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Acquisition (Takeover Duet Book 1)

Page 11

by Chelle Bliss

  “Damn,” I mumble to myself, closing my eyes and picturing Antonio standing before me naked.

  I dip two fingers inside, pumping them in and out, thinking only of him. The way he calls my name, rolling the R as he moans in my ear, sends me spiraling over the edge quicker than I expect.

  Antonio Forte is seriously fucking with my head.

  Chapter Eleven


  After watching the Mercury engine take off and everything that Interstellar has accomplished, I knew Cozza could no longer move forward with the acquisition of Lauren’s company.

  Not as things stand now.

  There’s no way we’d pull off a hostile takeover in the midst of the announcement of one of the biggest inventions of this century.

  But I wasn’t ready or willing to give up my time with her. That night, the one when I was Lou and she was Elizabeth, I felt something more than her skin. I had no idea who she was when we met in the bar. Just like her, I didn’t realize the massive mistake until she walked into the lobby of Interstellar to greet our team.

  Shocked doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt in that moment. Of all the women in Chicago I could’ve slept with, fate pushed us together.

  Lauren hates me. The look on her face when I told her about my proposition said it all. She doesn’t understand. She doesn’t get why I’m doing this, but then again, she can’t.

  I don’t want just a weekend, I want it all. I want her. I want Interstellar. I want everything. I’m the type of man who’s used to getting it too. Even though Lauren acts like she hates me, I see the way her breathing changes, her cheeks flush, and her body reacts when we’re close. She keeps her distance, trying to avoid contact because she doesn’t want me to know how much I affect her.

  But she, much like I, myself, can read people. I don’t need her to say the words. Watching her tells me everything I need to know. I want two days of the real us, uninhibited, alone, with no outside interference. I don’t know what it is about her, all I know is that I want her and only her.

  No woman has ever captivated me before her. Maybe it’s the fire in her eyes that has me almost in a trance. The fierceness with which she defends her company is the biggest turn-on. She’s the complete package. Hardworking, dedicated, loyal, beautiful, and smart. What man wouldn’t be clawing over the back of another to be with her?

  “Cancel the meeting this afternoon, and alert the team that the takeover is on hold.”

  “Are you sure about that, Antonio?” Alesci asks over the phone as I head toward the elevator.

  “Yes. I have an important matter to attend to this weekend. We’ll see where we’re at next week.”

  “I’ll let the team know. They’re not going to be happy.”

  “It’s what I want. Make it happen.” I hang up just as the elevator doors open.

  The only thing I’ll be focusing on is Lauren. She can protest all she wants, but I know she’s going to say yes. Not only because she wants me, but she’ll do anything to save her company, even if it goes entirely against her grain.

  A gust of wind hits me as I walk out the front doors of the hotel, reminding me why I hate this city in the winter. The weekend I have planned won’t take place here. There are too many people in both our circles that could run into us, and I need a break from the cold spring air. The weekend I have in mind involves very little clothing and a warm ocean breeze.

  Calvin, my driver, quickly opens the door so I can escape the frigid air. “Good afternoon, sir.” He smiles, seemingly unaffected by the weather before closing the door.

  “Afternoon, Calvin. Did you get everything on the list?”

  “Sure did.” Calvin nods. “Everything is in the back, Mr. Forte.”

  I had a list of items that were needed for this weekend to go off without a hitch. I wasn’t even going to let Lauren go home to get clothes, because she could change her mind, and I don’t want to give her extra time to back out of the deal.

  “Perfect. Thank you. Interstellar, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” He gives me a toothy grin, looking back at me in the rearview mirror for only a second before turning his attention to the street.

  It’s nearly five, and I told her I would come for an answer before the end of business. She may say no. I don’t know what I would do if I were in her shoes.

  The drive is short, and traffic is minimal for a Friday. “Ring when you’re ready, sir. I’ll stay close,” Calvin says as I climb out of the Escalade and button a single button on my suit jacket.

