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The Divine Path (The Divine Series)

Page 9

by Allen J Johnston

  The spiders fell like death from above. Kade fought his instinct to cringe from these hairy eight-legged creatures. They were spiders and that was all that needed to be said. He could not react to them no matter his distaste for their kind. If he did, it would appear to be fear and fear was not acceptable; not if he wanted to save Darcienna and the dragon, much less himself.

  The dragon was covered with spiders to the point that Kade thought the sheer weight of them alone would drive it to the ground. In an act of defiance, the dragon stood. Kade, once again, asked the dragon for trust. Rayden quivered, but he did not attack. His lips pulled back hard, showing every inch of his fangs. He continuously emitted a deep rumble as heat wafted from his nostrils. The battle the dragon fought within itself to keep from tearing the spiders to pieces was fierce, but the dragon held…for now.

  Explain, the leader communicated. For the moment, they were surviving, but it was still very clear that any misstep would mean a swift end. Kade forced his mind to calm as Zayle had taught him during his lessons. It helped build confidence, also. No fear.

  “I came across the dragon after one of Morg’s monsters tried to kill it,” Kade said as he watched the spider sway slightly while it considered his words. The wind caught its foot-long fur and it looked like it was floating in the air. “The dragon was injured when I found it and I decided to help it. Rayden is not under my command,” Kade said as he leveled his gaze at the spider. No reason to fear. No reason to look away.

  Rayden? the white spider asked.

  “Yes. His name is Rayden. At least, that is what I call him. He follows my instructions only because he trusts me. He has become attached to me and I to him,” Kade said calmly and confidently, but never once did he look away. Not even for an instant did he break eye contact. Not challenging but not submissive either. No fear.

  Where did you come from? the white spider asked.

  “A town called Dresben.”

  A loud buzzing sound started as the spiders readied for the massacre. The white spider reared up instantly and emitted that ear splitting sound once more. The mass of poison-fanged creatures seemed to quell their eagerness but only for the moment. One of the black spiders screeched and it was clearly a sign of defiance. It leapt at the dragon, and in one smooth move, the white spider launched over Kade’s head to grab it in its fangs. It tore the smaller black one off the dragon and slammed it to the ground while landing gracefully. The buzzing ceased and there was a silence that was so profound that Kade rubbed his ears to ensure he could still hear.

  The black spider tried to hold its ground, but it was not long before it was emitting a pitiful wailing that was hardly audible. The white spider hissed violently as it slowly lowered its blazing green eyes to stare directly into the black eyes of its prey. If there was ever any question of who the leader was, there was none now, and there was none for the spider on its back, either. Kade did not need to know what was being said to understand that to act again as it had would mean death for the black spider. Without moving its body even one inch, the white spider turned to look at Kade as it communicated.

  Dresben? the white spider asked again, cautiously. Kade knew he was still walking on ice that could crack beneath his feet at any moment.

  “My parents…,” he said and then regretted bringing his mother and father into this. He desperately did not want to drag his parents into another dangerous situation, but it was too late. Kade mentally sighed. To change his story now would appear as though he were trying to hide something, which, of course, he would be, but unfortunately, it would also make him look guilty of whatever it was they suspected. He knew more than anything that the white spider was locked onto him, waiting for the next words to be spoken. “My parents live in a cabin just north of Dresben. We were on our way to see the Chosen, Valdry.”

  “Valdry? What do you know of the Chosen, Valdry?” the white spider hissed audibly. Kade flinched, expecting all communication with this creature to continue in his mind.

  Kade took a moment to compose his thoughts as he studied the beautiful creature that stood only one short stride from him. It was four feet high and a little over seven feet long. When it spoke in a hiss, it reminded Kade of silk rubbing against silk. When it would buzz at the other spiders, the sound was more like that of a cat purring than an insect as he might expect.

  “I was on my way to see him in hopes that he would help me fight this Morg that you so desperately hate,” Kade said, hiding his shock that this creature could actually communicate with words.

