own brain in a nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. Damn it, another déjà vu.

  After Lilah paid her respects to Rebecca’s mother, she grabbed some snacks and a beer from the kitchen and snuck out the back door. Before her foot left the back porch, Nikki was beside her. She was both excited and annoyed by her sudden appearance, but chose to show her annoyance.

  “Shouldn’t you be out sucking blood somewhere?”

  “No, I’m good for a couple more days. Why did you leave the party?”

  Lilah shrugged. “I wasn’t actually at the party. I was upstairs, as you well know, waiting on Rebecca’s mother.” Sighing, Lilah felt the weight of the grief her friend’s mother carried. It was the same heavy sorrow she carried inside.

  Nikki felt her anguish and wanted nothing more than to assuage it. “I wish I could have helped your friend,” she said softly. “But I can tell you now that the men who did that to her are dead. They will not hurt anyone, ever again.”

  Lilah stopped and met her eyes. She saw the truth of what she said, and her own eyes began to well up. Nodding, she asked, “Is it wrong of me to be glad they’re dead?”

  “No more than it was wrong of me to have killed them.”

  She inhaled sharply. “You killed them? How? Where? Who were they? Why did they kill Rebecca?”

  “Are you sure you want to hear this? Do you want the truth?” Nikki asked. “It’s not something easily told, or heard.”

  “Damn it, of course I want the truth,” Lilah snapped. Always the truth between us no matter how much it hurts.

  Nikki nodded. She seemed to understand that Lilah’s heart said what her mouth could not. “Let’s find a place to sit down first,” she requested.

  There was an old, weather-worn picnic table in the backyard, and they sat across from each other, with the house to Lilah’s back. She took a gulp of her beer and looked at Nikki.

  “Okay, tell me how the hell you just happened to be with Rebecca when she was killed?”

  She asked in an accusing way, but Nikki didn’t think she was accusing her. “Vince and I were on the trail of three immortals that our sire, Ludovico, had asked us to kill.”

  “Just like that?” Lilah waved her hand, palm up. “He asks you to kill someone and you do it? Without question?”

  “Yes, if they are an immortal, and guilty of a serious crime, yes, I do. Papá said they had killed before and when we found them, they had killed again. Lilah, I found them standing over Rebecca.”

  Lilah’s eyes opened wide, and she clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming at the vision Nikki’s words produced. But she could not stop the flood of tears.

  Nikki reached her hand out to comfort her, but she pulled back. Damn, I should have expected that. She doesn’t trust me, and she’s right not to. “Lilah, I’m sorry. I promise, I only wanted to comfort you.”

  “And make me forget again? No, I don’t think so,” she huffed, wiping the liquid from her cheeks.

  “I give you my word, I will never do that again. I will never use my influence on you without your permission.” Nikki’s heart thumped once as if to remind her that she had already promised that and already broken that promise. This time I mean it, damn it.

  Lilah stared at her incredulously. “My permission. Why in the hell would I want to allow it?”

  “I told you, for extreme orgasms that last a very long time.”

  She laughed in spite of herself. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Well, a girl can hope, can’t she?”

  “Your noble cause notwithstanding, I want to trust you, Nikki, I really do. But…”

  “But, what? What can I do to help you trust me?”

  “Stop smiling at me all the time. It’s creepy. But even that would be tolerable if you’d just stop hearing my thoughts.”

  Nikki sat staring at her, willing herself not to react to Lilah’s thoughts. They both knew that she couldn’t just turn it off, but if she could control her reactions to Lilah’s thoughts, she might begin to trust her.

  “Lilah? I said what can I do to help you?”

  She looked at her curiousl
y. “I think you are the sexiest woman alive, and I am dying to have sex with you. Please, I’m serious.”

  Nikki didn’t blink. She didn’t change her face in any way. Decades of playing poker with Vince taught her how to freeze her face in place. She’s not serious; it’s just a test. Please, let it just be a test.

  Lilah eyed her carefully. “Not even a flicker in your eyes. Thank you for that, Nikki. Ignoring my thoughts helps a lot.” She smiled. “Now, finish telling me what happened, please. I need to know why.”

