Book Read Free


Page 2

by Daya Daniels

  I sighed. “Yes Brooke, for the eighth time. I don’t need you to stay.”

  “Okay but no drinking Violet, promise me.”

  I put two of my fingers up, tapping them to the center of my chest listening to the jingle-jangle of the keys she was holding. “Scouts honor, no drinking.”

  She placed a hand on my shoulder leading me out of the door of our apartment. As soon as it opened I breathed in the fresh air. I dipped down into the car that was parked at the curb and pulled my seatbelt on, snapping it into the buckle – waiting for the click.

  “How do I look?”

  “Hot.” She complimented starting the engine.

  I relaxed in the seat, winding the window down allowing the crisp fall Portland air to creep into the car.

  “Oh, I meant to give you this Vi. Jared shoved it in my hand before he left.” She said placing something in my palm.

  I fiddled with the key in my hand.

  “It’s a -.”

  I slowly looked in the direction of Brooke’s voice, certain annoyance colored my face at the fact that she felt the need to tell me what I held.

  “Never mind.” She whispered.

  I tucked the key in my pocket.

  “You’re familiar with East Burnside Street?”

  I nodded, without speaking. “You know I am.”

  “Please remember Ana is working tonight. She’ll look out for me.”

  “Okay. Okay. Just checking. Any problems, please call Vi.”

  Soon, the car pulled up to the curb. I gave Brooke a hug before I exited and stepped out shutting the door behind me.


  I headed for the front entrance of the building, listening to the music and the loud chatter around me.

  “Violet.” A deep voice called out, that I recognized as Marty’s who was a bouncer here. He placed a warm hand on my lower back, guiding me in through what sounded like a long line of people and straight to the bar area.

  “Thanks.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek once I was inside.

  “If you’re not busy later Violet, maybe we could just sit and talk. Grab a beer or something.”


  Ana always told me Marty was cute. I ran my hands over the soft cotton, long sleeve T-shirt he wore, feeling his hard chest beneath the threads. It was obvious he worked out.

  “Let’s take a raincheck.” I suggested.

  Marty pressed his lips to my ear. “Well, you know where I am, Violet.” He said pulling out a metal barstool ushering me to sit.


  “Ana!” Marty called out through the crowd that was gathering, letting her know I’d arrived.

  “Violet!” Ana greeted placing her hand on mine. “How are you?”

  I smiled. “I’m good!”

  “What are you having tonight?”

  “Vodka tonic please, thanks.”

  The band started to perform something melodic and catchy and the chatter and hoots and hollers around me grew louder. A light tap on my waist and I was already spinning around.

  “Hey sexy.” The husky voice said.

  I smiled and shifted back towards the drink Ana had just placed down. I reached for it, taking a long sip from the two tiny straws.

  “I think she’s blind man.” The unfamiliar voices whispered from behind me.

  “I don’t care, she’s fucking hot.”

  I finished my drink and ordered another vodka tonic, ignoring the whispers coming from behind me.

  “Would you like another drink?” The same voice asked.

  I bobbed my head to the beat of the music. “Sure.” I said. Why the hell not? I was already on vodka tonic number six.

  “Are you okay, babes?” Ana called.

  I gave her a thumbs up, right before the grating sound of a glass sliding along the wooden bar filled my ears.

  “I’m Matt.”

  I twisted around in the direction of new and even stranger voice.

  “Violet.” I said shaking his hand, when he grabbed mine.

  “I’ve seen you before.”

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “Yeah, everywhere actually. You’re kind of famous on the art scene.”

  I nodded and gave him a small smile.

  “I love your work.”


  “How do you do it with not being able to see and all?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Just point and paint I guess.”

  “Are you working on your next collection?”

  Yes, actually but my next exhibition after that is going to be all sculptures.”

  “Well, you’re amazing. You should let me take you out sometime?”

  I sighed. There was never a shortage of men hitting on me. Even when they realized I was blind, still it didn’t stop them from ogling or trying to get into my pants.

  “I have a boyfriend actually.” I lied.

  “Well, if I give you my number will you call me or maybe I could give you my card?”

  I touched his hand, which felt large under my smaller one. I breathed in the delicious scent of Armani Code. Matt leaned in closer, dragging his lips along the outer shell of my ear.

  “Do you want to just go out back and fuck?” I asked him.

  He didn’t answer for a moment, likely looking me over. He cleared his throat and then spoke. “Y-yeah, sure.” He stuttered out.

  He grabbed my hand, helping me to stand and we shouldered through the thick crowd that filled the place heading outside.

  Ana yelled my name in the distance, which I pretended not to hear. My new friend Matt held on to me tight as I walked a long corridor, listening to the echo of my heels against the floor bouncing off the concrete walls around us. The music went muffled and the creak of a heavy metal door filled my ears. It was nearly complete silence as the cool night air dusted my face.

  His fingers clutched my arm. “We should probably go around the corner.” He whispered, leading the way.

  We walked a few steps and then stopped. “It’s secluded here.” He said.

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “Please look around and make sure there aren’t any cameras.”

