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Awakening Dragon

Page 9

by Isa Hunt

  He then turned to me.

  “And as for you, well, the boys are gonna have themselves a good ol' party with lots of drugs and booze tonight, and when the party's really raging, we're going to bring you out and see how much torture your big ol' body can stand before your heart finally stops. And when we're done with you, we'll toss your body into the swamp out back for the gators to chew on.”

  Kelly gasped with shock, but I simply gritted my teeth and growled.

  “You assholes can try,” I snarled. “But it won't end well for you, I guarantee that.”

  Both Jake and Wesley threw back their heads and laughed.

  “Look at you, boy,” remarked Wesley, still chuckling, “still thinkin' you got a hope in hell of getting' outta here. Don't you know when the game's up?”

  “Leave him,” said Jake. “It'll be more fun for us later if he still has some fight left in him.”

  “Well, as you can hear, we’re having a little party outside. We’ll leave you two to have a wonderful afternoon together, y’hear?” said Wesley mockingly. “We'll see y'all in a couple of hours.”

  With that, he and Jake turned, left the room and locked the door behind them.

  “We're . . . we're not going to get out of this, are we?” whimpered Kelly.

  The fear I could hear in her voice drove me crazy. I couldn't stand the fact that she was so frightened and I was powerless to help her. I had to be strong for her, even though it seemed as if things were hopeless.

  “We will,” I said. “I promise you that, Kelly, we will get out of this somehow.”

  My words seemed hollow, though, and a sense of bleak hopelessness started to settle around me like a cold fog.

  How would we get out of this situation? How?


  My mother had often repeated the old saying, “third time lucky,”. I couldn't help but think of this now, except that, of course, the situation I found myself in was the flipside of this: third time unlucky. Twice before Jake and his thugs had tried to get me, and twice I had escaped, if only by the skin of my teeth.

  This time, though, they'd finally caught me, and it didn't look like there was going to be any getting out of it this time.

  Paul was chained up in this horrible room with me, unable to escape or fight off our captors, Rex had sped on so far ahead that he probably had no idea that we had walked right into Jake's trap, while Benoit had nobly sacrificed his life for us – a sacrifice that had turned out to be in vain.

  Thinking of that poor, brave soul's fate left a bitter taste in my mouth, and made me feel as if I were drowning in a deluge of hopelessness. Oh Benoit, Benoit! You were so willing to give your life to save mine, not once, not twice, but three times!

  My heart just broke when I thought about this. That handsome, noble, courageous man had died for nothing. I was just going to be killed anyway, by this Artemis guy who had killed my father – well, my fathers, according to what I'd discovered about my true origins.

  I had to laugh – with cold, crushing bitterness, not with amusement – at how things had turned out. I hadn't even gotten to feel what it was like to become a dragon. All of the madness my life had descended into had turned out to be for nothing. All of this talk of being one of the last red dragons, the dragon queen, and that I would be the one who would unite the shifters against the usurper Artemis and his rebels – it had all been for nothing. Now, I was going to die in this dingy, run-down house, and my body would be fed to the alligators in the swamp out back.

  I would have started crying if I hadn't thought about just how pathetic and futile an act that would be. I could at least face my death with what little dignity I had left. I didn't want to give Jake and that sleazy Wesley scumbag the satisfaction of seeing me break down. And as terrified as I was, I wasn't going to beg them for my life.

  You are the dragon queen. You will act like a queen, and you will face your end with dignity and pride.

  I wasn't sure if this voice in my head was mine or my mother's, but it did somehow manage to fill me with a soothing sense of calm like a warm balm spread gently across my skin. I closed my eyes and tried to picture the mountains I saw in my dreams. I would never get to see them in real life now, but at least I knew that they were real, that they existed somewhere on this planet, and that they were home. All these years of feeling like an outsider, like a drifter or a nomad, and finally, finally there was a place that was truly home to me . . . and I would never see it.

  It was just so . . . so damn tragic, so—

  “Kelly! Paul!”

