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Trigger's Salvation: Hellfire Dogs MC #1 (Hellfire Dogs MC Series)

Page 7

by Crystal Miller

  I don’t even realize that I had rode to the camp. A few of the other members are there for the hunt we had organized tonight. I park my bike outside my camper and make my way to the orange glow of the fire pit. The guys are sitting around it drinking beer when I walk up. Rush is here too. He reaches into the ice chest and throws me a beer.

  “You okay, brother?”

  “Yeah,” I hesitate as I pop open my beer and take a seat on an open log.

  “Up for a hunt?” I think about this for a minute. It wouldn’t hurt to take it out on a fucking deer.

  “Fuck it, let’s go.” I stand up and start to strip my clothes. At the same time, transforming into my natural state. This is where I feel more free. The air is filled with the cracking of bones as our inner wolves come to light. I watch as my fingers dislocate themselves and then relocate to accommodate the bone structure I am about to take. In place of my tan skin, my gray hair starts to come through. Within minutes, we are all transformed. And within seconds, we are off.


  The graveyard. The trees. The fog. I’m back where I first met Trigger in his wolf form. Only this time, I don’t sense him. I sense something different. Something more dark and sinister. I walk over to my parents’ grave and their names aren’t on the headstones like before. What the hell is going on? I look around thinking maybe I am in the wrong spot, but I’m not. This grave is the only one in the graveyard.

  “Eveeee.” A voice in the wind says eerily.

  “Who’s there?” I circle around myself trying to see if I can get a glance of who is calling my name.

  “Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to?” The voice is here and there but there is no person, no creature that I can see.

  I look around to see if I can find something to defend myself with. I don’t know if you can die in real life from your dreams, but I’m not about to find out. I find a rock about the size of a softball and run over and grab it. I hold it in a defensive manner. If I’m dying here tonight, it won’t be without a fight.

  “That won’t help you.” A shawdow appears in the tree line. I can’t make out the features but it’s huge.

  “Why don’t you come out here and face me? Or are you too much of a coward?” I yell.

  “In due time, you’ll know the truth.” A rush of wind knocks me to my ass and I feel something on top of me. I fight my way to get whatever this thing is off of me.

  Then I hear it.

  I hear I female voice.

  “Eve. Wake up, Eve.” Over and over I hear this voice. I close my eyes and let myself drift back to my body.

  I jolt up out of my hospital bed, my nurse there to catch me. “Miss. Eve, are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep.”

  I try to catch my breath, I can feel my heart trying to come out of my chest. What the fuck just happened? “Yeah, I’m okay.” I lied.

  “Well, let’s get that heartrate down before that doc comes in and has a heart attack himself, yea?” Leslie says as she brushes my hair out of my face and helps me lay back down.

  “Okay,” I close my eyes, hoping I don’t have to go through another dream like that again. I hear Kate start humming a song. I open my eyes and see her sitting in the chair next to my bed.

  “Close your eyes, Miss Evelyn. Relax.” Leslie says in a quiet voice. I do as she says and she goes back to her humming. I don’t remember falling back to sleep or even having a dream the rest of the night. The rest of that night, I slept like a baby.


  After the hunt last night, I feel more like myself just with more determination to catch this fucker. Eve texted me early this morning saying that the doctor won’t release her until later that day. So, that gives me time to get some prospects together to go to her house for some of hers and Alec’s things.

  I sent Bridget a text too telling her I would be there to pick her up so we can go fetch our girl.

  “Fine,” she texts back. And we still have attitude, great. I let out a growl and start up my bike. The guys are ready to leave the camp, so we are all packed up ready to hit the road. Once on the road, I can feel the heaviness in the air. Rain is coming. Everyone can feel it. That means we won’t be riding the bikes to get Eve today. The van was a better option anyways with her injuries.

  It takes about an hour and a half to get back to the clubhouse. The prospect at the gate let us in and Bridget is there ready to go with Alec in her arms. I park my bike in my spot and walk over to Bridget.