  “Thank you.” I head toward the front doors of Interstellar, taking in the majesty of their opulent building on State Street.

  I knew from my research that Lauren had a lot to do with their quick rise to second place in our industry. When she took over, she brought Interstellar into the big city and hired the right people to surround her. But she made a critical error. Not everyone is trustworthy, especially when they’re greedy and ruled by the almighty dollar instead of loyalty.

  “Mr. Forte, it’s so nice to see you again.” Lauren’s assistant turns toward her office door and fidgets from foot to foot. “Is Ms. Bradley expecting you?” She chews the corner of her bottom lip as her eyebrows draw together.

  I tuck a hand in my pocket and smile, trying to calm her nervous energy. “She is.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. Okay. Let me announce you.”

  “There’s no need for that, ma’am. Lauren and I are well acquainted.”

  “I know.” She laughs nervously.

  Her response catches me off guard. I lean forward so no one else can hear. “What do you know?”

  “You’re Lou,” she whispers.

  I lean back, studying her face and pink cheeks. “You know who Lou is?”

  “I know some. I saw your messages on her phone.” She glances down at the floor and bounces on her heels.

  “Do you know why I’m here?”

  “Um,” she mumbles.

  “It’s okay. Whatever you know is fine, but this is our secret. Understand?”

  She gives me a firm nod. “Understood, sir.”

  “I’ll show myself in. Please make sure we’re not disturbed. Will you do that for me?”

  She gives me a wink. “I can do that. No interruptions.”

  “Thank you,” I say, giving her a small wink before heading toward Lauren’s office.

  I’m here for my answer, and I won’t accept anything except yes.



  My back is turned to the door as I stare out the window, watching the sunshine sparkle off Lake Michigan in the distance. I expect to hear Trent’s voice, breezing in like he always does when the person speaks.

  “Ms. Bradley.”


  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, waiting for the door to close before facing him. “Mr. Forte,” I say, keeping with formality as I spin my chair around.

  “Always a pleasure.” He grins with a curt nod as he unbuttons his perfectly pressed suit jacket. “As promised, I’m here for your answer.”

  I keep my eyes pinned on him as he sits in the chair opposite me. Everything about him oozes power. The chiseled jaw with the perfect amount of five-o’clock shadow. The deep blue of his eyes and the longer-than-should-be-legal-on-any-man eyelashes. Even his lips are divine and perfect for kissing. His suit is expensive, probably a blend of silk that caresses his skin as he walks.

  Stop, Lauren. I clear my throat and lean back in my high-back chair, swiveling it around as I take in the sight of him. I’m drawn to him. Damn. More than I should be. But the memories of our tryst don’t make it easy to forget everything Antonio has to offer.

  “I’ve given your offer a lot of thought.”

  I’m stalling. I want to say no. I know I should say no, but there’s part of me that’s screaming for me to say yes and run away with him.

  “Time is running out.” He smiles and rubs his fingertips along the leather armrest. “Just say yes, and all
your worries could be over.”

  Easy for him to say. Saying yes could be my biggest mistake ever. Bigger than Trent, and that’s saying something. Do I trust Antonio to hold up his end of the bargain? No way. I’ve been in this business too long to believe a word that comes out of anyone’s mouth, especially the man who’s trying to take my company right out from under me.

  I lean forward, clasping my hands together on my desk and look him straight in the eyes. “Are you willing to put it in writing?”

  Antonio moves quickly, grabbing the tablet and pen from my desk and jotting down a note. I gawk at him, watching the muscles in his hand move and flex with each stroke of the pen.

  When he’s done, he scribbles his signature and then pushes the paper in front of me. “There. Are you ready?”

  “Ready?” I ask, almost choking as I stare down at his words.

  I, Antonio Forte, will put the takeover of Interstellar on hold and reveal the mole inside said corporation if and when Lauren Bradley spends forty-eight hours with me. During this time period, she is entirely mine to use as I wish. She must give herself completely and without reserve. After she’s fulfilled her part of the agreement, I will fulfill mine.

