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Alien Sex 102

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by Allie Ritch

  He was a man who went after what he wanted until he got it, and what he wanted now was Katra—his lovely Ms. Wi’Yalu bu Pol ti Sala Katra’Ruma. The woman drove him insane. She made him want to pull his hair out and howl in frustration. With her golden-brown skin, wavy chocolate hair, and long legs, she made him want to drill himself into her until she was hoarse from her screams of pleasure.

  She thought him arrogant, which he admitted he was, but he was also a good judge of character. If she’d truly been disinterested, he would never have asked her out twice, but he saw the gleam in her eye whenever she looked at him. She probably wasn’t even aware of that tell. Certainly she’d deny it if he called her on it. Whether she knew it or not, she wanted—no, needed him. She was such a strong, fierce woman she needed a man with an equally dominant personality to match her. A lesser male would become putty in her hands, and she’d eventually lose respect for him.

  Krux had no intention of playing submissive with her. He wasn’t out to break her, though. Her independence and spirit were what drew him to her. No, a firm hand could be gentle, but it still needed to be firm. However long it took, he would seduce Katra until she was lying beneath him, her legs spread to accept his plundering girth. The thought alone warmed his skin to a darker crimson.

  “The conference is all set up for tomorrow,” his assistant announced, breaking into his lascivious train of thought. “Yun, Bradley, and Hew are sending over the quarterly report tomorrow morning. They apologized again for the delay. You’re also scheduled for a lunch meeting with Zenshaw.”

  “Good work.” Krux glanced at the nearest clock and realized it was time for him to leave for his class. “Go ahead and close down.”

  His company had everyone working overtime so they could try out a new four-day work week. Personally, he wasn’t sure what he thought of it yet, but his office was closer to the gym than his home was. That’s why he showed up at class in the business suits Katra liked to tease him about.

  Shutting down his computer, he locked up his office and headed for the elevator. Although he worked on the thirtieth floor, the trip down only took about fifteen seconds. He stepped off in the underground parking garage and walked to his personal vehicle. Unlike his Duosien princess, he didn’t hire a driver to chauffeur him around.

  Fifteen minutes later, he got lucky and found a decent parking space only six blocks from the gym—close by Trilanta’s standards. He hoofed it the rest of the way and was surprised at what he found when he entered the classroom. Spri, Zeo, Pixie, and Benni were the only ones fully dressed and seated. Glynn, Whitt, and the new Multan student, Varion, walked in from the locker room area wearing robes.

  Krux remembered he hadn’t checked to see what tonight’s topic was. He’d been so preoccupied with work he hadn’t gotten around to it. Glancing at the display screen up front, he saw the title: Duosien Sexuality and Interracial Relations. In that same moment, Katra strutted in wearing a short, silky robe.

  His mood turned thunderous, and his blood began to boil. Prowling over, he crowded her in three long strides. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  She tilted her chin in that haughty way she had that made him want to kiss her feet and spank her at the same time. “I’m modeling.”

  “With all of them? With Whitt? He’s nearly half your age.”

  “Jealous?” She just had to throw that back in his face.

  Krux ground his teeth, unwilling to admit that he was. Such a petty emotion was beneath him, as was the hint of hurt he felt that she’d picked the other men over him. He’d known from the beginning she wasn’t an easy woman.

  “Hardly,” he drawled. “He’s too young for you.”

  “You’re younger than me,” she pointed out.

  “Only by two years. And what about Varion? You don’t even know him.”

  “He’s handsome enough.”

  Although he desperately wanted to reach out and shake her, he resisted the urge. Instead, he drew on his self-control and evaluated his options. He could continue to kick up a fuss, let her get under his skin, and thus give her the upper hand. Or he could use this to his advantage.

  “Very well, Katra,” he said, changing tactics. “If this is what you want, then by all means play with these boys. I’ll sit back and learn from them. That way I’ll be ready for you when you finally admit you need a real man to please you. After all, it’s not a hardship to see you stripped naked and panting before me.” He made sure to slide his gaze over her from head to toe, letting her feel that he was peeling her robe off with his eyes.