  “Alec can’t come.” I say.

  “What do you mean?” I’m really sick of her questioning my authority all the time.

  “Just what I said, Bridget. He doesn’t need to see his mother like this.” I grit out from my teeth.

  “She needs to see him.” She’s begging to bring this child to see his injured mother like it won’t scar him. He may be two years old. But even in the short time that I’ve known him, I know he’s not dumb and he won’t forget.

  “He stays. Take him to momma.”

  “Momma can’t watch him today.” My sister argues.

  “Then find an Ol’ Lady to do it.” I walk away from Bridget before I say something in front of that boy that I may regret.

  As I walk into the clubhouse, the wives are getting the place ready for Eve to come home. I find Jake and ask him to take another prospect with him to Eve’s house to get some things she may need as well as things for Alec. He doesn’t argue with me, just does as he’s told. Good dog.

  At the bar, I see Nico and Malik. They are talking about something when they notice me and signal me over.

  “What’s up,” I say as I slap Malik on the back.

  “Nico has the surveillance footage from the attack. He will be going over it later.”

  “Any idea who it was?” I question.

  “No, does Eve remember anything?” Nico asks.

  “No, I channeled into her dreams the other day and she still couldn’t remember who it was.” Malik looks at me like he’s going to kill me. Channeling is not allowed when it comes to humans. I needed answers, though. Eve had to know something, even in her subconscious. “She did say whoever this was kept asking where ‘he’ was.” I continue, ignoring the look that I’m getting from Malik.

  “Who’s he?” Malik questions, his face not changing.

  “No clue.” I answer.

  “Well, whoever ‘he’ is, needs to be found quick before he does this to someone else. Nico, I want that footage combed through. Even if it’s small, I want to know about it.” Malik orders. Nico nods and gets up from his barstool. The tech room is his pride and joy, which means now that he has an assignment, he won’t be leaving that room for hours. Malik turns to me. I can tell what he wants to say to me.

  “I know. I shouldn’t have channeled.”

  “Damn right you shouldn’t have channeled. What were you thinking? What if she finds out?” Malik interrupts.

  “She already has.” I say

  “Then you explain it. Do it before you run out of time? She may not stick around now that she knows, and if you truly care about her she deserves to hear it from you.”

  All I can do is nod my head, I know he is right. Malik has been Pres for a long time. He knows how to run his club and doesn’t like outsiders knowing our business. Now we don’t have a choice. I just hope I made the right decision choosing Eve. Malik stands from his barstool, turns, and lets out a sigh. I remain at the bar contemplating how I am going to explain everything to Eve. At this time, overloading her with everything may be more damaging than beneficial. So, I decide to wait to tell her. At least for now.

  I don’t know how long I was sitting at the bar before I noticed Bridget standing next me. She gave me a look like she was ready to leave but I wasn’t quite ready yet. I got up from the bar and made my way to the garage. I had one more thing to handle before we could leave. That piece of shit car Eve has just had to go. Once I give our main mechanic my instructions, Bridget, Rush, Jake, and I all pile into the van. It�
�s time to go pick up my girl.

  The short fifteen-minute ride felt like it was taking forever to get to the hospital. The traffic was horrendous, not to mention the downpour of rain that finally decided to come. Once we were there, I told Rush and Jake to stay in the van. I don’t want Eve to feel overwhelmed with everyone showing up.

  Bridget and I run into the hospital, trying to protect ourselves from the rain that was trying to soak us. As soon as we were in the main entrance, we head to the elevators, get in, and hit the floor that Eve is on.

  “How do you think she is doing?” Bridget says as she watches the floor numbers climb.

  “Not sure, she sounded like she was in good spirits this morning but that was a text. Hard to tell.” I say. My cut is sticking to my clothes making them feel heavy. I take it off and give it a good shake to try to get the excess water out of it. Before the elevator doors open, I have it back on. It didn’t make much difference. The damn thing still feels heavy.