  Antonio Forte, CEO Cozza Corp.

  Use as he wishes? Give myself entirely to him? I’m momentarily dumbstruck at his choice of words. “I need a moment,” I say, but when my legs start to press together to calm the burning ache at my core, I know my answer. I lift my eyes to his, and butterflies fill my stomach. “I agree.”

  “Everything you’ll need for the weekend is already in my car. I’ll give you a moment to collect yourself, and then you can meet me downstairs.” He pushes the pad of paper in front of me. “Sign it too, Ms. Bradley.”

  I scribble my signature next to his with shaky fingers before he turns the pad and snaps a quick photo.

  “We each have a copy. It’s binding.”

  My mouth is dry, but my body is on fire. My mind is going a million miles an hour, and I already regret agreeing to such insanity. But, if nothing else, I can keep him occupied while the rest of my team comes up with a way to stop Cozza forever. Antonio will be too busy with me to move forward with the acquisition of Interstellar.

  “I need a few minutes.”

  “I’ll be waiting. The forty-eight hours starts as soon as you’re in my car.”

  I nod and try to swallow, but I can’t. Damn Antonio. I want to hate him, yet I can’t. He walks out of my office without so much as a second glance.

  I stare down at the paper, unable to believe I actually signed it. There’s no going back now. I can’t. I won’t. Interstellar is at stake, and I’ll do anything to save it.

  “Cassie,” I say, pushing the intercom button that’s hardwired directly to her desk. “A moment please.”

  She’s through the door before I even take my finger off the button. “What do you need?”

  “I’m going to be away this weekend with a…” I pause because how do I explain to anyone where I’m going? “Family obligation. Only call me if there’s an emergency. Otherwise, contact Josh if something comes up.”

  “I can do that,” she says, but she’s grinning like she knows I’m lying, which she probably does.

  “Thank you. I’m going to send out a quick email, and then I’m leaving for the weekend. You might as well go too. It’s Friday. I’m sure you have plans.”

  “I’m just enjoying a bubble bath and curling up with a good book tonight.” She smiles, and I’m a tad bit jealous. She’s going to be relaxing while I’m doing God knows what with Antonio.

  After she leaves, I type out a quick email to members of our legal team. I’m giving them until Monday morning to figure out a way to end the Cozza takeover permanently. They’ve had almost a week to do it. If they don’t have a solid answer by Monday, we’re doomed unless I can persuade Antonio to walk away forever.

  I glance in the mirror, checking my makeup and giving myself a mental pep talk before I walk out of the office with my head held high and my stomach in a tight knot. I don’t remember another time in my life when I’ve been so nervous. I shouldn’t be, though. It’s not like I haven’t slept with Antonio before. But that was when he was Lou and I was Elizabeth. Being Lauren and Antonio complicates everything.

  Antonio’s waiting at the curb as promised, and the clock officially starts to tick.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Where are we going?” Lauren looks at the private jet and then back to me as we pull onto the tarmac.

  “Away from here and prying eyes.”

  Her eyes widen, and she starts to breathe heavily. “We can’t leave the city. What if someone needs us?”

  “The world will not end without us. We’re safer if we’re far away from here.”


  I can see I’m losing her. I complicate everything with my dumb-ass responses. It’s almost like I’m speaking in code half the time.

  I lay it all out on the table. “Do you want people to see us? Possibly see our faces splashed on the news?”

  Her eyes flash with anger. “Fuck no.”

  “Then we’re getting on the plane.” I point toward my jet that’s gassed up and ready for departure. “And going somewhere warmer and more secluded.” I push open the Escalade door, done with the conversation and the questions. She signed the contract, promised that she’d be mine for the weekend no matter what I asked, and she’s already balking at the idea of getting on the jet.