  The white spider seemed to be considering something as it stood regarding him. It turned to look back at the spider still pinned to the ground. The black spider started its ever so subtle wailing again. With a violent hiss directly into the face of the black spider, the white spider rose majestically and stalked around to glare at all the other spiders. They shrank back and put their faces to the ground as they swayed their heads back and forth. Yes, clearly this spider was their royalty.

  “Valdry was killed. We attempted to help him for all he has done for us, but we were handed a crushing defeat. I lost almost half my clutch before we had to retreat,” the white spider hissed.

  Kade felt anger explode in him, and with a deep breath, screamed his rage at the sky, needing to vent his frustration. At every turn, Morg was there, always one step ahead of him. Kade clenched his fists in fury and the Divine rushed in. He raised his fists in anger, and without thinking, allowed the Divine to flow forth from his hands, creating light. The spiders shrank back. Fear came at him in waves. Hate and anger swirled in him, and the area lit up like it was day. The spiders keened in terror and fell from the dragon as if stunned. None could look on the blazing light that pulsed from Kade’s hand. The dragon added its rage to Kade’s and roared viciously as it swung its head back and forth, shrugging off any of the remaining spiders.

  “How?” Kade demanded as he stalked up to the white spider and leaned forward to peer into its eyes as it had done to the black spider. Kade did not notice the slight flinch. “How did Morg find him?” he demanded, forgetting that he was the hunted.

  “I don’t know. The Chosen Valdry called to us for help, but by the time we got to his mansion, he was under attack from beasts of long lost times. But, even without the creatures, Morg wielded so much power that he alone could have wiped us out if we had stayed,” the white spider said as it spared a glance at Kade’s glowing hand.

  “The time has come to decide,” Kade said dangerously. He saw his opening and he knew to take it. “Either you are truly against Morg and with me, or you stand in my way to bringing Morg to justice, and that is not a safe place to be. Decide,” Kade said ominously as he fed the light with more of the raging Divine. He turned to Darcienna as if he had nothing to fear from the white spider.

  Kneeling down, Kade felt for her breath. It was very shallow, but it was there. There was a fair amount of blood in a small pool around her face. Kade used his free hand and brought the Healing Calling forth, sending it into her. Her breathing steadied. With the next healing, her eyes fluttered opened. She looked into his eyes and smiled at him. A mere moment later, she shrieked at the glowing, green eyes of the white spider that was looking over his shoulder.

  “For the love of the Divine, woman, please don’t do that again,” Kade said, trying to regain some of the hearing he had just lost.

  “But…,” Darcienna said as she fought the urge to scoot back.

  “You are safe,” Kade said as he looked at the white spider. “They are on our side,” he added as he turned to look questioningly at the arachnid.

  “We are with you,” it responded. And with that, Kade let the light fade considerably.

  “Human, we need to talk,” the white spider said and then turned to find itself nose to nose with Rayden. The shift in power was overwhelming. Rayden’s lips were twitching as he fought the urge to rend this creature to pieces. Kade could feel it through the link so strongly that he found it hard to think.

sp; “Rayden, no. He is an ally. Peace, my friend,” Kade said as he placed his hand on the dragon’s head and pushed it to the side while caressing it.

  Morg does not heal, the spider communicated as it contemplated the woman. He brings only chaos, suffering, death and destruction, the voice said in his head. “Yes human, we are allies in this fight against evil,” it said as it gave a graceful bow. “I need to hear more of what is happening, but first, I believe introductions are in order. My name is Rakna. I am the queen of my clutch. At least…as long as the king lives.”

  “The king?” Kade asked, feeling all anger fade from him. A queen? he questioned in surprise, expecting the spider to be male.

  “My mate is sick. If he dies, I will die, also.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you tied to him in a way that you will parish if he dies?” Kade asked, looking her over. You don’t look the least bit ill.”

  “That has nothing to do with it. If the king dies, I will be put to death. It is the way of my kind. Until then, my clutch will continue to follow my orders,” the queen hissed.