  Nikki nodded, a glint of pride in her eyes. I’m glad you can’t hear my thoughts because I was already mentally undressing you. She cleared her mind of that vision and became somber. “You have to understand, Lilah, they didn’t need a reason other than she was a female and they were hungry.”

  “Oh, my, God!” Again, the tears welled up as her words, the ones she wasn’t saying, sunk in.

  Nikki leaned forward and laid her hands on the table so she could see them, but she didn’t try to touch her. “I’m sorry, Lilah,” she whispered. “I don’t know how long they had been out there with her,” Nikki cleared her throat, “but by the time we dispensed with the immortals and checked on her, rigor mortis had sat in. There was nothing I could do for her, Lilah, even if I had known what she meant to you. Please believe that.”

  She saw the sincerity in Nikki’s eyes, the concern on her lips, and she believed her. Without forethought, she placed her hand over hers and nodded. “I believe you, Nikki.”

  She tried not to smile, tried not to show her excitement at her touch as she said seriously, “Thank you, Lilah Rose.”

  “Nikki, can I tell you a secret?”

  “Yes, please do,” she responded a little too eagerly, turning her hand over so that her fingers could stroke her palm.

  “When I was a little girl, I always dressed up as Dracula for Halloween.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Nikki asked, laughing happily.

  “Nope, I use to wear the plastic fangs and cape, the whole shebang.”

  “That is too cute—” Nikki suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. She smelled the immortal before she saw him. In an instant she rushed around the table and pulled Lilah up off the bench. “Lilah, stand behind me,” she demanded as she turned back and faced the pasture left unsown to restore its fertility. It was hard to see through the plants and weeds left fallow, but there was no mistaking the smell of a vampire.

  “Do not run, do not move!” she demanded as she ripped off her shirt and drew her sword from under her t-shirt. Her broad muscular back blocked Lilah’s view as she stood defensively, ready for battle.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I’m here for the girl. Step away, and I might let you live,” the deep baritone immortal proclaimed in a thick Russian accent, stepping out of the shadows in front of them. He was bulkier than the last Russian Nikki had fought. This one looked more like a prizefighter, with a square jaw, thick neck and a broad, muscular chest. Even with her immortal strength, she knew he would be hard to beat.

  “Leave now and I might spare you,” Nikki advised, taking a step back, which cause Lilah to step back also. “This is my woman and no one touches her.”

  The Russian sniffed the air and smirked. “Apparently, neither do you.” He pulled his rain slicker back and pulled out a Russian Shasqua, a down-turned pommel sword, with a slight curve — the weapon of choice by the Cossack warriors of the fifteenth century.

  Nikki could hear the panic in Lilah’s mind and felt the accelerated beat of her heart. Focus, she told herself. She couldn’t afford to let Lilah distract her. “There are eight other immortals in the area,” she warned him. “Your death is imminent, Russian.”

  Lilah took a shallow, calming breath, her panic dissipating infinitesimally.

  “Perhaps, but you won’t be around to see it,” the Russian boasted, walking around the table to stand in front of Nikki, causing Nikki to take another step back. “Can you hear my thoughts, American? We know about the tests. You see, it doesn’t work on me.”

  Nikki growled at him. Yes, I can hear your thoughts. What tests are you talking about?

  If the Russian heard her thoughts, he gave no indication of it. Nikki decided it was a hoax; someone had told the Russian to say that.

  “We’re coming, American. And you can’t stop us.” “You’ll be buried under twenty feet of dirt.”

  He’s an Earth vampire! Nikki grabbed Lilah and pushed her away just as the ground opened beneath her. She screamed Lilah’s name as the earth swallowed her up.

  “Nikki!” Lilah screamed and fell to the ground and began scratching at the dirt.

  The Russian reached for Lilah and yanked her to her feet.

  “No, let go of me, you bastard,” she screamed, hitting his face with her fists.

  He only laughed and bared his fangs. “Irinushka wants you alive, but I don’t care one way or the other, little girl, so decide now.”

  “I’d rather be dead then leave here with you,” Lilah said bravely.

  “As you wish,” he growled and opened his mouth wide, extending his fangs even further. But before he could bite her, Vince swooped down and snatched her away, flying her out of his reach.

  Concurrently, Ludovico came barreling out the backdoor and across the yard, pulling the wind with him and then pushed the gale force at the Russian,

  “Put me down, Vince!” Lilah cried. “Nikki needs help.”