  She tilted her chin even higher—something he was fast learning was a defensive gesture. “Try not to drool on your precious tie.” Then, not one to flounce, she glided with the grace of a queen up to the demonstration table.

  Krux took his seat and braced himself for the hell to come.

  “Good evening, everyone,” Xindra greeted them. “Tonight we’ll be exploring Duosien sexuality. As you can see, a few of your classmates have been kind enough to volunteer as models.”

  “We’ve already addressed the Allurian male in our first class, and we’ll be coming back to Semhyms and Multans later in the course,” Quinn continued. “For now, suffice it to say that these races do have intercourse with penetration, and their external equipment is basically the same as New Earthling men. Let’s start with the anatomy of the female Duosien.”

  Krux had to work hard to keep his expression impassive as Katra untied the sash of her robe and slid the slick material off her shoulders. She let it puddle on the ground with a negligent shrug and stared at him boldly. He hardly dared to breathe. Her nipples looked like round dollops of creamy chocolate—sweets begging for the touch of an appreciative tongue. She must sunbathe in the nude too, because there wasn’t a single change of shade in the smooth, baked skin of her body. The thought of sunlight kissing her naked physique made his erection kick up until it tented his pants. He parted his legs farther, making sure she could see it.

  Although Katra’s eyes only flicked down briefly, he swore her cheeks grew a touch rosier. His gaze traveled a similar path, and he was pleased to see she didn’t shave. Although a lot of men seemed to prefer bare genitals, he’d always enjoyed the raw earthiness of a woman’s pelt. Her furry thatch was just a tad darker than the locks on her head.

  “If you look at the diagram onscreen,” Xindra said, “you’ll see the same internal structures we’ve seen in the females we’ve already covered. The cervix attaches the vagina to the uterus, which in turn is connected to the fallopian tubes.”

  Quinn slid the medical scanner in range and turned it on, displaying an internal image of Katra’s pelvic region. Krux listened with half an ear as the instructors took turns pointing out her internal parts. Unless he was mistaken, most of those areas were already partially engorged with blood, although her face remained as placid as ever.

  Xindra’s next statement regained his full attention. “Here’s where Duosien females are unique. While the tissue behind the pubic bone does swell to produce a tighter fit against a penis, this area is not as rich in nerve endings as the urethral sponge of other females. There are only two small points—what amount to two G-spots—along the anterior vaginal wall that have sufficient responsiveness to induce orgasm. In fact, if these areas are left un-stimulated by direct and persistent contact, it is impossible for a Duosien woman to climax—not by any other external or internal manipulation.”

  “Duosien females can’t masturbate?” Benni asked in surprise.

  “No.” Katra’s tone was matter-of-fact. “We can attempt it with a dildo, but it’s hard to get the right angle. Even if we manage it, we’re unable to maintain the necessary rhythm and pressure while reacting to such sensory overload.”

  Xindra elaborated. “The orgasmic T-spots—short for trigger spots—are far more sensitive than the G-spots of the other races. The two spots are stacked vertically inside the sheath about two inches apart, with the first located just a few inches
from the opening of the vagina. They’re slightly raised, and some describe them as heart-shaped, although they’re not as clearly delineated as you might think. Duosien men are trained from puberty to aim for these spots during intercourse. Despite their reputation for stamina, however, many lack the control to maintain a rhythm, last long enough, or keep their partner in the necessary position. It’s said that even experienced females react violently to well-placed stimulation of the T-spots and can inadvertently throw their lover off before reaching orgasm.”

  “That’s why it’s considered acceptable practice for Duosien females to take multiple lovers at a time.” Katra managed to sound bored. “If one can’t finish the job, another steps in, and so on.”

  Trying to ignore the rocket launcher poised to go off in his pants, Krux returned a thoughtful scowl. “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

  “Of course.” Her jaw flexed in obvious irritation.