  The harsh whisper cut through my thoughts and snapped me back to the present. Paul looked up too, with a surprised look on his face.

  “Rex?” he murmured.

  There was a scrambling sound above them, and then suddenly, through a billowing cloud, two figures emerged in the fireplace: Rex . . . and Benoit!

  My jaw dropped with shock as I saw them – but my look of surprise was quickly replaced with an ear-to-ear grin.

  “Surprise,” said Rex with a cheeky grin, who was totally naked, as was Benoit.

  Benoit remained his usual quiet, reticent self, but as soon as my eyes met his, a broad smile came across his face. He was definitely not okay – he was cut up, bruised and had a lot of blood on him . . . but he was alive.

  “Benoit,” I gasped, both delighted and relieved. “You're . . . you're alive!”

  “I've had better days,” he said with a smile. “But yeah, I'm alive and kicking. I think I've got a few broken ribs, but I'll live. I'm gonna have to write a good thank you letter to Porsche for their life-saving safety features.”

  “He followed my scent,” said Rex, “while I was tracking Jake and his bikers. Luckily, I arrived just in time to see where they went after they got you two.”

  “And you guys got in through the chimney?” asked Paul. “I know pumas can climb, but how the hell did Benoit get up?”

  Benoit looked suddenly embarrassed.

  “Never mind how I got up,” he mumbled.

  “I carried him up in my jaws, like a momma cat carrying her baby,” said Rex, chuckling. “I don't know how I managed though, this wolf weighs a ton.”

  We all chuckled, but the moment of levity quickly passed. The reality of the situation hit hard. We were trapped in here, and we were unarmed and heavily outnumbered, and surrounded by a ton of guys who had a lot of big guns.

  “Get us out of these chains!” demanded Paul.

  “Let me see if there's anything I can pick the locks with. Come on Benoit, help me,” Rex said.

  They hurriedly looked around the room, and luckily Benoit found a stray paperclip. He handed it to Rex, who bent it and used it to pick the locks that were holding our chains locked tight.

  He worked quickly, and we were soon free. I had to admit that I still hadn't gotten used to the casual ease these guys had with nudity, and it was hard not to stare at their bodies . . . and, specifically, certain generously-sized body parts that were swinging all over the place.

  “Alright,” said Paul, interrupting my not-so-subtle perving. “What's the plan? How do we get out of here?”

  Rex was about to say something, but Benoit spoke before he could.

  “We're all unarmed, and outnumbered. And yes, we're strong in our animal forms, but we aren't bulletproof. But now, all three of us alphas are here together . . . and we have a dragon we can activate.”

  They all turned to stare at me.

  “I uh . . . I still don't know how to shift, guys,” I said bashfully. “I know you keep telling me that I'm this dragon queen, and whatever, but . . . I just don't know how to do it. And I don't even know if I fully believe that I am this dragon that you say I am. And, I mean, we kinda tried before, to . . . activate . . . my powers, and it didn't work. So I don't know what to say, but I don't think you should get your hopes up.”

  “It didn't work because only two of us were involved,” said Rex, shooting a quick, accusatory look across at Benoit and Pau
l. “They didn’t know, but I promise you, if we do this with all three of us, as it was supposed to be, it will work. And with you in your dragon form . . . those idiots out there don't stand a chance.”

  Rex was older than the other guys, and I figured that despite his boyish attitude he did actually know a lot about this stuff. And if I was going to die anyway, why not have one last bit of fun before I went out? At least then I could die with a smile on my face. And if it worked . . . well then . . . hello dragon.

  “Well, Jake and Wesley said they wouldn’t come back for the next few hours—not that we’d need that long,” I quickly added. “And it sounds like their party is still going strong and they haven’t noticed you’re here. So I suppose we could try . . . It's our only chance now, isn't it?” I asked.

  Rex nodded, the expression on his face one of complete seriousness for a change.

  “It is, Kelly,” he said. “And for me, it would be one of the greatest honors of my life to help initiate the return of our dragon queen. If you are willing to do this, of course.”

  Paul and Benoit mumbled their agreements to this.