  “I think it is fortunate for both of us that you found me. If you take me to your king, I might be able to heal him,” Kade said as he turned for the dragon. “Take us to him,” Kade said as he prepared to boost Darcienna onto Rayden’s back. After just a moment’s hesitation, the white spider hissed several times to the clutch, and then they turned and took off into the woods.

  Just as Kade was readying himself to boost Darcienna up, he recalled the books. He turned quickly, raced over to recover the sack and then returned to tie them to the dragon’s back. Next, he lifted Darcienna up and then leapt up to sit in front of her. The dragon was clearly not keen on staying with the spiders, but with a little prompting, it accepted Kade’s direction and followed their new-found allies. If not for the white spider, it would have been nearly impossible to follow the black, ghost-like shapes as they moved like shadows flowing over the ground. After twenty minutes at a modest pace, they came to stop in front of two of the largest trees Kade had ever seen. They were just on the edge of a massive forest. Kade look up in awe. The trees were so tall they appeared to go on forever.

  In here, Rakna communicated as she disappeared into the base of the tree. The other spiders stopped at the opening.

  Kade signaled for the dragon to wait for him and turned for the entrance. Rayden complained, as he always did when left behind, but did as was requested. Kade and Darcienna followed after the white spider. It was a short walk up a spiral staircase to a large open room that had been hollowed out of the trunk of the tree. There was a straw nest in an upraised bed at the back of the room with a spider lying motionless in it. He was easily as large as the queen, if not larger. He had thick, flowing fur that was as black as coal. There was a stark white patch on his chest in the shape of a diamond.

  “This is Crayken,” Rakna said as she stopped next to the bed and gazed at the spider.

  The king slowly opened his eyes and weakly reached out to touch his queen. There was love in that gentle touch. Kade was looking at the spiders, and for the first time in his life, he felt something other than revulsion. He was feeling compassion so strong that he had to help.

  “Let me try,” Kade said as he approached the bed. Crayken’s eyes opened wide as Kade stepped into view.

  “Who?” the black spider asked weakly.

  “They are friends. They may be able to help,” Rakna said as she stroked his leg. He settled back, too weak to do much more.

  Kade moved to the edge of the bed and completed the Healing Calling. He reached down and placed his hands on the spider, letting the Divine flow into the king. A glow formed around the dying creature for just a moment then faded. Kade furrowed his brow as he contemplated what he had just seen.

  “Did it work?” Rakna asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Kade said in confusion, not taking his eyes off the king. “I have never seen the Healing Calling react like that.”

  “Kade?” Darcienna whispered, hesitant to interrupt.

  “Yes?” Kade asked as he turned toward her. He narrowed his gaze as he looked intently at her eyes. Were they showing just a little of the blue glow?

  “I think I am sensing something within the king,” Darcienna said slowly, as if she were listening hard for a distant voice.

  “What is it?” Kade asked, watching her closely. He had learned never to ignore her warnings, and now he was so focused, he noticed nothing else in the room.

  “I am not sure. But, it seems to be attached to the king,” Darcienna said as she moved her hand over Crayken.

  Kade closed his eyes and looked at the ailing king with the Reveal Calling. He sucked in his breath as he studied a sickly, yellowish aura that surrounded Crayken. Kade opened his eyes and slowly turned to the queen, letting out a long breath. She was not going to like what he had to tell her.

  “When did he get sick?” Kade asked.

  “Just yesterday after we got back from the battle,” Rakna said.

  “That makes sense,” Kade said as he scratched his chin thoughtfully. “There is a powerful calling placed on him that is keeping me from healing him. It was, most likely, placed on him because of your support for Valdry.”

  “I am not sure I understand,” Rakna said as she slid closer to Crayken.

  “Morg put a calling on him that is acting like a poison. It is sapping the life out of him.”

  “But, Morg never got close to the king. Crayken stayed back to direct the battle. The king never left my side,” Rakna said, confused. “Why kill him slowly? Unless he was unable to get close enough, and this was his only way,” she said thoughtfully.