  “It’s not safe yet, just hold on tight,” Vince said, as he watched the five security immortals come running from around the other side of the house.

  “No! Let me go,” she yelled, struggling to break free.

  “If you don’t stop fighting me, I’m going to knock you out, understand? I didn’t make the same promise my sister did.”

  Lilah glared at him. “Nikki’s buried alive, you asshole. Help her!”

  Ludovico heard her and waved at one of his hired guards, who rushed over and listened to the ground. Then he pulled the earth up and threw it to the side, and Ludovico used the air to lift Nikki out of the ground.

  “Lilah?” Nikki shouted as soon as she had spit the dirt out of her mouth and wiped it from her eyes. “Where’s Lilah?”

  “Up here, sis,” Vince called, hovering above her. He landed immediately and let Lilah go.

  “Nikki, oh my God. Are you all right? How are you alive?” Lilah sobbed as she rushed into her waiting arms.

  She could feel her shaking, her heart beating rapidly. “I’m all right, Lilah.” She held her at arm’s length and looked in her eyes, blurred with tears and fear. “Do you hear me? I’m all right. Immortals don’t have to breathe like humans do.”

  Lilah met her eyes and saw only concern for her in them. Her adrenaline finally subsided. “Really? That is so cool,” she said breathlessly.

  Nikki tucked her finger under Lilah’s chin and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Are you all right?”

  “He didn’t hurt me, but he was about to kill me. Vince came flying in and saved me.”

  Nikki was at once both grateful and disappointed. Grateful to her brother for saving the woman she loved, but disappointed that it hadn’t been her to come to the rescue.

  “But when I thought you were dead…” Lilah said shakenly. “I… there is so much I want to tell you.”

  Two of Ludovico’s guards, possessing the Air element, picked the Russian up and held him in the air in such a way that they could rip him in half if they wanted to.

  “Break his arms,” Ludovico demanded.

  To ensure the vampire felt the maximum amount of pain, each arm was broken individually. Pop, crack, scream. Pop, crack, scream.

  Lilah forgot what she wanted to say and buried her head in Nikki’s chest, the sound of bones breaking sickening her.

  Nikki held her protectively and kissed the top of her head. “Lilah, let’s get you away from here,” she said, as she led her toward the house.

  She peeked up at the vampire as she walked away. His fang
s had pierced his bottom lip and two streams of blood dribbled down his chin. His arms dangled grotesquely deformed at his side, but it was his eyes, dark and defiant, that made her shiver.

  As they walked away, she heard Ludovico say, “And when they heal, break them again.”

  Nikki led her into the kitchen and over to table, where she sat her down and then grabbed a water from the refrigerator. When she turned back to her, Nikki’s heart ached from the look of bewilderment and confusion on her face.

  “They really were after me,” she said softly. “I didn’t believe you at first.” Suddenly an agonizing scream echoed from outside, and Lilah jumped into Nikki’s arms. He’s coming for me!

  “It's all right,” Nikki assured her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let him touch you.” His arms must have healed and they broke them again, that’s all. I hope my sire is nearly finished, Lilah can’t take much more.

  Lilah leaned into her closer and wrapped her arms around her waist. Her solid strength comforted her, but it was her protective arms holding her close that chased away the fear.

  Holding her possessively, Nikki closed her eyes for a moment and sighed deeply. All that she cared about in life was safely secured in her arms. Thinking she was protecting her three years ago, she’d sacrificed her love for her safety. But love, in its rawest form, cannot be denied. It can be muted, rejected, or unused, but to negate love is to admit that there was love at one time.

  Beulah came into the kitchen from the living room and stopped when she saw the two in each other’s arms. “Is she all right, Nikki?” Beulah asked through her mind.

  “She’s going to be fine. She’s just shaken up a bit.” Her inflamed eyes met Beulah’s as she fought to keep the tears from spilling over. “I almost lost her, Mamá.”

  “But you didn’t, Nikki. And now she’s yours again. Rejoice in that.”

  Suddenly, another spine-chilling scream cut the air, causing Lilah to jump with anxiety.

  “That was the last one, Lilah,” Nikki said softly. “It’s over now.”

  She peeked up at her timidly. “Are you sure?”


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