  I breathed in deeply, considering what I was about to do. This had been one crazy ride so far, so why not make it a little crazier?

  “Alright, boys,” I said, looking each of them in the eye. “We don't have much time . . . so let's do this.”

  Since Benoit and Rex were already nude, they approached me first, while Paul started to undress. I felt a tingle of excitement stirring within me as they got nearer. I took turns looking into each man's eyes as he got to me. Benoit's eyes were burning with a deep, passionate intensity, a desire that mirrored that feeling that he would happily and readily die for me. Rex's were aflame with something altogether different: his spoke of a proud conqueror about to take his prize, a prize he had lusted after for a long time.

  I kissed Benoit first. He deserved that much, after having literally put his life on the line for me. Explosions of passion burst inside my mind as his tongue entered my mouth, and I pulled him close to me as we embraced tightly, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths. As he slipped his muscular arms around me, I ran my fingers down his sides onto his hips – softly, so as not to aggravate his injuries – and I felt him shiver with pleasure at my light, teasing touch.

  As I did this, I felt Rex's strong, manly hands stroking my own sides and hips, and I could tell from his touch that he appreciated what he was touching. As much as passion was surging through me from the intensity and heat of Benoit's kiss, I had to experience Rex as well.

  I disengaged from Benoit's kiss and embrace, and turned to Rex, who was smiling cockily. He slipped his hands behind me, and gripped my ass cheeks with a sudden firmness, pulling me into him and pressing my crotch against his, where his big, smooth cock was already rock hard, jutting up into me. A shiver of arousal coursed through my body as he kissed me forcefully, taking what was rightfully his to take, and as he forced his tongue deep into my mouth, causing me to let out a muffled gasp of both surprise and unexpected pleasure, he started slowly grinding his hips against me, pressing his big, hard rod into me.

  Heat and wetness were pooling in my crotch area now. I was getting aroused with a fierce speed, faster than I could ever remember getting aroused before. As Rex continued to kiss me almost too violently, he slipped his hands under my top and slid his strong fingers up under my bra to grip my breasts, which he started to fondle with unapologetic firmness. I gasped into his mouth, and as I did, I felt another pair of lips on me – Benoit's, as he kissed my hips and buttocks and sides.

  Then, with passion surging like floodwaters through me, directing the focus of their force toward the meeting of my thighs, I felt another pair of lips on my left hip and ass – Paul's. The gigantic man was naked as well now, and he started to move his lips up my side, then up my arms as he lifted my arms to get my top off.

  Benoit, meanwhile, had unbuttoned my jeans and was sliding them and my panties down my legs, kissing my legs as he slowly pulled them down.

  Being the focus of these alphas' attention was intoxicating in its intensity. The whole thing was feeling utterly surreal – and was enhanced in its intensity by the danger that the enemy could walk in on us at any moment.

  Benoit got my jeans and panties down to my ankles, and I stepped out of them just as Paul managed to get my top off. Now panting with an almost animalistic arousal, I practically ripped my bra off in my haste to get naked.

  I disengaged from my kiss with Rex, breathing hard and feeling flush with the heat of my powerful arousal, and saw the glorious sight of these three nude alphas surrounding me, their muscles gleaming with a light layer of perspiration, their huge cocks stiff and thick with the force of their own arousal.

  All three lifted me up and carried me over to the bed, and laid me down on it. I was breathing hard, feeling almost high with the sensation of utter arousal, and the hot wetness of my swollen pussy was starting to make the whole area around my inner thighs slick.

  Benoit knelt down at my feet and started to kiss my legs, moving the delicate touches of his lips up, ever up, first up my calves, then the inside of my knees, then the inside of my thighs – and finally, onto the dripping wet, steamy hot center of my womanhood.

  I gasped and arched my back as his tongue touched my engorged clit. He was a master, I knew it right away. As he began to swirl the tip of his tongue around it, teasing and starting to lap at it while he began to gently work his finger into my pussy, I gasped and shuddered.