  The shuffle of his shoes against gravel, confirmed he was checking. “No, I don’t see any.”

  “Well, come here.” I purred, leaning against the stone wall behind me.

  He inched closer and planted a harsh kiss to my lips, nearly causing us to bump teeth which pissed me off. His eager hands slid up my shirt, squeezing my breasts and then his fingers roughly stroked the insides of my thighs, stroking my bare pussy.

  “Oh, my God. You don’t have any fucking panties on.”

  He lifted my entire weight frantically and scrambled to undo his zipper. I squeaked when he slammed me against the wall and shoved himself inside of me in one stroke.

  “I really want to date you.” He mumbled into the skin on my neck, fucking me like an eager dog humping someone’s thigh. There was no way I’d come like this, so I just allowed myself to enjoy it.

  “I mean don’t get me fucking wrong. I want to do this too but I really want to get to know you, Violet.”

  He growled and then pulled out quickly, jerking off against the wall next to us, grunting like a bear as he did it. I sighed and steadied my heels on the ground, straightening my skirt. The jangle of a belt buckle and the rustling of clothes, confirmed he was done for the night.

  “Are you staying or do you need a ride home?” He asked sweetly from next to me.

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Can I give you my number?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  He scoffed. “Are you serious, Violet?”

  “Yeeaaaaah.” I drawled out.

  “I’m just trying to make sure you get home okay.”

  “Go ahead back inside, Matt. I can take care of myself.”

  He breathed harshly again and muttered under his breath. “Fucking bitch.”

  I made myself more comfortable against the
wall, pulling out a box of cigarettes. I wasn’t a habitual smoker but occasionally I lit up one on days like today. Pulling one out, I put it between my lips. I rummaged through my purse, feeling for my lighter with no such luck. The distant sound of sirens and the soft whoosh of the cool breeze flowing by soothed me. I stood straight and then jerked awkwardly at the sound of something moving nearby.

  “I can smell you.” I seethed, letting whoever it was know that I was aware of their presence.

  No response.

  Footsteps moved closer to me – heavy boots against gravel, walking slowly. Whoever they were, they were now so close that I could feel the heat coming off them. I didn’t smell cologne but it was undoubtedly the natural scent of a man. Good – like some sort of Irish Spring soap and himself. His gaze was on me and then the sharp sound of the flicker of a lighter, caught my attention. He lit the cigarette that was dangling from between my lips, still without saying a word.

  “Thank you.” I whispered.

  The thud of his body against the wall when he settled against it next to me confirmed he was big, heavy - maybe at least two hundred and fifty pounds.

  “You’ve been out here long?” I asked, curious about exactly how much he’d just seen.

  The anonymous man only let out a grunt in response. I took a draw of the cigarette, inhaling the thick smoke.

  “You shouldn’t be out here alone.” He said.

  His voice was deep, husky and as smooth as whipped butter all at the same time.

  I scoffed. “Why? It isn’t safe?”

  “No, it isn’t actually.”

  “Well, you don’t scare me.”

  He laughed softly. “You should be scared of me.”

  “I should be afraid of a lot of things. People have been telling me that all my life.”

  His burning gaze on me but he didn’t speak.

  “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” I babbled out, taking another draw of my cigarette.

  “Machiavelli.” The strange man said with a chuckle.

  “How-?” I halted my words, listening to his soft chuckle at my almost-question.

  He was watching me again. “The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.” He added.

  “Plato?” I guessed.

  “Nope, Machiavelli again.”

  I suppressed an annoyed laugh. He was being an ass, proving to me that I didn’t know as much as I let on.

  “I’m getting ready to leave. Do you need a ride home? I don’t feel right leaving you out here by yourself.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s just after one o’clock.”

  It was likely that Kyle forgot me or he searched around inside an hour ago, couldn’t find me and then left anyway.

  “Why are you out here if the music is inside?”

  “I like music. I don’t like crowds.”

  “Oh.” I said. “I think I might take you up on that ride home.”

  Strong fingers curled around my wrist, when I moved away from the wall in my drunken state. I leaned against him and wrapped an arm around his middle, feeling instantly comforted. He inhaled loudly at the contact.

  “My truck is parked just down the road.”

  I swayed and tripped, attempting to walk in my heels, while hanging on to him at the same time. He stopped in front of me and guided me to jump on his back. I took what he offered. He picked me up with ease as we made our way down the road. I hooked my arms over his big shoulders, pressing my cheek against his jacket inhaling the leather, while his soft hair brushed against my forehead.

  After a few minutes of walking, we made it to where he was parked. He guided me to sit in the front seat and shut the door, then hopped in on the other side. The door slammed and the truck rumbled when he started the engine. My phone beeped and I knew I probably had a few missed calls from Brooke or Kyle or both.

  “Where do you live?” He asked.

  “1720 Morrison Street. What’s your name?”

  “Elijah.” He answered, when we pulled off.

  I repeated the words, feeling myself becoming drowsy. “You have a nice name.” I giggled.

  “So, do you Violet.”

  “I didn’t tell you my name was Vi-.” I held my tongue and groaned.