  “How many males do you require to satisfy you?”

  He should have been repulsed by the idea of other men taking her. Instead, the vision of her so lusty she had to have men lined up outside her door made him crazed. He had to breathe carefully to keep his skin from darkening to a telltale red.

  “A minimum of three,” she answered without inflection. “On occasion, I’ve taken as many as six, but those cases involved less experienced males.”

  The men who’d volunteered to model exchanged a look.

  Picking up the lecture, Xindra finished with a tour of the Duosien vulva, whose components were the same as New Earthling and Allurian genitalia. As was custom, the class was then invited to the front of the room to touch. Krux purposefully took his time strolling up to the hand sanitizer and getting in line.

  Pixie asked a few questions before moving along, and for once Zeo refrained from giving anything but a brief glance. Spri conducted an external exam, while Benni inserted one finger for a more in-depth investigation.

  “Feels the same as mine,” the two women concluded with a laugh.

  Krux was next, and he stared hard at Katra’s face, daring her to meet his gaze as he stood between her parted legs. Never one to disappoint him, she glared back at him down the length of her upturned nose. He cupped her boldly.

  “Do you enjoy having someone strum your clit?” He swirled the pad of his thumb over the precious bud.

  Her nostrils flared. “By some men,” she bit out, but she sounded a touch breathless.

  He shoved one blunt finger into her and felt his spine tingle at just how tightly she gripped him. “How long has it been for you? How long since you last took a lover?”

  “None of your business.”

  Krux made sure his expression reflected both hunger and amusement. “I’m only asking for educational purposes. You’re very hot. Very tight.”

  Although she tried to hide it, she was definitely breathing harder now. He was also pleased by just how wet she was. She was growing slicker by the second. Crooking his finger, he raked the front wall of her vagina.

  “Am I getting close?” He studied her face while he searched for the right spot—one of two that could trigger her orgasm.

  She bit her lip, which was the first sign of indecision he’d ever seen from her. “You’re close. A little deeper and…oh!”

  Even without her exclamation, he would have known he’d found it. Her whole body flinched in reaction to that single touch. If she could have pulled away without making an obvious retreat, she probably would have. The spot was subtle, but he could just make out how the smooth, cream-covered interior rose like a small hill under his fingertip. He decided to play with her.

  “Have I found it, Katra?” He rubbed a deep circle over the patch of responsive tissue. “Have I found that sweet, special spot inside you? Is this what you need?”

  Her eyes darkened and her lips parted on a sigh. “Yes.”

  “Good.” With that one smugly delivered word, he withdrew.

  A flush of anger flared in her cheeks, but she bit back whatever scathing remark she clearly wanted to let fly. Krux returned to his seat and put on a politely attentive expression.

  The instructors, who he already knew were smart, didn’t miss the interaction. He saw Xindra look from him to Katra and back again before clearing her throat.

  “All right, class,” she said, “we will now see Duosien intercourse. As always, the full-body scanner will display the internal mechanics on the screen above. We’ll start with Whitt in what Allurians call second position or New Earthlings refer to as the missionary position. Varion will follow, and then Glynn, by request, will finish last. Let’s begin.”

  Krux tugged at his pant leg in an attempt to adjust his crotch. Up front, the models dropped their robes and lined up at the foot of the demonstration table. Despite their attention-grabbing erections, his gaze remained firmly rooted on Katra. She looked like the embodiment of all things feminine and alluring as she lay on her back with one hand resting casually next to her cheek. Even in this, she had a natural talent for striking a pose.

  The young, blue-haired Allurian climbed up on the table with her and slid over her body so they were face-to-face. His pale hide was a fascinating foil to her richer skin. Krux stared at the other man’s hand as he slipped it slowly from her thigh to her breast.

  “Are you ready?” he heard Whitt ask her.

  She returned a single nod, like an aristocrat giving a servant permission to proceed. Then she bent her legs to hug the Allurian’s hips as he reached down to position himself and slowly shoved in. Whitt’s groan reverberated through the room.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  Katra graced the boy with a small smile. “Nice. I can feel the hard bridges along your shaft.”