  Paul and Rex positioned themselves on either side of me, kneeling next to my face, and lowered their hard cocks in front of my mouth. Paul's was gargantuan, massively thick and long, and I didn't know if I could even fit it in my mouth. Rex's was big too, but of a more manageable size, so I started with his, teasingly licking the tip, which caused him to gasp, while I wrapped my fingers around the girthy shaft of Paul's penis and started to rub my hand up and down the length of it.

  As Benoit began to intensify the pressure and rhythm of his tongue down below, I started to feel the first stirrings of a powerful orgasm bubble within me. I moaned softly while taking as much of Rex into my mouth as I could fit while rubbing on Paul's enormous member with increasing force and fervor, causing him to gasp and grunt with pleasure.

  Rex reached down and stroked my hair with one hand while trying to shove himself further into my mouth with the other. He was really into the domination thing, it seemed, and I liked that, more than I imagined I would. Paul was not as dominant, but that didn't mean he was passive either. He gripped my chin, pulling me slowly but firmly away from Rex's rock-hard dick towards his own throbbing pillar.

  Rex's cock came out of my mouth with a pop, and I gasped, breathing hard, both for a breath of air and for the impending orgasm, brought on by Benoit's amazing tongue, that was about to tear through me. I grabbed Rex's long shaft now in my right hand and turned the attention of my mouth and tongue toward Paul's heavy, forearm-thick member. I stretched my mouth to take in what I could of it, sighing with pleasure as it filled me. Down below Benoit was working his tongue with a firm, steady rhythm that was boosting pulse after pulse of sheer ecstasy through me, and I knew that I would cum shortly.

  As Benoit's dexterous fingers worked my G-spot, the orgasm hit. It tore through me with a mighty force, causing me to cry out, a cry that was muted because of the massive cock that filled my mouth. As I shivered and gasped and bucked with the force of the orgasm, though, I started to feel something else – a new, different force, spreading its fire through my body – and when I said fire, I meant fire.

  I didn't know how I knew, but I just knew it: finally, my dormant shifting powers were being awoken. It was happening! Things just had to get more intense.

  As the throes of the orgasm began to subside, I popped Paul's huge cock out of my mouth, and gasped to Benoit, “fuck me. I need you to fuck me, right now.”

  He could hear the urgency in my voice, and he could see it in my eyes, and he understood
completely. I gripped each of the other men's cocks, one in each hand, and opened my legs as Benoit slid his magnificently thick manhood into me.

  I gasped as he began to fill me up. I'd never taken a man this large before, and the sensation was beyond intense. Inch by inch he fed himself into me as I stroked the other alphas off in tandem. Both Paul and Rex were stroking my hair and fondling my breasts and squeezing my nipples as I rubbed on their cocks, and I looked up at each of them as Benoit finally squeezed all of his pillar of power into me.

  Then he started to fuck me, moving in and out at a slow, almost teasing pace, as if defying the urgency of the situation. With each deep thrust, he sent a massive wave of bliss ripping through me, and he leaned forward to kiss my stiff nipples as he began to increase the pace of his thrusts. Finally, he began to grunt and gasp as he started to jackhammer away, unable to contain his passion. As he arched his back and cried out as he came inside me, my own orgasm, the second one, tore through me with a glorious force.

  Benoit gasped and shuddered as the power of his orgasm tore through his body, and when it was finally complete he pulled himself out of me and moved over to let Rex take his place. Rex started to fuck me with an almost arrogant urgency, grinding and twisting his hips so that he was hitting my G-spot with every thrust.

  My third orgasm came fast, as did Rex – and then, finally, it was Paul's turn. He lay down on his back and I turned over, mounting him, lowering myself onto his vast pillar of flesh slowly. It felt as if it was going to break me, but I managed to take him in, inch by inch, as I kissed and stroked the other guys' deflating cocks.

  The fire of the dragon was blasting through me as I rode Paul, billowing its flames through my every appendage, filling my veins with fire. When I finally came for the fourth time, and when the huge Paul drove himself with force into me with one final upward thrust as he too came, I knew that it was complete.


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