  He’d definitely overheard my conversation with Matt.

  “Do you live around here?”

  “No, I live out near Cannon Beach.”

  “I’ve never been but I heard it’s incredible out there.”

  “It is.” He whispered. “It’s about an hour drive away.”

  We drove in silence as I sank into the sound of the hum of the engine of the truck. I was certain he realized I was blind by now but still he hadn’t said anything about it.

  “Do you come into the city often?” I asked.

  “No, not really. Only when there are new bands on.”

  “And you always sit outside?”

  “Yeah, usually out the back, away from the crowds.”

  The truck rounded a wide corner and I knew I was nearing home. Then it came to a stop. We sat there in silence for a moment, listening to each other breathe and the distant street noise outside.

  “There’s another new band playing on Friday night. Do you think you’ll be there again to check them out?”

  “I might.”

  “I will be.” I said hoping I could see him again. I wasn’t sure why.

  “I can give you a ride home after.”

  “That would be great.”

  “I’ll see you again then.”

  He jumped out of the truck and slammed his door. A few seconds later mine opened and he led me across the sidewalk, ushering me to my door.

  “I’ve got it from here.”

  “Okay.” He said stepping away.

  I punched a code in the door, opening it when it unlocked. When I stepped inside and shut it behind me, the truck pulled off.


  Shaking my head and unable to contain my laughter, I leave the Portland city lights behind, thinking about the bizarre but amusing events of tonight and the woman I’d just dropped off to her loft.

  Earlier today I’d debated if I wanted to go into the city tonight to hear a new band at a local joint. It was usually an hour drive but if I went a little faster, I could get there in around forty-five minutes.

  It was around ten o’clock when I arrived. I had one beer that Ana handed me through the back door. When the band came to the stage, I slipped out of sight into the shadows. They were into their last set when a woman and a man exited through the back door of the building.

  The woman was gorgeous with long brown hair and cute face. Her cheekbones were high and her lips were full and pouty. She wore a scrap of a skirt over her bare legs and an elbow-length sweater. She swayed from side to side, worse than a palm tree in a hurricane.

  The man or boy I should say, trailed behind her like a puppy dog. She barked out some instructions before he pressed her small body against the wall. She hooked her legs around him that were long and toned. The boy had no panties to remove, since she wasn’t wearing any. She just spread her long legs for him.

  I watched in amusement as he began to fuck her. I didn’t realize I’d come out to watch live porn tonight. He fucked her like there was a machinegun between his legs that was firing off at strange intervals. I shook my head at his inexperience. He was too eager and she knew it. He was also barely balancing her weight against the wall. It was safe to say he bit off more than he could chew. The woman looked uninterested as he moved against her but she didn’t tell him to stop. After he was done, he pulled his pants up still out of breath.

  She casually stepped away and leaned against the wall behind her and remained there. The poor dude asked for her number and she brushed him off, immediately disconnecting from the intimate act that they had just performed like it was nothing. He called her a “fucking bitch”. The words ran off her like she’d heard them a million times before and I knew she had
. I struggled to hold in my laughter while I watched the comical exchange. The man left her alone as she requested. This alley was dark and secluded. A dangerous place for a drunk anyone to be all alone.

  Her name was Violet. Violet, the color of amethyst, lavender and beautyberries. A woman who looked like her was probably used to telling men what to do. I moved from out of the shadows and she spoke to me. It was eerily quiet and I hadn’t made a sound or so I thought so I was surprised she knew I was there.

  “I can smell you.” She snapped.

  I laughed inwardly and strode towards her but she didn’t look in my direction completely. I walked closer. Still, she didn’t look at me directly but seemed to be following my movement.

  A cigarette hung from her mouth so I reached out and lit it, without asking


  “Thank you.” She said in a soft voice.

  We talked for a little while. She had no fear, which made me think that she was either stupid or crazy - maybe both. A few minutes later, she was quoting Niccolo Machiavelli - the founder of modern political science.

  This woman was reckless and impulsive. She was also pretentious, which amused me. I looked at her a few times, trying to get her eyes to meet my gaze under the dark hoodie I was wearing and I could see that they wouldn’t focus. After I took a closer look I wasn’t sure I believed it.

  She was blind.

  What the fuck?

  It took me a moment to gather my wits. I wasn’t a man that was easily unsettled but tonight, I was. She finished her cigarette and dropped it on the ground. I put it out under my boot and offered her a ride home since I didn’t feel comfortable leaving her outside alone.

  She lived in a huge loft building. A woman stood at the window above the street, watching us. Her arms were folded and her posture was stiff telling me she wasn’t impressed for some reason.

  She promised to meet me in two days to hear the next new band at Rontom’s. I’d never met a woman quite like Violet. I was looking forward to seeing this vixen again.


  26, 25,24,23,22,21...

  There were exactly twenty-six steps up to my loft. The fifteenth one had a slight crack in it that you had to be careful of, so as not to trip. When Brooke recommended we get it fixed, I shot the suggestion down, since it added character. Not everything had to be perfect.


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