  Calvin grabs the few bags out of the back as I open Lauren’s door and hold out my hand. “I promise you’ll like where we’re going. I put a lot of thought into this weekend, Lauren.”

  With hesitation, she slides her hand into mine and slowly places her Jimmy Choo shoes on the cement. “I shouldn’t trust you, Antonio.”

  Her comment makes me laugh. Trust me or not, we’re not going to be doing much more than we’ve already done. It’s not like I’m going to take advantage of her. “Did you like Lou?”

  She smiles as we walk toward the jet. “Lou, I liked. You, not so much.”

  “Then I’ll be Lou this weekend if you’ll be Elizabeth.” I give her a peace offering. I don’t mind playing a part and pretending to be an alter ego. Anything to make her happy and more comfortable with the entire situation.

  She stops at the bottom of the stairs and faces me. “It’s just a name and won’t change the way I feel about you. We can’t change who we are, Antonio. No matter how much I wish you were really Lou, you aren’t and never will be.”

  But that’s the furthest thing from the truth. She’s confusing who we are with our careers. My life is not comprised of what I do inside the boardroom. My life is what happens when I step outside, when I allow the world and the things around me to seep into my skin. My accomplishments haven’t made me who I am. I’ve made them mine, but they don’t encompass me as a person.

  This weekend I’ll show Lauren who I really am. I’m not the uptight corporate shark she thinks I am. There are more layers to me than she can ever imagine. Just as I know there’s more to Ms. Bradley than her skintight suit skirts and designer high heels.

  “After you.” I motion toward the stairs, not willing to argue the fact that she hates me. We’ll see what happens tonight, and I’ll roll with it from there. I have a sneaking suspicion she’ll be putty in my hands by the end of the weekend.

  The pilot greets us before we enter the main cabin. “Good evening, sir.”

  “Good evening. Are we ready?”

  He nods and glances at Lauren. “Wheels up in five, and we’ll be at our destination in approximately three hours.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Adam.”

  Lauren sits on the banquette that stretches the entire length of the jet, cramming herself on the very end. I don’t let it dissuade me and stretch out right next to her.

  She inches her legs a little closer to her part of the couch and farther away from me. “You never did tell me where we’re going.�

  “To my private island near Nassau.”

  “You’re taking me to the Bahamas for the weekend?”


  “For a weekend?”

  Lauren clearly doesn’t understand how to enjoy her status and success. The world will not crumble. Her position within her company will not end if she takes time away. Sometimes we need to step back and savor what we have in order to fully enjoy it.

  “I like to get away from everything. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t have time.” Her brows furrow. “I always thought I would, but I’m too busy with work.”

  “Such a shame. This weekend, there’s no work. Just relaxation and us.”

  “I need a drink,” she says, turning toward the window as the jet begins to roll down the runway.

  Like clockwork, the flight attendant walks into the cabin with a dirty martini for Lauren and a Cognac for me.

  Lauren grabs the martini and thanks the flight attendant. After she takes her first sip, she turns to me and says, “Slick.”

  “I left nothing to chance.”

  I planned every second of this weekend, down to the drinks and clothing. I wanted nothing to go wrong and took pains to ensure it. My point isn’t to use Lauren and discard her, it’s to win her over and see if we could possibly have something more.

  Have I done this before? No.

  Why Lauren? She’s the female version of me, driven to succeed no matter the cost. I respect her more than she may ever realize. I know she thinks I want to use her, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth.

  We sit in silence, sipping our drinks as uneasiness settles in the air. The problem this weekend will be getting her to relax and trust me. I’m only her enemy inside the boardroom, not in the bedroom. It’s my job to show her the possibilities of what we could become by joining forces and giving in to what we both want…each other.



  The trip hasn’t started like I assumed it would. I figured Antonio would be all over me within the first hour of our trip. I did sign an agreement that he could use me any way he saw fit for the entire weekend. But surprisingly, he hasn’t made a single move.


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