  As she’d no doubt intended, her words obviously gave her partner the reassurance he was looking for. Without another word, Whitt drew back and began to thrust.

  It was like watching a sword match: parry, retreat, lunge, dance back. Based on her rosy cheeks and heavier breathing, Krux could tell she was enjoying the act, but her reactions were completely disproportionate to her partner’s. After maybe a hundred strokes, Whitt’s face was sweaty and blotched, and he started to break his rhythm. The Allurian managed a couple dozen more incursions before he simply couldn’t hold out anymore. With an agonized cry, Whitt seized up and began to pump his seed inside her.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered once he could draw out.

  “Not your fault.” Ever gracious, Katra patted him on the cheek, but Krux could hear the hint of dismay in her voice.

  Varion, their new Multan student, was the next model. No doubt attempting to please her, he discarded his pale ocher complexion and angular features to morph into a male version of her. His skin turned the same toasty rich hue, while the structure of his face became more finely detailed and less harsh. Kneeling on the table, he swept his arms under her legs and pushed them back toward her chest. Varion cast her an enthusiastic smile before aligning his erection with her opening and sinking in.

  “Very nice,” he whispered after pressing in to the hilt.

  She smiled back at him indulgently while he started to take her with deep, jolting strokes.

  Krux gave the man credit for lasting longer than young Whitt. The Multan still couldn’t outlast her, though. With a curse of self-disgust, Varion peaked, balling her under him as he climaxed inside her body. When he was done, he kissed the back of her hand in apology and climbed off.

  “As you can see,” Quinn remarked as the next model took his place, “the difficulty in making a Duosien female come can be a source of frustration and embarrassment. This is especially true if the partners aren’t aware of their physiological differences beforehand. Whitt and Varion here did a more than respectable job. Even experienced Duosiens have need of standbys.”

  Krux couldn’t hear what the Semhym male said to Katra, but he watched as she rolled over and let Glynn cover her from behind. By this time, she was overflowing from the other men’s releases, so the last mo
del slid in completely without resistance. Glynn didn’t bother with unnecessary preliminaries. He began thrusting at full depth and speed right away. The smack of skin filled the air, seeming to count off the seconds as they went at it.

  Glynn grunted as he adjusted his hips. “Is this angle better?”

  She shook her head. “The first was better.”

  “Am I hitting the right spots?”

  Katra grimaced. “You’re sliding over them, but you’re not making direct contact.”

  Her partner kept trying.

  Krux watched her react every time those nerves took a glancing blow. Unfortunately, he could see the contact was too sporadic to get even close to tipping her over. He should have been pleased that no one seemed able to satisfy her, but instead his heart softened just a little. Her expression was swiftly growing bored and more than a little…lost. Surprisingly, Glynn didn’t look much different.

  Quinn didn’t seem to know how much longer to let this go on. He coughed into his hand. “We’re almost out of time.”

  Katra glanced over her shoulder at her partner, and they exchanged sad, self-mocking smiles. Without a word, Glynn pulled out and helped her sit up. Neither of them had climaxed.

  Chapter Two

  If at first you don’t succeed…

  “Wrong chemistry,” Glynn told her stoically.

  As Xindra concluded the class and started to send everyone on their way, Katra patted her fellow model on the leg and shot him a commiserating wink. “Nature’s a bitch.”

  That made him chuckle—the first time she’d ever heard him laugh.

  Katra jumped down and slipped her robe back on. She’d have to visit the locker room for a shower before she dressed. Having two men finish inside you wasn’t the neatest activity in the universe, and she hoped some hot water would ease a few of the twinges. It had been over a year since she’d slept with a man, not that it was anyone’s business. She certainly wasn’t going to let a nosy Brachoi learn that.

  Smoothing her hair with her hand, she turned back to Glynn. “Are you joining us tonight? Spri found a homemade dumpling house within walking distance. We thought we’d try it.”


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