  We walk to the nurse’s station, give them our ID’s and in return we get visitor badges. As we make our way to Eve’s room, Bridget starts getting fidgety.

  “Ya good?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, just haven’t seen her since before the attack.” We are standing outside her door when Bridget lets out a deep breath. When we open the door, and walk inside the room, Eve is nursing Jello. Her food is still sitting on her tray and by the looks of it, it’s untouched. I don’t blame her. Hospital food is just awful.

  “Hey babe,” Bridget squeaks. I look at Bridget, trying to figure out where the girl from last night was. But judging from the look on her face, Bridget really doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t have many friends, and the friends she does have, know to keep their distance because of the MC.

  “Hey,” Eve’s face lights up when she sees Bridget.

  “How you feeling?” Bridget asks as she walks to the bed and sits down. I lean up against the wall, giving Eve and Bridget time to themselves but not leaving the room. The desperation I saw in Eve’s eyes last night now speak louder than words. She needed her friend, not just me.

  “Better than how I look,” Eve chuckles.

  “Well, how about we spring you from this joint. Has the doctor been in yet?” Eve nods as she puts a spoonful of Jello in her mouth.

  “Just waiting on scripts and papers.”

  “Great, let’s get you dressed.” Bridget turns to me, “Did you bring in the bag?”

  “What bag?” I ask. I didn’t see a bag in the van, unless she put it in the back.

  “Never mind, I’ll be back.” Bridget says annoyingly. She gets up from the bed and starts her way to the door. I stop her before she can leave.

  “You come right back up, yea? No fuckin around.” I say.

  “Yeah, sure.” Bridget snaps. There’s that attitude again. Fuck it I don’t have time for her shit. Bridget leaves the room and at the same time I notice Eve trying to sit up out of bed.

  “You good, babe?” I’m concerned. I don’t want her over doing it but at the same time I know she is strong and can put on a face when she needs to.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” She sits indian style on the bed. She has a smirk on her face. Even in the situation she is in, I love seeing it.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask as I pace the room.

  “You,” she laughs

  “What about me?” I stop what I am doing and give her a confused look.

  “I have never seen someone that defensive over me other than Bridget. You two have the same temper. Do you guys even know that?” I throw my head back laughing. This girl, even when held up in a hospital bed, has quite the sense of humor.

  “Do we now? Well, I’ll have to change that for you.”

  “Don’t.” Eve says quietly.

  I sit down on the bed next to her. “So, you want me to act like my sister? Am I missing something?”

  “Bridget was the first person that I had met in a long time to give a rat’s ass about me. Everyone else just took advantage of me and I was too stupid to realize it. It may sound conceited but I like that you get defensive over me. Does that make sense?” Eve looks at me with eyes of uncertainty.

  I walk over to her bed, sit down, and grab the back of her head gently to pull her to me, mindful of the tubes still coming out of her arms. Our heads meet and I hear her let out a sigh. “It does babe. No matter what, nothing will happen to you or Alec again. You have me, I promise.”

  “You barely even know me, Trig.” She whispers through her hair.

  “Call it a gut instinct, babe.” I know it’s more than that. I know that time is coming, but she has had enough dumped in her lap. One step at a time.

  As we are sitting there in our moment, Leslie, the nurse, sneaks in. “Shaa. Isn’t that cute. You two are like a match made in Heaven.” How on earth could this woman know this? We really haven’t known each other that long and this nurse has never met us. Maybe she is just being nice.

  “You ready to go, my baby?” The nurse asks as she takes the last of the vitals and starts taking out the tubing.

  “More than ready.” Eve smiles at me. I stand in the corner with my arms crossed as the nurse takes everything out and Eve signs her discharge papers. Leslie hands the prescriptions to me and says “Keep her safe, yeah?”

  I nod my head in agreement. Not sure what prompted Leslie to say this but right now she isn’t my concern.