  “I cannot say, but it is more important that we focus on finding a way to save him,” Kade said as he looked Crayken over again.

  Kade had only one idea left, and it had to work. He turned to Darcienna and held his hand out to her. He cringed at the thought of asking her to help so soon after her last ordeal, but it was that, or the king was going to die in the next few hours. She looked at his hand but did not move from where she stood.

  “Can you try?” Kade asked quietly. Instead of taking his outstretched hand, she slowly shook her head.

  “I am too weak. I am so sorry, but I have no energy,” Darcienna said as she held her hands out to her side, palms up as if to say, “I am sorry but I am helpless here?” Something about the way she held her hands sparked a memory.

  “When you healed me at the cabin, you did something to re-energize your ability. Maybe you could do that?” Kade asked hopefully.

  “It would take some time, Kade,” Darcienna said as she closed her eyes and shook her head in exhaustion.

  “It is either that or the king dies. We have no choice,” Kade said as he gently put his hand on her shoulder.

  “I know,” Darcienna replied as she leaned back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position. She crossed her legs and placed an arm across each knee with her palms up.

  “This is our only chance,” Kade whispered to the queen. “Darcienna has the Gift of Nature. She may be able to heal the king where I cannot. We have different ways of healing. Where mine fails, hers may succeed.”

  The king slipped into a coma as the queen looked on in concern. Several times a black spider or two would duck into the room only to be chased out by the queen. Something in their manner, however, indicated resistance.

  Kade paced for an hour, watching for Darcienna to show any sign of coming out of her trance. Moment by moment, the king slipped away. The queen sat by Crayken’s bed, dreading that his body would just give out at any moment. Kade walked over to Darcienna, ready to wake her. As he started to reach a hand toward her, black spiders started to file into the room too numerous to be repelled. It was now or never as many of the clutch lined the far wall. The queen charged at the group and hissed as she walked up and down the line. They were not going to be denied the next few moments. The best the queen could do was herd them out of the way before returning
to the king’s side.

  “Darcienna,” Kade said gently as he crouched down on his haunches. “Darcienna, we must try now,” he said as he laid a hand on her arm.

  “Then now we shall try,” Darcienna said as her eyes fluttered open. There was definitely a spark back in those rivers of blue. She grinned at him and held out her hand. Kade stood and pulled her to her feet.

  “See if your healing can cure him,” Kade said as he motioned for the queen to give them room.

  Darcienna placed her hand on the king and smiled, but soon, that smile turned into a frown. She shook her head as if trying to work through something that did not make sense. She gritted her teeth and concentrated harder, but again, the look of disappointment was strong on her face. The glow was there as it had been before, but this time there was a pulse to it. Kade realized in horror that it was fighting her. It was still firmly in place, showing no signs of weakening. Or, was the fact that it was glowing brighter an indication that it took more strength to fend off the healing?

  “Darcienna,” Kade said as he pulled her away from the king. He was afraid she was going to expend all her healing with nothing to show for it. She gasped as if she had been holding her breath.

  “I don’t know what that is, but I can’t break it,” Darcienna said as she glanced at the queen.

  “I have an idea,” Kade said as he moved to the other side of the bed.

  Kade looked at Darcienna as he raised his hands. She nodded and he started. He performed the Healing Calling and let the Divine flow. Darcienna laid her hands on the king and worked Nature’s Gift. The yellow glow was becoming much brighter by the second. He signaled Darcienna to step back and watched as the glow faded. He knew what he must do.

  The entire room was quiet and every eye was riveted on him. He scanned the small crowd and met each and every gaze until he got to the queen. She looked back at him, waiting anxiously for him to speak.

  “The poison is still there,” Kade said as he broke eye contact with the queen to look at the king. “But, I have an idea,” he said as he caught Darcienna’s eye. “Okay, let’s try it again, but this time, you keep healing,” Kade said as he stepped up to the king. “You may be able to hold the progress we make. If I heal and you continue to heal, maybe, just maybe, we can break the calling. Yes,” Kade said, brightening. “Have hope yet, Rakna.”


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