  I put the prescriptions in my wallet and pull out my phone to text Malik.

  Me: We’re being discharged.

  Malik: On it. How’s she doin’?

  Me: Will explain when we get to the clubhouse. She’s not going home until this shit is taken care of.

  Malik: Figured as much. We have a room for her and Alec. Talk when you get here.

  I put my phone back in my pocket. I didn’t realize that the nurse was still standing there. She is giving me a concerned look, like she knows what happened but can’t say anything. It takes Bridget all of twenty minutes to go get the bag she was talking about. She comes in and smiles at the nurse and starts pulling clothes out for Eve.

  We both turn our attention to Eve as she tries to stand up. I am by her side before she could fall and help her steady herself. Leslie excuses herself to go get a wheelchair. There ain’t no way my girl will be walking out of here on her own. Bridget helps her get dressed and she sits back down on the bed until Leslie comes back in with the wheelchair.

  We help Eve in the wheelchair and I finish grabbing everything that was brought into the room. Fifteen minutes later, I am wheeling her out of the hospital into the parking lot. Eve covers her eyes as they adjust to the summer sun. I see Jake standing outside the van. He jogs over to us and grabs some of the things from the wheelchair without question. He’s more of the silent type. I help Eve into the van and get her situated before I make my way to the other side and slide in next to her. She didn’t last 10 minutes before she fell back asleep.


  I knew I wouldn’t last long when I got into the van. I may have slept for almost two days but it felt as if I didn’t sleep at all. My sleep was short lived however. I didn’t realize how close we were from where we were going. In fact, I didn’t know where we were going to begin with. I felt my body being lifted by a set of strong arms but I was too tired to even see who it was. I could smell him though. My Trigger, carrying me into safety. I could hear him and Bridget talking but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

  He brought me into what I think is a room. I feel him lay me gently on the bed and cover me up. I haven’t heard Alec yet. Where is he?

  “Alec?” I mumble trying to open my eyes to see where I am at. Trigger brushes my hair behind my ears. I feel safe with him, he gives me the sense that nothing can happen when I’m with him.

  “He’s sleeping, baby. You’ll see him in the morning, promise. You need to rest.” He says as I feel the warmth disappear from my face as he stands up.

  I reach my hand out grabbing his and he stops
in mid turn. “Stay with me?”

  “Baby, I don’t know if that is a good idea.” He whispers. It’s a sultry whisper, one that makes my body tingle.

  “Please, make me feel safe.” I beg.

  I hear boots walk around the bed and clothes being thrown to the floor. I feel a weight in the bed as he curls up next to me and wraps his arms around my pulling me in tight. I grab onto his arms as if my life depends on it, afraid that he may leave and not come back.

  “No more Trigger, baby, you call me Tony, yeah?” He asks.

  “Ok, Tony.” That was the last thing I remember before I fell back into my dreams.

  I remember this place. I look around and see my parents’ graves in the same spot. Everything seems the same but the feeling here is darker, more sinister. The wounds on my chest are burning. I can feel something coming and I’ll be damned if I am one of those dumbass bitches that hangs around to find out what it is. I take off in a dead sprint.

  I hear laughing all around me. No matter what direction I go, it’s like it is following me. I stop to catch my breath when I hear another voice.

  “Well, there you are? I see you survived?” I hear someone say. I’m turning in circles trying to determine what direction the voice is coming from.

  “Who are you? Show yourself!” I scream.

  “You already know me. You’re mine, you carry my mark.” That laugh again. My blood runs cold. Who the fuck is this? I know the voice but I can’t for the life of me put a face to it.

  “I belong to no one. You hear me? I will never belong to you!” Wake up Eve. Come wake the fuck up!

  “Oh, but you do. You can feel it just like I can feel it.” I see a figure come from behind the tree and my heart stops. Max.

  “No. It can’t be! What have you done, Max? What have you become?” I’m too much in shock to even try to run. How can he be here, the same way my gentle beast came and saw me.


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